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Posts posted by AmberFL

  1. 11 minutes ago, FifiLux said:

    Once I was through all the phases and it was ok to eat 'normally' I started to allow myself a 1/4 of a Protein based pizza once a week as Friday's is my pizza night if I am not out out so I have gone from having an entire pizza and garlic bread to 1/4 (at most) of a pizza.

    I try to be good most of the time and even my little bits of 'boldness' are minor by my pre-op standards, in that I know I probably eat too many nuts at times but they are yummy and I am probably having a couple of squares of dark chocolate (good for the heart ;) ) a bit too often but they stop me feeling like I am being restricted. If I felt I was living too restrictively food wise I think I would just go back to bad habits again. I do try to avoid potatoes (a love of my life), Pasta and bread when at home but if out for a meal I may have a small amount, or take a few fries from a friends plate (with their permission :) )

    I didn't go through all of this to be miserable for the rest of my life so just have to know my own limits and make the best choices for myself.

    100% I am not going through this to be miserable, I did this to learn how to live "normally" with food. I like this!

  2. all good comments thank you! I am on plan 90% if not 95%. I do eat the alternatives but sometimes they aren't the option (such as this restaurant) and I wasn't sure If I was alone but it seems like everyone has a different perspective. My hubs even asked if it was okay that he could eat it another time without me or something (he has no weight problems).

    I am proud of myself that the meal didn't end up being going into an uphill battle to get back on track. I felt guilty eating them and felt like I messed up, but just continued the next day. I feel as though that mindset is getting me out of the "diet" mentality and allowing me to live this way forever.

  3. Just now, FifiLux said:

    Yummy. I was just back in Ireland at the weekend and found some mint chocolate ones so bought what the store had left (5 bars) and keep them for a special occasion.

    oh yummy!! I know for me these Protein Bars are good small meal for me to eat about an hour or so before I hit the gym. Its not heavy and gives me good energy for the hourish that I am there.

  4. 1 minute ago, NickelChip said:

    I guess I've been doing this all along, at least once I was allowed regular foods. I'll have a small serving of ice cream if I go to an ice cream place. I had a couple bites of cheesecake a while back. I'll have a square of dark chocolate a few times a week. I generally order chicken or fish, and not fried, with veggies at a restaurant, but I'll eat the sauces and not worry about it. I'll eat a couple fries off someone else's plate. That'a all I want is one or two.

    My program is fairly simple, 60-80g Protein and 64 oz Water are the only rules I was given, (no specific calorie or carb rules) with an added recommendation of aim for 3 meals a day, about 40% Protein per meal, and avoid snacking. Obviously, there is the list of good choices and not so good choices that we all know, like avoid oils and fried foods, and eat nutrient dense foods, etc. But I stopped keeping a written food journal every day because it isn't required of me, and for me, I don't want to live like I'm on a perpetual diet.

    Somewhere I heard the advice to follow a 90/10 rule. If 90% of what you eat is healthy, don't worry so much about the other 10%. That resonates with me. Also, I like the concept of a "planned indulgence" instead of a cheat meal. Cheating implies doing something wrong. Planning to indulge in something is deliberate and you're in control of it. For me, that fits my life.

    I LOVE THIS!!! I do not want to fee like I am on a perpetual diet either, I want that mind set just as yours. Thank you thank you!! ❤️

  5. 1 hour ago, FifiLux said:

    You can get Fulfil in the US? Wow that is great for a little Irish brand :). I love their salted caramel.

    I make my own but have Fulfil as my fallback, as in I always have a bar in my handbag for emergencies.

    They aren't easy to find! I happen to stumble across it when I was looking at the Protein Bars and it was 2 bars for $4 so I figured I would grab them with how little calories and carb high Protein. They only have the salted caramel and the Peanut Butter chocolate, I put them in the fridge and holy moly DELISH!

  6. So what I eat is ALWAYS on my mind. I meal prep every single week and have my weeks very calculated already pre-tracked and I stay within my calories. I workout 6days a week.

    But I am about 5 months post op and this weekend, hubs and I took the kids to Dave's Hot chicken, I ate the kale slaw and half a tender 4-5 fries. I felt so guilty! But at the same time it felt so good to eat with my family and it not be chicken and veggies while going out. I ate very small amount because I did not want to eat to restriction, but I was able to hang out with my family and not worry about food. Then that night we got Ice cream and I had 4 bites of hubbies delicious Cold Stone chocolate Ice cream, those 4 bites I was satisfied and didn't feel like crap. I still woke up drank my Protein coffee, did my work out and continued my normal diet.

