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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmyv

  1. kimmyv

    Hope my doc isn't mad

    The exercise is hard--- I am lucky to not have any problems with it other than lack of actually having the energy and time to do it. I had 3 fills bing bang boom (2 weeks between) and then have had to wait 1 month till my 4th. I was going to go in last week but decided to wait it out--it is hard for me to get off work. The first 3 were not large fill or "aggressive" so it gave me a little restriction at a time so I could gage the difference and get a handle on how long it takes for me to get hungry on the same amount of food. But I am READY for this one- fill er up! Hang in there--My advise would be to lay it on the line to your doc-- everyone is different so what may work for other patients may not work for you.
  2. kimmyv

    Hope my doc isn't mad

    Congrats on your surgery!!! Thanks for the support-- It really is a day by day thing...... I just want to GET THIS WEIGHT OFF ME! :wink_smile:
  3. kimmyv

    Soooo Freakin' Gross!

    I didn't have any issue with any foods till my 3rd fill. Suddenly scrambled eggs made me want to tear open my chest (after 2 bites). Now, solid food in the morning is out of the question and if the bread isn't toasted and really thing forget it. Even then it's not worth it. The only REALLY major sliming was the same experience in the car with 1 curly fry and a bite of a sandwich....It came right up and into the bag. SO GROSS. I think of it as my band slapping me in the face for daring to put that crap in my mouth.
  4. Annette-- I was banded a week before you and i have only lost 12-15 lbs. I only weigh in at my fills for the most part so I am not exactly sure of my weight at the moment since I haven't had a fill in 3 weeks. I am also a low bmi patient so I have expected my loss to be slower. That being said--- I have had 3 fills and my 4th is next week. You've had only 1? And you don't really know how much is in there. I felt ZERO restriction until my 3rd and I definitely need more. Also--since day 1 after being able to eat solids I have been told by my doc to only eat 4oz at a time--3x a day and nothing more. This was to teach me portion control, what hunger feels like and to be able to gage if I need more fills. The goal is to be able to go 5-6 hours with out being hungry. I am at about 4-5 depending on what I eat. And that's a big thing too. I HAVE to eat 3oz of a more dense protein-like chicken or steak or pork. Otherwise I get hungry much quicker. But I wouldn't know that unless I was sticking to the portions...... I am not going to lie-- I have cheated and ate more before I had any good restriction. I also sometimes don't make the best choices. But it is 2-4oz of a bad choice--not a whole bag. Also---I was told to take at least 30 minutes to eat 4oz with NO liquids 30 min before or after. I literally have to lay my fork down between bites. Taking the 30 minutes to eat REALLY helps me-gives your body time to send the full signal. When I eat faster I don't feel as full We're in the learning process Annette!! hang in there-- GET A FILL!! :tongue2:
  5. kimmyv

    Self-Pay Surgeon Requirement

    I was self pay due to my BMI (under 40-mine was 35 at the time of surgery) and no co-mobidities. I had to meet with a nutritionist, pyschologist, my primary care doc (for him to sign off on my physical condition for surgery etc), blood work and my surgeon. It took me about a month from my first meeting to my surgery. And really that was because of my work schedule and the appointments I didn't have to go thru alot of the stuff that insurance companies require because it didn't apply. I had the money and was physically able to go thru surgery and my surgeon thought I was a good candidate-regardless of my lower BMI. From what I gather it is a MUCH easier process-- I didn't even try to get my insurance to pay. Good Luck! Best thing I ever did!
  6. Hey bandster rock stars!! I am looking for suggestions/motivation/etc on getting my booty to the gym. I am a low BMI'r and exercise is going to be crucial for me-- I am already off to a sloooowww start. I work ALOT of hours (am the branch manager so I don't have much of a choice) in a high stress career and just cannot get myself to the gym. At the end of the day (who knows what time that is-differs every day-usually after it is dark) I cannot even face going to the gym. It is all I can do to walk to my car. Also- when I have gone after work before it wakes me up and I have problems (more than usual) getting to sleep. The opposite is also true-I do have insomnia and it is just as bad for me in the morning...... I am sure I just need to suck it up and get myself on to a schedule in the morning... Any suggestions are getting started? I have kind of done it before but I am just so exhausted (things are not good in my industry right now-I am happy I have a job). i do not have anyone to go with me either.
  7. kimmyv

