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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Brandiwine77

  1. Y'all, I know I cannot be the only one who is having severe food aversions. To stuff that I typically like! I'm 9 weeks post VSG. I brought some good turkey lunch meat, and some edamame with me for lunch. It got lunch time an I didn't really want it, but decided to eat is, as I didn't need to go out and try to hunt something down to eat. So I put a little chive cream cheese on my turkey and make a roll up and steamed my edamame (in the pods). I ate some turkey and a few edamame, and instantly started to gag. Anyone else? Or am I just a weirdo?

  2. On 8/8/2023 at 2:13 PM, learn2cook said:

    Yes, I was like this. I was 53 when I had RNY. I had been period free since age 49 so yippee, then 4 months after surgery I got a “fake” period. I was concerned about the normal concerns, but the Gyn and surgical doctors told me it happens sometimes due to the estrogens being released from fat during weight loss. I was reexperiencing hot flashes and more brain fog. I was experiencing peri menopause all over again for a whole year until my weight mostly settled. I used to get anemic from periods and fibroids, now it’s malabsorption.

    Weird fact, if you leave the fibroids alone, they eventually calcify. You can see them when you get scanned at the airport for a flight. They make it look like I’m packing bombs and I get flagged for a very thorough search. At least if you can tell the person they are fibroids they don’t freak out over your stomach so much. The women “get it.”

    I'm 46 and through menopause and an IUD, I haven't had a period in 3 years. I had some light spotting 2-3 weeks after my surgery for like a day, and was like hell no! Now, I don't know if it is because I went off the estradiol for surgery (I'm 9 weeks post op) due to it potentially causing blood clots, or the estrogens being released as you described, but holy hot flases and brain fog. Before my surgery I was ALWAYS cold. Now, I'm rarely cold. Yes, it is summer in AL, but I normally froze in the office and had my heat on, but not now.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Heatherhei said:

    Ill be 3 weeks post op tomorrow and its really hard!! I just want something solid to eat....like meat! I have one more week till I can start tuna and shaved deli meat so Im excited about that. Ive hit my first stall and its a little discouraging but i see pics and can definitely still see a difference. I cant really stomach anything with artificial flavor like the drink enhancers or anything like that. My taste buds have seem to changed. I cannot take the Protein Shakes no more, i cant eat refried Beans anymore or cream of chicken Soup. and i use to love those things....People keep telling me it gets better so im keeping hope!!!

    I can still stomach one specific Protein Shake but the others, nope. And just the though of Soup makes me gag. I even walked down the soup aisle at Publix the other day and gagged, lol. I have rebelled a bit and started some meat a wee bit early, as I wasn't supposed to yet, but I had so many food aversions, I felt I needed to try a little. So I did some lean ground beef and chewed super well and slow and it was fine. I did some tuna salad and it was fine. Grilled chicken nuggest from Chick Fil A? That's a noooooope.

  4. I had it pretty easy. My sleeve was outpatient, so I got to the hospital at 515ish, and was home by 1pm. The first day I was so tired and sleepy from the anesthesia. I had a post op appt first thing next morning. On the way home, we swung by Target and walked around. It wore me out. No real pain and only took a pain pill the 2nd night to help knock me out, lol. I had my surgery on a Wed and went back to work in the office on Monday. Didn't have a whole lot of nausea. The first 2-3 days Water really hurt, but then that went away. I'm a little over 3 weeks out, and I still haven't fully gotten all of my endurance back (but it doesn't help that its 3rd level of hell hot in AL, lol) I am sleeping better, and I'm down 14lbs or so since surgery. Most of my glue on incisions has some off, except the spot where they took my stomach out. That one is still a wee bit touchy.

  5. 3 minutes ago, KathyLev said:

    My son stopped by yesterday to see how I was and he started laughing at my baggy clothes ! LOL It was funny because I was still wearing some clothes from when I was 242 . Well ,I'm down to 191 now,so I figured it was about time to go to the Goodwill and buy some more "temporary" clothes. I am so used to shopping in the 2X section, it was hard to go down a size or two. My method of measuring is always to stretch it across my stomach , if that fits, I buy it. I started at the 2x ,hhmmm...WAY too big. I went to the 1X ... well ,what the heck? These are too big ,too ! I hit the XL section and thought "no way" .... but I'll be darned .... they fit !!! The main colors of my pre surgery wardrobe was always Dark blue and black. Not any more 😍 I got me some Bright colors !!!!! LOL Now the happiness I have on the inside shows up on the outside :) Got any stories of your first "downsizing" shopping trip ?

    Woo hooo!! Congrats!! My husband calls a pair of my jeans "droopy dukes" LOL!!

