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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. AmberFL


    B-12 doesn't sound like it would be concerning from what you all are saying. although I am salty af that all my labs are great but my hair is still shedding HAHA!
  2. do any of you have a solid upper body or lower body routine? I do a lot of free weights and machines if I don't do a home workout. Sometimes I do YouTube videos or I will look up exercises on what muscles I want to target. But if anyone has a solid, sweaty, muscle shaking workout I am all ears!!
  3. AmberFL


    ugh welcome to the club
  4. ME! I don't have physical disabilities but I do have 3 kids, a full time job and full time school (I'm on my last semester!) I only take Saturdays off. I feel like I have to do something if its not working out. Its silly. Yesterday I was going to take a rest day because I was at 11,500 steps without my workout just because I was cleaning, meal prepping and running errands. I ended up doing just a leg workout for 30min at 830p. I am glad I did it but man its tough some days! So no your not weird I feel guilty!
  5. My goal weight when I first started this journey was 190lbs, I wanted to under 30BMI and felt that this goal was obtainable, I changed it to 170 since that would put me in the "healthy range". However, I feel like I am getting too small? I am wearing a size 6/8 pants from a 18/20 (NEVER IN MY ADULT LIFE HAVE I BEEN ABLE TO WEAR THAT SIZE!) Medium shirt from a 2/3xl, skivvies are Medium from a 2x, I am working out and trying to focus on toning. But Idk when I should enter Maintenance? My WLS team is so non-existent, I had one post op appt at 2 weeks and haven't heard from them since.
  6. AmberFL


    I am not sure what she does, I know this will be the 3rd session for going blonder. I went super dark after I had my son because I couldn't do the upkeep then regretted it now going back to blond lol She refused to damage my hair. Which i appreciate I pay her a lot of money for nice hair LOL
  7. HI all! Me again I have gotten over my guilt of my "cheating" and took all you wonderful peoples advice and kept on truckin! What does a typical food day and activity day look like for you? Recipes are welcome! I am ready to venture out.
  8. AmberFL


    omg thank you!! That is very kind of you to say ❤️ Yes I was looking at cuts just above my shoulders then going a bit blonder. In my head I think that the blonder might mask the baldness if I get to that point lol!
  9. AmberFL


    okay I am dramatic and probably will cry when she snips it off. LOL Thank you for your words of wisdom as always!
  10. AmberFL


    did you feel like you needed a pixi cut due to the loss or was just over all the shedding? I will be honest I don't have your confidence to rock it! You look sooo good in each stage!!!
  11. AmberFL

    Rapid Weight Loss

    you always have so much wisdom ❤️
  12. Thank you! I am going to take you advice, the consistency is going to be the main thing. I am fresh into my journey so I am trying to be realistic. I have some ppl telling me I am getting too thin, some ppl telling me I look great, and some ppl who dont even notice LOL
  13. AmberFL


    I have layers now they are just long layers, I am not sure if you can really tell in the pic but its the only pic I have on my computer lol but I am looking at medium hair cuts with choppy layers, I am going to stay blond and just chop it off I suppose. I know regardless its going to be a big change and when I meet with my hairdresser in Aug I am hoping the shedding has subsided so we can really figure out how to tackle my hair.
  14. AmberFL

    Indoor or Outdoor Exercise

    I do both everyday lol I walk outside on my lunch break then I do weight training at the gym or at home, Best of both worlds!
  15. AmberFL


    I am thinking I will have to do the same, which I have stopped putting heat to my hair now, Might just do one blow dry after my wash a week. I agree your hair shorter looks healthier and fuller. You have a nice face shape for both so you are rockin the new do! Call me vain but I am devastated about looking at short hair cuts LOL Thankfully my hair grows quickly so I am going to take collagen so my hair growth comes in healthy and strong. You were right nothing I am doing is helping I brush my hair every morning and 15-20 strands of hair just come out *le Sigh*
  16. AmberFL


    I am looking at new hair cuts and go back to my hair lady in August. I am not her first bariatric client so she knows how to deal. Hoping I am not too fair gone where I have to go too short.
  17. AmberFL


