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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Hummus and what?

    Too many carbs and empty calories unfortunately.
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Am i overeating?

    Your meal looks perfect for your dietary needs. Well balanced, proportions look great! I completely understand your worry about stretching your new stomach though, afterall its how most of us became overweight (they do stretch out if you push the limits each time). Its why bariatric surgeons tell us to weigh and count calories to get us used to the visual of portion control so we don't risk stretching it out and being back to where we started. Stomachs are fairly elastic, we've probably all seen the videos of Bariatric surgeries where they remove huge stomach specimens - they didn't start out that large and our new stomachs still consist of the same Mucosal cells and muscles as it always has just reduced but with the same abilities to accommodate larger meals. Even before surgery its normally the size of a fist, but stretches out as much as 4-5 liters for food. So yes, it can still stretch out after Bariatric surgery! Keep up the great work and lucky you for having healthy options offered at work!
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Navigating Eating Out

    Exactly this. I commented to my dieticians when I asked about eating out and suggested that perhaps it would be beneficial if they're familiar with basic menu choices in the local restaurants, or that they get menus from the restaurants so they can go over them with their patients. They should educate their patients on good and bad choices or how to look for hidden calories etc., opposed to what mine do - showing me the same empty container of Fage yogurt, asking what I'm eating and suggesting celery for a crunch every single time I go in. After all, their job is to educate and guide patients, not make patients figure it out on their own and make every appointment redundant and pointless. I've asked about possible menu choices at restaurants to which they said they have no idea! You'd think it would be required knowledge to at least teach "real world" eating out situations. Most people don't ask their servers or research the menu choices or are aware there are off menu choices. Dietitians should have this knowledge, I know if I was a dietician I would. As far as meal prep, good for you if you're one of those people who do this, I personally detest cooking and doing a weeks worth may help with the next week..but it requires one long day of cooking to do it, which I don't have the time nor inclination to do, so eating out is what I do.
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Healthy food expense

  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Struggling with being perceived

    Perhaps just come out and ask " why do you feel the need to say hurtful things, and if you don't, perhaps consider how others might take it. You may be joking, but it still hurts." How else will Granny know she's hurting you? I used to be like you and always thinking others are laughing at me, or talking about my weight etc., but I've just gotten to where I don't care. I told my children when people say bad things about you: 1. Do these people matter to you? if not, then their comments don't matter either. If they do, talk to them because they DO matter to you and they should know they're hurting you with their careless words. If they matter to you then you and they deserve the benefit of talking about it or 2. People say bad things about others because they don't feel good about themselves. So they belittle others to feel better about themselves, they're just sad small people not worth your time or thoughts. Just the fact they do it makes it not worth your time! Your family and YOU deserve the time to talk about what bothers you, how else will they know, grow and learn?
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Struggling with being perceived

    I love the last line, yes you should have said that its a perfect response!
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    I'm so weak!!

    I completely understand, I was the same way until about a month ago (I'm at 6 months now) and all my labs came back great too (other than my white blood cells/lymphocytes being elevated)! I still struggle a few days a week; really tired, ache in general plus I'm weaker, like I have difficulty opening things that used to be easy, lifting things I used to be able to lift with no problems, is a problem now. Some people just bounce back slower I was told by my dietician and doctor who didn't seem overly concerned. My B12 was great as well... I wasn't getting as much water as I should, still don't but I'm trying. How is your water intake? Other than my water consumption everything was right as it should be, so yeah I feel you. Let us know how you're doing and if you figure it out! I never have..
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Healthy food expense

    Probably because the cost of gas, storage, transport, fertilizers, ..everything..etc..eventually has to be passed onto consumers.
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Healthy food expense

    I've noticed the economy and prices have been bad for 3 years, I'm not sure why you're just now noticing it...
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Healthy food expense

    Airfare and hotels: 36% and 31%, since April 2021 Gas is up 22% Electricity and piped gas are up 21% and 26%, respectively and if you pay rent; its up 20% in the last two years. Because of all the above the cost of food has gone up 20% since April 2021.Prices have increased year over year since 2021. No comment as to the "why" of it.
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I personally use the Baritastic app. It tracks your macros, exercise, bowel moments (if you need/want that) H2O ...etc. It also has a countdown from starting the program to your surgery to maintenance and beyond. It also has recipes for each stage and a vitamin tracker. 😃
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I personally added protein powder to everything that passed my lips the first four to six weeks! It doesn't have to be a lot, it adds up pretty quickly. I did this until I started on my Fair life elite core drinks (42grams)..just make sure to drink no more than half at each meal, anymore and our bodies can't process that much Protein in a short time (according to my surgeon and dietician).
  13. You look amazing and you can see the happiness you feel in your eyes! Congratulations on your major achievement!
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Questioning the Dr. How to word things.

    Very good advice. Open ended questions lead to better overall responses.
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    My regain story

    Thank you for sharing. The first step is usually the hardest - recognizing the wrong turns. You've done that, so congrats. Everyone going through these weight struggles is stronger than they believe they are. Sure quitting smoking can be tough - but smoking (despite what some might say 😋) isn't necessary for maintaining life, eating is. Its an ongoing daily battle to fight your mind and body programmed to eat to survive, yet everyone here, including yourself are fighting natural instincts. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just take another step, keep in mind where you went off your path and keep pushing. After all, its a struggle worth fighting - your health. You said "I am miserable. I am so depressed when I look at what I have let happen to myself" you're fighting a war against something far stronger than a human should have to fight - natures drive to survive, natures need to eat when you can in case of famine - its not an easy fight. Recognize this and be easy on yourself. Once you recognized there is a fight, fight back even if its one baby step at a time, its still a step in the right direction which you've done by contacting a bariatric surgeon and looking for a therapist. Be easy on yourself, you've got this - just stay in your fighters stance, put up your fists and tackle it! Good luck!
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Dry skin...

