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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmberFL

  1. On 4/23/2024 at 12:35 PM, JerkyGirl said:

    Hello! My name is Christine. I am 23 years post-op and due to how long ago I had my surgery and all they have learned since.... there is so much I need to learn. I have to keep telling my doctors "I wasn't told that..." I am now in the process of losing weight to repair hernias from my initial full cut surgery. I had a Gastric Bypass/Roux en y, back in 2000 (before so much was known and so many products were available). I thought I was ready with the proper mindset to have the surgery and be successful. I lost 95 lbs., but hit a plateau and became very discouraged. Over the years I put the weight back on plus some. I am now retired and realizing I need to get this weight off, not only to fix the hernias but to improve my quality of life in my "Golden Years".

    Welcome! We are all on this journey together! We have a great group, ask questions and you will get answers :)

  2. 1 minute ago, Shanna NYC said:

    Oh that is absolutely normal and actually still a great loss streak!

    The weight loss path is not a straight path down. It will slow and even stall as your body is adjusting. Weight training can add to it, but honestly your body will adjust throughout. And yes the smaller you get, the slower it gets. I lost about 30lbs in the first month and a half (including the pre-op diet) and yet it's taken me nearly 4 months to lose 12lbs.

    You are still early on since surgery and have done fantastic. We started about the same weight. We are in this for life so keep doing what you're doing and let everything else speak for itself - the way you feel, take pictures and measurements. The scale is just one factor.

    Thank you so much! Girl you are soooo right!! The scale is ONE factor. Gotta take pictures. I am still working on the mental part of all this, I am tired of the yo-yo so I have been overthinking and over analyzing this entire journey

  3. 5 minutes ago, NickelChip said:

    From what I've been reading and a video from Dr. John Pilcher I recently watched, it's definitely normal. You usually lose the most in your first 3 months, around 1/2 the weight you're going to lose. After doing some poking around to clarify, it seems that number is calculated using your day of surgery weight. Between 3 and 6 months, you continue losing at 1-2 lbs a week, and this slows to maybe just a few pounds per month between 6 months and a year. So, let's say you lost 50lbs in the first 3 months, it's going to take you 9 months to lose the other 50lbs, but you most likely will lose it as long as you keep doing the right things.

    Okay! This is encouraging. So my stats (I love numbers) First 3months I lost 60lbs. I really only want to lose 35 more lbs so this should be very achievable by my Year Anniversary?

  4. Hi Me again!

    So I am noticing that I am losing 1.5-2lbs a week last couple of weeks, I had surgery 1/24 for Gastric Sleeve so I am 14 weeks post op. I have lost a lot of weight fast in the beginning so I am assuming that's why its slowing down? I am incorporating a lot of exercise now including weights so maybe that's why too? I am trying to get into the mind set that I am focusing on how I feel and not so much what the scale says.

    Just want to make sure this is normal?

    Weight when I entered the bariatric program: 297lbs

    Surgery Day Weight: 266lbs

    CW: 205lbs

    GW: 170lbs

  5. 19 hours ago, Spinoza said:

    Calculates me at 182 at 18 months. Which I would have been thrilled with. Even more thrilled to get lower but honestly I had not *that* much of a say in it. My body kind of decided. 🤩

    At my highest weight its tell me 188lbs at 18m but my pre-op weight its tell me its 179lbs. However in both scenarios I am weighing less than the 6months weight and I am 14weeks post op. So hey I call it a win!

  6. 55 minutes ago, Nepenthe44 said:

    I would be most concerned with whether you're hitting your Protein over the course of the day. You may need to focus extra on Protein if you're lifting. I wouldn't go for extra calories, but more of your macro split coming from protein. You're most likely to build muscle when you start weight lifting.

    I noticed that a lot of the recommended protein foods, especially during the early diet stages are actually pretty low in protein compared to calories and ended up focusing a lot more on Protein Drinks and lean meats rather than "normal" type eating that was suggested where I was filling up on mixed macro foods like Beans or dairy.

