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  1. MaysPhillips

    Alcohol is a Transfer Addiction !!

    The whole "They have to hit rock bottom" thing is predicated on the notion that addiction is a character flaw, a moral failing. And unfortunately, that kind of old-think stills seems to dominate the rehab-recovery industry. Its so refreshing to hear some more enlightened voices, like this gentleman here.
  2. MaysPhillips

    Alcohol is a Transfer Addiction !!

    One drink is too many, and a thousand is not enough. This proverb highlights the addictive nature of alcohol, suggesting that for those who struggle with alcoholism, starting to drink can lead to an uncontrollable desire for more, yet no amount of alcohol will ever be satisfying.
  3. MaysPhillips

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Kids truly have a way of seeing the world that can make even the most mundane moments feel magical and hilarious. Your daughter's perspective on history and time is so innocent and refreshingly funny. It's moments like these that remind us of the joy in learning and growing together.
  4. MaysPhillips


    That's a heart-wrenching case, Raveena. It underscores the critical importance of monitoring and managing blood sugar levels, especially post-surgery, to prevent such devastating outcomes.

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