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Posts posted by Soon2B2LittleE

  1. :) I'm so excited. I am schedule for my surgery on November 12th. I will be out of work for 2 weeks and I can't wait.

    Let me give you a little back ground information. I'm 41, BMI of 40.5 with no co-morbidities. I have been overweight since I was 10. Tried every diet out there including a doctor supervised liquid diet and nothing works.. or I should say it kinda works but I can't keep the weight off.

    I looked into getting banded last year but that is when I wanted to try one last ditch effort on my own. Hence the liquid diet. I lost 50 lbs but immediately started to gain it back. I'm sick of being overweight and unhealthy. I want to feel good... and I just don't right now. I feel like a beached whale! :blink:

    So I work at a hospital as a CNA on third shift, go to school for Respiratory Therapy and I'm also doing this. I have alot of my plate (no pun intended :thumbup:) I am going to be so happy to have my band done and I am looking forward to the new ME!

    Wish me luck.:)

    Congrats!!! I know how you feel. I had my consult yesterday and was approved all in the same day. My date is November 3rd. I too am looking forward to a new me. Good luck!!!!:thumbup:

  2. I'm just coming out of shock mode!!! I had my consult yesterday with my surgeon and submitted all of my paper work; 6-month supervised diet, 3-5 years medical records, etc. and was scheduled for my nutritional visit, psych eval, and EKG for today. I left the doctor’s office yesterday around 1 and by 3:45, I received a call from the Bariatric Coordinator telling me that I had been approved and could schedule an appointment when I came in today!!!!!! All I could say was ok thanks---no screams, etc. Total SHOCK!!! It happened so fast, but the shock has run its course and now I’m ecstatic :thumbup:. I completed my pre-op visit with the nutritionist, my EKG, and psyc. eval today. My surgery is scheduled for November 3rd—I’m the first surgery of the day. My next steps are to schedule my pre-op class and pre-admission testing and I’m set to go.

  3. Good morning Erica! So at your seminar, what do they discuss? Is it hyped enough to convince any die hard person? I really need a hyped seminar to convince hubbie. . I'll know for sure if I get the surgery after tonight? ????:tongue2:

    Good Morning!! The seminar was ok. I have been doing a lot of research on the lapband for the past couple of years, so there wasn't much new information that was given besides this particular doctor's statistics. It was very informative though (surgeon was monotone:bored:). He compared the different types of WLS to each other and answered many questions and concerns of everyone that attended. The bariatric coordanitor was also there to answer questions about insurance, self-pay, etc. I was already convinced, but if I wasn't, I don't know about the hype part conviencing me, but the comparative information certainly did!!! Hope this helps and good luck tonight!!

  4. Morning Erikka! We have the same name, only spelled different! Congrats on getting your surgery date. . . yes, I agree with the previous posts, some of us are actually blessed to not have complications, we carry on about the silliest of things, but you stay upbeat. . . your a blessing to all of us. . .I'll keep you in my prayers and good luck on your post op diet! I go for my seminar tomorrow, then inital doctor appt on Oct 2 and after that we'll see what happens! Are you self pay or insurance?

    Hi Erikka & Erykah,

    I'm Erica:laugh:. Congrat's on your surgery date Erikka. Erykah, I went to my seminar on the 17th of this month and have my initial consult on October 1st. Good luck to you both.

  5. "I am a Health Insurance Broker and a fellow banster. If you have insurance questions I will try to help. Just know with so many carriers:eek: and many more plans:eek::biggrin: ( i.e. Individual, Small Group, Large Group, Riders, and Exclusions) I will not know what the specifics of your plan are, but I can help you to navigate the nightmarish rollercoaster that is insurance."


    I have BCBS of Alabama and started my 6 month supervised diet in January of this year (the end of January actually) and was going at the end of every month (about 30 to 31 days apart). At the end of June, my doctor was on vacation and the office was closed so my next appointment wasn't until the first week in July. My question is, will I have to start over since, technically, I missed the month of June, although I picked back up a few days later in July (my doctor considers this my next visit)? My other appointments resumed during the first week of each month there after (30 to 31 days apart). I am nervous because I don't want to start over or pick up from July; then that would be the second time I would have been set back because of dates. HELP:confused:

  6. Hi,

    I started my 6 month supervised diet in January of this year (the end of January actually) and was going at the end of every month (about 30 to 31 days apart). At the end of June, my doctor was on vacation so my next appointment wasn't until the first week in July. My question is, will I have to start over since, technically, I missed the month of June, although I picked back up a few days latter in July? My other appointments resumed during the first week of each month there after. I am nervous because I don't want to start over or pick up from July; then that would be the second time I would have been set back because of dates. HELP:confused:

  7. Hi,

    I started my 6 month supervised diet in January of this year (the end of January actually) and was going at the end of every month (about 30 to 31 days apart). At the end of June, my doctor was on vacation so my next appointment wasn't until the first week in July. My question is, will I have to start over since, technically, I missed the month of June, although I picked back up a few days latter in July? My other appointments resumed during the first week of each month there after. I am nervous because I don't want to start over or pick up from July; then that would be the second time I would have been set back because of dates. HELP:confused:

  8. you are so welcome honey. I know you will do fine and just keep on with Dr. McyIntyre on the weight loss documentation. he is a busy man but so easy to talk to. he may offer you some pilss and other stuff he has to lose weight but just let him know that you have your mind set on the lapband and that you were referred to him by me, Stacey. one of his x patients that had in done last November. he will remember me. tell him you want the same exact diet documented as mine. you will really like him. very sweet man. just very busy. oh, update on my surgeon. well it has been a few months since that first fill and let me tell you. after i posted on here. i called his boss and left a message. (the owner of the surgical center). i told in detail of our visit and etc. well, the next night, my surgeon called me from HIS CELL PHONE! he acted surprised that i called and complained to him. we talked for an hour. i told him straight up how he made me feel, i told him the rules of lap band that i learned, i told him that i was doing GREAT for someone with no fill and he had no right to make me feel the way he did. he said, well sometimes Stacey, i use tough love with my patients, i said, what, tough love? first off, Dr. blank, (i won't say his name) you don't know me well enough to love me. we are not freinds nor family. and if you think that harsh words telling me i am not doing good and that i will fail will help me to lose more weight, well you are as wrong as all the people who have been in the past cause i have heard harsh words before about my weight , been called names and teased for years but guess what? IT DIDN'T HELP ME TO LOSE WEIGHT. i told him he needed to invest in a differnet method and that i was surprised that others patients had not complained before. anyway, we talked things out and now he is as nice and helpful as ever. to bad i won't see him again cause i found a doctor in Prattville to take over fills. oh and soon2blittle. Dr. Mora in Prattville. i have heard great things about him and he will do your lapband surgery. well, sorry so long. just wanted to give an update.

    Thanks again swstacey1977. I made an appontment for Monday. I'm glad you finally talked to your surgeon as well as found someone who will do your fills that's closer. I may have to check Dr. Mora out. I'll keep you posted.:smile2:

  9. Hi soontobelittle. you asked me about a doctor who could help you with your six month diet. i have one who is in montgomery who helped me and he was wonderful. his name is Ashley McIntrye. his office is located in Montgomery and his office number is 334-279-8180. he did my six month diet and did not charge me anything but the cost of my co-pay. he has done it for others as well. he perfers the lap band over the gastric bypass. he knows how to document your diet so that the insurance company will accept it. mine was approved in two days and all you have to do is see him once a month to get weighed. ask him to document diet pills, just don't take them of if he gives you a prescription, ask him to document it but don't get them filled. that is what i did. hope this helps. good luck and i know things will work out for you. :biggrin:

    Thank you sooooooooooooooo much swstacey1977. I really appreciate it. I'll call tomorrow.:mellow:

  10. Wow! This is such an amazing site. There is such a treasure trove of valuable information put forth by the members. I look forward to losing (weight) and learning with my online support team.

    I weighed 397 lbs (6ft. tall) pre-surgery. I have yet to weigh, although I get my staples removed today and will likely have to step on the scale. Not sure of total loss but I feel great and my surgeon (Dr. Lee Schmitt) and his team at St. Vincent's were phenomenal. Thank you Veronica Patterson for inspiring me to adopt this healthy lifestyle alternative.

    If any newbies have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line. I am sure that I will be soliciting you lap band vets for support, recipes and eating tips.

    Good luck all and may God Bless!

    Hi Rolltide,

    I too reside in Montgomery and am looking for a PCP to supervise my 6 month diet. I thought I'd found one, but that was a negative. I'm not originally from Montgomery, but have been living here for 10 years with no PCP. Can you help?:smile2:


    Tuesday, October 21st, 2008, I'll be changing my lifestyle. YAY!!!!!

    Congradulations on your surgery date!! That's great news!! And thanks for the other info. I had my first appointment for what I thought was going to start my supervised diet, but I had the most horrible experience ever and to top it off, didn't even get a chance to see the doctor, just the rude nurse practitioner!! At any rate, I think I may do better with my OBGYN next month!! :smile2:

  12. Thanks thicknthin. Tomorrow is my first visit to my PCP for the supervised diet. I haven't been to a seminar yet, but plan on going to the one in November. What other tests, etc. did you have to do besided the supervised diet, if you don't mind me asking? Just anxious to get it done. Also, how was the seminar? I am, I guess, worried about doing the supervised diet and not having other things done within the 6 months so that I can be approved and get a date, versus completing the diet and then having to go through other tests, etc. and then get a date. I may be over reacting, but I can be OCD at times:)

  13. Hi Erikka,

    I'm Erica from Montgomery, Alabama. I too am too afraid of getting the bypass and just recently looked into the lap band. I'm also a single mother and want to do all of the things you mentioned and more with my son. I scheduled an appointment with my PCP for the 7th of Oct. and hope to begin my 6 month supervised diet and hopefully by this time next year I'll be banded too.



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