    On lifting days I am eating over 100g of protein. I typically hit 80g of protein with the exception of a weekend day (for some reason I don't eat a ton on the weekends) I havent been scared of Carbs since I am working out so much. My carbs do end up being around 60g, I eat fruit, veggies, Beans ect...

    what is a typical post workout meal for you?

  7. HI all!

    So I have been in a slight plateau, not losing a whole lot anymore. Staying pretty stagnant which is fine I knew this day would come. So I am taking advantage of this and starting to weight lift, light weights more reps with upper body since I don't want to bulk up but trim down, then heavier on my booty and legs to pump them up. Now I am STARVING! I don't think what I am eating is going to cut it anymore, not on days where I am lifting/ cardio. I have been doing pretty well staying 1000cal or under on days I just do cardio, which is nothing strenuous just 40-60min walk.

    anyone else have this issue? I am thinking that my protein/ Decaf cold brew drink in the morning is not enough, might need to add something or start eating more?

    Any input?

  8. 4 hours ago, NickelChip said:

    I'm almost 9 weeks post-op and trying to figure out if I'm on track. I started my 2 week diet at 239 and was 223 the day before surgery. Since surgery, I am down to 204. (So much slower since surgery!)

    Here's where it gets tricky. If my goal weight is 155 lbs and I use my starting weight from the day I began my 2 week diet, I had an 84lb weight loss goal and am currently at around 41% of excess weight lost. But if I use my day of surgery weight, I had a 68lb goal and am at only 28% lost. This feels like a big difference.

    I've seen some sources say count your weight loss during the immediate pre-op diet, and others say no, don't count it. Are there any actual rules, or is everyone just making this stuff up as they go?

    You lost 84lbs!! That's what you lost, period! I would start when you started the program. I started the program at 297, pre-op date 266 and CW 207. I have lost 90lbs, I'm with Tek, we count whatever we dang well please! :)

  9. 21 minutes ago, The Greater Fool said:

    It's your body, you can count whatever you d*** well please.

    You are on your own track. No one else has ever been on your track.

    If your medical team has an idea of "on track" then they are comparing your track to everyone else's tracks. That's their issue, not yours.

    Comparison sucks the joy from life.

    Good luck,



  10. 1 minute ago, BigZ said:

    I worked out of town all week, so every meal was at a restaurant. Even the sandwich place we went to, I just told them to keep the fries, and only give me veggies and the meat, no bread. I got strange looks, and it was discounted at all, but it works. I also had a birria taco, and just scraped out the meat/cheese, and left the tortilla. Grilled chicken at the steak place. Luckily I talked them out of a burger joint :D But if we would have gone, i would have got the burger, just no bun etc. I was still able to keep my calories under 1K per day!

    That is awesome!! In my household we do go out to eat quite a bit, its just alot going on and its easier lol so the other day we got Wing Stop and i ate 3 wings and carrots. It was PLENTY and delicious! with tacos I will only eat the insides too. What are your calories for the day at this point?

  11. 50 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    i started using soda Water with my vodka and/or gin when i found out that tonic water had as much (if not more!) calories than a regular coke.

    as for bubbly, i started drinking it (i.e., perrier) instead of plain water to meet my water goals around 3-4 months post op.

    the literature i received told me i shouldn't drink carbonated beverages, but i did anyway and when i told my NUT what i was doing she didn't have any objections since i experienced no adverse effects.

    personally i like how carbonated drinks make me burp, cuz sometimes i need a little help to release some gas.

    but that's just me. ymmv.

