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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by newbegining2024

  1. newbegining2024

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    Believe it or not, I haven’t found any good fish and chips that can compare to what I had in UK. I feel like any fish and chips in UK is better than what I had in the U.S. and Canada. I just gave up trying to find one.
  2. newbegining2024

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    Oh maybe that’s a blessing in some way! But UK have the best fish and chips tho. In NYC there are too much temptation around me.
  3. newbegining2024

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    My food furneral wasn’t planned, but it’s happened to be my food furneral in the summer of 2023. I had a family member who was visiting in July and August 2024, and I took her to all my favorite restaurants and favorite food in NYC. NYC really do have soooo much options when it comes to great food. It was during restaurant week and I took advantage of it. I also had a few pool parties… I gained about 10 lbs. After that reflux became an issue and lead to my surgery. And since Oct 2023 I was in a diet till my surgery in Jan 2024. I would not say all the food I ate was unhealthy, but portion is what needs to be addressed. I believe in the future I can still have them, but in moderation. some pictures of what I ate.😅 BEWARE! FOOD PORN!
  4. I am 7 weeks post op revision to bypass and loss 20 lbs. I am currently in a stall for a week already. In April which is only a few weeks away, we have a family trip taking my young children to Disney World. It’s a 9 days trip where I will be away from home. I would like advises and Suggestions from all of you who went on trips post op. I feel like it might be hard for me to find something healthy when I am on this trip. Help
  5. You are right! I shouldn’t stop this negativity I’m giving myself. I’ve been trying so hard to eat what’s my nutrition handbook for the past 5 months. I guess that’s why I’m craving so much other food. I also suspect because I’m in a stall, my body is sending out signal to creat my head hunger. This is my 2nd stall post op and it’s getting harder to break. Changing habit is not easy and my previous life style is not healthy. I loooove food and I believe I am a good cook… I was scared that I will go back to how I eat previously. The root problem is that I need to change my habit and my food choice, and it’s hard. I failed at my first sleeve surgery, and got the bypass now, which it still make me feel horrible. The thoughts of failing again got the best of me. I should be happy I loss 43lbs, and 2 size down on my dress size!
  6. I am currently restricted to eat raw food, such as salad and crunchy fruit. No nuts yet. At about 3 months then I can try, but I would imagine still have to slowly add them to see how I tolerate. Which when I go to Disney I will be only about 2 and a half month. I can eat chicken and fish with no problem now. I did look at Disney app to see what they have available. Look like grill salmon is on the menu and I sure can eat some smoke turkey leg. My current stall is making my brain sending me signals to eat and making me crave for a lot of unhealthy food. I still still eating about 3oz protein 1oz veggie and 1 oz starch. But I gained 3lbs, I got to 229lbs and were so happy I’m in the 220 range which is before my pregnancy, but this morning I am now 232! I have head hunger all day long, and wants to eat so much. I broke down today and kinda cheated. I ate half a sandwich from Panera Bread… It was tuna sandwich, and some chips! I didn’t even feel sick from it and I am so scared… I am feeling so guilty and feel like such a failure.
  7. I agree here. I also had the reaction to the surgical glue. The incisions were red, swollen, warm to the touch and itchy. Best to discuss with doctor and have them take a look. My bruising were minimal tho. Doctor advise to hydrocortisone 1%, but it wasn’t helping much, then I tried mometasome after knowing it might work, but both not working well. The itch comes and goes for me and it took me 4 weeks for it to be gone.
  8. newbegining2024

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    I’m doing ok. I had revision and it’s definitely not the same as I expected. It’s slow weight loss but at least it’s going down. Body take longer to heal compared to before. Over all can’t complaint. Thanks for asking!
  9. newbegining2024

    Peanut Butter

    PB2 is great! That’s what I eat too if I want peanut butter. For those that don’t know this is a powder form of peanut butter. You get to adjust the consistency by how much water you add. It’s also reduced in fat and sugar.
  10. newbegining2024

    Peanut Butter

    PB2 is great! That’s what I eat too if I want peanut butter. For those that don’t know this is a powder form of peanut butter. You get to adjust the consistency by how much water you add. It’s also reduced in fat and sugar.
  11. newbegining2024

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    Glad your issue was resolved!
  12. After about 3 weeks post op, I am finally feeling better. So I am back to focusing on what I am eating and trying to break my stall. I have the stall at week 2, only really loss weight for 1 week after surgery when I was in the liquid stage. I want to ask all of you, how much proteins you eat a day? Before the surgery I was told to have 65-75 grams of protein a day, but when I follow up 1 week after surgery, my nutritionist told me to drink 2 bottle or protein shake a day. That’s already 60 grams! However I followed what he told me for a week. With the 2 bottle of shakes, my protein intake is over 100grams a day. When week 2 ended I didn’t loss any weight, but gained 2lbs…I feel like I took too much protein so when week 3 started I stop drinking 2 bottles of shakes and only drink 1. I can eat 40-50 grams of protein on my own right now. With the shake I am ranging from 70-85 grams a day. I like salmon, tuna and other type of fish and it gives me good amount of protein. Now after a few days of doing that. I finally loss that 2 lbs and back to my 1 week post op weight 241 lbs. do you think I am doing the right thing here not listening to what my nutritionist tell me?…he said I needed more protein to heal. 85 grams of protein is already 20 grams over what they told me to take initially tho. My liquid intake is 48oz a day now. This is hard because I literally can only sip very small sips. To finish a full bottle of water 500ml, it will take a 1 full hour, sometimes longer. With 3 meals a day, not drink 30 mins and 30 mins after, 48 oz of liquid is at my best. My eating schedule is 8am-5pm. 8am breakfast, 12pm lunch and 4:30pm dinner. Take me 30 mins to finish my meal. I feel like drinking water is like a full time job now. Surgery date 1/22 250lbs Post op 1/24 257lbs 1/31 follow up visit and started 2 shakes a day 241lbs 2/5 243lbs I stop drinking the 2 shakes 2/9 241lbs So after almost 3 weeks I loss about 9 lbs, and it was only during the first week when I was eating! Now I am feeling better I want to continue with the loss and not gain weight. Any input would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  13. newbegining2024

    How much protein is too much?

