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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Bypass2Freedom

  1. Bypass2Freedom

    Goal Weight

    So I am about 0.2lbs away from my goal weight, which I have always had in mind as my "1st goal weight". Kind of like, if I get there then that is amazing...I didn't 100% believe I could ever get here if that makes sense 🤣 My question to others is: did you have a "secret/second goal weight" in mind? And if so, did it vary much from your 1st one? I want (for some inexplicable reason) my BMI to be in a 'healthy' range, which requires another loss of about 2 stone, which I think part of me wants to go for. Overall though, I am feeling happy - not just because of a number on the scale!
  2. I have been getting tattooed since I was 18 (so for 10 years now!), and I consider myself to be decently covered, but I have only had 1 tattoo since having surgery and it was so much more painful! My prep pre-surgery for a tattoo would be coming into the session armed with sugary snacks, but of course I can't do that now. I have a whole chest piece booked in for April, and I was wondering if anyone has any tips for preparing for a tattoo in a bariatric friendly way?
  3. Bypass2Freedom

    Gastric bypass February 2025

    Just to echo what @Arabesque has said really - little and often with drinking water! Don't be too worried if you aren't meeting your water/protein goals early on, your body is recovering and it will take a while to get used to it all! Just take it slow and within your comfortabilities, and you will get there No need to put any pressure on yourself this early on. Pain meds are something you should have been sent home with as stated above, just see how you go and if you ned them. I was sent home with co-codamol and I didn't need it in the end, but everyone is different! Remember to just try and get up every now and then and take a little walk around the house if you can, just to help with the gas pain. Best of luck ❤️
  4. Prior to weight loss surgery, I could barely walk 5 minutes without stopping from the pain. I think the last time I actually tried jogging was with my mum when I was about 17, so like 11 years ago! And back then it was this Couch to 5k app so you would walk for a few mins, and then jog for 30 seconds and boy did that almost kill me off! Anyway, I was in the gym today on my lunch break, and I always do 20 mins of cardio on the treadmill after my weights workout. I do 5 minutes at a 12 incline, and then lower it by 4 every 5 mins, and increase the speed (hopefully that makes sense). So during the last 5 mins of cardio, the gym was empty, not a soul apart from me, so I decided to do something I was too scared to do with others there. I put the speed up so that I was jogging...full-blown jogging. At first I just expected my lungs to give out like they would previously, but they didn't...I was breathing fine, I was not in pain, and I realised I can do this! I did the last 5 minutes at that pace, and I left with only a little bit of a sweat on, and no pain in my legs or lungs. I just called my dad to tell him because I think this is perhaps the first time in this journey I have felt like I love my body, and I love what it is capable of. My NSV, that I didn't even know was on my NSV list ❤️
  5. Bypass2Freedom


    I did my 2nd LBT class yesterday and it was easier than last time which was good! Still too scared to try BodyAttack 🤣🤣
  6. Bypass2Freedom

    A Change is Coming...

    Can't wait to follow your journey!
  7. Anyone else treat themselves recently?!
  8. Bypass2Freedom

    12 months post-op gastric sleeve

    Congratulations! Looking fabulous!
  9. As some of you may know, I have been trying to go to classes and upping my exercise in general. I did an LBT class on Monday, and yesterday I decided to do a BodyBalance class. It was harder than expected - I am definitely not flexible 🤣 I also found that as it was my first time ever doing yoga-type exercises, it was taking me a while to figure out what to do! It was good though, at the end of the 45 minutes my body felt relaxed and I could feel that a lot of tension had left me. The final piece the instructor did was a relaxation, where we all just lie down and she turns off the light, and there is nice calm music on, and you just relax your body...and I just started crying! I have no idea why this happened, but I felt like a right muppet 🤣 I might go back, I just need to prepare myself for that end bit haha. Anyone else experienced something like this?
  10. I admittedly switched to protein water! I find that the shakes are just odd tasting 🤣🤣 As others have said, they aren't really necessary unless you are struggling to hit your protein goals (which happens!). I mostly only drink my protein water when I am working out, or if I have forgotten breakfast (which unfortunately happens more than I care to admit).
  11. Bypass2Freedom