    I miss a good soda water lol My husband has a work party coming in June as they do one in June and December every year and its always at a Bar. Even though its a couple of months away I will be 6months post op but I want to pre-plan because I am a little psychotic LOL but I like the soda water and vodka. I can babysit that for awhile but will probably try a drink before I put myself into a social event so I see how I am effected

  12. 15 hours ago, Elizabeth21again said:


    I could have written your same entry 10 years ago. I lost 120 lbs with VGS. At six months post-op I resumed my weekend drinking. Mind you I could drink like a master before surgery. I had NO doubt I could handle it fine post-op. Aaaand that "worked" until it didn't. My body processed alcohol so differently post-op but I didn't realize it until too late. I wish I had remained alcohol free.

    I found this information below helpful. Best wishes.

    This is amazing. wow

  13. Thank you for posting! I have been wondering the same, however I was a daily drinker. Never drunk but after work I enjoyed 2-3 High Noons/ hard seltzers. I developed a high tolerance. On the weekend I would drink and party, Honestly I am scared to start up again. I haven't had any alcohol since September and I feel better, but I would be lying if I said that i don't miss it and haven't been tempted. Everyone's input has been really helpful!

  14. 6 minutes ago, Danpaul said:

    I've never heard of such a draconian measure. I drink coffee and it hasn't affected my weight. Of course its an 8oz cup with Monk Fruit sweetener and some cream not a high calorie specialty drink from a coffee shop. Also don't try to eat around your restriction. Since my 2017 surgery I still have a very good restriction. ( I thank the gastric sleeve god every day) Prior to surgery I lived to eat. After surgery I needed to learn to eat to live. It was very very difficult but I realized I'm not getting a second chance. Insurance will not pay for a redo and to be honest, what would I accomplish with a redo if I didn't learn to eat to live. food was my drug of choice as it is with many others on this site. We need to realize we don't have to love food but just like it a little bit to stay healthy.

    oh that one time was enough for me, I have never done that again and plan to never. that was the day that I realized my food addiction and realized that I did my sleeve for a reason and to get outta this habit. Now I eat till I am satisified and make sure to drink my Water plus some. I have been working my ass off and never want to go through being obese and how I felt before. As you said "this is my second chance at life"!

  15. HIYA!!

    So, I am 11 weeks out, and I did not realize how bad my poor relationship with food, until I started to get to week 6 and I was super stressed out and just wanted to eat a burrito. I knew in my head I couldn't, so I got a salad from chipotle figured surely I can eat AT LEAST half. I threw up after 1/4 because it just was wayyyy too much food. Then once I did that I felt so pissed that I couldn't eat because I wanted to and it "helped" with my stress. That's how I used to cope, I would shove my face before I got home so my husband and kids didn't know then I would eat dinner with them still. In the beginning about where you are at, I journaled and I walked a lot. I tried to keep myself busy. My program says no caffeine for life and honestly last week I started to make iced coffees with latte Premier Protein and black Decaf cold brew that I make at home. That has helped my energy A LOT! I have been a sloth up until maybe last week.

    This is allll so normal, speak to your dietician, try to distract yourself, remember your why. I have to remind myself that this surgery is not a cure all, the cravings will be there but this is an amazing tool. Its helping us become a healthier version of ourselves.

    You got this!!! and We are here for you and your journey!

  16. 1 hour ago, BigZ said:

    I tend to find the healthier option, however I have done a burger with no bun, no Condiments. I will ask to substitute out the fries for a vegetable. Most meals at a restaurant will be 3-4 meals, and I don't eat them all in the same day. It will be spread out over the week. One thing to remember, if it is a 2000 calorie meal and you eat it all the same day (spread out), it is still a 2000 calorie meal. Just be wary of how and what you eat. I am 7.5 months PO, 8 months since I started Pre-Op, and I am still losing pretty quickly. I still limit my carbs (no bread, no rice, etc). And if you do have something that isn't "healthy", just get back on the bandwagon, don't beat yourself up about it, and don't abuse it. It is ok (no matter what everyone says) if you have something that isn't perfectly healthy once in a while. Just remember we all had the surgery for a reason, don't back slide into the same mistakes you made before.

    so yesterday it was Easter and we celebrated my sons 2nd birthday. I found it very hard for some reason to not snack! I ended up having some chips dip. Very little and then because we made tacos, my hubs made fajita veggies, so I made a "chicken salad" with the veggies, chicken pico de gallo and cowboy cavier. I love baking so I made the cupcakes and did two kinds. So when it came to the cupcakes, I did have a bite of each. My stomach is not feeling good today. I didnt feel stuffed and I tracked everything but I feel icky and swollen. Like I had too much salt. So as you said- back on the bandwagon!

