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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. AmberFL

    The unspoken rule

    Thank you for posting! I have been wondering the same, however I was a daily drinker. Never drunk but after work I enjoyed 2-3 High Noons/ hard seltzers. I developed a high tolerance. On the weekend I would drink and party, Honestly I am scared to start up again. I haven't had any alcohol since September and I feel better, but I would be lying if I said that i don't miss it and haven't been tempted. Everyone's input has been really helpful!
  2. AmberFL

    Did you cheat too?

    oh that one time was enough for me, I have never done that again and plan to never. that was the day that I realized my food addiction and realized that I did my sleeve for a reason and to get outta this habit. Now I eat till I am satisified and make sure to drink my water plus some. I have been working my ass off and never want to go through being obese and how I felt before. As you said "this is my second chance at life"!
  3. AmberFL

    Did you cheat too?

    HIYA!! So, I am 11 weeks out, and I did not realize how bad my poor relationship with food, until I started to get to week 6 and I was super stressed out and just wanted to eat a burrito. I knew in my head I couldn't, so I got a salad from chipotle figured surely I can eat AT LEAST half. I threw up after 1/4 because it just was wayyyy too much food. Then once I did that I felt so pissed that I couldn't eat because I wanted to and it "helped" with my stress. That's how I used to cope, I would shove my face before I got home so my husband and kids didn't know then I would eat dinner with them still. In the beginning about where you are at, I journaled and I walked a lot. I tried to keep myself busy. My program says no caffeine for life and honestly last week I started to make iced coffees with latte premier protein and black decaf cold brew that I make at home. That has helped my energy A LOT! I have been a sloth up until maybe last week. This is allll so normal, speak to your dietician, try to distract yourself, remember your why. I have to remind myself that this surgery is not a cure all, the cravings will be there but this is an amazing tool. Its helping us become a healthier version of ourselves. You got this!!! and We are here for you and your journey!
  4. AmberFL

    OMG!!!! (First doctor's appointment)

    yassss!!!! so happy for you!!!!
  5. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    so yesterday it was Easter and we celebrated my sons 2nd birthday. I found it very hard for some reason to not snack! I ended up having some chips dip. Very little and then because we made tacos, my hubs made fajita veggies, so I made a "chicken salad" with the veggies, chicken pico de gallo and cowboy cavier. I love baking so I made the cupcakes and did two kinds. So when it came to the cupcakes, I did have a bite of each. My stomach is not feeling good today. I didnt feel stuffed and I tracked everything but I feel icky and swollen. Like I had too much salt. So as you said- back on the bandwagon!
  6. I am down 32lbs pre-op (surgery date Jan 24th) My leggings are too big, I have maybe 2 pair pants that stay up. I started my journey in a very tight 18 and now Im in size 14 and these jeans were "just in case I fit into them" Now they are becoming a little lose. I don't want to over buy but I also would like to have a few nice outfits for work or going out. What size should I buy? Should I buy size 10's? Seems too soon- but I need pants that stay up lol!
  7. Hi All! Lately, I have been receiving attention for my weight loss, mostly positive. People have been asking me how I lost the weight. I prefer to keep my surgery private and only a select few know about it because I do not want to hear negative comments. When people ask how I did it, I say, "Thank you! I have been following a low carb diet, walking every day, and not drinking alcohol." Recently, someone commented on how quickly I lost the weight on this diet, and for a moment, I worried that they might be thinking I was using drugs. LOL Does anyone use different excuse?
  8. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    These are great! I have been craving Pho something fierce! I will definitely try how you said. Thank you for all the suggestions! ❤️
  9. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    I’ll have to get himalayn salt, I’ve read it’s best. I have noticed that I have no desire to eat how I used to, as well as my family stopped commenting on how I’m eating. i love that you said “cutting everything out isn’t realistic, everything in moderations” you are so right! Thank you 😊
  10. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    I forgot about Panera! I’ll have to try this! And yes I love salads, I do put the dressing on the side. So I want ranch dressing I’ll drizzle it on. Which is rare I tend to just use lite balsamic or something. The kids menu is a great idea!
  11. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    I HATE meal prepping yet I do it every weekend..reluctantly 😂 I work full time, finishing my bachelors full time, 3 kids. Seriously cooking at the end of the day is the last thing I wanna do LOL i do have chicken in the freezer that I’ll air fry with some veggies. Make the family something easy that’s usually fattening. My dietician went MIA till the end of the year, I called my bariatric office and have yet to get a call back. So yay me 😮‍💨
  12. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    I am a huge meal prepper. I hate doing it but I do it every weekend. So I will have to look into maybe making a big batch of chili, or something that I like and freezing. The restaurants we go to I always check the nutritional value before ordering it and I track it. We are a main stream type of food family lol these are all great suggestions thank you!! I hate to sound vain but I am really enjoying the way I look and also the amount of energy I have, I do not want to mess this up. I feel like I got a restart on my life!
  13. AmberFL