    Stuck in more than one way

    Vickielynn--You're doing great! Think about it--That is WAY more than 1-2 lbs a week. But I do kind of understand. Do you feel more in shape and stronger though? Think about what you could do when you first started with your trainer and what you can do now. Maybe that will help you thru till you start losing again. The scale is stuck for me too and I started working out (couch to 5k program) last week to kick things up a notch. When I went in for my third fill I was telling them about it and the nurse/advisor (who is AWESOME) let me know that I may experience a plateau while my body re-adjusts to the working out but then all of the sudden start losing. She also told me to incorporate some good carbs in my diet on the days that I work out (like a piece of whole grain toast with an egg for breakfast vs just eggs) because it metabolizes faster than protein and will help me have energy etc. Do you maybe need a few more calories--like 1200 on the days you work out? As far as getting stuck--I haven't had any issues yet but I know that I have to consistantly weigh everything into a 4oz portion and then take a full 30 minutes to eat it so I have to cut REALLY small pieces to FORCE myself to eat really slow and chew alot. Otherwise I feel like I am going to puke. Especially since my 3rd fill.
  8. Hi!! Just checking in-- I am doing the couch to 5k program- started on Tuesday. Signed up for a 5k at the end of January to MAKE myself stay on track..... Literally. The bottom line is this-- If I can devote 50 hrs a week to a job I basically despise then I can certainly devote the time to my own health. For the love of pete-- I had surgery to help me be done with the weight. I am really excited and I hope that I stick with this!!! Let's DO IT!
  9. kimmyv

    Disappointed, discourated and sad...

    Hey-- I was banded a little after you but a question-- when you say you are hungry and scavaging.... It is because you are craving food and eating? I have "head hunger" and crave stuff but when I think about it--I am not really hungry. Ask yourself--does it taste good enough to feel bad about eating it? Usually not. I REALLY have to stick to 3 meals a day only, 4oz at a time and drink water or tea thru the rest of it. I got my 3rd fill today (haven't updated yet) and lost nothing since the last one. DEPRESSING. But-- in the grand scheme of things I have lost over 10lbs in 2 months. Not gained. And I am getting the right habits into play while I try to get the restriction. I am trading eating food to restricting food as my addiction and am happy about it. I make sure when I eat it is worth it. For instance-- 3oz steak and 1oz spinach or zucchini. 3oz pork roast and 1 oz asparagus tips. Now..... I haven't lost alot but I knew from the get go that I would only be losing 1-2 lbs at a time due to my low bmi. I have started the couch to 5k program this week to boost the exercise and loss--hope it works. Tell them you are hungry and no restriction-- try to stick to an eating plan to get your cravings etc under control so you are not eating all the time. We have to train our minds and our bodies. DRINK LOTS OF WATER OR TEA (no sweetener etc-- I personally think fake sugar is the same as real).
  10. kimmyv

    Low BMI'ers - And some other Q's

    My BMI was 35 at time of surgery and is down to 33 now... I did this for my FUTURE. The handwriting was on the wall and like Jachut I knew that it was only a matter of time before things got much worse. My doctor did advise me that I wouldn't lose weight as fast as some other people and that I needed to be prepared (mentally) for not as a dramatic losses. I know that losing a pound or 2 a week in considered "normal" medical weight loss and I am right on track with that. I had my surgery 8 weeks ago and I have lost 10lbs-maybe more since I only weigh on my doc's scale when I get fills. I just started the Couch to 5k plan this week and signed up for a 5k run to MAKE myself exercise because apparently that is the difference maker with low bmi. And I did this for my health and exersize is a big part of that. As for eating out or around others-- everyone has been on a diet before-- I just tell people I am on a diet my doctor put me on.. not that I have the lap band. Or that I guess I wasn't that hungry... I eat 4oz of food--not just bites. Depending on the food you would be suprised how much it can be. Usually I do 3 oz of meat and 1 oz of veggie because it keeps me more full for longer. Hopefully with more restriction I can do half and half or more veggie. I am on my 3rd fill (tomorrow) and need just a bit more to keep me at the 5-6 hr mark between meals. Everyone is different with their fills... It is a highly personalized process. Good Luck!!!
  11. kimmyv

