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Uzumaki Noodle

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to AmberFL in I’m no longer obese!!!   
    I made a post about losing weight slowly and I just kept doing what I was doing, and dropped 5lbs this week…WEIRD! But I am officially considered overweight and not obese!! Below is a before and after picture. The before is not even my heaviest!

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    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to Megan Black in Belly fat problems after surgery   
    hi dear thanks alot!
    i actually never thought about having possible food allergies. i might just look into that actually if it is maybeeee a factor. thank you ❤️
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    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to Aunty Mamo in Buyers Remorse?   
    It was divine, yes! And I honestly didn't believe for a moment that 2 tablespoons of food would suffice, but it sure did. It was oatmeal made with Protein. For lunch I served myself a four ounce serving of cottage cheese, and managed to eat 2 ounces before I was full. And dinner was broccoli and a chicken meatball pureed in broth, also a 4 ounce serving, of which I could only eat half. Everything tasted so good though. So, so, darn, good.
  4. Hugs
    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to Aunty Mamo in Buyers Remorse?   
    I saw the term, momentary "buyers remorse" on someone's thread the other day in reference to having bariatric surgery and last night I understood when I had a fatigue and anxiety melt down.
    I went back to school at age 48, once the majority of my kids were gone and I could spare the time. I take a full time course load, so my house gets deep cleaned now only during school breaks. This spring break I didn't expect to get much house and yard work accomplished, as I expected to be recovering from my sleeve surgery. But here I am, nine days after surgery and in the last days of spring break and I'm feeling great. My doc cleared me to do any physical activity that didn't hurt and I seem to have full energy, so I decided to go to work yesterday on a kitchen deep clean. From about 8 am until 11 pm (with breaks and liquid meals all day), I cleaned the fridge and pantry, scrubbed the oven, washed the microwave and toaster oven, dusted the tops of cupboards, washed drawer fronts and pulls, mopped- all of it. My kitchen looks like I just moved in.
    "Seemed" however is the operative word here. When I came up to go to bed, I was more exhausted than I've been in I don't know how long. And then, when I got a side stitch just off to the left of my tiny new stomach, I started to panic. I manage a somatic anxiety disorder and an attention deficit- and once in a while, particularly when I'm too tired, I have an epic storm that just has to run it's course. So, I paced around my bedroom hyperventilating for 20 minutes and rued my decision to have this surgery. All I could think is, "what have you done?!?" It was pretty awful.
    This morning I feel fine, aside from an emotional hangover, which is really just what the absence of adrenaline feels like after a panic attack. Other than that, I'm glad I had the surgery again. I'm going to do some light yard work today in between naps and offer myself a helluva lot more grace and leniency. And tomorrow, I'm going to have my first solid food (puree) that I've had in a couple of weeks. That first two tablespoon serving is going to be magical.
  5. Hugs
    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to Aunty Mamo in Buyers Remorse?   
    Neurological disorders and divergences can present themselves in a number of interesting and baffling ways; and are rarely particularly rational. If you're bewildered as an onlooker, count yourself fortunate to not be one of the millions who have to experience and manage them. I just figure if I'm going to participate in a public forum as a part of my process, I may as well document all parts of it that I'm comfortable sharing. Maybe someone else will read my story line and relate. I appreciate your well wishes and am also always glad when I start feeling better.
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    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to ChunkCat in I want solid foooooooood!!!!   
    LOL The food rage is real!! I did 2 weeks of a modified diet pre-op (shakes and a small meal at dinner of Protein and veggies), then one week of full shakes only before surgery. And then 2 weeks of liquids only post-op. Needless to say when I was finally allowed food I wanted to cry. LOL I was also a little afraid to eat it! But I did and everything was fine.
    In retrospect I'm glad I stuck so strictly to my surgeon's guidelines. I healed VERY well and that time on fluids only really taught me a lot about how I react to being hungry and how to manage being hungry. It also helped me understand true hunger from head hunger---they are not the same thing, but man can they feel like the same thing!
    But for real, I was really cranky at times during those Fluid weeks and there were some short tantrums... 🤣
  7. Haha
    Uzumaki Noodle reacted to Tamika James in I want solid foooooooood!!!!   
    I wanna fight EVERYBODY!!!!! LOL I'm kidding but I'm sick of liquids. I did a week before surgery and now 4 days after surgery that's 11 days. I want solid food. *has adult size tantrum

    Okay I feel better now lol

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