    Struggling to stop losing

  14. AmberFL


    omg that dip sounds AMAZING! Im making this tonight LOL
  15. AmberFL

    So much soup

    I try to make half of the recipe or if I think its something my family will like I will just do that for dinner for all of us. I can usually doctor theirs up to be more of their liking
  16. AmberFL

    My Progress

    lookin amazing!!
  17. AmberFL


    HI All! More of a vent/ anyone else been in this situation? I want to preface by saying I am smaller than when I first met my partner 4 and half yrs ago, he's been an amazing and supportive person during my journey. My initial fear was he would not be attracted me smaller since he met me as a curvy woman, I was open with my concerns before pursuing the surgery and he assured me that it would not change. We communicate really well and are open which is great and I love it! Last night, he mentioned that it felt like he was having sex with a different person, he said not a bad thing and he is very much attracted me but it caught him off guard. I am not sure how I feel about him saying that. He seems to be more attracted me, he has even suggested clothing that shows off my figure more which he never cared about what I wore. I asked him if its because of what he wanted, he told me that he just wants me to feel confident in my body and that I should be proud of my hard work. I was in a very mentally, emotionally and physically abusive relationship for 12yrs before I met my current partner. I think maybe I am just am in the mind set that I I have to hide myself. Its a new feeling of having a partner supportive and loves me for me. So, I am not sure how to work out my feelings with it.
  18. HI all! I volunteered for my daughters field trip tomorrow, and its hiking. I cannot make my normal meals, they will have to be snacky. So far I am thinking beef stick, cheese stick, protein shake. These might be enough for the day as long as I eat breakfast before I go. It is an all day field trip. TIA!
  19. AmberFL

    Foods for Hike

    oh yum they do look good! I have the Rx Bar at home and those are a very yummy bfast on the go!
  20. AmberFL

    Are these okay?

    Its pretty insane! I have upped my calories, just making sure that I hit my protein and water goals. I eat 50g of carbs and 30-50g of fat. Its all "healthy fats" but its falling off a lot quicker than I anticipated! Which I guess is a good thing? I saw you comment about just trusting my body and letting it do it thing but I adjusted my goal to 170 that puts me in the "normal" BMI section. I am trusting the process, but its sus LOL We both are killin it!
  21. Fresh strawberries! yumm! I have eaten a couple off my kiddos plate and the fragrance and taste of all fruits have heightened since surgery. Very enjoyable!
  22. YOU LOOK AMAZING AND HAPPY!!!!!! I am soooooo proud of you!!!! *happy dance*
  23. AmberFL

    Are these okay?

    these look delish! and Girl your new profile pic! you look AMAZING!!! How much have you lost?
  24. 2 of the Biggest NSV thus far in my life; 1) my 6yr old daughter can wrap her arms around me for the first time ever! 2) My 12yr old son is having a basketball game for the parents vs. their players and I am playing with him! Its been awhile since I played basketball so I have been practicing lol but I would never had even volunteered to do this 70lbs ago! 

    This surgery has changed my life for the better!

    1. NickelChip


      That's fantastic!

  25. AmberFL


    baby steps!! yay so proud of you!

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