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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmyv

  1. Hi!! I am in Melbourne, Florida.... I was a 35 bmi and had no issue getting approval from Dr Fusco. I was self pay due to my bmi and no co-morbidities but it was the best $$ I have every spent. My surgeon was very supportive as the band as a tool to use to prevent future morbid obesity. And he is approved by Lap Band as well. He also trains other surgeons etc. He has a web site too.... lifeshape.net --i think that is what it is. Just to let you know-- everyone is different but Dr Fusco did let me know that it can be harder and slower loss for low bmi patients...And my loss has been quite slow but I think it is picking up now due having a treadmill and I am eating more and better calories (1100-1200 vs 800). He has a support group, a website/chat forum and mandatory followup, weigh in etc for at least a year to make sure you stay on track. I haven't been to a support meeting b/c of my work schedule but there is tons of support by him and the clinic. Good luck!
  2. Breakfast- scrambled egg with 2oz butterball turkey sausage cut up into it. Cereal sometimes on the weekend if it is later in the morning. Lunch- Lettuce with 2oz cottage cheese, red wine vinegar italian dressing (i make it w/the packet, use 1/2 the amt of oil and more vinegar and water); left over meat from dinner the night before-chicken or steak- 2oz of it. Dinner- grilled steak 2oz or sauted 2 oz chicken cutlet (with capers and mushrooms or a little marsala to flavor, sometimes bake with breadcrumbs on top); 2-3 oz spinach, steamed broccoli or asapragus. Or lettuce w/dressing. I usually take the other half of the piece of steak or chicken and eat it for lunch the next day. I also will have a "fried" egg (no oil or butter- in nonstick pan) with turkey sausage or a piece of lunchmeat ham for dinner sometimes because I am too tired to really cook. A little cottage cheese on the side. My doc is against snacking too. I drink hot tea to get me through it for the most part. If I am working long hours I will have a string cheese or a couple pieces of lunch meat to tide me over. High Protein, lower carb and sugar. Just because it keeps me full longer....And I just don't feel that great when I eat refined carbs. Besides wine. I drink a glass or 2 a night. That is my weakness.
  3. I started tracking my calories at the beginning of January and since I started eating closer to 1100-1200 calories I have actually started to lose again. I use the Daily Plate and it has really openned my eyes to eating healthy calories. I eat (and weigh everything) 4-5 oz at a time. I read alot about going into "starvation" mode by going under 1000 calories and I really think that was what was happening to me. And I had NO energy. But now I really make an effort to eat good, whole foods that have alot of good calories and nutrients to make it worth it. I am trying to get away from processed foods and I can tell a difference. Also--breakfast. I am not as hungry in the morning and am really tight. So I would skip breakfast. But now I have some hot green tea, wait a half an hour and just eat very slow and have a scrambled egg with some turkey sausage. And it really make me feel better for the whole day. I think it is about what you eat-not the calories specifically. Make it worth putting in your mouth. We don't get alot to eat at a time--and it is all our bodies have to live off of. I have been really coming to terms with this... Do I crave wings or tacos? Yes. But salad and spinach (I am addicted to it now) tastes much better. Never thought I would want spinach over tacos. And I only like fresh spinach. HATE frozen. Crazy. My advice-- look at what is in what you are eating and track what fills you up and keeps you full.. But I am still new at this. I think Jacqui has the most realistic, well rounded approach.. :redface: She's got this thing down.
  4. kimmyv

    Im craving for....

    I forgot-- A Corona with lime. It was killing me.... It was 80 degrees last weekend and all I wanted to do is have a Corona at the beach. Then I got on the scale and I had lost a pound. Way better feeling.
  5. kimmyv

    Im craving for....

    I was craving a Dr Pepper the other day....Which is weird b/c I never really drank soda. But mostly I crave tacos or a nice piece of fresh italian bread. And salad-- I cannot get enough with red wine vinegar italian dressing. Fortunately I acutally can eat fresh lettuce so I have salad at least once a day with home-made dressing--more vinegar than oil. In fact-- Lately I want red wine vinegar on everything... veggies, meat...
  6. kimmyv

    Had to ask.. how bad is the farting?