    Soaking in a tub can dehydrate your skin (I work in dermatology), it can remove natural skin oils. Adding oils - they float so don't penetrate as you soak. So if you're not allergic try making your soak an oatmeal soak. It dissolves and mixes with the water opposed to sitting on it and can help with dry skin. Baking soda can help as well can help detox and balance the skins pH when you add to essential oils and helps bond to the oils.
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone in CDA ?

    Thank you. I should point out, since I've had it pointed out in another post, that I can appear as uncaring by using humor. So, for anyone in CDA who might be considering my request be aware I tend to laugh and use laughter to deal with struggles - so be prepared! In other words I tend to be a smart arse, but a well intentioned one. 😋
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone in CDA ?

    I was just wondering if there is anyone in the CDA Idaho area who'd like to start walking the Centennial with me? I'm a fair weather walker..so fair warning! I'm currently in PT for hip abduction rehab so it won't be a marathon race, just general getting in shape thing!
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Buyers Remorse?

    You mistook my statement, I wasn't diminishing your experience, it pointed out the inner workings of the human brain and what we choose to highlight in situations. That you chose to see one aspect, the effect over the root cause. If there's one thing I've learned through all this is a sense of humor is: 1. Necessary to help persevere and maintain our resolve in this journey. 2. Subjective and can be taken wrong when not intentioned - in the future I will keep this in mind, but it is also how others do their sharing and should be understood and recognized as well. I'm sorry you were offended over my attempt to bring humor to something we ALL struggle with, but as you deal with your neurological divergences by sharing, I too have my neurological processes of managing difficult times - seeing myself in your post as I did relate it to my struggle since I've been there - humor. If we can't laugh at our difficulties then we are left with so few options and get bogged down in the minutia we call life. I accept your way of dealing with your neurological divergences by sharing and I applaud your recognizing it and managing it! Just keep in mind we all deal with things differently with our own way of sharing. Sometimes, other people in how they share may not be how you perceive as helpful, or meaningful, but I too was sharing in my way. I was trying to offer a new perspective as well as offer a possible way of handling it. I cared enough about your sharing and your struggle to comment and attempt to show there is humor another side of it. My post to your comment wasn't intended to belittle your experience, but to possibly expose it for more than the one perceived aspect, how you saw it. It is why people share, to hopefully bring relief and see other sides to the problem. Thank goodness we all handle things differently or this world would be boring. Again, I'm sorry you took mine as questioning or laughing at your neurological struggle it is how I handle my sharing (just look at my past posts) its how I choose to see life and hope it helps others to look away from always seeing the rough side of things and occasionally brings a smile in difficult times. I try to not take life as a constant struggle even though it has been for me, believe me more than most people should have to deal with in a lifetime so I laugh opposed to cry. I truly wish you well and hope your struggles on your journey can at times make you smile knowing you made it through not only in one piece but you made it through as a stronger more capable person. You will make it out to the other side.
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone in CDA ?

    The Centennial is a paved walk that goes along the Spokane river and Lake Coeur d'Alene and then some, its 60+ miles long: https://www.seattletimes.com/life/travel/want-to-bike-from-spokane-to-coeur-dalene-take-the-2-state-60-mile-centennial-trail/ We do have a "mall" but its failing so it would probably work for walking well! I hope you find a walking buddy! I just thought I'd be nice to have a bariatric walking buddy. 😁
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    50 and over crowd?

    "Otherwise my skin will waft in the breeze! 🤣" I am forever going to think of my post bariatric body as having sails...wafting in the breeze. I'll have to be careful in a strong wind storm unless I lower my rigging and trim my boom! 😂😋
  22. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What does "full" feel like to you?

    I spoke to my doctor yesterday about this, after my magnesium was checked and an EKG she said she thinks its not more blood needing to be used for digestion, otherwise you would have always felt the increase in heart beats especially so with a larger stomach having needed more blood and it beginning with onset after surgery. She's recommending a week long heart monitor, but thinks its directly related to bariatric surgery. She stated it could be due to the change in digestive tract possibly changing the stomachs location relative to the vagus nerves location coming into direct contact, but she's not positive hence the heart monitor. Let and me know if you're interested in the results and final DX. She did say she's never heard of a faster heart rate after eating unless a food sensitivity/allergy has started up after bariatric surgery.
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    How do you handle comments about your looks?

    I'm fairly anti-social and shy and as such I've learned people love to talk about themselves (normally) to the point they forget about involving me. Knowing this I just say thank you I'm working on eating healthier, but...you're looking good...how are you doing....what have you been up too etc., normally people will run with it and be more than glad to talk about themselves and take the spotlight off you.
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I'll give you some advise my husband gave me years ago (ask yourself these questions and you'll have your answer): "Do you know that I love you?" (Do you know your partner loves you) "Why would I say something to hurt someone I love? Remember, men are simple and stupid emotionally, we don't think things through when we say and do things, if you remember I love you and would never say anything to intentionally hurt you - attribute it to me being a stupid man." Whenever I use my woman emotions/think and get hurt by something he said, I remember "men are emotionally stupid." If you have doubts, ask your partner otherwise you're just guessing his intent. It never hurts for clarification, but it can hurt to not ask! P.S. my husband is actually very smart in his statement!
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Buyers Remorse?

    I find it funny that you had remorse about having the surgery, but not about all the activity following a surgery! 😉 I'm glad you're feeling better!

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