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hannah grace

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hugs
    hannah grace got a reaction from Arabesque in What the h*ll is going on?!?!   
    Hey all,
    I had my GS done on 6/21/2023, and I feel like I’ve been going through hell ever since.
    My surgery went great and the healing process went normally. But the weirdness started happening around 3 weeks post surgery. SEVERE nausea and vomiting 3+ times daily. My Dr has me on Zofran which only works sometimes and I’ve been living my day to day barely eating or drinking ANYTHING. My body REJECTS Water (tried all different kinds and temperatures of water, along with different flavorings; nada), and it comes right back up. food stays down a bit easier but even the thought of eating most things makes me gag. I’m prepared for the backlash on the comment I’m about to make but honestly all my body lets me keep down is Sprite and occasionally some Cereal. I know I know, I’m supposed to be avoiding sugar and carbonation. But honestly I’d rather get Sprite and cereal down than throw up water and chicken over and over again.
    My Dr says I’m part of the 10-15% of patients who experience severe nausea weeks after surgery, and that it’s something that goes away on its own.. Has anyone else experienced this?? I’m scheduled to get a CT scan on the 9th of Aug. to see what the heck is going on. I’m almost 50lbs down a little over a month past surgery and to be honest I’m a bit worried I’m losing TOO much weight? (TMI?) But I haven’t gotten my period since the surgery (I’m 20 so my period is usually pretty consistent).
    Brain fog is real right now!!! I take 30 seconds to process the things people say to me right now and 30 seconds to form coherent sentences. Is this from lack of food? Lack of water? Who knows, but it’s really annoying.
    This post is all over the place, but I feel the confusion of this post connects perfectly to where my brain is at right now. I have no idea what’s going on, all I know is my stomach hurts and I’m nauseous and I just want this nightmare to end so I can start LIVING.
    Thanks in advance for reading.
  2. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Please Help! Burning Stomach Pain   
    Hi all,
    Per my last post, I have been having really bad nausea and vomiting 6 weeks out (dr says I'm part of the "lucky" 10-15% who experience this).
    I attempted to take my stomach acid pill along with Zoloft prescribed by my psychiatrist. About 30 minutes later, I threw this up. I am now having SEVERE burning pain in my stomach and I don't know what to do. I used to have GERD before the surgery and this doesn't feel like that.. The burning is *mainly* in my stomach, not my chest or esophagus like how it was for GERD (in my experience). I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to combat this? I am afraid to take TUMS or any other anti acids as I usually throw those up as well and I am afraid more vomiting will make it even worse. SOS, I am in so much pain.
  3. Hugs
    hannah grace got a reaction from Arabesque in What the h*ll is going on?!?!   
    Hey all,
    I had my GS done on 6/21/2023, and I feel like I’ve been going through hell ever since.
    My surgery went great and the healing process went normally. But the weirdness started happening around 3 weeks post surgery. SEVERE nausea and vomiting 3+ times daily. My Dr has me on Zofran which only works sometimes and I’ve been living my day to day barely eating or drinking ANYTHING. My body REJECTS Water (tried all different kinds and temperatures of water, along with different flavorings; nada), and it comes right back up. food stays down a bit easier but even the thought of eating most things makes me gag. I’m prepared for the backlash on the comment I’m about to make but honestly all my body lets me keep down is Sprite and occasionally some Cereal. I know I know, I’m supposed to be avoiding sugar and carbonation. But honestly I’d rather get Sprite and cereal down than throw up water and chicken over and over again.
    My Dr says I’m part of the 10-15% of patients who experience severe nausea weeks after surgery, and that it’s something that goes away on its own.. Has anyone else experienced this?? I’m scheduled to get a CT scan on the 9th of Aug. to see what the heck is going on. I’m almost 50lbs down a little over a month past surgery and to be honest I’m a bit worried I’m losing TOO much weight? (TMI?) But I haven’t gotten my period since the surgery (I’m 20 so my period is usually pretty consistent).
