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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lily2024

  1. I love this topic, I'm recently thinking about how I will want to dress when I hit my stable weight. I've reinvented myself many times over the years and now I'm going to again. Right now I'm only wearing sweatpants and pajamas since it's so cold but come summer there will be lots of dresses. I'm 7 weeks post op and already my swimsuits are baggy and I'm hesitant to get new ones, I don't know what size I'll need now, and I don't think it will fit for very long, but maybe worth it anyways then donate it. I did splurge on a pair of jeans that I love but they're starting to sag on me. This is going to be fun and a bit scary I think.
  2. Lily2024

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    I had a two week liquid only diet, that included sugar free popsicles, jello, milk for my decaf coffee, and protein shakes. It was brutal for days 1-4, then it got easier and I felt better. I did get resentful, I even posted about my liver better be freaking delicate by surgery day. Apparently it was bikini ready so that helps. I'm now almost 7 weeks post op and I can say that that time was harder than it is now. At that time, I knew my stomach could hold a lot of food, I just wasn't allowed to eat it. Now I know my stomach can't hold a lot and I'm good with that. My meals now are satisfying and I'm able to eat a few different things at one meal which makes it much more interesting. When it got bad I let myself feel crappy about it for a few minutes, then used some breathing exercises to calm and slow, and just found something else to do. This time will pass, maybe make a counter that lists the days in liquid diet vs the days to surgery, somehow that made it go better for me. I wish you all the best, this is hard but worth it.
  3. Um, the toilet seat is painful. That's a weird one hey?
  4. I have tried the quest protein chips, and the Atkins protein chips, the bags are the same calories, carbs and protein in comparison. I like the Atkins chips much more than the Quest.
  5. I'm 5 weeks post op RNY, I eat 3 meals of protein, 2 oz per meal, and add 1 cup of fairlife milk and a protein shake. If I'm feeling hungry I'll add 2 oz of greek yogurt or protein pudding for a fourth meal. I usually feel a bit hungrier on days that I swim. I exercise every day and I can tell when I got too into it, I feel tired and hungry. So far the easiest to digest have been ground turkey, smoked salmon, chicken, tuna, and cottage cheese. I'm still drinking chicken broth when I feel like I need more salt and if I forget that, I crave chips. I also pretty much eat my weight in sugar free popsicles.
  6. Lily2024


    You look great! Good progress, for sure and definitely a noticeable difference. I just started looking at photos I took on the first day of liquid diet, on the day of surgery, and next will be monthly, on the day of surgery. It's a weird feeling in that I can clearly see the difference but I don't feel very different yet. I'm sure I'll catch up soon.
  7. Lily2024

    Surgery coming up!

    Hi Vanessa, I'm also 5'9 and started at 262. I had a 2 week liquid only diet, and a couple of days of that were pretty rough but I made it through without any slips. I'm 3 weeks post op now and the things I thought would be hard don't seem to bother me, watching others eat my favorite foods is not an issue. What's been harder for me is the expected emotional roller coaster, probably hormonal, and the changes that have happened so quickly. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm tired and emotional because I had a big surgery, and I'm eating very few calories. So when I walk on the treadmill and go too fast, too long, I have to rest for a day and I don't like that. I know it's temporary, I'll start feeling better soon.
  8. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Best wishes to you, hope all goes well, and welcome!
  9. Lily2024

    Protein post op

    I have isopure unflavored powder, I put that in creamy coffee or in my chicken broth, specifically I have Knorr chicken broth powder, 1.5 cup water to 1 tsp broth powder with one scoop of protein powder. That really worked well for me and warm liquids feel better than cold right now.
  10. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Lark, I'm sorry you're still feeling so unwell. I would like to encourage you to see it as part of recovery, your body is in the driver's seat right now, and you are not failing in any way. The only way for you to fail at this point is if you stop trying and I don't think that is happening. I think you should probably cross post in post op, that would put it out there for more people to see it and offer help and support.
  11. Lily2024

