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Posts posted by ElleRodri

  1. 13 hours ago, Tdalcourt said:

    I’m getting the sleeve Sept 1! Been on liquid diet a week tomorrow. Who wants to be weight loss buddies?? Anyone want to email - mine is tammydalcourt@msn.com

    Oh I'm sure you're getting really excited. How bad has the liquid diet been for you so far? I'm nervous about that part. I know how I can be so it's going to take a herculean effort not to cheat while I'm doing it.

    I have a pre-op appointment today to go over everything and she'll tell me to start the liquid diet I'm sure. I was planning on starting it on Monday. I even went and got 8 oz. juice bottles from Amazon so I can divvy out what I'm allowed to have. I'm supposed to drink 4 Protein Shakes, 2 bottles of liquid IV and 16 ounces of OJ, and then whatever assorted non-caloric beverages I want over the course of a day. Looking at it spread out in a schedule like it is in my binder makes it look like a whole lot of drinking but looking at it in a small list makes me anxious because I'm afraid I'm going to starve. It's really cutting down on my sugars that is gonna be hard, I know I'm a sugar addict.

    Getting nervous and excited.

  2. I lurk a lot too. Not too far from Tuscaloosa myself, just a few hours north of me as I'm down on the beach in Destin, Florida. So howdy neighbor!

    I'm traveling for surgery but I'm driving to Jacksonville. So I'm not helpful there. But I have had abdominal surgeries before and I've found that light compression helps with bumps along the road and coughing, so I've gotten a binder in the past. If your surgeon is ok with it and you ask at the hospital they'll usually give you one or you can buy one on Amazon (which is what I did this time just in case I forget to ask because I have the memory of a goldfish at times). Might be something to ask about prior to making your travel arrangements.

  3. 19 hours ago, Okinbit said:

    Has anyone bought the Premier Protein shakes variety packs on Amazon? If so is it worth it to try the flavors?

    I haven't bought the variety pack but I buy smaller packs of 4 at Walmart of a ton of different flavors when they're in stock. If I want chocolate, vanilla, or caramel I can buy the big pack at Sam's. My Sam's Club also just started carrying the Fairlife chocolate ones so I may get those next week when I start my liquid phase.

    I can't believe how quickly time is passing by. It's just around the corner.

    I lucked out because I bought BioTrust Protein Powder and didn't like it (plant Protein has higher carbs than I'd like and I think it was kinda blah) but my co-worker just offered to buy it off of me for what I paid for it which is a huge blessing. It seems like everytime I think I have a hiccup in my plan it smooths itself out. So I'm starting to stress less.

    Still stressing and having some sleep issues because of it. And I keep losing my retainers and waking up grinding my teeth which is making me stress about cracking a tooth before surgery. I'm a mess. I'm an overthinking, overstressing, overexpecting mess.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Jeffrey131 said:

    I'm having a Gastric Sleeve on the 11th, as well! I feel you about being a little nervous. It kind of depends on the day and whether or not I think about everything ese I need to get done before I can't do anything except sit on my butt for a while. Oddly, or maybe not, I'm now thinking of what I want to eat before I have to start the liquid pre-surgery diet.

    It sounds like we have some similarities in the changes we have had to make. Remembering to eat Breakfast and not eating my largest meal at the end of the day. That's part of how I got to be overweight in the first place. Probably the biggest switch for me has been to get away from carbonated beverages!

    When do you actually start your preop diet?

    I start my pre-op diet on Monday of next week. So we've been trying to make all my favorite meals and go to my favorite places because they just won't be happening again for a long while. Kinda like a last hurrah. My husband is sad that I won't be "a happy fat kid" with him anymore but is looking forward to eating all my leftovers.

    My biggest switch has been going from drinking my calories (country time lemonade all day every day, like a gallon of the sweet stuff every day just about) and going to the packets and squirty bottles of sugar-free. I've found it really easy to keep a little variety in my purse and I carry around a big water bottle everywhere now that I didn't before. I'm still struggling with the "no straw" and 30-minute rule of spacing things out. I'm afraid that is gonna be a lesson I learn the hard way.