    Thats encouraging, I am doing all the things I can to keep it up. I go back to my hairstylist in August which would be at about 6months so by then (fingers crossed) the shedding slows down and we can we figure out a hair style that looks good. I am just not coping with it well. I will get over it and embrace it. Just right now I cant lol
  18. AmberFL

    My Progress

    Do I see you are in one-derland!?
  19. AmberFL

    Rapid Weight Loss

    I am 4months post off and I am going through the same. I work out hard, My weight is melting off, My hair is falling out which is devastating right now and I do get the occasional dizzy spells but other than that I feel really good! I am about 15lbs from my goal weight and I struggle to eat more than 1100 calories which I know I need to because I burn anywhere from 650 cal to 1000 calories a day (depending on the workouts) . I started much heavier than you but I am worried it wont stop and I will be a walking skeleton. I am meeting with my dietician and surgeon on the 13th and need to do bloodwork as well. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 35, 5'9, SW 297 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 31lbs 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 266lbs 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 236.6 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 205.2 I am at 4 months post op 185.8lbs 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve
  20. AmberFL


    I am going to try and embrace it as much as possible since I chose this surgery but Im sure I will panic as much as I did last night lol. I am going to eat as much protein as I can to try and slow it down which I am unsure of how much success i will have but I sure am gonna try
  21. AmberFL


    I was warned too but I figured no way it would happen to me! I really keep up with the protein and supplements, alas here we are I wish I had the confidence to rock a short do, I am pretty sad just looking up styles for when I get my hair done again in August. I know I am dramatic and pretty vain butttttt ya know LOL
  22. AmberFL

    Is it only me?

    My boyfriend tells me that when I'm sleeping at night I am performing a symphony. LOL
  23. AmberFL

    Looking for guidance on surgery with Medicaid.

    So my bestie who is in the process has medi-cal through partnership and her primary is Kaiser. Kaiser approved her sent all her info in. Their process is a goal weight, psych eval, blood work and meeting with dietician which she is almost done with the process and when its all said done it'll have been 2months ish. IDK if that is anything like medicaid.
  24. AmberFL


    I thankfully have long thick hair too and it grows fairly fast so i am hoping I get the same results as you where there isn't bald patches just might have to rock a shorter hair cut for awhile (which I am dreading!) Did you notice that using a more moisturizing shampoo helped with how much came out? The oplalex doesn't make my hair soft it just keeps my blond looking blond. I am thinking of taking a prenatal and collagen just because, but I really thought I was a lucky one ;(
  25. I am 35 HW: 325 SW: 297 CW 189 Gastric Sleeve Surgery Date: 1/24 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Having a ton of energy! Not feeling groggy, my knees don't hurt when I wake up, working out and staying motivated, playing with my kids after a long day and still having the energy to cook dinner and pick up the house and sex life has improved, 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? The first week kinda sucked with how much gas pains and not being able to eat barely anything and I am dealing some hair loss right now. Other than that I had a really smooth surgery. 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? I was lucky, mine has been smooth sailing 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? Its different, I get more attention which is tough for me to get used to, I love exercising, I love shopping, I love getting ready everyday for work. I am the best version of myself, my boyfriend and kids deserve it and overall I deserve it! 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? I would say there are still things I don't want to eat but probably around 90day mark I felt good to eat just about anything within reason. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? Honestly I don't have the same desire to eat what I did. I will enjoy a couple of fries if I have an open faced burger or something but its not something that was a must like it was before. 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? Recovery was great besides the gas pains. No vomiting or dumping syndrome. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? I would say 2 weeks. I was walking 1-2miles after the first week. The first week I walked around the block to get the gas out. I also have a high pain tolerance so that might have helped. Like I had two c-sections and once the epidural wore off I was up walking my babies up and down the hall, the nurses had to tell me to rest but I am Type A so I am a little nutty. 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? HELL YES!!! I wake up start life, workout for an hour plus walk on my lunch break 5 days a week, I work full time and am a college student. I have 3 children and my partner. I have energy for everything and I am not dog tired at the end of the day. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? Yes, I struggle sometimes with the new body, how ppl treat me, and still see the 325lb woman in the mirror but I moreso I am in a better spot. I am not as anxious, stressed and I am able to take on tasks with a clearer mind (such as school) 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? My only regret is not getting it done sooner!

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