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    I think so long as you have a handle on how you may react if those scales don't budge or go up, then it is entirely up to you how and when you weigh yourself. I am in the same boat as you in terms of ADHD brain telling me I need to weigh everyday, but it is having quite a negative effect on me at present! The scales just haven't moved (apart from up 2lbs and then back down those same 2lbs) for about 1.5 weeks now. My surgeon hates scales, and has told me just to throw them out as the number is unimportant 🤣 I am actually trying to get my partner to hide them from me so I only weigh myself 1-2 times a month...lets hope that works!
  12. Bypass2Freedom


    Thank you so much for your lovely message ❤️ Really amazing to hear about your journey too - so happy you have found your passion for it! I actually did a LBT class on Monday (am still aching), and I have also signed up for a Body Pump class - my colleague keeps trying to convince me to come to BodyAttack but it sounds terrifying and I worry I won't keep up!
  13. Bypass2Freedom


    So I went to the gym again at lunch time today, and it is my cardio day. 40 mins on the treadmill, and I decided to try jogging again, managed about 15/18 minutes in total at a faster pace today!
  14. Bypass2Freedom

    One Year Difference!

    Absolutely amazing! Congratulations on your progress & happy birthday!! xxx
  15. Just to echo what @SpartanMaker has said in developing a habit - I only started going to the gym a few months back, after pressuring and guilting myself into not going to the gym since the start of my weight loss journey. I just started with going once a week, doing a short full-body workout, and then from there I sort of just fell into it once I realised my body was capable, and I wasn't in pain with it! I think my brain was putting it off so much because I was relating it back to my experiences with exercise when I was 100+ lbs heavier! Needless to say, it was painful and I hated it. Just take baby steps, and find what works for you, even just a short walk to clear your head (which may help with the mental health too), and go from there. Wishing you all the best ❤️ You have smashed it so far, you will smash this too!
  16. Bypass2Freedom


    I love this! Seems like that whim took you far, and even better is that it was to places that your previous self wouldn't have even imagined you could do. Really proud of you.
  17. Bypass2Freedom

    Ladies ONLY‼️‼️‼️

    As someone who also has PCOS, my periods have never been normal (maybe 3 a year!), but since having the surgery they've been regular - like every month, pretty much the same time - which was a shock!
  18. Bypass2Freedom


    Thank you for sharing your experience! What a journey that has been! And to be honest, you would need to be eating more to balance out the amount of calories you use when you exercise! Amazing achievement though - really inspiring. How did you find the Stairmaster? I really want to try it but I am terrified haha
  19. Bypass2Freedom


    @SpartanMaker Thank you for explaining that I think what I will do is similar to what I have done with my incline walking - I will introduce the jogging in the last 5 minutes of every cardio workout, and then gradually increase the incline/speed over a longer period of time, just to make sure I am going at a pace that my body can handle!
  20. Bypass2Freedom


    @SpartanMaker what an amazing journey! I actually loved reading all of that! I can completely understand you wanting to keep pushing with your fitness for the future-you! That is something that definitely weighs heavy on my mind! I really love the idea of you being a personal trainer with your background - it would give you these approachable edge that I feel some other PT's lack. Also if you offered online training that would be even better!
  21. Bypass2Freedom


    Thank you lovely!
  22. Bypass2Freedom


    Thank you so much!! It's such an insane feeling!! Even when I was at my lightest when I was 20, I didn't feel this capable! I genuinely never thought I'd enjoy running 😂 but I'm gonna add that last 5 minutes of my cardio to be a jog each time now! And I've signed up for actual classes at the gym too just to see how I can progress! How have you progressed with the running bug? What do you do? Such an inspiration! I keep reminding myself of that and I think at the moment exercising is the only hobby I have, and I'm okay with that 😂
  23. Bypass2Freedom


    Thank you!!!
  24. Bypass2Freedom

    One-derland! Finally

  25. The time has come in my journey where I have had a little weight gain - about 3lbs in 10 days. I know it is to be expected it is just a little frustrating! For reference, my typical day of eating includes some protein porridge for breakfast, a sandwich or a salad with some chicken/avocado for lunch, some soy marinated boiled eggs as a snack, and then for dinner is usually some form of meat for protein, some veg and some carbs (I'll eat the veg/protein first). I try to aim for 2.5L of water a day - usually manage anywhere from 1.5-2L if I am honest! I do drink tea & coffee, and I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, mostly doing a range of weight training, and also 20-30 mins of cardio: my go to cardio at the moment is on the treadmill, on a 12 incline, speed at 4.8-6 and walking for a set amount of time. ANYWAY - just feeling a little disheartened!!

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