    Brain fog is real right now!!! I take 30 seconds to process the things people say to me right now and 30 seconds to form coherent sentences. Is this from lack of food? Lack of water? Who knows, but it’s really annoying.
    This post is all over the place, but I feel the confusion of this post connects perfectly to where my brain is at right now. I have no idea what’s going on, all I know is my stomach hurts and I’m nauseous and I just want this nightmare to end so I can start LIVING.
    Thanks in advance for reading.
  4. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from Fred in Pa in Post Surgery Depression   
    I have a therapist I’ve been going to for years now, which I’m so blessed to have. thank you for your comment and helping me realize I’m not as alone as I thought I was
  5. Like
    hannah grace reacted to Wolfgirl17 in Post Surgery Depression   
    From what I was told by my doctor, changes in hormones after surgery is normal and may affect mood. I know that doesn't help solve the depression, but it may help to know that it is normal and temporary. If you find it doesn't ease up or that it gets worse, consider temporarily going on anti-depressants. This surgery is difficult enough without trying to get through the mental aspects without help. After a few months, you can (with help from your doctor) taper off the meds and see if your mood is better. Also, if you are not already seeing a therapist, get one if you can. I see one and I can tell you, just having a stranger to spit everything out to that isn't going to judge is amazing. This is a hard time, there is no reason why you have to do this alone.
  6. Like
    hannah grace reacted to Fred in Pa in Post Surgery Depression   
    Oh boy can I relate. I keep saying on these forums that the metal aspect is the most difficult part of the surgery and the one I was least prepared. Bariatric teams can’t prepare you for it because everyone is so different.
    You are mourning food, specifically being able to eat it, like you did in the quantities, and the timings of the past. This was so hard for me. But it does get easier, just like your body healing physically, it heals mentally. Once you get back on solid food and your body gets used to the portion sizes.
    During the transition periods, I used that time to really search myself for the hold that food had on me. I spoke to counselors and my dietitians about it as well. Try to use this time to really understand what food meant to you and how it got you to where you were before surgery. Go to the picnic and observe the food and the way people eat it. I had a massive connection between happiness at gatherings and the quantity of food I ate. I came to realize this was an addiction. Once I started losing weight and healed, it was easier for me to see the damage that food had done. From there it became easier to be with others, eating at gatherings, parties, etc..
    Hang in there it gets easier as long as you use the time to really, really address the mental issues that go along with the physical. Like wolfgirl states, reach out to your team to get any additional help you may need to get you through the stage.
  7. Like
    hannah grace reacted to CarolineLittle in Post Surgery Depression   
    Big hugs! I want to say good for you for taking this step at 19! I'm 50 and should have done this in my 30's. A lot of time and opportunities wasted.
    The week's after surgery are super hard. I promise it gets better, especially as you reintroduce food, even if it is pureed! Please don't stress too much about Protein right now. The most important thing it's to stay hydrated. Hitting protein goals is pretty tricky the first 6 weeks imo. It's only in in thr past 2 weeks I'm getting there as my diet becomes more regular and I'm in a routine. I preplan my meals for the week and ensure I have healthy Snacks that help me meet my protein goals. I look on Pinterest all the time for inspiration. Use this time to think ahead and get some ideas for the future.
    You'll get better at being in situations with food. It doesn't bother me. Tonight they got takeaway and I skipped it as I'd preplanned a meal I'm looking forward to. In no time you’ll be able to eat with your family, just smaller portions. It just becomes normal.
    Hang in there!
  8. Like
    hannah grace reacted to Sigh in Post Surgery Depression   
    REading your post, I can so relate to rewards/family connection around food- it’s so HARD! Good news is that you can shift that to something new over time— and still enjoy those family bonding moments. But in the beginning with hormones raging- and yes, fat holds estrogen so its flushing out as you loose— it is so emotional. You have not lost that forever, it’s just evolving. Soon it can be more about being together than the eating part. Definitely consider getting a counselor on your team- even if you get one on your own, find one with eating disorder experience, mine has helped more that dietician even. DBT and CBT are great treatment options with therapist, imo.