    severe port pain

    chicmam--SAME HERE. I have this pain at my port site-- or just below my scar. Banded the same day as you as well. Usually it happens when I sit at the wrong angle or my underwire digs into my stomach. Last night I had the craziest dreams and was thrashing around (apparently) and I think I irritated it..... I have a fill appt with my surgeon on Wed so I am going to ask him about it then but I think it might be the scar tissue that it getting irritated or wrenched around... Keep in touch.....
  12. kimmyv

    Small tupperware containers?

    I use the small glad-ware containers-- I think the call them snack size. When I cook dinner I weigh my leftovers out into those containers in 4oz portions of protein and veggies to take to work for lunch or for dinner the next night. 4oz fits in perfect and they are filled up so it seems like alot. Really helps me keep on track with portions etc. And makes life easier too!
  13. Sunwyse--you're right-- she is quite the bitch. Love her-but she justifies her nasty comments because she says she cares. She is an out spoken Italian, spirited, guilt giving Catholic, youngest of 5 sisters and can be really really mean. (please note I am not putting down anyone-this is me and my family) But her "intentions" are not an excuse for her horrible comments- people don't understand it makes it worse! All those comments do ismake you want to eat a pizza. I intend to have the sit down with her. A big motivator for me was the fact that my grandmother (her mom) was morbidly obese and it killed her. I loved my grandmother more than anyone and she didn't judge anyone-- regardless of her size. I think my mom is scared of me having to face her challenges and struggles but doesn't know how to address it. Either way--- I am DONE with her insults- regardless of the intention! Everyone can kiss it!! Big or small!
  14. I actually have the same thing with both my fills as CapitolChick. The first 3-4 days after my fill I have restriction but then it subsides and it is not as tight. I have my 3rd fill on Wed and I know that I need more. I know that my doctor says that right after a fill some people also swell-some more than others (we're even required to do liquids for 2 days after). I say do the swallow and at least find out if you have an issue or no..... then get a fill if everthing is fine
  15. As I started to gain weight (was never really skinny) in my mid 20's my mom would say how I would be so happy if I would just "trim down" and find a boyfriend. Sorry Mom-- Happiness isn't the job with a Fortune100 company, my own secretary, staff and a degree or owning my own house at 27 but being skinny and finally getting a boyfriend. Joke is on her-- my fiance met me fat, proposed to me when I was fatter, and doesn't care about my size. HA! I did this for my health and our future--The skinner part is a bonus. And whenever I visit her up north she says things like "i would lend you a sweater but it wont fit you and you'll stretch it all out". Or "I have the cutest pants/dress/shirt but you won't fit in it". She doesn't know I got banded. The other night I was telling her about this low fat baked spinach and chicken I had made earlier in the week (she is a gourmet cook-went to culinary school and everything) but that it was so good we didn't have any left and so we were having sloppy joes for dinner. I left out that I wasn't eating mine with a bun but a little salad. She says "I thought you were finally trying to eat better and lose some weight--What happenned? ". )@(*)#($*)#*$)(@)* What happenned is that your constant bagering and hurtful comments paired with a heaping side of butter laced, cream based, put it on a giant piece of home made bread food gave me an unhealthy relationship with food! HAHA! I can't wait till she sees me at Christmas!
  16. kimmyv


    Out my 4oz I eat both Protein and veggie..... At lunch I eat 3oz protein and 1 oz veggie (salad or veggie). Keeps me full longer to eat more protein in the middle of the day. dinner is half and half usually. I love veggies but do get cravings for carbs-- sometimes I will add like 1 really small red potato pieces to the veggies to just have a bit. Or a spoonful of rice mixed in.. a little goes a long way.
  17. kimmyv

    kinda dissapointed...

