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Everything posted by Saundra

  1. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I'm voting to keep Ron to give the girls a better shot........ Yeah I know it goes against my grain but I want Tara or Helen
  2. Saundra

    Vitamin B 12 shot

    Actually he didn't test it
  3. Saundra

    Vitamin B 12 shot

    I'm a little over 3 months post op. At my 3 month I was given a prescription for B 12 Shots, obviously mt Dr gives this regularly since the prescription was something he went click ckick print from his computer. He also added Caltrate + D and said I could switch from the childrens chewables to an adult multi vitamin or prenatal I'm mostly wondering about the B 12 shot, I haven't seen any one here mention it. I don't eat a lot my caloric intake yesterday didn't hit 300 it isn't that low every day but it would be fair to say its normally closer to 400 than anything else. If you are getting the shots did you feel a difference?
  4. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    I first saw the body bugg on the biggest loser then found a thread on here. The wole idea is to be able to know what you burned and what you took in so calorie in versus calorie out and if you burn 3500 thats suppose to be a lb....I should say extra 3500. I just put in my data for the day so far and its so cool I have a deficit of 1730.....theres a graph thats time stamped so DH and I could see that at 10 was me climbing steps hanging launry then it calms down for a little bit then spikes like a heart monior read out thing showing when I was cutting grass, you can see I took a break and started back LOL then another break when grass was done then went out and got laundry in before the storm hit. The biggie is knowing that I have about 1/2 burned off today after my calorie intake. I don't want to sound like an ad for it though but like I said I'm very visual and last month when I stalled i got depress and hot the chex mix, needless to say they didn't help. I've looked at other calorie counters and this one seems to have a much bigger list of foods. Heres a link that shows you a person who ate more than they burned, which is ok they just need to make it up in the next couple of days. Oh and the price she mentioned isn't the sale price that they have now....Hope this helped answer http://opensourcediet.com/22/i-bought-the-bodybugg-intelligent-calorie-management-system/
  5. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Thanks Amy Ya definately try to get those vitamins in I have really long hair and the protein supplements I do are a major help at 43 grams a day but I increased it to 1 1/2 vials a day spread out so that I have the best chance of keeping every gram. Seeing how they pushed the vitamins this week as well as added more its kind of made me remember to take the evening one better. Theres a thread on here about the bugg its full of info, it was one of the reasons I decided to get it. Definately keeps me more honest and accountable
  6. Saundra

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Thanks Amy When I went for my fill I had lost 18 lbs and after the Dr found out I'd basically been living on slider foods he fussed at me lol and said I was eating around the band. So now even if its something that I normally have trouble with ike dry chicken he wants me to eat it any ways. He said even if its 2 bites and stop....he explained how with the supplements I'm on and all I am getting what I need. DH just gave me my first B 12 shot a few minutes ago, they added caltrate plus D and told me I can switched to an adult vitamin when I run out of my chewables....I still have 3 unopened bottles of them. He felt pretty sure that if he gave me another fill I would be to tight, so with only 1 fill here I am....and I've lost another 3 lbs in 2 days YAY me....... Oh I got me a body bugg, even though my eyes need surgery I still am a very visual person. It takes awhile to get in sync n learn how to use all the bells n whistles but its so cool seeing claories burned, it is really helping me push myself Keep up all the great work everyone, hopefuly I'll keep getting the notifications of new posts now
  7. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I actually thought Sione looked smaller in his face.....hes supposedly a trainer now so I would think he'd have to be keeping the weight off to make any money at it. He stayed in the back ground so I was thinking maybe he didn't want anyne to see how he really looked............I haven't given up on him yet, and the red team wife she has me sooooo curious.....I wish I lived near one of them and could see what they looked like at this point. Helen did look good ans shes already in an 8 she would have to be in a 4 or smaller for finale to have lost any where near enough though since she had less to loose.
  8. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Did he really finish when others carried the weight for him? Grrrrr just once seeing him do it would of been nice. I was surprised at how arrogant he was on the scale what an easy week it had been. To think this jerk off represents is beyond me
  9. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    IMO Heba was only a wee bit better than Vicki heres a link where Ron n Mike know they are on camera last night then it shows what they didn't know, on the right are some other left out clips. Sorry about the 10 second commercial bonus scenes
  10. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Wow that was very informative I wish I was as informed as you are. Thanks so much for the info and correcting my misunderstanding. Now if I could just not retain so much I think I'd be happier with my scales lol
  11. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Now I need help with my menapausal mind LOL (I barely keep up with the plucking and waxing as it is) didn't we vote last season? I keep thinking I voted my fingers off so Vicki wouldn't win it........sorry and I assum4e its an age thing since a few years ago I would get irritated with people who couldn't remember what I considered easy things. Wait I remember we voted for or against the husband and wife, he pleaded for her and we put him in the finale and she won the 100k at home prize, shey were tight with Vicki.......am I remembering right?
  12. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Mikey was first to let go and Ron was second to let go in the up in the air thingy
  13. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Yea he made in to second from last this time Does that mean I should figure out how to grow a beard
  14. Saundra

    am off the rails again.