    Severe Side Effect

    Hi Jenna, I think it would be helpful if you were to disclose what the side effects are that you are having? There are a lot of people here that have had surgery many years ago and are generous enough to chime in and give assistance to try and help figure out what is going on and maybe how to make it better. Of course that is after you've explored all options with your surgical team, they really should be your first call. Hope you get some answers, and start feeling better.
  12. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hi Helen, glad you’re on the other side of it, should get easier every day from here. I also found that my new stomach does not like cold, room temp water and warm liquids for now.
  13. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Today is 11 days post op and I’ve had serious cravings over the past two days. I started having a protein shake again which also helps the leg and foot cramps, then added a 4th meal a day. I also had a cup of broth in case I just needed salt. Yesterday it got so bad and I realized that I’ve been eating only yogurt and puréed cottage cheese so I got some smoked salmon and ate one ounce of it, that has set me back to rights again. Woke up feeling so much better this morning. It’s been an adventure, we live in the Midwest and lost power Friday evening, we’ve been in a hotel since Saturday. I brought my scale and a small container so I could portion out yogurt or cottage cheese but didn’t have any meat or fish. i don’t really feel hungry in my belly anymore, just a vague feeling of alarm that I need something. Most of the time I can just reassure myself but yesterday I knew it was hunger and that I needed something more substantial. The smoked salmon is very soft and I chewed it for forever, and I loved every moment of it🙂. (Note: I’ve been on purées since the day after surgery, tomorrow is my 2 week post op appointment, and I would have blitzed the salmon but I’m just making do the best I can with the snowy adventures. I also ate scrambled egg at Denny’s, I measured out 2 ounces and just fork squished the heck out of it and that went well too.)
  14. Lily2024

    7 months post op

    Hmm, it seems like you lost more than half your excess weight already, and have about 25 pounds to go? I could be wrong but it seems like your progress is good? Most people lose half the weight in the first 6 months, then it can take another 6 months to a year to lose the last portion of it. Does this make sense? If you lost approximately 50 pounds already, and you have half that amount left to lose it should be another 6-12 months to get to goal weight.
  15. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Had surgery on the 3rd, I went home after two days, I took one pain pill that evening and not again. I stopped taking Tylenol a few days ago and I’m feeling decent without it. It was rough for a few days especially because of the hernia repair, that’s still uncomfortable to wear a bra.
  16. I’m glad you posted this, I had a few moments like this when I was just angry about having to go through all of this. I still have my moments but I think now it’s more related to being angry with my body, having to go through all of this because my body and brain don’t want to work together to keep me well. At those times I indulged myself, allowed myself to just feel it for a few moments, however long it took to let some of it dissipate, then go through my inner dialogue. Can I stand it? Yes. Will I be damaged by it? No. Am I sad and feeling sorry for myself? Yes. Is it valid? Yes. Can I distract myself?
  17. I’m glad you posted this, I had a few moments like this when I was just angry about having to go through all of this. I still have my moments but I think now it’s more related to being angry with my body, having to go through all of this because my body and brain don’t want to work together to keep me well. At those times I indulged myself, allowed myself to just feel it for a few moments, however long it took to let some of it dissipate, then go through my inner dialogue. Can I stand it? Yes. Will I be damaged by it? No. Am I sad and feeling sorry for myself? Yes. Is it valid? Yes. Can I distract myself?
  18. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hi Lark, I'm sorry you're feeling lousy. I'm 9 days post op, gastric bypass with Hiatal Hernia repair. It was rough the first couple days, it hurt and I couldn't stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time. And I couldn't pee. It was a rough go for the first couple days, but I got better by halves it seems starting 4 or 5 days out. I went home on Friday, took one pain pill friday evening and then didn't need anymore, yesterday and today I haven't needed any tylenol either. It will get better, sending you healing thoughts and hugs.
  19. Lily2024

    Imposter syndrome?

