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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. AmberFL


    how has the week been?
  2. AmberFL


    oooo does it taste like an iced mocha?
  3. I am eating triple what you ate at this stage. Wowza! I must be doing something wrong. I am trying to cut back to 900cal. Typically is 1000 cal a day
  4. AmberFL

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I love Mexican food and deli sandwiches lol! So the week before my husband told me to choose foods that I wanted and the whole family would eat it. Then I ate chocolate, cake or sees candy. All the things!
  5. I have his Teriyaki sauce! Its so good! I will have to try the Turkey chili thank you!
  6. AmberFL

    Down Time

    I had the sleeve and work at a desk job, I took 3 weeks off and loved every single min! my hubby took the first week off and took the kids to school for me that week. I was so tired from barely eating and recovery. I "could've" gone back after 1 week but I enjoyed the time off, as I was paid for it anyways.
  7. NOt boring at all! I like structure! this week I haven't had that. I am making foods on the fly because its been busy this week. But I would like to try and cut back my calories somewhere. Idk where but I feel like I can cut it back somehwere lol I like your lunches! do you just make that in the crockpot?
  8. this sounds fanstastic!! I am eating around 1000-1100 calories. I cannot seem to cut anywhere without getting really fatigued and dizzy. I walk 5x a week nothing crazy a little bit of terrain but havent found time to work out outside of my lunch break yet. So I am accepting that I need those calories. I have been doing the same thing for dinner as you, eating what everyone eats just taking out the carb element. We both had similar starting stats. Do you remember what worked for you at this stage? How long did it take for you lose the weight? Stalls? Any advice would be amazing! I never in a million years can imagine myself at 140! I am in disbelief I am at 226!
  9. you eat cookies?! I havent let myself yet lol Its a slippery slope for me. Do you have a typical bread that you like to eat with your breakfast sandwiches.
  10. You and I have similar starting numbers, HW was 297 and when I started my journey I was 270 and am 5'9. What was your original weight loss goal? I am shooting for 190 but the way that I am losing weight I think I am going to surpass that. What was your typical day in your weight loss phase? How long did it take to get there? Right now I am eating about 1000 calories, 100g of protein, 50g of carbs, 25g of fat. I am not sure if I am eating too much, the scale says I am not but I also do not want to stretch out my stomach. When did you start HIIT? I miss it so much but right now I just walk 35-55min a day (I know odd it just depends how long I can squeeze time outta my lunch break lol) Sorry for all the questions LOL
  11. how do you make your oats? are they overnight? in a rice cooker? I am wanting to do something more simple for the weekends. Right now I am having a RXbar for bfast which is yummy! but I am starting to want oatmeal again lol
  12. I am still in the Weight loss phase, what type of granola do you eat? I am struggling to find that one that isnt extremely high in carbs. What is this PB chicken recipe?! Sounds amazing!
  13. AmberFL

    Are these okay?

    I am 7 weeks out and I would not eat that, its too many carbs. But the calories are good, each meal for me is around 150-200 cal. Morning usually being the most calories. That is just me.
  14. I am 7 weeks post op and have done well, I’m down 36lbs from surgery day. I stick to my calories, and protein. Carbs and fat go over some days. I walk 5days a week 35-50min a day. I meal prep and wait to drink 30min after my meals, but this weekend I just folded and I feel like I derailed my progress! I am really beating myself up right now. I had an event yesterday, there was nothing besides fruit that I “could” eat. Everything was vegan. I had a bite of each thing and took the rest home to my husband. I drank tea while eating, I felt so back into my old ways. So this morning I told myself I was going to just start fresh. It was a busy day, I had a banana for bfast, then for late lunch we went to a burger joint I got a grilled chicken patty with bacon, added veggies on top. I ate half of it about 2.5oz I suspect, then ate 2 fries and half of a small onion ring. I just feel so nauseated now and I feel like I was my old self getting back into old habits and indulging instead of stay strong. I just needed to confess my weekend.
  15. AmberFL

    Beating Myself Up

    When I woke up, I told myself today is a new day. Eat things that you know you like and wont make you feel yuck! so as you said "Starting a new day!"
  16. AmberFL

    Beating Myself Up

    I have finally felt better this morning after having my RXbar. Last night was awful. They were so good in my mouth when I was chewing them lol!
  17. AmberFL

    Beating Myself Up

    "Not a Diet" this has been the hardest mindset for me! I may need to see a therapist, because I keep telling myself "once I get to my goal, I can start indulging here and there, but till then I need to restrict myself" It is just a lot of trauma that has been resurfacing lately and when I ate those things so many thoughts started flooding back. Writing it out to you wonderful people is helping. I appreciate it! I am really pleased where I am at! I can do this!
  18. AmberFL


    I love this! you are so right! I definitely look better, I am going back blond, I wear cuter clothes, cuter/sexier undergarments, I walk around nekked now instead of changing in the bathroom. You are right! I definitely just need to embrace this change!
  19. AmberFL

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I went with the sleeve. There are more restrictions with the bypass than the sleeve, so I asked My doc what he thought and he suggested the sleeve. I have been doing great thus far with it.
  20. Quest protein chips are awesome! easy on the go and have 10-20g of protein per bag, protein shakes and protein bars. When you go to the restaurant just eat something grilled and deconstruct the meal. Protein first, veggies then if you have a room a little bit of carbs. You will be walking anywhere from 7-10miles a day! This might be an unpopular opinion but your at Disney! Enjoy it! if your group is eating churros or any of the other yummy things then ask for a bite, you don't need to indulge in the entire churro but in real life we should be able to enjoy everything in moderation. My hubby and I are going to sneak away to a kid-free Disney trip in a couple of months and he loves all the foods, I plan on being able to enjoy bites licks and tastes. I don't go to Disneyland everyday and eat like that like that everyday. I think one of the things I am most excited about is going on every ride and not panicking if I will fit!
  21. AmberFL


    Fairlife! it tastes like Chocolate milk, even my 2yr old will want to drink it lol
  22. I am not open about my surgery. Very few choice people know that I have gotten done. When they ask how I lost weight I say, I am sticking to a lower carb diet, cut out alcohol and am walking for 30min 5x a week. This is all true so technically I am not lying lol If they ask why I have lost so much, I just tell them well because my family all have health issues so I want to take control before that happens to me. Usually works. I get compliments and when people ask "Have you lost weight?" I just smile and say ya a little. I just make it light and don't make a big deal about it. This is my journey no one elses.
  23. Pressure in my esophagus and I get hiccups lol
  24. Anyone have a good high protein recipe? Or do you all stay clear?

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