    As for the 6-10 pm hide out- is there anything you can do outside your home to keep you engaged in something healthy for you? I started organizing my home, doing small projects, walking or even just going for a car ride to keep my mind occupied. Movement, fresh air and exercise is great for our mood/mental health. Or do you have any hobbies/interests you can engage in to get out of the headspace? Maybe any volunteering? Even just playing with a pet can lift my mood. Medication can also really help.
    You are incredibly brave and can do this— dont give up and soon you will be on the other side of it with a healthier version of you.
  9. Like
    hannah grace reacted to SleeverSk in Post Surgery Depression   
    I went through the same thing and the same feelings; it gets better it really does. once you start eating normal food and drinking more than a sip at a time you will feel much better. once you get over that stage things go back to normal pretty quick to quick for me. My advice, don't rush it because this period of restriction can lessen a great deal anywhere from the 6-month mark to 2 years. I didn't believe my surgeon when he told me this but it's true. now I wish I had the fresh post op restriction. But yes it sucks right now but you will get through it and in 12 months you will know it was the right thing to do.
  10. Like
    hannah grace reacted to Ephemeral in Post Surgery Depression   
    Your emotions and feelings are valid. It's such a big change. I had my surgery in January of 2022 and the night before the surgery I remember thinking, for a fleeting moment, that I just wanted to cancel all of it.....the fear of the unknown...the fear of leaving a comfort zone....our beloved comfort foods.
    I can tell you, I'm glad I did not change my mind. I'm over a year and I have never been happier. I've lost over 75 lbs and my life has changed for the better. I feel free! You will get there, I promise you, you will. Allow yourself to have those days of "loneliness"....they are normal. Push through them. You are strong, you are young and beautiful. In a few months, you will look back and smile....
    Allow yourself the time to heal, to recover, to adjust... You are so brave and strong. Remember your "why". You are meant to do amazing things.
    Tight hugs to you ♥
  11. Like
    hannah grace reacted to DaisyAndSunshine in Post Surgery Depression   
    First thing that caught my attention is your age. Damn, 19 and took the decision for the surgery. I wish I had the balls to do it in my younger days than being caught in the vicious cycle of 2 decades worth of dieting. Just look at this as a blessing that you'll enjoy all your 20s, 30s, peak of your youth without getting conscious of your body every other second. I wish I were in your shoes and my life would have quite different than getting my life back on track in my late thirties.
    Not trying to undermine your struggle. I know for me the journey wasn't as difficult but I am aware it can be for many out there. So hang in there, even this phase will pass through and next year you'll have so much to look forward to. I am seriously jealous you're getting this done before even hitting your 20s!
    Good luck and wish you all the best. If things get too out of hands, do consult a therapist or pour your heart away right here!
  12. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from SleeverSk in Post Surgery Depression   
    Hi all,
    I just had the gastric sleeve done on 6/21, and I am having so many feelings of loneliness and regret. I know this is a normal thing among people who have received bariatric surgeries, but even that thought doesn't bring me comfort.
    I stayed up all night the past 2 nights feeling like I just made the biggest mistake of my life, wondering why I didn't just exercise and eat healthier and spare my body and mind from this irreversible change. The first 4 days after surgery were the toughest for sure. Physically, that is. The pain was unmanageable even with the pain medications my doctors prescribed. Now the pain is (mostly) gone, and the liquid diet is killing me. I can't even think about FairLife Core Power Elite Protein Shakes without gagging (I dry heaved just writing the name out). I've tried what feels like every Protein Powder under the sun, and nothing seems to be enjoyable. Normally if I didn't like something, but needed to get it down for whatever reason, I'd just chug it. And I can't even do that anymore. I've always been an emotional eater, so now that when I'm sad and I can't eat, I get even sadder.