    In a way, I am happy that it didn't turn into a binge like it would normally when I would previously diet, then again I feel like I halted my progress.

    Thanks for reading :)

  7. SO I am pretty early in my journey. I am about 5months post op and have about 11lbs to get to "goal" I may be okay where I am at. I did increase my calories by 100 to see if that would help things. I do weight lift and workout so I am starting to look on the side of "too thin" We will see what this week looks like I weigh in on Wednesday. Its the first week I increased them. I may go back down, but I have been consistently losing 3-6lbs a week so I was worried that I was withering away LOL

  8. 10 hours ago, LindsayT said:

    You're my new bestie! Thanks for all the recommendations. I do get tired of the same things. A favorite of mine I forgot to mention is, Dannon Greek Light and Fit Cherry with almonds (light or no salt) and chia seeds. I eat this a lot for lunch when I'm busy. Tonight I busted out an oldie - ants on a log: Celery with Peanut Butter and raisins 😋 Usually one stalk with something else is enough for a yummy snack.



    gotta love an oldie! that yogurt looks so good! Ill have to grab one to try.

  9. Ooooo that does look good! I am interested in that brownie yogurt- yummy!! I have found this Protein Bar called Fulfil OH. MY. GOSH! 150-160 CAL 5g fat, 15g carbs, 15g of Protein and 1g of sugar. They make a few of flavors. I put it in the fridge or freezer and its literally such a dessert it feels like I am cheating lol

    More Yumminess (probably way more than you want lol)

    "dessert/sweet treats"

    -100cal bag of Emerald Nuts and a Ghirardelli dark chocolate square

    -Chomps make these taco flavored beef sticks 100cal, 7g fat, 0g carbs, 10g protein that are really good

    - Quest makes Frosted Cookies either chocolate or birthday cake 90cal 7g fat 1g sugar 5g protein

    -Fage 0% Greek yogurt, w/ slivered almonds, fresh fruit and honey drizzle

    -Carb Smart Mini Bars 50cal

    -Echo Earth Cocao Bliss (this is very very good and filled with nutrients) [https://earthechofoods.com/products/cacao-bliss-pouch]: 1scoop, with 4-8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk topped with fat free whipped cream


    -Iced Coffee: Caffe Latte Premier Protein with Decaf cold brew

    -Egg cups: 2C of liquid egg white, spinach, plum tomatoes, pepper, top each with Sargento thin sliced cheese and 1 piece of turkey bacon

    -Just Bare Bites chicken tossed in 0cal Franks wing sauce

    -Cilantro Enchilada Crockpot chicken: Chicken breast, sliced onion, half a can of enchilada sauce then its cooked, shred it up and then add the cilantro I put it on top of cauliflower rice

    - Turkey Taco Salads- turkey, corn, black Beans, tomatoes, reduced fat cheese with spinach

    -Spaghetti with turkey or very lean ground beef and low sugar or sodium sauce, instead of Pasta, I use Pasta Zero, its in the tofu section

    Okay Im done lol! These just are my top that I have made and liked and are in my loop of food. :)

  10. So I finally reached out my bariatric team and they said my post op appts "slipped through the cracks", So instead of having a 3 and 6 month appt I am have one next week (at 5months ish) that will combine my 3 and 6 month post op appt. ANYWAYS to my point! I got my blood work and everything is normal range! my A1C even went down from 5.6 to 5.3 which is pretty groovy! Also my Iron is normal for the first time in my life!

    However my B12 is 1116 which from what I read optimal results are >500 for bariatric patients? So does that mean I am doubly good? My Vitamin D is at 119 and toxic levels are over 100. So my assumption is I could probably cut back on those Vitamins lol. I feel great! I am down to 185 as of last week. hair is still shedding but tis life.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk!

  11. 1 hour ago, JennyBeez said:

    Week 11 tomorrow, and I definitely notice more shedding now -- and all of a sudden, the ends of my hair seem to be getting drier and more brittle. I guess it's 'begun' 🙈

    ugh welcome to the club :(

  12. ME! I don't have physical disabilities but I do have 3 kids, a full time job and full time school (I'm on my last semester!) I only take Saturdays off. I feel like I have to do something if its not working out. Its silly. Yesterday I was going to take a rest day because I was at 11,500 steps without my workout just because I was cleaning, meal prepping and running errands. I ended up doing just a leg workout for 30min at 830p. I am glad I did it but man its tough some days!

