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Posts posted by YngGram

  1. I didn't have a fill at surgery, and have only had one so far. It was at 4 weeks out and I don't know how much they put in, but it was a small amount. I have slimmed, bp'ed, and gotten stuck! I have a major fear of all of these and am holding back from another fill. If I take my time I can get lots of food down. I just realized about a week ago that I eat what's on my plate. So . . . . measure it, eat only that and I feel fine. Hunger has not been an issue for me. I started out at 240, surgery early March and I am at 188 now. I am so very pleased with how I feel and look. I am bad with some of my choices, what and how much. The other thing for me is that I must LISTEN to my body. When it says full, STOP, when it says slow down STOP!!!! If I did what I should, another 10-15 lbs. would already be gone.

  2. I call it ""PAY ATTENTION STUIPD"!! I get this when I don't chew a enough, or swallow without thought. It has happened with a hard boiled egg! Wasn't paying attention because it was just an egg. Took to much at once and it was on. This was my first experience at about 2 weeks out. It was nothing like getting stuck although I didn't think anythin couyld be worse. It is like a burp that won't come up for me. Hurts for a few minuets and then passes. Getting stuck is real pain that goes on until you get the food/slime up. I sweat, can't breath and it is very painful. I can eat something for lunch without problem and the same food will get stuck at dinner, The other night I ate to much by one forkfull, that was new. I must cough until I can spit up the problem.

  3. Funny, I had this same talk with the nurse today. I had something for lunch that wouldn't go down at dinner, another day I had something get stuck at lunch that I had eaten without problem the day befor. Because of this I don't want a second fill. Getting stuck is just the worst and I want to avoid it at all costs!!! I haven't been hungry between regular meals. Most mornings I don't "eat", I have Protein Drink or just a swiss miss mocha. I start my day with a glass of Water and then the mocha, eat about 3 hrs. later. I have late nights, so my days start around 10 or 11 my first meal is usually lunch. I don't call what happens throwing up because it's just slime or foam. Since I am taking off about a 1 1/2 lbs. weekly, and I don't have hunger issues I have decided to wait on a fill. She questioned me about the dryness of the foods I've had problems with. I haven't had any food that I couldn't eat, at least the first time I've tried it. Prime Rib, Ribeye and Tbones are fine for me, sirloin and NY Strips just don't work. chicken, tuna and shrimp are OK. Fish would work fine I guess I just can't eat it broiled! I keep trying and everytime I fix it, I can't get it into my mouth. :sad:

  4. the artical was right on time. BINGO!!! i knew i was doing it to myself, this should help me work on why. thanks bunches. i haven't been logging the food just because i already know it's to much. not doing to bad today, but it is still early, i am taking it hour by hour also trying to stay busy. back up to 199.5 this moring, hope next week i will be down to 197, fingers crossed!!

  5. I say my head because I am doing things I know I shouldn't. I got may band on 3/9/09. By Mother's Day I was a size 14 down from a 22. I had lost about 30lbs and I was very pleased with the way things were going. I had a fill on 4/13 and didn't have much trouble with any food as long as I chewed well. I wasn't hungry and I was easily making the good choices. I was so happy when I was finally under 200lbs for the first time in almost 25 years! NOW I have had two bad weeks in a row. The crazy thing is that June was supposed to be my "jump off" month. I have a trip planned in the middle of Aug. and I wanted to get another 15 or so pounds off by then. I keep eating, not hungry I just keep eating. I don't know why, I eat and then eat again and then I eat again. I also find myself grazing. I am not hungry at these times, I am just doing it. I don't seem to know how to stop myself. It is as if my head doesn't want any part of this any more. For that reason I don't want another fill, I don't think I need one since I'm not having trouble getting full. Each night I go to bed telling myself that tomorrow will be the day I get it back together, but it's just not happening. How do I get past this craziness?

  6. I join you. I have had one fill, not sure how much. I can eat most things as long as I rembemer to take my time, when I don't life changes very fast. I don't like it and I don't want another fill to make that PBing more of an issue. I am loosing steadily and I don't want my life to be only about what I can't eat. I have lost 43lbs so far, choices haven't been great lately but since I know that I can work on it. Glad to hear about others like me.

  7. I had gone a lot longer than that. Band went on 3/9, had fill on 4/13 on the 15th I started. I thought it would just be spotting. NOT!!! 4 days of something that hadn't happened in 6 years. There had been spots but not a full cycle. Then on the 15th of the next month I had all the side effects. Cravings and bloating and back pain. I can't wait to see what happens in the next week.