    OMG.... Yes-- Holy Farting. For me it is out of control. At least in comparison to pre-band. I think that it may be that I am eating better foods with more fiber now or maybe just due to the changes in my digestion. Either way-- gas mania.
  7. Couch to 5k site is where I am starting..... And I am NOT a former athlete. Ok I was a cheerleader in highschool but let's face it-- that was like 15 yrs ago. I am SO out of shape it isn't even funny. Well, kind of when I almost fell off the treadmill because i jacked up the speed and didn't realize how fast it was. They have training schedules all the way up (10k etc).. I am starting this week-- just got treadmill at home. Good luck everyone!!
  8. kimmyv

    Calorie count

    I use dailyplate.com.... Very similar to what the other sites mentioned are. You can customize dishes, enter servings, etc. Also you can put in a calorie goal and it tracks your % of carbs/protein/fat etc..... It is part of the livestrong.com site (lance armstrong) and has a forum and other stuff too.... I use it b/c it was the first one I went on... beside calorie king. VERY ENLIGHTENING... I never knew that things I thought were ok or good really just aren't when you figure the little amount of food we eat at one time. Just my opinion--but we need to make sure what we eat worth every bite. For myself-it has been a wake up on really eating more naturally and better. Good luck!
  9. kimmyv


    Littlefroggy--- I understand your dilemma. Do you do the daily plate to track? I have been reading a lot of their forums and the general concensus on there is that the net calories you eat should be over 1200 or more. Which means your calories after you enter your work out must be higher than 700-800... From what I have been reading they would freak out over there at daily plate if you posted your net was 700-800... It's a little intense on that forum. I have the same question as you too-- As bandsters how could we possibly eat that much? The only thing I can think of to to concentrate on good, natural food that is higher in calorie and Protein content.. like Peanut Butter. Or full calorie yogurt vs low calorie yogurt. I wonder if you could add a Protein shake to make up some net calories? My doc doesn't really promote them but from what I have been reading and in regards to exercise and net calories it maybe something that is an option. I don't know about you but I am still fighting with my pre band self on just making healthy choices so thinking about having to eat more when we got the band to control our eating seems contradictory.... I am hoping to get this slow in my already slow loss moving again as well by trying to eat more calories but from all natural, whole foods. We're all in this together!!
  10. The viactive carmel ones are much better than the chocolate...... Almost tastes like a piece of carmel. I think so anyway. I have both kinds (one at work and one at home) and can barely choke down the chocolate ones--And I love tootsie rolls. But my band hates them
  11. For all you bandster that track on Daily Plate or something similar.... What kind of percentages (fat,carbs,protein) do you all shoot for? I eat 2-3x a day and 4oz at a time. And i weigh everything I eat so I know I am getting 4 oz and not more. I started tracking because I haven't lost anything in over a month. I didn't gain (which was a miracle over Christmas) but I haven't lost either. It's going very slow. I can already tell that overall my carb and fat % are too high based on the pie chart etc and the stats they give (in relation to the daily recommeded values). What a wake up call that site is. I am already doing much better just by being more aware that a little really can go a long way. Hopefully my new awareness and changes will help the scale start moving again. I have been going over the forum on that site but it really doesn't apply to us bandsters. We eat such smaller portions than the normal person and I just don't feel like they would understand or have the right answers. Any help/suggestions on what those of you who track do--it would be appreciated..... And just a side note-- GOT MY TREADMILL YESTERDAY!!! WHOOO HOOO!!
  12. So I have been reading the raves on here for Daily Plate.com to track your food etc.... My weight loss has trickled down to nothing and I didn't make the best choices over the holidays so I needed to kick myself back into gear. I decided to join Daily Plate.com and HOLY EYE OPENNER!!! If anyone is struggling or not losing the way they really want to-- I HIGHLY suggest doing this. I measure all my meals out to 4-5oz, I tried to make sure to incorporate high Protein items (ie tuna, chicken, steak) as the biggest portion. The rest is veggie or salad usually. I don't drink before/after or during meals. Nor do I eat in between meals. I eat 2x a day (too tight and not hungry in the morning-surgeon said Protein shake is a no-no). Yeah... well- Just putting in what I could remember from Wed thru today. The least part of my diet was protein. And the amount of fat and sodium is out of control. Here I thought I was eating SO much better and when I did make not so great choices (I had 3 wings during the BCS game-Go Gators) I justified it by the serving size. 3 is better than 15 right? It's still a ding dang chicken wing though. No wonder I am not losing! And I don't think I am getting enough calories either..... Only 1 day did I get over 1k calories. And frankly-That was the day of the BCS game and I had like 4 or 5 glasses of wine (and a roaring hang over the next day). Good new is my fellow bandsters-I can start over and LEARN how to eat in a truly healthy way-Not just what I thought was healthy because it involved lettuce or the food wasn't deep fried or covered in ranch. I am very excited and really encourage everyone to check this out.... And you can keep a food diary.... And there is a lap band group on there. It's awesome. Also-- I AM GETTING A TREADMILL TODAY!! Yeah Craigslist! Finally found a good one that we can afford....Meeting the sellers at 3pm. Couch to 5k here I come!
  13. My direct employees in my branch know but my boss doesn't (he doesn't work in my office). My fiance and his mom know and my mom and stepfather know. I had to tell my mom and step dad because she was here for Christmas and she was trying to force food on me every other minute-She is a wonderful Italian mamma that isn't overweight herself but will tell you how fat you are while she's handing you a giant cannoli. But I have not told anyone else. I also haven't lost a bunch to its not that obvious yet. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I am still coming to terms with my band. I don't really want to get into it with anyone else yet. I have not told my best friend, who's mom had it done and she has said some pretty nasty things about it. She has always been pretty high and mighty about her own ability to lose weight and not so nice to me about it. The "nicest" thing she said was "If you really wanted to lose weight you would do what it takes-you just don't want it bad enough". Yeah-- not telling her. It's a totally personal decision....
  14. kimmyv

