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About BlondePatriotInCDA

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    Junior Guru
  • Birthday April 18

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    Histologist - Pathology Laboratory Manager
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  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Dysgeusia? 1-year post-op and suddenly having problems

    Smells for me as well! Yeah...cigarette, fish and urine (maple is totally urine smell now) 😵 I had Hyperosmia before surgery and now its just so much worse. My husband says I could make millions working as a "nose" for compounding fragrances or the government ...sniffing for drugs or bombs! I even sniffed out a gas leak at work no one was able to detect..including the gas company employee, they brought in a detector and the employee said "wow" your sense of smell detected gas at a level usually only the detectors can find right up next to it. So, this is NOT a welcome change! I haven't had any major taste problems, I still find eggs nasty - but that's more a texture issue. I was hoping eggs would change for me. I also taste chemicals in things lol yours is lemon pudding, mine is ANY sugar free pudding. Lemon taste like Pledge furniture polish smells, chocolate pudding tastes like nothing but chemicals. I still like the things I did before unfortunately... and have absolutely no stomach reactions to anything I used to eat (I tested hoping I would).
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    New due

    Wow - you're looking gorgeous! Look at you looking all thin and healthy. I also like the length, it's very flattering to your facial structure! Congratulations on being soooo close to your goal!
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Premier or fairlife??

    Easy answer: Fairlife Core! I compared ingredients, taste (tastes exactly like milk ..chocolate milk or your choice) and credibility (Premier has/had a lawsuit over exaggerating their protein content) which helped me make my choice easier. Lastly, Fairlife is milk, not chemicals. My only complaint is Fairlife has high phthalates. I take this into consideration along with their product life cycle sustainable local farming practices and for now I over look the phthalates as they're in so many things in plastic containers. Eventually I'm hoping this will be corrected or I'll try and find something else. Just remember if you continue to drink Fairlife, it contains either 26 or 42grams of calcium.. If you go with the 42 grams..its almost an entire days calcium serving so take that into consideration when you start taking your daily supplements! FL is harder to find and more expensive as others have said, I have mine on subscribe and save on Amazon or if you keep it in your cart or saved cart you will see when the price drops and buy it then. Its cheaper this way. I've seen price fluctuations as much as $15..so shop around! I was drinking the 42grams which makes it soooo much easier to get your protein in but its also more expensive which is why I went with the 26grams. If you're having difficulty reaching your goal in the early stages, do as I did and start with the 42 then drop down to the 26! **My doctor gave me a great indicator of hypercalcemia (high blood calcium levels) to be aware of; if you flick your face and it twitches = too much Ca. Also, if you start getting eye twitches (tetany) cut back on Ca. Also, drink half each meal as our bodies can't absorb that much at once of both protein and calcium.
  4. True for most, but as I said I have two friends who didn't have bariatric surgery and have been able to maintain their GLP-1 weight loss. One for a year and a half and the other for 10 months both quit taking it. They said it can be tough but they maintain by eating right and getting their steps! So happy ending for them! There will always exceptions to the rules.
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Is my new stomach broken?!

    Gurgling stomach is completely normal before and after bariatric surgery! It doesn't mean hunger it means its digesting! I too never feel "full" and have never had the honeymoon phase of not being hungry. Just be aware you're this way and be vigilant in your eating and portions. We're all different, just stick to the plan you were given and have faith it will work!
  6. "They changed their eating habits while on the medication, but once they stopped, that all kind of went out the window because all the things the meds stopped came roaring back." This is the problem. If people who decide to utilize this medication tool don't maintain healthy smaller portions and eating habits they will put weight back on. They've never learned or failed to follow a new healthy life "diet". They need to learn healthy eating while on the GLP-1, unfortunately most don't and go back to their old eating habits prior to starting the medication regimen. As long as you know this and stick to better, smaller portions and maintain a healthy lifestyle gaining weight back shouldn't happen. I know two people who've done this and have maintained their weight loss! GLP-1's are nothing more than a tool and should be used accordingly by learning to eat to maintain the loss and how to understand the hunger when it comes back. I'm assured that it won't happen to me since I have learned to eat healthy and exercise - we shall see!
  7. Tired, sore and physically/mentally drained.. but happy you did it. It made me feel hopeful that finally I was going to be healthy. You can also expect to be over whelmed even if you've done your research..its a complete change in your routine; constant water sips, small healthy protein meal stages and preparing each meal for those stages...lots of adjustments to your new life. You've got this!
  8. My bariatric team and GP both suggested it when I hit a three month stall and was becoming discouraged and angry. I was prescribed Ozempic and it broke my stall the first week! I've lost 10lbs in one month so my stall is over. I stuck to my "diet" plan the entire time so some might just say it was nothing more than my stall finally ending, who knows? I receive the compounded version with B12 and its $120.00 a month without using my insurance (I didn't want to go through the hassle of pre authorization). So, its a possible option for you. I've had no side effects as of yet, I'm starting on my second month with a higher dose so I can't speak on the head cadence beat of the drum to EAT yet, perhaps its diminished a bit and my hunger has quieted. Your best bet is talk to your doctor they'll know what's best for you and it can't hurt to ask. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Odd presurgery diet

    I'd double and triple check and pose the question regarding the diet exactly how you did here...about food still being on board. I used to assist in surgeries and I've never heard of food past midnight (12 hours prior)! I wouldn't want to risk cancelling surgery due to crossed wires. Good luck on your surgery and welcome to the other side!
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Looking good! Keep up the great work!
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I love your kitty photo bombing!
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Holy ish! I’m .4 away from my official goal!

    Great job! Congratulations!
  13. I think most just want to compliment you on your great accomplishment and we can be too sensitive. What I mean is no matter what someone says (yes some don't think it through AND do say hurtful things) it can be kinda hurtful if you think about it to much; " Oh you've let weight, you look great!" - So what are you saying, I didn't before when I was fat!? "You lost a lot of weight in your face, you're beautiful! - Again, I wasn't before? Its a very difficult mine field for ppl to transverse - I just take the compliment and move on. "better yet learn to see a person for who they actually are and not even notice a persons size amongst other physical things (only in a perfect world I know)." - After all the work I've gone though to lose the weight, its nice to have it acknowledged. I'm not sure I'd be happy if they just kept talking after not having seen me in awhile and not at least mention my weight loss...but, to each their own, we're all different. I try my hardest to not read into what or how ppl say things, I just take it as hopefully a compliment, but if it's not, then the hurtful thing is on them - not me.
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Thank you! He's very supportive.. I'm a lucky woman. 😍
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Low Key freaking out...

    I was in the same spot you are up until last week. I stopped losing at 7 months, gained a few pounds and watched the same 2-3 pounds up and down for three months! Then, at 10.5 months lost 8 lbs in a week. I completely understand your frustration. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I continue to lose now. Its very frustrating! Have you gone to your dietician or surgeon and at least confirm all is well? I did and even talked to the clinic psychologist (I was becoming angry about it). Just know it will eventually break, I know hearing/reading this doesn't help like losing pounds does but... But you'll start losing again.

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