    I don’t personal buy it on bariatric pal, but might look into it. Before my surgery I bought some protein soup and protein pudding on Amazon. I picked the one that is bariatric friendly like low in carb, and low in sugar. The protein pudding I tried the variety pack first, but the 0 sugar one didn’t taste to my liking and I bought the one I like that have 2garm of sugar in it. The soup and pudding have extra 12-15 gram of protein. I only use it when my meals does not meet my protein requirements and it can give me a boost, or I use it when I am craving dessert. It does help a lot for me. But I had only used 2 time after surgery. I used it more when I was in my pre ob liquid diet.
  14. newbegining2024

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    @RonHall908 how are your incisions healing? Just want to let you know my bulge incisions smooth out, doctor explained to me it was the internal stitch knots making the incision seem bulged. After the body absorbed the stitches most of the time it will smooth out. I still have some area where I can feel the knots just right underneath my skin. Actually one of the stitch came out on the edge my the incision and I have to use a tweezer to take it out. Over all my incisions are not bulge anymore.
  15. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    That makes so much sense! I kept comparing to other people’s weight loss per week and I am along myself down. But with their percentage calculation it is a much better way!
  16. newbegining2024

    How much protein is too much?

    Every programs and doctors are very different. I seen some one on this forum can only have 2 oz on our stage as well. May depend on the person too.
  17. newbegining2024

    Food Before and After Photos

    It’s my week 5 now and I can add some toast and crackers in my diet. Which mean I can eat left over from my family. Lol I always rework my left over. Today morning I made salmon omelet with left over salmon and added low fat cheese. I should have added some onion as well. For lunch made chicken salad with left over rotisserie chicken as well. For dinner I made it fresh. 93/7 Ground beef with onion, and some cracker. make sure I cook my onion very well and I can tolerate it. I should add more veggies on my diet. Need to go food shopping soon.
  18. So happy for you! Wohoo you will reach your 13 more lbs in no time! I am doing ok myself, finally not in my week 3 stall. I’m in the last day of week 4 and loss 15 lbs post op. From 250-235. 85 more lbs to go!
  19. newbegining2024

    Food Before and After Photos

    I made silky edamame soup today, but added chicken breast for extra protein. It was like one of the fancy restaurant soup! If you are interested, Google the name of the soup and try it out. I didn’t have much ingredients at home, I only used sesame oil, edamame, shallots, chicken broth, chicken breast and sour cream. Turn out great. I have the small bowl in the pictures, the bigger one is for my family. They enjoyed it also. Some of the restaurants I been to add bacon bite on the bottom of the soup. And maybe I will do that for my family next time.
  20. newbegining2024

    Post Op Blood Work

    I am at the end of week 3 post op, and I had my bloodwork done 1 week again from primary care for other reason. However because he knew I had surgery done, he order to check vitamins and urinalysis. I don’t know if I am freaking out? But it has more red in the result than before the surgery. Hope to see if anyone of you had testing done post op and maybe can explain a little bit before I get a call from my doctor. It show I have too much B12, then there is protein in my urine, and bilirubin is high. I hope my liver is ok! Maybe all this is normal after surgery.
  21. newbegining2024

    Post Op Blood Work

    I am taking B12 sublingual 1000mg once a day. Could be the diet I eat have additional B12 in it. My Bariatric team did say I can take B12 every other day and see how it turn out. Because I just have surgery done, I won’t test it , maybe after the 3 month post op I will test taking it every other day and see how the result comes out. Ever since I am young I do feel like my body absorb more nutrient than everyone else. I have no science to back it up tho. It is in my gene that my family member are in plus size, maybe that’s a factor that effect it.
  22. newbegining2024

    Post Op Blood Work

    Thanks everyone for the messages! Hopefully someone will find message when they run into the same situation and help ease their mind as well. I did get a call today from my doctor. They also said they like my B12 to be over 1000. If I don’t feel well because of it I can take my B12 3-4 times a week. They assure me everything else that is showing red is fine, because of surgery and my body is recovering. My wounds are still healing etc…That’s why they don’t do blood work till 3 months after. It just so I needed blood work done for other reasons and it freaked me out.
  23. newbegining2024

    Is this a stall?

    It will break soon! I had my stall at week 2 and the stall lasted 2 weeks for me. The stall stopped at the last day of week 3 and I’m on week 4 now. It shall pass very soon, hang in there.
  24. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I have my revision sleeve to RNY as well on 1/22 and took me full 3 weeks to feel better. How are you feeling now? I loss 8.5/9 lbs after 1 week of surgery, week 2 and 3 I hit the plateau. Finally broke the plateau yesterday. So starting my week 4 and loss addition 1.5 lb. Total of 10 lbs or so.
  25. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I went out food shopping too about 8 days after surgery and let me tell you… I felt dizzy and everything was spinning around me. I went and sit in the car too. When I told my doctor, she screamed at me for going out. I had a revision RNY which is a major surgery. I didn’t expect it to have that effect with me. I finally feel better after full 3 weeks. I am glad I took 3 weeks off from work. From time to time I still feel dizzy. I think I need more liquid intake. How are you feeling now?

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