  17. 4 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    We eat out a lot since my partner works a very time intense job, we have no kids, and I'm still recovering from some serious health issues that cause a ton of fatigue. I generally aim for the same things at a restaurant that I would cook at home--healthy Proteins, lighter sauces/marinades, sides that are low carb veggies instead of starches, and I always tell the waiters no chips/no bread, because if it isn't even brought to the table, we can't eat it! Hahaha!

    I've found that a lot of places will work with you to modify what you are ordering if you let them know you have special dietary needs. At my favorite Breakfast place they make me a modified kids plate (one egg, one sausage, and fresh fruit) when I don't feel like having leftovers from a full size omelet. At my favorite pho place they replace the noodles with veggies. At Mexican places I tend to order fajitas with no tortillas, Beans, or rice (my stomach does not play nice with Beans or I would eat those!), or if I don't want leftovers, a side salad and steal some of my partner's Protein. Steakhouses are VERY easy as long as you tell them to keep the bread. Two veggie sides and a lean steak usually means several meals at home later! Our local taco place will make you any taco in a lettuce leaf, or in a bowl instead of a tortilla. Thai places almost always will hold the rice and give me extra veggies if I ask when I order a curry. Sashimi is an easy alternative to sushi that avoids rice and I just ask for a side of avocado so I can still have the tuna and avocado combination I love so much! Smoked chicken or pork from the bbq places is great for several meals and they always have green beans or collard greens. And there's a Peruvian chicken place close by whose chicken I like much better than the supermarket and they make salads with fresh vinaigrettes instead of cream dressings. If we are traveling we tend to eat at some sort of chain restaurant that has their nutritional info online so I can hit my macros without worrying too much.

    The best advice I can give for eating out is to try and get ahold of the menu ahead of time so you can find a few options without feeling rushed in the moment when the waitress wants your order. And ask for a to-go container when they bring your food so you can put away all but the portion you would usually eat. Dieters tend to do this anyway, but our dietician suggested it to a woman who goes out to eat daily for business meetings so she wouldn't feel self-conscious about having so much food left on her plate in front of clients. When you put away your food before you start eating, people tend to forget you did and you can still stash away any last bits if you don't want to leave them behind after you eat. ❤️

    These are great! I have been craving Pho something fierce! I will definitely try how you said. Thank you for all the suggestions! ❤️

  18. 14 hours ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I do what you do and it's been fine. I stay away from tortillas, breads, pastas, rice, potatoes. I eat little to no sugar whenever possible, but if something has some in it, I don't freak out as long as it's not a ridiculous amount. And I just adjust what I'm eating the rest of the day. I use a minimal amount of salt, but when I use it, I use Himalayan sea salt.

    Completely cutting everything out isn't realistic, so just use moderation, plan and adjust accordingly, and don't stress too much. I think if you're overall making good choices (and it sounds like you are based on what you're doing when you order take out) you'll be fine and you're good :)

    I’ll have to get himalayn salt, I’ve read it’s best. I have noticed that I have no desire to eat how I used to, as well as my family stopped commenting on how I’m eating.

    i love that you said “cutting everything out isn’t realistic, everything in moderations” you are so right! Thank you 😊