    Oh I remember those days so well, each semester felt like torture, worried that I would fail something, then passing, graduating, and post grad licensing. Always something to worry about coming up, and worried about not being able to do a job that I was already doing, lol. I had a very helpful therapist ask me if I had a precedence for failure. Every time I started torturing myself with "Can I really do this? Will I be good enough?" I would run the new tape that reminded me that I work hard to ensure I will accomplish my goals, and if I'm not able to, I will be flexible and go at it another way. For some reason that really helped me. However, a good antidepressant/anti anxiety medicine along with new tapes for my thoughts, and life is much better.
  20. AmberFL, we are pretty close! I lost 26 pounds from August (Consultation visit) to preop in December, then about 10 pounds on the liquid diet. I've lost another 6 pounds since surgery last week. You've lost about the same and you haven't had surgery yet, way to go!!! I wonder what size I'll end up at and what style I'll decide I need to wear now.
  21. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    So my 2oz food containers are tuna fish with light mayo, then I add a splash of pickle juice to it for flavor. I also whipped up some Jell-O Sugar free Chocolate Fudge pudding, with 2 cups of Fairlife (extra protein, lactose free) skim milk and a scoop of Isopure protein powder. I've also mixed tuna with cottage cheese, and salmon with light cream cheese. Today I pureed ground turkey with some broth, ate it with taco bell mild sauce. Seems to be doing just fine in my belly. Oh, and Chobani Zero Greek Yogurt, the flavors are great, very low calories, lots of protein and goes down so nicely. I do feel cra**y some too, just keep trying to keep moving. Mainly I've had a lot of gas pain and cramping, moving really helps that. Yesterday when I made breakfast I had my family finish it, I got tired and wanted to just sit and eat.
  22. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    So my 2oz food containers are tuna fish with light mayo, then I add a splash of pickle juice to it for flavor. I also whipped up some Jell-O Sugar free Chocolate Fudge pudding, with 2 cups of Fairlife (extra protein, lactose free) skim milk and a scoop of Isopure protein powder. I've also mixed tuna with cottage cheese, and salmon with light cream cheese. Today I pureed ground turkey with some broth, ate it with taco bell mild sauce. Seems to be doing just fine in my belly. Oh, and Chobani Zero Greek Yogurt, the flavors are great, very low calories, lots of protein and goes down so nicely. I do feel cra**y some too, just keep trying to keep moving. Mainly I've had a lot of gas pain and cramping, moving really helps that. Yesterday when I made breakfast I had my family finish it, I got tired and wanted to just sit and eat.
  23. This is so exciting. I already purged my wardrobe and shopped through old smaller stuff that I never got rid of. That's what I'm wearing now but I've dropped so fast now, I think I'll go out and get a few new things for work? Maybe I'll look through thrift for now until I stop changing so quickly?
  24. I was very nervous for the same reasons. I started a modified bariatric diet a few months before surgery as part of the preparation, also stopped any caffeine or sugar. I have gastroparesis so eating before strenuous activity is never a good idea for me but I would feel so nauseous and lightheaded. After I started the bariatric diet I realized that even if I was hungry when I started my lap swim, I could still do a normal work out and feel good. The diet allowed me to maintain a consistent level of energy that I had never experienced before in my life. The 2 week liquid diet was not my favorite, days 2 and 3 were the worst for me, day 4 was better until the day of surgery. I didn't like it, but I still was able to exercise daily. I had one episode of woozy..reviewed with my nutritionist and found I was not getting enough sodium, added a daily broth and that took care of it. I know we're all different but this may be same for you and if it is, I'll be happy for you. I feel so much more free now. I don't have to worry about scheduling activities around food/hunger/etc anymore. I can plan my eating around my activities, if that makes sense?
  25. Lily2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Today is 8 days post op. It seems like my innards are awaking and they don't like me right now, but that's nothing new. Yesterday I made breakfast, took a half hour brisk walk on the treadmill, went grocery shopping and made my little 2 oz food containers, baked a cake and made dinner, then folded the laundry. All told, I'm feeling much more normal again, feeling antsy to get moving and I'm having more difficulty limiting myself than motivating myself. Before the surgery I was used to either a one hour lap swim with drills, or a one hour fast walk on the treadmill with hand weights. For the liquid diet I shortened both to about 40 min and slowed a bit, no hand weights. My body still wants to move but I know that I can't get too worked up right now, I need to heal more first. I have my first Post-op appt on Tuesday, hoping I can go back to swimming next week if my incisions are healed enough? 🤞

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