    Despite all of this, I think what keeps tearing me down is the feeling of loneliness. Now, I'm 19 years old with an awesome support system from my parents, siblings, and awesome friends. And I appreciate the hell out of all of them. But none of them understand. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my 19 years and I have no one in my circle who can even attempt to relate to these specific feelings. I am staying with my parents right now, which is nice. But, my family is filled with people whose lives revolve around food. Every birthday, every special occasion, and even the rewards when my siblings and I were little were all food-based. That's how my family socializes and bonds with each other. And that's not something I can do (I know just for a little bit but time seems to be going by so slowly). I literally hide in my room from 6pm-10pm because if I were to go downstairs everyone would be out there eating something that looks so delicious and having a great time together. When I explain these things to my mom, she just says "Well just come down and drink a Protein Shake with us!". It's definitely not the same because of all of the sadness and FOMO I feel when I see them eating things I can't have for at least 5 more months. And with the 4th of July being tomorrow (a holiday that my family spends drinking and eating from morning until night), I feel like I have no choice but to spend the holiday in my room watching the Dodgers game by myself.
    It just feels like I'm drowning in a swimming pool and no one can get through the gate to save me.
    I'm sorry this post is such a downer. Maybe I'm just overreacting. I just needed to get this off my chest and I hope at least one person on this site can relate.
    Thank you for reading.
  13. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from SleeverSk in Post Surgery Depression   
    Hi all,
    I just had the gastric sleeve done on 6/21, and I am having so many feelings of loneliness and regret. I know this is a normal thing among people who have received bariatric surgeries, but even that thought doesn't bring me comfort.
    I stayed up all night the past 2 nights feeling like I just made the biggest mistake of my life, wondering why I didn't just exercise and eat healthier and spare my body and mind from this irreversible change. The first 4 days after surgery were the toughest for sure. Physically, that is. The pain was unmanageable even with the pain medications my doctors prescribed. Now the pain is (mostly) gone, and the liquid diet is killing me. I can't even think about FairLife Core Power Elite Protein Shakes without gagging (I dry heaved just writing the name out). I've tried what feels like every Protein Powder under the sun, and nothing seems to be enjoyable. Normally if I didn't like something, but needed to get it down for whatever reason, I'd just chug it. And I can't even do that anymore. I've always been an emotional eater, so now that when I'm sad and I can't eat, I get even sadder.
    Despite all of this, I think what keeps tearing me down is the feeling of loneliness. Now, I'm 19 years old with an awesome support system from my parents, siblings, and awesome friends. And I appreciate the hell out of all of them. But none of them understand. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my 19 years and I have no one in my circle who can even attempt to relate to these specific feelings. I am staying with my parents right now, which is nice. But, my family is filled with people whose lives revolve around food. Every birthday, every special occasion, and even the rewards when my siblings and I were little were all food-based. That's how my family socializes and bonds with each other. And that's not something I can do (I know just for a little bit but time seems to be going by so slowly). I literally hide in my room from 6pm-10pm because if I were to go downstairs everyone would be out there eating something that looks so delicious and having a great time together. When I explain these things to my mom, she just says "Well just come down and drink a Protein Shake with us!". It's definitely not the same because of all of the sadness and FOMO I feel when I see them eating things I can't have for at least 5 more months. And with the 4th of July being tomorrow (a holiday that my family spends drinking and eating from morning until night), I feel like I have no choice but to spend the holiday in my room watching the Dodgers game by myself.
    It just feels like I'm drowning in a swimming pool and no one can get through the gate to save me.
    I'm sorry this post is such a downer. Maybe I'm just overreacting. I just needed to get this off my chest and I hope at least one person on this site can relate.
    Thank you for reading.
  14. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from SleeverSk in Post Surgery Depression   
    Hi all,
    I just had the gastric sleeve done on 6/21, and I am having so many feelings of loneliness and regret. I know this is a normal thing among people who have received bariatric surgeries, but even that thought doesn't bring me comfort.