    I just don't know how else I can really prepare. I bought a binder and some high-cut undies because I know I'm going to want slight compression for the ride home from the hospital as it's 6 hours from home. I've bought Proteins of several types to try as we move forward. I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid I'm going to make myself sicker than I've been over the last year and regret it. And I know this is supposed to be the gold standard fix for a failing nissen but it still scares me. The surgery itself is no big deal, I don't need to worry about that since all I gotta do that day is "take a nap" while the doctors do all the complicated stuff, hahaha. It's how bad am I going to mess myself up afterwards and how long will it take my husband to get me to turn back into "a happy fat kid".

    My husband is supportive but he's also an enabler and is afraid to tell me no even when I ask him to. And I get it because I can be a real horses patoot at times. Also, there's the thing of physical attraction as well. My husband is very much enamored with "curvy girls"... like he's never dated anyone smaller than me, so I'm petrified that as I lose weight he's going to lose interest between curves getting smaller and skin getting loose, I'm paranoid. One of the things I'm working on with my therapist but still weighing heavily on my mind. I just worry because I am admittedly very co-dependent on him.

    But life will be what it is and I'll deal with things as they actually come to fruition because I'm a terrible overthinker otherwise...

  5. 11 minutes ago, LandofHopeandDreams said:

    Three weeks to go til Surgery. I'll tell you the one thing that is tripping me up BIG TIME!!! I am really struggling with this no drinking while eating... That one is going to be some work back when I'm eating normally for sure

    I'm still struggling with that too. I think that's going to be my biggest no-no to break. That and using a straw. And maybe a little disappointed I won't be able to chug Water anymore or at least not for a while yet. Trying to break the habit now but it's just so hard to do. I definitely take too big of a "sip" for my nutritionist to be happy....

  6. my surgery is scheduled for the 11th of September. I've been going through the full gambit of emotions. I thought that was supposed to happen after the surgery, haha.

    I have a supportive but not wanting to be included hubby. Like I told him things would be changing at the dinner table and now he's started cooking for the house, which has not been good for me in the pre-op stage as he's in love with the deep fryer. I've gotten him to start drinking more sugar-free stuff at home, which has brought his A1C down from a 14 to an 8.4 so his doctor was happy with that change. So he's at least interested in making some changes just not the drastic ones I'll be making for myself. The kids don't care what's on the table as long as it tastes good, and if they don't like it, they still eat it anyways and without complaint. That's the one thing I can say about my kids that I'm proud of, never complain about not liking the food but will tell you afterwards what they thought of it.

    Trying to make changes before I'm forced to make them. Just a lot. Wrapping my head around my eating issues and "head hunger" I'm getting better there. Still trying to quit doing the vape thing but not doing the best job and I'm afraid that I'm going to screw myself up not doing the right things at the right time. I'm afraid I'll mess up my progression I guess? I dunno.

  7. Scheduled for a DS on September 11. Counting down the days and running through the gambit of emotions. I didn't come into my surgery prep thinking that I'd be getting a WLS from the surgeon in an effort to fix a failing nissen fundoplication (GERD surgery, 2005). He just told me at the first appointment that it was my only real viable option for a repair and return to somewhat normal function.

    I'm eating reasonably now, I just have to remember to eat Breakfast, which I usually don't but I've been trying to divide up my calories more thru the day instead of them all at the end of the day. I usually don't eat during work hours. Making sure I'm drinking plenty of no-calorie fluids and my care team recommends liquid IV, so I've been making sure to drink at least one a day, although when I start my 2-week pre-op diet it'll go up to two each day.

    I think I'm ready, not 100%, still scared witless that I'm going to regret it but at the same time I know I can do this and that this is going to be my best shot at being able to enjoy life again.

  8. 4 minutes ago, heatherdbby said:

    my office requires chewable. no gummies bc they have hidden carbs and sugars. no capsules bc they add additional barriers on absorption.

    My surgeons office gave us a full long list of their recommendations, and broke down which ones had additional supplements we had to add with it (example, if you take flintstones complete, you need to add Calcium and b complex)

    I chose the one that was a complete that didnt need additional supplements, and the dietician said that she does not see defiencies with that one, its Bariatric Fusion, the one that says complete chewable.