  8. I got my band on 3/9/09 the loss has be steady and got it up to about 43lbs. as of the last of the month; the first time I have been under 200lbs. in about 15 yrs. I now find that things are changing. Foods that I ate the week before cause me to PB or I can have something for lunch but can't keep it down at dinner.< /p>

  9. I understand and I am there with you. I got my band on 3/9, I have only lost about lbs. since that time. My problem is me. I am not measuring my food, and I am making some bad choices. I have had 1 fill and do have some restriction, but it is not the same with all foods. Life is really getting in my way with this. I have lost enough to come down from a size 22 jeans to a 14. This is a good thing, but since I can see progress I am not working at it as hard as I should. I haven't been hungry, but I am an emotional eater. I am often with others who are eating junk food and I start to nibble mindlessly. Write down the amounts and what you eat for a few days. You may be eating more than you realize, or making wrong choices. Drink enough Water, it helps with loss. Keep working at it, holding is better than gaining. Talk to the nutritionist for some ideas.

  10. I am 2 months out, and I am so happy I did the band. Baby food doesn't have the type of nutrients we need as adults, or the taste. For mushy stage well cooked veggies were recommended for me, I stayed away from the taters cause I like em to much. I made changes before the surgery so I wouldn't have to make them all at one time and put to much stress on me. I gave up my southern tea and soda in Nov. and loss 4lbs. in one week. I tried to start making better food choices, eating smaller portions and not drinking with meals. Later I did some Meal Replacements with Slim-fast and Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks and really pushed to get in more Water. When I started the liver shrink diet for 2 weeks, I was OK. I wasn't hungry then, and I haven't been since the surgery. I think the water helps to keep the hunger at bay. The Crystal Lite type drinks, I use the Wal-Mart brand, have been a life saver. They taste good, and no calories. I am really glad that I eased into the changes, I didn't feel deprived when I "had" to give things up. Good luck

  11. Rant accepted!! I am on the other side..almost. I have lost about 39 lbs. and have gone from a 22 jean to a 14. Outside of the family only 1 person has noticed. I can see that my face is smaller and many of the "rolls" are gone. My take on it is that people don't really look at others who are overweight. We seem to be invisible to them for some reason we are just overlooked and it has become a habit. Like the women with large breast, most other people can tell you Kate has large breast, but can't describe her face!!! If she grows another head her sister would have to tell all the other people. Now for Tom, his brain is somewhere in a planter. People like him think "friendship" gives them open reign.. "My best friend is fat, but he's a good guy anyway." Don't worry about the butts out there. I told only 1 outside of family before the surgery and only 3 others since. They got let in because they freaked when I said I was having surgery. They know I have a history of cancer. I am not ashamed of the surgery or the need for it, I just didn't want to be watched and I didn't want to hear, "I thought you would loose more than that. Do your thing, listen to your Mom (we are ALWAYS right), enjoy your progress and to _ _ L L with all others.

  12. Not an hour ago I was lying on the bed looking at the little hill and thinking that it looked like I was giving birth to an alien! It is a small mound but it is there and noticable, doc says it is a low profile one. I have had a port before and it wasn't like this. It was between my shoulder and breast but I had to feel for it. Good to know there are others lke me.

  13. hey hkitty or HI NEIGHBOR!! I am down the road and round the corner. Sorry you not feeling the best but it does get better. I will confess to being one of the lucky ones. I was overnight at the hospital and I went out the first night home and the next 3 nights. My doc put in a slow delivery pain med system and I had no (body)pain, just gas pains. I tend to push myself just because I always have. You don't have to get out like I did, but you do need to move as much as you are comfortable with to help with the healing. The gas just can't be explained!!! It woke me from a dead sleep the second night home. Moving around is the only thing that really helped me with that. I would just walk from room to room to ease it. Now I will get gassy if I eat to quickly, which happens often. Husband is getting a little tired of that one. About 2 weeks after surgery I woke up tired one morning and was like that all day for about 3 days. Doc said it was a reaction to the surgery slightly delayed. Follow the instructions your doc gave and listen to your body. Congrats and good luck. Like I said I am close by and any time you need to vent I will be there for you. Hit me a PM and I will give you my info so you can contact me if you want.

  14. I noticed last night that many people are on liquids for a month after surgery. I only had 1 day of clear and then 1 week of full liquids. During this time I still had the weight from the "surgery gas" I was about 6 lbs heavier the day I left the hoptial. I think I would have lost more if I had been on liquids that long. I would have also killed somebody. I was never really hungry. Also as I started mushy foods and later added the solids the scale stopped moving. Once my body adjusted to the new stuff I started to loose again. I have lost 20lbs. in the 2 months since surgery, my total is 39 lbs. since meeting the doc for the first consult in Nov.

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