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Everything posted by Saundra

  1. Saundra

    Anyone from WV???

    Hi Jim As you can see my Dr is Dr Shin at CAMC, I'll be there on that day probably getting my next fill most likely. I've heard a lot of good things about Dr Rossi. Nice to have someone closer on the board. I'm so glad I didn't have to do that diet but it does help you start to loose so its not all bad. Stay in touch
  2. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Yes I can imagine, not from having 300 + lbs on them but from having them break and having multiple surgeries. I still evercise, I still walk I push myself through a lot of pain. Yes the weight I'm trying to take off came from the last couple of bad breaks, and pain sucks but every lb I've lost has made me push harder, allowed me to do things I couldn't do just a few months ago. Do I feel bad that his knees hurt sure, just like I'm sure all the contestants hurt. Ron has big issues if hes been 200 since 9 and 350 from 15 on......its gonna take a lot to get it off and a whole lot more to keep it off. I don't think he has what it takes to keep it off. I hope he proves me wrong.
  3. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I hadn't dared allow that thought in I'm still dealing with him representing in the finals as a big possibility. I keep wondering what they will do for challenges between now and them. If they offer imunity or 1 lb chances are Tara wins it. Which I'd love shes worked hard I mean so have the others she just stands out so much more because of the challenges whee it seemed impossible for her to win yet she did. Those would help keep Tara on the ranch, but what will it take to send Ron home ughhhhh I so hate that he represents when the truth has been hidden. If they came right out and said yes the WLS must be playing a role I'd be happier with it but you know they won't. Those were my public rants now I'm off to really cuss and get mad
  4. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Every season I can't remember if its 3 or 4 in the finals ughhhh don't know why I can't remember but to think of him representing in the finale....going home for the 3 monthish loss time that we don't see and making it look like his WLS had nothing to do with it. He was able to pretty much just sit around, eat the right foods and loose like he has. It scares me that a lot of people won't realize that his WLS HAD TO BE A MAJOR ROLE IN THIS
  5. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I just had the scariest thought.....what if Rons manipulative ways get him to the final? Seriously Tara and Helen are having a harder time putting up big numbers and with the big one Helen put up this last week she will probably have a smaller one this week. Taras been hitting the 4's for awhile. That leaves Felipe, Mike and Kristin all who seem to be under the control of Ron, also making them a stronger alliance. So if Ron keeps it up he could possibly end up there OMG what an awful thought
  6. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Other than being able to slam WLS I can't figure out why they picked him to be on the show. Unless they thought sensible people would send him home the first week
  7. I found you....how long will it take before you see you have a message?

  8. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I know Mike deserved the compliments he got from his mother and all but it was a major sting to hear her say he was the total package now in front of Max........they showed a clip of Mike supposedly not getting along with daddy dearest or understanding the weight issue that dad didn't do anything about which has me curious but it will probably turn out to be about something else......I can see Mike helping Max but I don't see Ron doing much other than gaining back the weight when its all over. If your a game player thats cool why they can't see through him I don't get. Drives me nuts that hes still there I so want to see Mike grow a set after last night. The makeover wa great but he needs to grow his own
  9. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I took it to mean she had to be major years younger than Ron....would be interesting to know what he meant
  10. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Don't get me wrong I know Laura need rehab...I have had so many surgeries for breaks that I did most of my own rehab last time. I just can't see that the show wouldn't of taken excellant care of her thre. If I had been her sending me home probably would of been a bad thing I'd of been sneaking and exercising. On the ranch at least they would know what she was doing. I understand where all of you are coming from though but even if they weren't in it for the money and they just want to stay as long as possible next week it could be Kristin who sends then home.....Maybe its my competitive side here
  11. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I sooo agree, the minute she said it I wemt balistic, she would have. I know shes trying to loose weight but she made the comment that she wanted to be the last one there just like everyone there so to me thats winning. She knows she got lucky, as for me I figure biggest loser would of made sure Laura didn't do anything to make that fracture worse especially on the ranch. I'd of drnt Kristin home and let BL take care of Laura there, I know we all want to loose weight but they are all in game mode....they may regret not sending Kristin home.......isn't she the only person left who has beaten Tara in a challenge?
  12. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I'm thinking tummy tuck, chin tuck, bat arms be gone, thigh high fly away..........and a make over......and they call me high maintenance
  13. Most of the things you mentioned you are having trouble with I was warned about prior to surgery. I focused on getting chicken so tender than it melted in my mouth. I use in a slow cooker or after boiling I'll put in cream of chicken Soup for a broth and cook all day 5 hours to get totally tender. I haven't been able to eat chicken out yet without PBING so its a at home food. Roasts no matter how hard I try don't like me either. I eat a ton of chicken and found I love snow crab legs so DH buys a 2 lb bag which is enough for 4 servings for me. They are expensive but Sams wharehouse has them for a decent price and its something to liven up my diet. Canned chiken and tuna work in salads for me I use the lite or low fat mayo. I also eat a lot of Beans, pinto and navy.......baked spaghetti with whole grain noodles a few things that might add to your diet.....what shocks me the most is watermelon, my band doesn't like atermelon I don't get it at all
  14. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    I've got an appointment on the 28th not sure if he will give a fill or not. I can't eat that much as it is, I'm doing 2-3 ounces depending on the way my band is feeling. Og well I guess he will decide this is getting very frustrating eating so little and not loosing grrrrrrr
  15. Saundra