    I stayed up all night the past 2 nights feeling like I just made the biggest mistake of my life, wondering why I didn't just exercise and eat healthier and spare my body and mind from this irreversible change. The first 4 days after surgery were the toughest for sure. Physically, that is. The pain was unmanageable even with the pain medications my doctors prescribed. Now the pain is (mostly) gone, and the liquid diet is killing me. I can't even think about FairLife Core Power Elite Protein Shakes without gagging (I dry heaved just writing the name out). I've tried what feels like every Protein Powder under the sun, and nothing seems to be enjoyable. Normally if I didn't like something, but needed to get it down for whatever reason, I'd just chug it. And I can't even do that anymore. I've always been an emotional eater, so now that when I'm sad and I can't eat, I get even sadder.
    Despite all of this, I think what keeps tearing me down is the feeling of loneliness. Now, I'm 19 years old with an awesome support system from my parents, siblings, and awesome friends. And I appreciate the hell out of all of them. But none of them understand. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my 19 years and I have no one in my circle who can even attempt to relate to these specific feelings. I am staying with my parents right now, which is nice. But, my family is filled with people whose lives revolve around food. Every birthday, every special occasion, and even the rewards when my siblings and I were little were all food-based. That's how my family socializes and bonds with each other. And that's not something I can do (I know just for a little bit but time seems to be going by so slowly). I literally hide in my room from 6pm-10pm because if I were to go downstairs everyone would be out there eating something that looks so delicious and having a great time together. When I explain these things to my mom, she just says "Well just come down and drink a Protein Shake with us!". It's definitely not the same because of all of the sadness and FOMO I feel when I see them eating things I can't have for at least 5 more months. And with the 4th of July being tomorrow (a holiday that my family spends drinking and eating from morning until night), I feel like I have no choice but to spend the holiday in my room watching the Dodgers game by myself.
    It just feels like I'm drowning in a swimming pool and no one can get through the gate to save me.
    I'm sorry this post is such a downer. Maybe I'm just overreacting. I just needed to get this off my chest and I hope at least one person on this site can relate.
    Thank you for reading.
  15. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from Goldenleaf79 in JUNE SURGERY BUDDIES   
    Mine too! Bari twins!!!!
  16. Like
    hannah grace got a reaction from Tomo in HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia   
    Will do:) Thanks!
  17. Thanks
    hannah grace reacted to summerseeker in HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia   
    In my lifetime anaesthesia has come such a long way . In 1997 I was told I could never have it again because I had such a bad reaction to it. Yet things have moved on so far its really as safe as can be. In 2010 I was put in a induced coma for three weeks. It saved my life. I had zero effects from my sleeve surgery, it took 3 hours due to lots of scar tissue from former abdominal surgeries. I had no gas issues or pain.
    Ask to speak with the anaesthetist. They will put you at ease. Ask for a pre med. You will be fine. My only issue is the socks they make you wear. Super sexy - not.
  18. Thanks
    hannah grace reacted to Tomo in HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia   
    I've been out under anesthesia 5 or 6 times myself. I, too, let them know before hand that I get easily nauseated and they give me something beforehand. I personally love being under anesthesia because one minute you are looking around the room, usually at a smiling nurse or doctor, and before you know it, the surgery is all over. As if you closed your eyes for a second, and it's already done. Talk to your team about your fears so they will be prepared as well.
  19. Thanks
    hannah grace reacted to mcipanda in HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia   
    Hi there, I’ve been under general anesthesia five times in my life so far and it’s no big deal. I always think well, if I’m gonna go, let it be this way! No pain, no dreams, nothing. Brain zzzzzz.
    seriously though, you fall asleep and wake up. It feels like no time has passed. My biggest issue is feeling nauseous afterward, so my team made SURE I didn’t feel that way with special medicine and Valium. my anesthesiologist was also amazing… he explained everything and answered my questions too. You’re gonna be okay, friend!
  20. Hugs
    hannah grace got a reaction from mcipanda in HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia   
    Hello fellow Bari-people!
    I have had a fear of anesthesia ever since I can remember (I think I got it from my mother, as she has the same fear). Of course I will have to face that fear come surgery day (06/21)... I know that's probably the last thing I should be worried about in this process, but I'd be lying if I said the thought of being put under doesn't keep me up at night LOL.
