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Gastric Bypass Patients
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CarmenG last won the day on July 25 2023

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About CarmenG

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 07/02/1974

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    English Teacher
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  1. Thank you! Yes, this was a revision from sleeve to bypass.
  2. Thank you!!! I'm a teacher, so I have two months off coming up soon, LOL!
  3. I'm so excited! I'm coming up on one year in June. I've lost 111-ish pounds to date. A little worried about my 2 months off that are coming up, but I'm proud of my accomplishments so far.
  4. I was sleeved 14 years ago and then got a revision 4 months ago. With my sleeve, I would get the foamies (hyper-salivation), my forehead would sweat, or my nose would start running (or all 3). Now, with with my bypass, if I forget I had a surgery and try to eat like a regular person, I get nauseous, my stomach makes SUPER LOUD noises, I'll feel pain, and sometimes have to run to the bathroom (dumping syndrome). A lot of people think this happens when you eat the "wrong" foods (super sugary, super greasy), and they're right. BUT, it ALSO happens if you eat too much, or even just too fast. You could be eating a super healthy, super small amount of food, but if you eat it too fast and don't chew it down to mush (like people at work who have really short lunch breaks), you'll still experience these things. As time goes by, we start to forget to take our time to eat, to really chew our foods to a paste before swallowing, or to wait a while after eating to drink something. The longer it's been, the more we forget. Sometimes, we need to reset our eating habits back to taking a full 30 minutes to eat, to eat healthy foods again, to over-chew our food, and to wait at least 30 minutes to start back on fluids.
  5. So... a little update... the daily recommended dose of biotin for adults is 30 mcg/day. I was consuming my regular multivitamin PLUS 10,000 mcg of bioton /day... 5,000 in the AM and 5,000 in the PM... when I stopped taking it, it took about 3 days to stop getting the hives, but I stopped getting the hives. As soon as I'm able, I will make an appointment with a dermatologist. However, I'm pretty sure it was the OVERDOSE of biotin. I was taking it because I'm afraid of the hair loss, but obviously, TEN THOUSAND micro-grams a day is just too much.
  6. Hey, y'all, it's been a while. Back in May, one month before I had my revision from sleeve to bypass, I began using the Premier Protein shakes for my pre-op diet and taking bariatric vitamins (including a multivitamin, calcium, iron, and biotin). It started with a tiny, itchy hive on one side of my neck about the size of my thumbnail. It would go away, though, and I'd forget all about it. As the days went by, I would begin to get the itchies again. I noticed I'd get the hives on the other side of my neck now too. At this point, it looks like a ring around my neck. I read about the Premier Protein shakes being recalled, but that was a while ago. I spoke to my sister who's been an RN for 40+ years, and she thinks it's more likely to be the biotin rather than the shakes. I stopped taking both 2 days ago. The itchies have stopped, but I'm left with textured skin where the hives were. It almost looks like a healing burn. It's weird. I know I need to see a dermatologist about it, I just have to find one that will see me after work. I can't miss any more work. I'm wondering if any of you have had a similar situation with allergic reactions to either shakes or vitamins. I'd appreciate any information or knowledge that you have. TIA.
  7. For me, this is an outstanding reading... Feeling grateful
  8. I do both. I use the Baritastic app, and I set my calorie and carb goals and try not to exceed them. I think some people take issue with carb counting because there's good carbs and really, really bad carbs. For me, carbs are really important to monitor because I really don't like vegetables. I can eat a bit of fresh salad, but that's about it because I have texture issues. I can't stand cooked veggies, to me it's inedible slime. Lol! Obviously, good carbs are necessary for vitamins and minerals and proper digestion, but carbs with no nutritional value (junk food) only "nurture" us emotionally. Ironically, after we eat crap that makes us feel good momentarily, we start to feel like crap, emotionally (guilt, mood swings) and physically (joint/muscle pain). I stand by my carb detoxes. I never realized how mood-altering crap food can be. I was starting to use junk food like I was using alcohol, just for instant gratification and distraction, alcohol and carb hangovers be damned. However, I was extremely frustrated, and easily irritated all.the.time. My joints hurt when I eat crap. My sleep suffers too. Once I went below 50 carbs a day, my whole attitude changed. I felt better physically and emotionally. Very healthy proteins are moderately high in calories (beef, chicken, seafood), but protein is very necessary with our bariatric surgeries. This is why I give myself more leeway with calories than carbs.Bad carbs, on the other hand, offer nothing but momentary satisfaction. Momentary satisfaction is good once in a while, but the problem with loading up on bad carbs again is that, like a drug, the more we ingest it, the more we crave it. The less we have it in our system, the less it calls our attention. People think I'm being dramatic, but I know how I feel when I detox from carbs and when I start eating crap again. It just snowballs, and eating junk becomes more and more "important" as the day progresses. Using the app really helps me keep a realistic awareness of my nutritional goals. Because I'm only 3 months out, my goal settings right now are 750-800 cal, 70-80g protein, and <50 carbs. I have good days when I hit only 600 cals, 30 carbs, but 85+g protein. I also have my bad days when I consume 875 cals, 60 carbs, but only 65g protein. I think they really go hand in hand because the more carbs I eat, the more calories I'm consuming (and the less protein I get). I worry more about my carb intake because when I go over on my carbs, I know it's because I had bites here and there of junk food (not good carbs). At the end of the day, it really all comes down to what kind of carb intake you have. If your carbs are coming from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, then it's great! But if not, then maybe take stock of them. Either way, I wish you the best always on your continued weight loss journey! P.S. Prior to my surgery, my doc wanted me to lose weight (so he could help me lose weight) so I did a semi-liquid, hyper-low carb diet and lost 32 lbs in 38 days. Didn't count or give a flip about calories. I only drank 3 shakes a day, they wanted me to drink 5. Tan locos! I couldn't drink 5. I did 3 shakes and a hearty all protein dinner.
  9. All of the literature I was given by my bariatric team about vitamins and supplements stated to avoid anything gummy because it's going to be much higher in sugar and won't absorb as well. That could be the issue.
  10. @Arabesque, I do have some zero sugar Propel waters. They're very good. I usually drink them later in the evening. Maybe I'll replace one of my reg water bottles (that I take to work) with a Propel water for after lunch. Thank you.
  11. CarmenG