  19. 15 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Can you tolerate lettuce? Do you like salad? When I had my sleeve I did a lot of chick fila. Their salads are really good and they really measure things and post the nutrition information that is actually accurate not like places that do not measure and you really don’t have any idea how many calories you are getting. Plus the crunchy toppings are on the side so you can choose to leave off if need be and they have the exact calories listed on those as well. Early out to avoid spice I got the spicy southwest salad but I asked for plain chicken breast (no seasonings) and the market salad I would get without the blue cheese. Both of these I take home and take the toppings with just a little bit of lettuce and put into a plate because it’s way too much if not. When I dine in I just do my best to eat the toppings to get the nutrition and toss the lettuce. It is a good place to go with friends because they can get what they want and I can get eat on plan. Super early out you can ask for the grilled chicken breast by itself. Panara is another place with some healthy options. I usually get the kids meal because it’s a half salad which is more than enough and you get a yogurt you can save for later instead of bread or an apple. I have often wondered if they will let you pay to double the Protein though because the half salad is half the Protein which very well may be plenty. I’ve just never weighed it. Panara also has food that the rest of the family could enjoy.

    I forgot about Panera! I’ll have to try this! And yes I love salads, I do put the dressing on the side. So I want ranch dressing I’ll drizzle it on. Which is rare I tend to just use lite balsamic or something. The kids menu is a great idea!

  20. 4 hours ago, BlondePatriotInCDA said:

    Exactly this. I commented to my dieticians when I asked about eating out and suggested that perhaps it would be beneficial if they're familiar with basic menu choices in the local restaurants, or that they get menus from the restaurants so they can go over them with their patients. They should educate their patients on good and bad choices or how to look for hidden calories etc., opposed to what mine do - showing me the same empty container of Fage yogurt, asking what I'm eating and suggesting celery for a crunch every single time I go in. After all, their job is to educate and guide patients, not make patients figure it out on their own and make every appointment redundant and pointless.

    I've asked about possible menu choices at restaurants to which they said they have no idea! You'd think it would be required knowledge to at least teach "real world" eating out situations. Most people don't ask their servers or research the menu choices or are aware there are off menu choices. Dietitians should have this knowledge, I know if I was a dietician I would.

    As far as meal prep, good for you if you're one of those people who do this, I personally detest cooking and doing a weeks worth may help with the next week..but it requires one long day of cooking to do it, which I don't have the time nor inclination to do, so eating out is what I do.

    I HATE meal prepping yet I do it every weekend..reluctantly 😂

    I work full time, finishing my bachelors full time, 3 kids. Seriously cooking at the end of the day is the last thing I wanna do LOL i do have chicken in the freezer that I’ll air fry with some veggies. Make the family something easy that’s usually fattening. My dietician went MIA till the end of the year, I called my bariatric office and have yet to get a call back. So yay me 😮💨

  21. 7 hours ago, NickelChip said:

    This should be fine.

    It sounds like you're aware of the portion that is appropriate for you right now and making reasonable choices like leaving behind the bread. The biggest issues with restaurant foods are probably portion size and hidden calories/fat/sugar in sauces. Since you know this is part of your lifestyle to get takeout, and not something you're looking to change, I would say stay aware of the choices you make, as it will be easier to push it the further out you get.

    Beware of getting the fried chicken instead of grilled "just this one time" which becomes every time because it's tasty. Eating the bun because you have a little "extra room" instead of getting yourself a side salad to fill you up. Eating the million calorie sauce, which will go down way too easily, instead of substituting something healthier. If available, you might want to get the nutrition info for your favorite places to make sure what you think you are eating matches up to what you are actually eating.

    If you want to reduce eating out, consider doing some meal prep/batch cooking and freezing options for when you're not in the mood to cook.

    I am a huge meal prepper. I hate doing it but I do it every weekend. So I will have to look into maybe making a big batch of chili, or something that I like and freezing.

    The restaurants we go to I always check the nutritional value before ordering it and I track it. We are a main stream type of food family lol

    these are all great suggestions thank you!!

    I hate to sound vain but I am really enjoying the way I look and also the amount of energy I have, I do not want to mess this up. I feel like I got a restart on my life!

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