    So no your not weird I feel guilty!

  13. 52 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Very true, but be careful not to bleach your hair. Ask your hairdresser how to color it without doing extra damage since your hair will already be a bit more sensitive than normal. But going lighter (not platinum blond or anything, just a little) could help some. It won't work miracles, but it could help a bit. I use volumizing products, which help, as well.

    I am not sure what she does, I know this will be the 3rd session for going blonder. I went super dark after I had my son because I couldn't do the upkeep then regretted it now going back to blond lol She refused to damage my hair. Which i appreciate I pay her a lot of money for nice hair LOL

  14. 42 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Ok, first of all, you're BEAUTIFUL!!! Just wanted to say that.

    Now, as far as already having layers, you're half way there then!!! Look at having medium layers with hair about 4 inches shorter than in this pic and you should be ok. Ask your hairdresser about ways to style it to minimize the look of your scalp showing through.

    omg thank you!! That is very kind of you to say ❤️

    Yes I was looking at cuts just above my shoulders then going a bit blonder. In my head I think that the blonder might mask the baldness if I get to that point lol!

  15. 11 minutes ago, ms.sss said:


    when my hair was long when it first started coming out, the weight of the hair still on my head pulled it down and actually made the whiteness of my scalp more prominent...make me look more bald! the pixie cut made it easier to fluff up the roots to camouflage my scalp a little more, looking less bald lol.

    and yeah, the shorter cut meant less shedded hair to clean up around the house which is always a good thing.

    p.s. you may be surprised oh how well you could rock a shorter cut with your slimmer face though....but i get it, there can be some low key trauma to see all that hair on the cutting room floor. but i've had a pixie 2 other times in my life so i had pre-trauma to get over it lol.

    okay I am dramatic and probably will cry when she snips it off. LOL Thank you for your words of wisdom as always!

  16. 4 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    oh the Hair loss blues.

    if its gonna happen its gonna happen.

    mine started dropping out at 3 months, i had CARPETS of hair all over the house.

    bit the bullet and cut it to a pixie cut cuz i got tired of vaccuming and snaking the shower drain of all that effing hair.

    at around 6-7 months post op i noticed little chicken hairs sticking straight up all over my head. by 2 years, all those little chicken hairs were the same length as the rest of my shoulder length hair. by 4 years, my hair was just as long as it was pre-wls AND it was thicker AND curlier (bonus!).

    i'll be 6 years post op in October and my hair is still long and lovely.

    here's a collage i made when i was 4 years post op to show the hair state progression. the last pic is of me 2 years ago, i'll see if i can post one of my hair today after i shower, if i don't get to lazy.

    did you feel like you needed a pixi cut due to the loss or was just over all the shedding? I will be honest I don't have your confidence to rock it! You look sooo good in each stage!!!

  17. 14 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    hiya! alot of us worried about rapid weight loss and getting too thin. more often than not it really becomes a non-issue. very very very rarely does someone lose too much weight to the point that it affects thier health. aesthetics though, may be a different story. you (or others) may believe you are too skinny, but your labs will likely say otherwise.

    you are taller and weighed less than me when we started. i too was "normal-sized" for the majority of my life. my weight gain was in my 30's, and early 40's (kids, family, work, mortgage, lol). went from 130-235 lbs.

    but at 5 months post op, we are both very close in weight loss PERCENTAGE WISE. you lost 66% of your body weight, i lost 65%.

    and i can tell you that i did not get dangerously thin, nor was my surgeon or primary care doc worried at any point during my weight loss (nor during maintenance). i DID think i got really skeletor-looking when i reached 127 lbs, BUT i was 118.4 lbs this morning (and over 5 years out now), and honestly, i think i have not looked better since i was a teenager (i was firmer as a teen vs now lololozzzz). stuff shifts around, and the same number will look totally different on you at different times of your life. regular exercise does WONDERS for your appearance (and well being).

    anyway, i know i can't really just TELL you to stop worrying and you will magically stop worrying. i worried for a month or so as well way back when i decided to enter maintenance. alot of us felt the same way. maybe we all need to just go THROUGH the worry to get OVER it.

    good luck! ❤️

    you always have so much wisdom ❤️

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