    I found these at Walmart. They're in a lot of different stores. I have some in my classroom desk as a "just in case" (if I forget my lunch or don't have time to eat my regular lunch). They are VERY filling. I can only eat half at a time. Just an option you can consider. The chocolate peanut butter ones are really good too.
  12. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest some kind of food/snack/supplement that will give me a quick energy boost. I drink a protein shake that has caffeine (equivalent to 1 cup of coffee) once a day for breakfast. Sometimes, though, later in the evening, I feel a drop in my energy. I'm trying to keep my cal under 800, and my carbs under 40g. I don't want to consume more caffeine because it's a diuretic, and I have enough trouble staying hydrated as it is. Are there any snacks or supplements that will give me a quick boost of energy for the afternoon. I'm kinda dragging "(__(__)" during my last 2 classes at the end of the day. I'm taking my vitamins exactly as I should, and my numbers came back great on my blood work. I'd just like to know what, if anything, y'all use for a quick pick-me-up. TIA! EDIT* Just wanna add that I'm 3 months and 8 days out of my revision to bypass surgery, and I'm consuming 75-85g of protein daily.
  13. Can more than one person use this scale? Like will the app save each person's individual information? EDIT* Never mind, I found the information, UNLIMITED USERS for the app! Nice! Thank you for posting the link!
  14. CarmenG

    Breakfast suggestions

    I agree with @The Greater Fool. It doesn't have to be eggs. It can be soft/shredded chicken, tuna, or beef, a protein shake or high protein yogurt, or even oatmeal with added protein powder. I would cook my oatmeal til it was a little dryer and then add 3-4 tablespoons of my favorite flavor of protein shake for added protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
