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Everything posted by Neostarwcc

  1. Neostarwcc

    Is this true?

    Ok so I saw my GP on Friday and mentioned to him that I'm getting weight loss surgery and he is ecstatic. He mentioned that the sleeve would be the best operation for me and I said that was the one my bariatric team was considering for me. After a while I started voicing my concerns about how the sleeve can't be reversed and he said that that was ok that I wouldn't want it reversed. He said at first I have so much fat that I actually don't need to eat very much (I weigh 425 pounds) and that over the years my stomach will get bigger and will be able to eventually hold a normal amount of food. Is this true? Maybe somebody who has has a gastric sleeve before can tell me if their stomach grew over thr course of time? I'm wondering if my doctor is full of it and is only telling me the things I want to hear or if he is correct. I'd like to know before I make the decision to permanently alter my body.
  2. Neostarwcc

    Is this true?

    Ok that sounds good! Because one of my concerns is that I'd never be able to enjoy a piece of pizza again or even a hamburger at burgerking (i know a whopper or Jr Or cheese burger is out of the question) . And you're right usually right now I eat at least half or more of a large pizza because it tastes so good and my wife would eat the rest. She remains 130-140 pounds I gain weight. Which is probably partially why I weigh over 400 lbs and need wls. While you had a bypass I'm sure a sleeve is slightly similar. I know they take out most of your stomach and overtime it supposedly stretches to where you're able to eat what a quote on quote normal person should be able to eat. Thanks for your advice though. It's probably a very good idea and I'm very glad you weigh 160 pounds now.
  3. So I'm considering getting the gastric sleeve surgery. I'm almost 40 years old and weight almost 440 pounds and have a BMI of 67 and ive tried literally everything to lose weight and nothing has worked. I've never lost more than 20-30 pounds at a time.Bariatric surgery is really the last option for me. So I'm in a bariatric program right now and we've decided that the gastric sleeve would be the safest operation for me. The problem my team including my surgeon is trying to address? I'm schizophrenic and Bipolar and take Antipsychotics. I've maybe gained 100 lbs over the course of trying meds since 2011 to find the right medicine combination. Right now I'm taking Latuda and Seroquel for antipsychotics. My GP has stated over and over again that Latuda might not be the greatest medicine for me to be on because it requires me to consume 350 calories in order for it to work properly. But reallym the medication does wonders with me. When/if I get bariatric surgery that's going to be a challenge for my bariatric team finding a meal or snack that I can fit those calories in. Not to mention my surgeon has mentioned that it will be an extra challenge for him to try to work around my anti psychotics. He didn't say it was impossible but he did call it a great challenge. I guess why I'm posting here is to ask is, is the gastric sleeve an option for me? Or should I consider the switch instead? My bariatric team pretty much flat out said that the bypass would be too risky of a surgery to do with me and they don't do the lap band anymore and my bmi is too risky for the lap band anyway. But before I go and permanently change my stomach I'd like to know what my options are. My team hasn't really been forthcoming and just seem to want to do the surgery as soon as possible. But, I'd like it to be a success as well. Especially when the sleeve is a permanent change to my body.
  4. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    Yeah I've been on almost every antipsychotic under the sun. It took doctors a long time to find one that worked for all of my symptoms since I'm both schizophrenic and Bipolar. Vraylar had the worst side effects out of all the ones doctors have tried over the years. I was actually going to give up hope because I had been on so many different meds. So I'm under as much control as possible now. It's enough to keep me out of the hospital anyway. Good luck with your weight loss journey too I hope you reach your weight loss goals. I know for women it's extra hard to lose weight.
  5. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    Funny you should mention Vraylar. I learned the hard way before I was put on Latuda that I couldn't take that. Why? It caused a 7 month long manic episode that was just terrible. It was one of the worst episodes I had ever had I nearly died from the experience and had I actually passed away from it my wife would have been able to sue the pants off of my psychiatrist for malpractice because she definitely was in the wrong. I was on Saphris beforehand and she took me off of Saphris cold turkey and then immediately stuck me on Vraylar. She later said she shouldn't have done that. Anyway, we're supposed to be talking about bariatric surgery not Psychiatric meds. I just figured I'd share my own personal story since we seem to have similar med history. The only reason I'm concerned about Latuda and getting bariatric surgery is you're right, it needs 350 calories to be absorbed properly and if im on a 1k calorie diet that's going to be problematic because thats almost half of my daily calories. But I do so well on Latuda (it really, really helps stabilize my moods and my psychotic symptoms) that it's really stupid to take me off of it and stick me on something else. So my surgeon and nurse practitioner/psychiatrist have to all work together and figure out how it's going to work. I'm not discouraged by your weight in fact, I wish I was your weight I weight almost 440 pounds lol. But I get what you mean you gained 4 pounds. But that's what happens when you don't follow the diet. I've heard lf many people regaining the weight because they got discouraged. I really hope that once I lose the 200-250 pounds I want to lose I'm able to keep it off!
  6. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    I see my psychiatrist again after the bariatric nurse goes over the test results in late June. I told my psychiatrist I was getting the sleeve and he didn't say much but I can ask him how it will affect my meds the next time I see him. And I just talked to my wife. Apparently both the surgeon and the nurse practitioner that we saw gave the ok on the sleeve operation and said that there was no malabsorbtion with it unlike the other two operations so as long as I'm given a clean bill of health and pass my Psych eval I should be good to go to start physical therapy and start seeing a bariatric nutritionist.
  7. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    I wasn't aware of that. I thought that the stomach was compressed to not be able to hold as many liquids as well. Must be I'm wrong. That's good then and doesn't concern me anymore.
  8. Neostarwcc

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    Yup I've got to have a mental health evaluation as well. And my wife and I have had those concerns (latuda needing food to be absorbed to work) the lead nurse practitioner seemed to be not too concerned about it or is working on it behind the scenes. Right now I have to wait for medical tests they're doing a stress test, ekg,, blood work, and all that jazz all in June and then when we go through those results I will rebring up my Psych meds and how I can take them after surgery.

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