    GET OFF THE SCALE! IT IS THE DEVIL! Especially in the first couple weeks. Seriously-- It will make you want to take it and throw it thru the window, into traffic, and then set the scale on fire. I say 1x a week MAX. Also- you have no restriction, are back on actual food and healing. You're consuming tons of liquids and your body has to adjust to all this. It is going to freak out. Mine did. I think it still is. But I was weighing myself everyday, a couple times a day etc --I started really making myself crazy and depressed. I have had put myself on "time out" from the scale. I am only registering my weight from the doctor's scale at my fills. Right I am going in every 2 weeks so it works.
  18. kimmyv

    Losing weight while already depressed

    Take each day as a new day... I completely understand how you feel... But I can't even get myself to the gym because I am so exhausted. I have dedicated over 8 years to my career and a company and I also now HATE most everything about my job right now. What I am trying to do is focus on the couple of things that I still take pride in (my effort, my ethics, and driving others to succeed) and to hell with the rest. I face losing my job on a daily basis due to the industry I am in but I figure if it happens then I guess that is fate's way of solving part of the problem for me. Whether I quit or get fired at least it will be a change..... And as the primary source of income in my home I can't really quit. Or I am too chicken. I focus on what really makes my day--and not what makes it miserable. I work so I can live not live for work. I have an "A" personality and hate to lose at anything- it is a daily struggle for me to not let my work control everything. So I strive to instead of defining my success with my work I define it with LIFE. I can't wait to wake up and going to bed with the love of my life. The best part of my day is being at home and my work allows me to come to my home. I love how my cat HAS to be right next to me- on the couch or in the bathroom. As long as the 3 of us have each other-- it will be ok. Grab your happiness....
  19. kimmyv

    Rib discomfort??

    It's gas--- I had the same thing on my left side-- random pains- from mild to searing (like it would be better to slice open my gut to release the pain). It's always best to consult your doc but that is what mine were. After like 3 weeks it went away completely. Hang in there!
  20. Congrats and welcome to Bandland! Ask ANYTHING you want..... Also-- there are SO many different threads etc that have alot of info on them. This website is great-- no one understands what you are going through like other bandsters. We are different and the same in many ways--chances are someone on here is or has experienced what you are going through! Good luck!
  21. kimmyv

    Trying not to worry...

    Hope all is ok-- You said that you were checking in with your doc today..... Keep us in the loop!!! You're doing AWESOME!
  22. YES! and YES! Lemon in water, tea, I HAVE TO HAVE IT. And totally agree with hot sauce-- also been craving that "buffalo" taste.... I saw a recipe on here for a baked buffalo chicken breast so I am going to have to dig it up. Do any of you think that things that used to taste good now taste like dog poo? I tried a dorito chip (yes yes, I know they are illegal but it was that nacho taste I was craving) and BLECK! Tasted terrible.... glad to be rid of that temptation! Still wanting pickles though.... I also agree that popcorn cravings like mad-- might be a carb thing.... not sure.
  23. Pickles--- I have been craving pickles like no other.....Little baby kosher dills. And I KNOW I am not preggers either.
  24. kimmyv

    First fill...does it work

    Hang in there-- it is Bandster Hell. Just try to stick with the right choices, portions, eating slow etc to train yourself. Everyone is different with how much it takes but my first fill definitely helped alot. Now that I got my 2nd it is even better. Also- for me- drinking warm tea with lemon really helped me control my hunger between meals. And eating really slow....
  25. kimmyv

    The thought of food-Yuck!

    I just got my 2nd fill and feel like this as well.... Although even right after surgery food just didn't taste good to me. I thought it was due to the meds etc at first. I have spouts of "head hunger" where I feel like I am craving something but 1 bite an I am over it. It never tastes as good as it did before surgery. And I do the same thing-- look in the fridge/cupboard for something to make or eat becuase I have to- not because I want to. And nothing really sounds good. And I know that it probably won't taste that great. I have only had a couple things that I really thought were worth eating. Spinach (which was a suprise), roasted squash, asparagus all taste great. Had a little piece of grilled steak and that was really good as well. But it took me a long time to eat it--well worth it though. Hoping that with the restriction I know have and complete disinterst in food that my loss will start to increase.

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