    why did I pb from soup?

    Honestly-- Isn't it SO random what can make you PB... I actually can eat steak, lettuce and celery if I take appropriate sized bites and chew well. But soup just hits me wrong. I think maybe because I swallow too fast or eat more of it at a time... Not sure but soup is not something that I can tolerate very well. And I love cream of tomato. You've done great by the way....Our starting stats are pretty similar. Are you low BMI? I joined Daily plate today to get a better handle on where my calories etc are coming from. I am losing REALLY slow. Hopefully getting a treadmill tomorrow so that should help. And I need another fill I think....
  15. I am SO in!!!! Guilt, shame, embarrassment wrapped up in a chocolate wrapper and covered in gravy--and up 4 lbs-- I come crawling back to LBT and this is just what I need!!! This is what is so great about this community-- That we "band" together when the going gets tough and there is support out there--Even if we're not perfect--we're not alone. Nice to know.... Thanks bandsters-- THIS IS OUR YEAR!!! LET'S MAKE 2009 GREAT!
  16. HANG IN THERE! It gets MUCH better... I didn't have any restriction up until my last fill. And I told my fiance that if he sees me go to weigh myself more than 1x a week to hide the scale because I was becoming a lunatic. And DON"T SELL YOUR TREADMILL!! I would KILL to have one at my house. We've been looking for one at a reasonable price because it is really hard for me to get to the gym (I work ALOT). This site is a life-saver-- the journey is full of twists, turns, uphill and downhill battles-we're all here to help each other. And no one except a bandster can understand...
  17. Welcome to Bandster hell newbie bandsters...... It totally sucks. But most all of us go thru it so you've come to the right place. This is the time when you want to eat and can't and realize what hunger is---not just craving.... I know for me it made me realize the difference. Have you noticed that like every 2 commecials are for food? Crazy! I wanted to bash my head against the wall for weeks out due to the TV. For me--warm tea with lemon only got me thru. Warm liquids are SO much better at calming the "hunger". I still drink it all day long. Switching up the flavors helps. And pudding helps too. I felt really full from tomato soup w/low fat milk. EAT SLOW. Train yourself now. Believe me--even if you think you're eating slow-- eat slower. Helps you feel full too. Welcome to band-land!
  18. kimmyv

    please help - in pain - am i stuck?

