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About Molly7

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    Gastric Sleeve Surgery February 2024
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  1. I was searching the Bariatri Pal Store and found my favorite Quest Protein Bars. They have various. sugar alcohol amounts. Is it ok to eat one of them with 5 sugar alcohol?
  2. Molly7

    Miralax Mistake

    I certainly feel for you, just 3 days was all I could stand. That was last week and my back still hasn't recovered from hours on the toilet and cleaning up messes. Immodium helped me also.
  3. I was told by a RN not to use Metamucil after Gastric Sleeve Surgery but to use Miralax instead. One week after surgery because of constipation I took a half dose of Miralax. MISTAKE...... I spent 3days either on the toilet or wearing pads to keep from leaking. Now I see in this forum that I could have taken my usual daily Metamucil.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