    THANK YOU! That's one that I hadn't run across in all my internet browsing. I am sure I'll get more information from my care team as we get closer and I go through these upcoming classes and appointments. mayo Clinic seems to be pretty good, I'm just excited to find a surgeon that would help (weight loss is just a side effect of the surgery, I'm actually having it to fix my GERD again) I had a GERD surgery in 2005 and the wrap has started to come undone so everything causes acid and if I don't eat enough soon enough and the acid builds too much I go into non-stop vomiting for days until it works it's way out of my system, think severe food poisoning complete with hospital trips, I have entirely too many medical issues, I'm praying that these "co-morbidities" go away with the weight.

  9. I love looking at everyone's before and afters and their OOTD. I can't wait until after my procedure to come hang out in the lounge with y'all, haha.

    On 7/16/2023 at 11:20 PM, Arabesque said:

    Friend’s daughter’s wedding on the weekend. It was a formal wedding. And yes I did wear two gloves. 😁 Wore the second dress for the Sunday lunch event. More low key & fewer people. Excellent wrap dress: no gaping neckline. And my hair actually stood up for both events - just softer. Whoo hoo!!

    IMG_0630.thumb.jpeg.d9cde358f72ef7a7782b4cb7ea70f5a0.jpeg IMG_0634.thumb.jpeg.43f4326f0a5119becaec183a12a72aeb.jpeg

    Both dresses look amazing!!!! and those vintage-looking heels are spectacular!!! I need more reasons to get dressed up. But at this point, it kills my back and knees too much to wear 50% of the shoes in my closet because heels and I just don't get along these days. I've been putting off a purge for a while. Just might have to wait a while yet because I have some spectacular iridescent heels I'm dying to wear again and once the weight is off, theoretically, I should feel better! Here's to hoping I get thin enough and well enough to wear them again! I get so tickled seeing everyone's progression.

  10. 3 minutes ago, heatherdbby said:

    just wanted to say, the tied to a clock thing definetly resonates, esp that first six months. Its also part of why i specifically chose medicine that doesn't require supplementing with additional Calcium and Iron, i take a full complete all in one that doesnt require anything additional, and I take two twice a day.

    which one do you use? I was thinking about going to the Patches after I have my procedure since I definitely can't take what I take now since it's a huge caplet and it has caffeine in it too.

  11. I'm not looking forward to the stalls because I know how negative that can make me feel from past dieting, I don't think it'll be so bad after surgery after hearing about everyone's experiences with them. You make me feel like I'll be able to do this!

    The whole point of my surgery is to alleviate the GERD, I'm not technically having the surgery done for weight loss but because of another stomach surgery 18 years ago it's now my only viable option to fix my issues. I already get dumping syndrome because of my stomach issues so I'm not too worried about that. I'm just worried that I'm going to do it wrong. I imagine I'll have to be on a PPI for forever but I'm hopeful that we can at least lower the dosage down after surgery.

    I know scrambled eggs will be one of my go-to's for a quick Protein snack because they're already my quick protein haha. I did what everyone said not to do and got a bunch of different protein supplements (i.e. shake powders, 2 oz shots, and "clear" beverage-type protein in liquid and powder. Just wanted to see what is and isn't going to work and how much I'm going to have to adjust my lifestyle. I feel like I'm going to be tied to a clock with having to space things out like Iron and Calcium. I'm already hesitant about a lot of meat because I have difficulty swallowing but KNOWING like really knowing and understanding how big your pouch is and what it will actually hold is probably a godsend and will save you some grief as you progress. I've been trying to pick up a little bit of this and that in preparation for it because I know when the time comes for it I'll be broke since I'll be missing a week of work if I'm not able to move around again quickly. But everyone says they're up and moving within a few days so I'm hopeful to only miss 3-4 days at the office, and I have a sedentary job that I can do from home, so that helps.