    Sorry hon! I totally know what you are going thru-- it happenned to me last night... I ate 1 bite too many and didn't chew good enough. My band straight up slapped me in my face. The couple of times this has happenned I try to just breath really slow and concentrate on NOT have dry heave/burping. Kind of like if you drink too much and have the spins when you lay down.... The spitting and dry heave---horrible. The feeling of pain and impending throw up- even worse. Unfortunately, it is a suffer thru it situation in my opinion. I am by no means an experienced bandster but now you know that one of those things are not good to eat. You may have ate too quickly, not chewed enough, or something just didn't sit right. I cannot eat any kind of egg but over easy eggs and it has to be lunch time or later. For some reason now (after 4th fill) if it has mayo or cream like dressing I slime. Bananas or yogurt-- not good-to thick or something. If you think you're eating slow- eating 2x slower. You'll get thru this!
  19. kimmyv

    Loss of appetite???

    Personally, I would wait till you're hungry. I only eat when I am hungry-- I did the same thing when I started out to "train" myself. Also--before I my last fill I HAD to eat major protein for breakfast or I would get hungry very quickly. I did eggs too. And when I eat more fiberous food (apple, grapes, carrot, broccoli, asparagus) it stays with me much longer as well. I have major restriction now--I am so happy for it but am back to experiment mode as to what food I can eat very slowly with out wanting to tear open my chest or slime. Before I could pretty much eat anything and ate slowly but apparently not slow enough. Breakfast is not an option. I will eat some fruit or lunchmeat when I get hungry and am able to eat solid food (usually at 10 am or so). MOst of the time I don't eat breakfast b/c I am too tight and not hungry. Eggs are out of the question now, so is bread unless really toasted and thin. Lunch is in the afternoon and then I eat dinner when I get hungry at night-- usually 7 or 8 pm. Do what works for you-- just make sure you're eating enough! It's definitely a learning process!
  20. kimmyv

    change of heart

    For me--- the risk of NOT having the surgery far outweighed the risk of having the surgery.. I knew that being obese held alot of health problems for me in the future but I had no idea just how many and how each additional pound I put on exponentially increased those health problems. But as smartiegirl said--- It is a very personal decision. And you'll know when it is the right decision....
  21. Ok-- First- I know it is personal but a lot of us put our weight etc on our signatures because it gives info that helps responses. That way everyone knows where you started, your fills etc. It's your choice but I think it helps give a barometer and info so you don't have to clarify etc. So- I was banded a week before you and have lost 15 lbs. Basically 1 lb a week. Would be more if I could get my booty to the gym. I can tell you-- the only thing that has saved me from not losing or gaining since being able to eat solid food (week 3 after surgery) is weighing EVERYTHING. I eat 4 oz meals at a time-3x a day only. Usually it is 3oz of protein and 1 oz veggie. After my 3rd fill it is hard for me to eat first thing in the morning and I was drinking a protein shake but when I went for fill #4 yesterday my doc told me to absolutely NOT drink protein shakes anymore but wait till I could eat solid food and then try to keep 5-6 hours between meals from there. So I may have 2 meals a day or I might have 3. Then, if I get hungry before 5-6 hours then I need more restriction. Also-- no drinking 30 min before and after eating--not while eating either. And I really do what I can to take 30 minutes to eat my 4 oz. It really helps you feel full off that amount of food vs eating more quickly. I really didn't have restriction till fill #3 and now after #4 it is even better. I just really tried to stick to my rules to get in the habit and learn what 40oz keeps me full longest and what doesn't. Drinking warm tea w/lemon gets me thru the day-I drink TONS. The only thing I drink with calories in it is wine (1 or 2 glasses a nite). I have had slip ups and eaten "wrong" foods (piece of pizza, taco) but it's part of the process of redefining my relationship with food. You probably need more restriction...... This site is great-- make sure to keep coming back! Even if you're having a low point (we all have them) everyone is here to support each other. And tell you how it is straight! Don't worry-- as many bandsters have said to me-- it is a marathon not a sprint. It didn't take 3 months to gain the weight... :wink:
  22. kimmyv