    I would love to know the name of the book. Seems like I do better when I can read about the ins and outs of something
  15. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Maybe not eating enough calories like when they taped what they atem her body might of freaked with the level of exercise she did and stored instead. I'm with you though I'd love to understand stand stillsm gains and loss so I could keep my loss more steady and a little faster I won't miss Kristin at all, I doubt they will get a chance to see brown under again but id they do I think they need to tell them good bye. I can't help it I still want Mike to grow a set and hearing him whisper I need to know its ok with you to vote for her, made me wonder if he has what it takes to help Max when he gets home.
  16. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    Mikes age showed when he said he thought he would win....wasn't the smartest move to brag or share self confidence like that at this point. If he falls below which I doubt he will I'd say he is history My DH says I shouldn't be shocke that the bedroom was bugged....Ron finally showed everyone his true colors hoping thee aren't to many Ron supporters out there but then again he never hid the fact he would do anything to make Mike the winner
  17. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I'm betting mom had WLS......oh and it happened to work obviously if she did
  18. Saundra

    Hello from WV

    I use the protein bullits to siplpement but I can't eat chicken or red meat....I HARE fish and have been eating snow crab legs twice a week at dinner thats the only thing I seem meat wise to be able to handle.....I really don't think I'm to tight.....I was reading the info from the hospital nurse and it says 2 ounces I thought I was suppose to be eating 4 ounces. I only had 3 months of nuytition and my 1st one quit ot got fired and the other one was kind enough to tell me at my 3rd visit she thought I was having gastric and knew nothing about lapband so I'm feeling a bit lost here now. I don't mind living on beans if it means I will loose....I know most say some version of Atkins but if I can't do meat that doesn't work to well for me and I can't afford crab legs every day......so confused
  19. Saundra

    Hello from WV

    wow I so did not realize everything I'm getting down is carbs.........shat hat shat this sucks and of course I am almost down making a 2lb bag of pintos that I had planned on living on the rest of the week
  20. Saundra

    Hello from WV

    The weird part is its the further out from my 1st fill that I feel this way. I have never been able to eat much but I can eat more slider foods like Beans but I stop at 4 ounces max....... I'm not big on carbs unles pintos are a carb and then if thats the case I just lied....guess I'll be readin the label from the trash I eat like 10 shredded wheat type things with soy for Breakfast.....have hard time no matter what I try in morning....lunch and dinner is beans ..... everything else tries to make me PB 2 bites amd I'm headed for the bathroom but I don't feel restriction anymore so its really messing with my head now....if I felt tight it would be differant I can drink in gulps to the point I take hiccups in stride. I don't know if I should lower my intake but I do know 2 bites doesn't keep me full long enough and if I understand the band right fills help with that.......not pretending to understand though trust me....everytime I think I have it figured out it changes on me I swear it has a mind of its own
  21. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I think it was Kristin who did the most recent milk one with Jillian, the look on Kristins face was like ughhhhh wasn't sure if she hated the taste or was thinking calories. If nothing else I would think they'd have them drinking soy milk or something with less calories.
  22. Saundra

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth All the sudden I'm having trouble with all chicken all red meats no matter how tender they are. I don't understand why suddenly all the PB from foods that were usually ok. Seems like my list of no nos is bigger than my list of yes's. Right now I'm living on beans to get the protein in and not PB. My weight loss stalled 2 weeks after my first fill. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I have restriction but I read on here where people eat 2 ounces and I don't have that I have like4-5 something like that when it comes to the beans. I know they are a slider food but they do stay with me longre than I expected and I'm not having to eat extra so totally clueless at the moment........
  23. Saundra

    Anyone from WV???

    Hey Jimbo You must be starving and so excited right now. I remember the count down real well. Honestly I had second thought but mostly because I hate being put to sleep, all went well obvioussly. Right now I'm stuck and its so frustrating I cam out swinging the weight seemed to just vanish it was crazy. When I hit 174 though everything changed...that was about 3 weeks after my first fill.....I've felt restriction since surgery, I eat very little and I make good choices (except when I had a pity party the other night and ate some chex mix). I've been waiting to get back in ever since. Dr Shin told me at my first fill that if I ever went a week without loss to call for a fill so I assumed it wouldn't be so hard to get in........I've been sitting on that number forever now and trying not to get discouraged is rough. I'm sure once I see him things will change and I won't leave without making another appt just in case LOL I can always cancel and make someone very happy. I do NOT regret being banded at all. The weight I've lost already has made a huge differance in my life. I am going through the what in the world can I eat phas now. My band doesn't seem to like a lot of things, hates meats no matter how tender but loves crab legs. Thankfully so do I. Remember if you have a lot of gas to walk walk walk and move your arms up over your head. I didn't expect it and was caught off guard, well I should say I thought it would go away in a few ummmm well anyways for me getting rid of it meant the body eventually absorbs. In a very unlady like comment I have noticed in the past month I've learne to burp....something that would of came in handy right after. I'm sharing negatives only because I really didn't a lot prior and looking back I think it would of been much smoother if I had. Stock up on what you'll be eating after surgery. I bought a case of chicken broth from Sams....between it, tea, my bullits and some stage 1 baby fruit I got by. Holler back at me......was that your tummy growling just now :thumbup::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  24. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    wow I can't imagine what that must be like I'm obsessing over being stuck for a month with no loss and knowing people are expecting me to be shedding......sounds like no matter how well you read the contract or whatever you sign before going on you have no way of knowing what your really in for. She still looks good but I totally understand weighing your worth :tt1:
  25. Saundra

    biggest loser - '09

    I've never seen anything about surgery but from the time we see them last on the ranch till they show the finale it sure looks like theres been some tummy be gones done. Not that I disapprove, if mine needs it I hope to have it done. I don't even want Ron in the finale much less cutting his "mppbs" off and having a shot at it all. Right now though they don't think of him as a threat though, so when they wise up and start sending threats home he'll probably be hanging arouns still, still having two votes and spouting off who needs to go

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
