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Everything posted by Jalapeño

  1. Jalapeño

    Bathroom issues

    With sleeve, I don't think there is a real issue when it comes to foul smelling stools. But with mini gastric bypass and sadi etc, it's off the charts.
  2. I don't vomit with every meal thankfully. At certain times in the day, a meal goes down fine. At other times, I get a lot of foamies build up, loads of thick saliva when I vomit. Sometimes once I've vomited all the thick saliva, getting food down becomes slightly more tolerable. It's hit and miss as to when this problem occurs. It's less prevalent once I've emptied my bowels and then have a meal. So I can have a proper meal once a day basically, with slight snacking to fill the day.
  3. Jalapeño

    No forum for SADI patients?

    I totally agree with the part about those patients who have had bariatric surgery, but ended up losing much more weight than they anticipated, looking emaciated. I had the mini gastric bypass procedure and ended up looking like a prisoner from a concentration camp.
  4. For me, I can't really have another decent sized meal until I've used the toilet... This is coming from an RNY patient. Everyone's anatomy and post surgery results will be different. This is the reason why weight loss surgery results can not be replicated for each patient. One patient may have problems with one thing while another patient who underwent the same surgery won't.
  5. Jalapeño

    Sadi is so lonely

    My advice to everyone is to first trial the GLP1 type drugs and see if it helps with weight loss. Maintaining the weight loss will be a lifetime commitment no doubt. But it's much better than having drastic bariatric surgery. Why change your anatomy if drugs can do the trick. So if your insurance covers weight loss medication, please consider that route first. Weight loss surgery does improve one's quality of life, but it has its fair share of drawbacks too.
  6. You will benefit from SADI specific multi vitamins, because the dosage for each vitamin will be higher compared to the RNY for example.
  7. Jalapeño

    Bathroom issues

    I believe that with bariatric surgery, excluding the lap band, everyone's stools smell a lot worse. I originally had the mini gastric bypass and honestly, when sat on the toilet passing stools, I'd almost pass out from the smell, it was that nauseating. Nothing ever reduced the smell, even dietary changes. These procedures are very powerful and alter the digestive anatomy.
  8. Hi, sorry if this question has already been posted. I'm now 2 months post op following a revision from mini gastric bypass to RNY. The surgeon kept the original pouch from the mini. When I eat, despite chewing well, I often vomit up the food. From those who have had RNY, did the restriction of food get any easier over time? I'm hoping I'll be able to eat a normal sized meal at some point without running to the bathroom.
  9. It’s a learning curve. I could eat like a pig while I had the mini gastric bypass. With the RNY, the mental hunger is always lurking in the background, so I naturally tilt towards large portions, but then struggle to eat the majority of it. Restriction is definitely there, and the vomiting episodes are a bugbear but hopefully settles with time. Thank you for all your responses.
  10. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  11. Jalapeño

    Mini Bypass reversal

    I have. Reversal from mini gastric bypass to RNY. It's early days for me, but I'm glad I had the reversal. I was suffering from steatorrhea and excessive malabsorption. The steatorrhea has been cured as well as the toxic off the scales smell following a visit to the toilet. I'm now just hoping for some weight gain.
  12. Anyone tried a tuna omelette?
  13. Jalapeño

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    When I went to the hospital, I wore my pyjamas, comfy crocs and a fleece. I packed another pair of pyjamas, underwear and phone charger. Nothing else. In the UK, hospitals provide you with toothbrush/toothpaste and toiletries for showering etc. Besides, when you get admitted, you have to change into a hospital gown. I kept my boxer shorts on, and discarded them in the hospital bathroom bin when I showered three days later. You want to keep packing light, make it easier on yourself. Most of your time will be spent in bed recovering, not surfing the net.
  14. B12 is extremely important for memory. For bariatric surgery, excluding the lap band, you need 12 weekly B12 injections.
  15. With a butt lift, I imagine post recovery is excruciating. Because one still has to sit on the toilet etc. I would welcome feedback from those who have had various types of plastic surgery and which parts they struggled with most.
  16. Jalapeño

    Post op constipation…

    Have smoothies with avocado, bananas and pitted prunes etc. That will help regulate things.
  17. Jalapeño

    Vaping after Surgery

    I'm 3 weeks post op. I'm vaping but nicotine free. Do not have any nicotine post surgery because it will slow down your healing.
  18. Jalapeño

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I have always had a dilemma about the sleeve, because patients can expand their stomach pouch, by poor compliance. The majority of people who have bariatric surgery experience psychological problems with their relationship with food rather than a physiological problem. Therefore, not withstanding a brain transplant, I don't think a sleeve would be successful for such individuals. I think that's one of the main reasons for revision from sleeve to bypass. With bypass, this is my own experience, you can eat as much as you want, but you don't put on the weight. I feel sleeve is suited to people who need a helping hand to lose weight but are strong enough to comply with a lifestyle diet change. Those of us who would continue to struggle with our relationship with food regardless, I think are better candidates for the bypass. The bypass comes in various strengths. There are several variations of the bariatric gastric bypass surgery, including: 1. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) 2. Mini gastric bypass (MGB) 3. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) and While Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch are the most well-known variations, there are other less common types of gastric bypass surgeries, including: 1. Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (SAGB) 2. Loop Gastric Bypass 3. Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition
  19. Jalapeño

    Best vitamins to take for energy

    I think it's extremely important that you religiously take all the vitamins that you were advised to take on a daily basis. Make sure you don't take calcium and iron at the same time, you need to spread them out. It's also important that you have vegetable smoothies to help you digest vitamins naturally.
  20. I've had RNY. Although leaks are very rare, I don't blame anyone who stresses or worries about this happening to them. I think a fair assumption would be that if you are 12 months out, you can rest assured that you won't experience any leaks going forward. I think 12 months is a good time for everything internally to have fused and healed. Every year thereafter, actually strengthens the fusions that have taken place to the anastomosis and stomach pouch. I think the only thing that you need to be mindful of thereafter and for the rest of your life, is the possible occurrence of a bowel obstruction.
  21. I had my RNY on 22 April. I'm also following the post op diet. It's not easy, but I remind myself that my insides have been sliced and diced so to speak, so have to go easy with things I put down my throat. The hardest thing for me is lying on my back. I imagine I'll be lying on my back for a good month. I'm too afraid to sleep on my sides any time soon. My incisions haven't completely healed. I can't wait for them to fully heal so that I can start submerging myself in the bath.
  22. Vitamin and Mineral Absorption: Unlike SADI-S, gastric bypass allows for full absorption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
  23. The SADI procedure is much more drastic than the the RNY. I would imagine that a lot of people experience these types of difficulties after the procedure. You need to keep on top of your vitamins because it's an extremely malabsorptive procedure.
  24. Jalapeño

    ways to boost confidence

    This is my own perspective (male). You need to love yourself for who you are and come to terms with things. There are some things you can't change and other things that you may be able to, for example with cosmetic surgery. But you have to ask yourself what is bothering you and is it actually worth doing something really drastic about it. A lot of it in my opinion is about finding peace within your own mind and thinking about those who are a lot less fortunate than yourself.
  25. I use a blender (nutri ninja type) and make smoothies. For example, one avocado, one banana and a handful of spinach with semi skimmed milk - then blend it. It'll make your vegetable intake a lot easier.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