    I am a low bmi bandster and had to self pay. My BMI was only 35 at the time of surgery and I did not have any co-morbidities either so I didn't even try to get my insurance to pay. But I KNEW I had to get this done because I was a mere 30lbs away from a BMI of 40 and everything that goes with it. I called the doc's office first and tt them about it--they still had me go to the seminar and then I went thru all the rest. Bottomline-- it will be your surgeon's decision if he thinks you're a good candidate. It's not just about BMI. Also-- my doc made it clear that I would not lose as fast as someone with a higher BMI and more to lose and I would have to really learn to eat right and exercise. He also said that there is a lot of research out there that the band is a great tool for low BMI patients as to prevent further weight gain and problems while losing weight too..... Good luck!
  23. kimmyv

    banded in october

    katieanne-- I didn't have to do liquids until 2 days before as well. I was banded about a month before you and have lost 13-15 lbs (varies daily). You're doing GREAT!! 22 lbs way over 1-2 lbs a week-- Don't worry about what other people are losing-- We're all different. If you're happy that is all that matters!
  24. So-- I have my 4th fill on Wednesday.... I need some more restriction and am looking forward to that. However, I am losing REALLY slow. I weighed myself this morning and I am down to 186-187 (varies daily). Bascially 14 lbs in 12 weeks. Terrible.... I have a feeling my doc is not going to be happy with me and ask me what the deal is. I have some ideas on why I haven't lost a lot but can't believe I haven't lost more. I weigh everything I eat to 4 oz portions and only eat 3x a day. No snacks. I only drink hot tea (unsweet) with lemon or water. I quit coffee completely because I cannot drink it without some kind of sugar and creamer. Plus it started to give me heartburn. Have I eaten some "bad" things-- Yes. I had 3 chicken wings on Saturday during the Gator game. I have had a slice of pizza for dinner. I have had a taco from Taco Bell for lunch because I had NO time. My justification is that it is better than the 15 wings or 4 slices I would have eaten before. I just need to just cut that crap out completely. For the most part-- I eat 3 oz protein (tuna, egg, chicken or steak) and 1 oz veggie (asparagus, broccoli, salad or spinach). I have a slice of toast if i have tuna salad. Not too many carbs in terms or rice or bread. Protein shake for breakfast because solid food in the morning is out of the question--too tight. And I have a glass or 2 of wine a night--Ok 2 glasses. I measure out a 5 oz glass. I have come to the conclusion that i must cut this out as well. It is an extra 300 calories. And I don't exersize because I work 10 hour days minimum and am exhausted. My fiance is trying to find a treadmill at a reasonable price (they are SO expensive!) so I don't have to worry about going to the gym and can come home (or wake up) and get on it. It is my own ding dang fault but I really don't want to get into it with my doctor-- I have been really stressing about it the past 2 weeks Along with wondering each day if I still have a job and BEGGING the scale to go down I am about to go crazy. I don't have to go over it with him. I am realizing why I am not losing more....I just have to stick to it. Just need a little support, suggestions......
  25. kimmyv

    Hope my doc isn't mad

    Jachut--- Of course a fellow Melbournite (even if it's in another continent) would have give the reality check and totally awesome advise! I know it is the exercise that is really going to do it-- After I posted this last night I knew when I woke up I had to do something. So I signed up for a 5k at the beginning of February and am going to do the couch to 5k. I am going to "shut up and move my ass"! As for my doc-- I think that I am really just mad at myself for not working out and not losing more and don't want to disappoint him. Me being Miss A Type personality and wanting to be #1 and perfect cannot stand to fail at anything. Today is a much better day. Thank you so much Jachut! You're an inspiration and I get the feeling you're a really great friend too.

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