    I was wondering if anyone is open to sharing their stories with anesthesia and what that was like (in regards to bariatric surgery OR any other kind of surgery). I'm hoping some strong people can help me feel a little bit stronger, too.
    Thank you in advance!
  21. Like
    hannah grace reacted to catwoman7 in Hospital Stay/Exercise Must Haves   
    don't take much, because you'll probably be sleeping most of the time. Your phone and a charger. Very comfy easy-to-put on clothes for the ride home (although I just wore the same outfit that I wore TO the hospital). Some people use Biotene spray (for dry mouth) and Chapstick - so I did take those, but i don't think I used them (but a lot of people do use them). I also took toiletries, but I didn't need to because the hospital gave me a bag with travel-sized Shampoo, deoderant, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste. You'll get a hospital gown and slip-resistant socks, so no need to take your own unless you want to (although those gowns do make it easier for them to do things like listen to your lungs (if they even do that..) since they're open in the back. Although some people take something like a robe to put on while they're walking the halls (because they'll have you up and walking pretty quickly) - when I say those hospital gowns are open, they ARE open - all the way down...
  22. Haha
    hannah grace reacted to Arabesque in Hospital Stay/Exercise Must Haves   
    I agree, you wont need much. I took my own toiletries & changed into my own pjs - made me feel better. I was glad I threw in extra pjs & knickers though (you can experience very sudden diarrhoea - unpleasant).
    Different surgeons will have different advice & restrictions in regards to activity post surgery & when you can begin more strenuous activity, usually everyone is told to walk - gentle slow walks as you’re able (a couple of short walks every day even just around your home your yard is a good place to begin). Remember you will have restrictions on how much you can carry (lift, pull, etc.) in the first couple of weeks while you are healing. Check with them before embarking on an exercise program.
    Oh, those surgical gowns can be thin too. I’ll never forget the man wearing his gown sunning himself in front of the windows in the ward lounge area without a care in the world. The sun was highlighting everything under the gown & believe me when I say he was only wearing his hospital gown. 😱.
    all the best.
  23. Like
    hannah grace reacted to qtdoll in Hospital Stay/Exercise Must Haves   
    For excersice: I got the Adidas Adizero SL Running shoes & they're 10/10. They're weightless!
    A Fitbit. Hitting my daily goals on there is my #1 motivation
    Compression shin sleeves are wonderful for preventing pain from walking/running/stair climbing etc
    A fanny pack makes life VERY easy at the gym/on your walks
    Look up cooling towels you can drape around your neck or tie around your wrist when you work out, they're fantastic.
    Lip balm. Sometimes we get dry skin after surgery & a lot of breathing during working out can cause lip dryness. Trust me, keep one in your fanny pack & you will use it A LOT.
  24. Like
    hannah grace reacted to learn2cook in Hospital Stay/Exercise Must Haves   
    The hospital stay was such a blur. I agree with above posters about bringing as little as possible. Hospitals are notorious for stealing too, so nothing too valuable. I brought my asthma meds, phone, earbuds, charger. You can use a backwards gown as a robe and ask for as many warm blankets and pillows as you wish.

    Afterwards, after recovering or during, I made it a game to get up every hour. Just keep moving to keep blood flowing and get that gas out. Later the Fitbit or something step counting can motivate you to eventually get your steps up to 8-10k a day. That’s later on, not right away. Yeah, on the lip balm before during and after!
  25. Like
    hannah grace reacted to BabySpoons in Hospital Stay/Exercise Must Haves   
    I wasn't expecting dry mouth from hell, so agree with lip balm, mouth spray for that. I told the nurses, and they brought me ice chips. Said it was caused from all the anesthesia.
    I took very little to the hospital. Wore same clothes home. Took my phone and didn't even use it till drive home. I slept most of the time while there.
    Walking is the best thing you can do for exercise starting out and it's free. I bought a Garmin GPS watch to map out my routes, track my distance, heartrate etc. It even has an emergency call option if you're out somewhere and go down. It will pinpoint your location.
    There are a bazillion types of watches to choose from in all price ranges and options. Great for tracking your progress.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
