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LAP-BAND Patients
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About amprice4

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  • Birthday 07/31/1982

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  1. Happy 31st Birthday amprice4!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday amprice4!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary amprice4!

  4. Great seeing someone fron AZ on here!

  5. amprice4

    Effectiveness of LapBand on men

    Yes the band works for men and there are a lot of guys on here to prove it. I myself am down over 140 in less than a year. Like Jack said above, if you follow the plan it will work.
  6. I can drink any kind of beer I like (I like a lot of them) and have no problems at all. This is one of those everyone is different types of things. My suggestion is if it's ok with your surgeon then just give it a shot and see if you can drink it without any discomfort. Just dont be suprised if you are feeling a little tipsy after just a couple.
  7. I can't really say that cigna sucks but it did take a few months for my surgery to actually get approved. It's really not their fault though since the surgery centers that my surgeon used weren't in network. Once it was submitted to cigna with an in network hospital it only took 5 days to get the approval. I never had any issues with them paying once everything was done.
  8. amprice4

    When did you see the difference?

    I was almost as high as you when I started just less than a year ago. I also didn't notice the difference right away but the people around you will. When you look in the mirror you wont really be able to tell because its so gradual and you see yourself every day. Pictures are the way to go. Take some pictures of yourself every week then look back and compare. It's still shocking to me when I do a comparison because I still feel like I'm a lot bigger than I am but I guess the mind doesn't keep up with the body. here are my before and after just for reference
  9. amprice4

    A Man's Meal?

    I wouldn't stress out about it that much. I was told that 1/2 cup of food per meal is ideal but without full restriction your stomach can take more. I have felt some restriction from the start and have never had a fill. I can eat more that what is recommended but stop myself when I'm satisfied. If you stick to 1000 calories a day and exercise you will drop weight. If you think about it losing weight is a simple formula. Burn more than you take in and the weight will come off. Good luck with everything!
  10. Here is my latest picture. Down 135 right now
  11. amprice4

    Being john daily

    It's crazy how much doctors instructions differ. My surgeon said it was ok to have carbonated drinks as long as it doesn't bother you. I have a diet coke every now and then. I also drink beer occasionally.
  12. I had an overnight stay in the hospital and I had a driver to and from. I did however drive the same day I was discharged and had no problems with it. Just be sure you arent on any pain meds when you do attempt it.
  13. mine is right above the large incision. I wouldn't worry about where the port is, just let yourself heal. There is no need to stress out over it. The only people that really need to know where the port is at is the surgeon and or the fill doctor.
  14. amprice4

    Az bandsters

    I went through True Results and Dr. Nirmul for my surgery also! I'm about 9 months in and I'm doing great with no fills at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