    Hello from WV

    I was tired a lot longer than I expecte to be and you certainly have a lot more on your plate than I did. Don't worry it does go away though....just when I thought it wasn't gonna get better I felt better than ever.....good luck hun give hubby hugs and be sure to give yourself a really big one
  16. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    What about right before when Felippe fell below and Ron betrayed the cousins by telling everyone it was Felipes turn to go home....I agree its total game mode now but I don't want to hear Ron talk about being stabbed when it was him that broke the pact.
  17. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Ouch I don't think I have $120.00 a week left to give up without making a few people around here really mad LOL I've decided I'm gonna call and schedule another fill in the morning The dr said if I didn't loose 1 lb a week well I lost 2 and gained them back and have been stuck ever since. I was reading tonight that I should only be eating 2 ounces and I can sometimes eat close to 4 ounces, so now I'm really confused but its info they gave me in the hospital. If he does it with the barium again I'm gonna insist my hubby gets to watch so he can tell me the difference in how fast or slow it goes through. I couldn't tell with the first the mean nurse wouldn't let hubby back there and I need eye surgery so I don't see well at all especially when lights involved. Hubbies been my eyes for awhile now I'm still having a hard time getting past the mental part of 2 ounces 3 times a day but I'm sure he will talk to me about it. I know the scales are stuck but my wedding ring is falling off I'm gonna need one of those inserts for awhile. I'll let you know how it goes in the mean time I'll keep exercising and maybe the scales will move LOL if not then 2 ounces can't be much harder to get used to than 3-4 was.
  18. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I thought Kristan ate once and then realized she would only have to worry if she fell below the line and the ones eating seemed more likely to fall to her.....
  19. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I know they said Nicole had the 2nd biggest pertage of weight loss behind tara bit have they said who it is or was other than her. I know Sione was her competition in challenges and all and I assumed he was 2nd on weight loss but I hate assuming and can't find it on any of the biggest loser pages when I google. If Sione was 2nd I wonder who it is now. Just curious
  20. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Thats what me and DH were thinking would of been the smartes thing for her to of done. But oh well What I didn't get and maybe I have forgotten something but wasn't Pink mom originally on Bobs team? Laura said she'd been with her from day 1 so that had me totally confused. I guess after seeing her send her daughter home I would of had a hard time trusting her versus making an allegiance with the cousins My two cents worth
  21. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I don't get how Ron and Mike can feel so stabbed in the back when the week before Ron tried to talk everyone in to sending Felips hime. Guess its ok when Don Ron does it:thumbdown:
  22. Saundra


    Mac, I'm so impressed I only had one goal originally and that was to get healty. After reading so many posts like yours I have a list. It must feel so wonderful to of accomplished your original goals and be embarking on new ones. I wish you all the best
  23. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    No I didn't take my before measurements the drs office took them the only one I know is my wrist and I have lost there. My DH thinks I should wait another week to since I eat so little and all the exercise is new but I keep hearing my dr say if no weight loss in a week call immediately. It does make sense though to slow down and all I guess I just thought I'd through up an even bigger number last week like they do on the biggest loser I guess. I am at a total stan still no gain no loss, but I am gonna give it another week though, mostly since I hiccup even when I drink. A personal trainer must be great, if yiou don't mind me asking whats that costing you? I always wanted a Jillian to push me.............thanks for the input
  24. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    New dilema...I'm still eating an=bout 3-4 ounces at most sometimes less. I added brisk walking and dancing and haven't lost since. I was told the exercise should speed weight loss up and the WLS said if I went a week with out at least a 1 lb loss to call for another fill. Well I should be making that phone call but I'm not so sure I want to be eating less than I already do. Any of you all run into this?
  25. Saundra

    Huntington WV Tri State area anyone?

    Hamlin here Dr Shin in Chas.......love to hear how everyone is doing

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