    So excited to see everyone's progress. Thanks for sharing your experience with us :)

  12. It's nice that there are people who are completely open and honest about how it feels going into it and coming out of it. That helps substantially, just knowing I'm not alone and that it's normal to be going through all of these emotions. I may cycle through them a little faster because of the bipolar or maybe it's because I see the surgical date as a looming number still and not something I'm super excited about most days. But I am getting more positive about it, even a little excited. Disappointed that I couldn't buy a cute little sundress because I just can't justify buying clothes right now with a WLS procedure on the horizon. But thinking about what possibilities this could open back up for me made me excited. So I'm in a Neutral leaning towards positive right now I guess is the best way to describe it.

    I know I should be happy but this is my last chance at a semblance of normalcy with food. Everything makes me miserable at this point except for fluids and a few bland items when it comes to real food, but if it's sweet I can eat a dozen of whatever it may be. Can't handle nitrates, tomatoes, anything spicy, oregano, and the list goes on but that's all I can spitball off the top of my head without looking in my pantry while I type this, haha. I've just labeled things I can't handle with a big red X, which keeps me out of it and lets the kids know it's fair game. I am just a big hot mess right now. But I'm hoping beyond hope that this fixes my issues because I miss spaghetti LoL I make some kick butt sauce.

  13. 61 days until my surgery and I'm already having buyers remorse. I know it's all in my head. I have an amazingly supportive husband in all of it and he's had to hear the gambit of my emotions from elation to utter defeat surrounding this surgery, so much so that he honestly doesn't know what to think sometimes. But he's on board 100% even if it does mean he will have to do most of the cooking for himself and our kids for a while so that I can adjust to turning down the "head hunger". I ordered a few different Protein powders and shot (an assortment box) so that I could start the prep work. I have been so bad lately about "well I can't have it after surgery, so I'm gonna stuff my face with it now" ice cream, Cookies, I think I had 5 normal sized cupcakes on 4th of July. At this point sometimes I'm eating just to eat because I still have issues to address with my eating. I have psych appointments lined up with the bariatrics team at mayo as well as my usual psych and shrink. I want to get a hold on my relationship with food before the surgery and with so little time left I'm worried that I can't do it.

    I'm petrified that I am going to mess myself up worse having the surgery than if I just kept going without it. Weightloss isn't the #1 reason I'm having the surgery, just a big bonus. I have to have the surgery because of another surgery I had almost 20 years ago starting to come undone and causing issues and more damage. I'm so scared right now that I'm going to end up hating myself for putting myself through the misery. But it's time to "Embrace the Suck" and move forward.

    We are all in various places, but it's so great seeing everyone be so supportive from every walk. I'm happy to have found this site.

  14. I understand the pain of trying to find a surgeon! I've been trying for the last two years to find a surgeon that would even touch me because I'm not actually having the DS done for weight loss (Although that is a really amazing benefit of it) I had a Nissen fundoplication done in 2005 that has failed and no surgeon wants to revise another's work here locally, so I'm going back and forth 5.5 hours each way to mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL.

    So I have a huge learning curve as this wasn't even something I thought was an option until my doctor told me it was his plan to fix me so that I'd have a chance at normalcy again. I'm just looking forward to being able to eat something with flavor. Everything gives me heartburn at this point (including certain brands of bottled water) it's nuts. I basically eat potato Soup every day because I know it's something I can handle. I'm hopeful as we get closer and I learn more. But I have also come to the conclusion that some of this will just be embracing the suck.

  15. I'm in Florida so I'm having it done at mayo in Jacksonville. I had honestly never heard of a DS before they told me that's what they planned on doing. My surgery is complicated by a failing nissen fundoplication right now so they'll be fixing a hernia and undoing the nissen at the same time. Well I guess that's all a given since that right where things start but yeah.

  16. I'm set for September 11, 2023, so I'll be your buddy!!!

    I literally have no one here local to bounce things off of, I'm traveling 5 hours away for my surgery in Jacksonville so I'm really hoping for a smooth departure after surgery. But I'm also having the switch done for medical reasons and the weight loss is just a huge bonus to it. I had a nissen fundoplication in 2005 and it's coming undone and like 75% of the revisions from that end in gastric bypass and my doctor said with what he could see it was more like a 95% chance that I'd have to have it done so now I'm jumping through the hoops for it all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