  6. 2 hours ago, Daisy1210 said:

    Hi all! I had surgery on 6/13 sleeve to bypass revision. I was struggling with the liquid diet and I had some fish (cod & salmon) in small portions but only 10/11 days post op. I feel an aching pain in my left side all of a sudden but am passing stool so I dont think a blockage. I didnt lose any weight on my 2 week marker, I remained the same. Did I damage something? Also having a hard time knowing when I am full.

    Good luck to everyone out there

    Hey there. Are you still having pain? It could be as simple as gas, as your body was thinking what have you done to me, lol. If you start having other issues, or the pain gets worse, definitely call your team. As for the weight loss, not everyone loses weight right away due to bloating and such, as it is major surgery. Follow your plan, and don't stress. It WILL happen.

  7. I usually make a spicy coleslaw (don't come for me yet)

    Shredded coleslaw mix

    A little light mayo

    Pickle Juice

    Pickled diced jalapenos and a little juice

    Red Onion

    Grape Tomatoes


    Slice onion thin, half your grape tomatoes. Dump in bowl with coleslaw veggies. In separate bowl whisk together a little bit of light mayo, pickle juice, and your diced pickled jalapenos and black pepper. Add as much jalapeno as you want, but please keep in mind the longer this sits, the hotter it gets. I usually make the day before and stir a few times to let it sit and flavor develop. Salt/Pepper as you like, but I suggest tasting it after it sits for several hours. I don't measure, so therefore, no measurements. The mayo/juice mixture should be fairly runny, so it is easy to mix in. You want mostly pickle juice with a little mayo to make it creamy. I have no clue if you could sub greek yogurt as I have never tried it.

  8. 49 minutes ago, Turch said:

    Hi friends! Just had my dietician appointment I am now on the pureed stage! I have never had any other milk but cow and I am a very picky person. What's the best tasting plant based milk for someone like me?

    I absolutely love unsweetened vanilla almond milk. The downside is it doesn't have much Protein. Until recently, I had not had cows milk in several years, as I've used almond, and even unsweetened plain for cooking, and no one was the wiser.

  9. 10 hours ago, WanderingLass said:

    I love zoodles! Cook them just enough to heat them so they retain texture without getting smooshy and they're great!

    Yes!! This! I love them too, but it was a bit of a learning curve at first. You really only want to get them scalded and hot, and not cook them or they are absolute mush. I actually like raw zucchini too, with a little ranch dip.

  10. So, it’s been a weekend. I’m in AL so the heat and humidity are insane. Yesterday we went to see the Savannah Bananas. I stood in the blazing sun and heat for almost 2 hours before we could go through the gates. I was close to passing out. Finally got to our seats and immediately had the hubs find me some Water. I poured some on a napkin and even down my bra 😂 Don’t judge. Lol. Thank goodness our seats weren’t in the sun. After I was out of passing out phase hubs went and found me some shaved ice which was amazing. There was no food there I could eat, so I had snuck in a Protein Bar and it was melted and I ate 2 bites and was good until 730.

    Today ran some errands. Had one egg over medium for Breakfast. Protein Shake for lunch. Then decided to take a walk at the state park. Again SO hot. Did almost a mile but it was just too hot. Came home had a Popsicle and figuring out dinner. I made hamburgers out of some ground sirloin. I made me a patty of under 2oz and put half a slice of American on it, and a tablespoon of baked Beans. Didn’t finish it and so far, my stomach is good. Yay meat! 🤣

  11. 4 hours ago, Cheesekitty7 said:

    I had my first episode of foamies today. I’m 3 weeks post op and I am cleared for soft foods. I had a scrambled egg and i think i ate a little too fast. I definitely felt it in my chest. The pressure and my runny nose was the cue that I probably ate too fast or I ate too much. Anyways I vomited the dreaded “foam/slime” and proceeded to vomit some of the eggs. Now I wonder when can I drink Water ? I’m currently laying it out and trying to relax myself. Scared the sh*t out of me tho.

    I had it too the other day with some scrambled egg. Again, not sure if I ate too much, too fast, or what. But it SUCKED. Wanna know what was even worse? I was at Target when it happened. Hubs was getting his hair cut and I was going to wait there, and felt yuck, so went to Target in the same shopping center. Thought it was all out and I was good. Nope. Walking around store and it just foams up in my mouth, so I ran to the kleenex aisle and got some and opened them up and used them to spit that nasty mess in. This happened 4-5 more times a tiny bit at a time while walking around, until hubs was done, and I took a little sip of Water. So yeah, def going to not eat scrambled for a while.

  12. 8 minutes ago, FlowerGirl44 said:

    I also need to consider the amount of time and money I have already invested into this. My psych eval alone was $200 :(. And I am one appointment away from sending everything off for insurance approval....so I am almost at the finish line. Maybe it's suddenly becoming real and freaking me out that this is really happening :)

    Yep. That was me too. The closer I got, the anxiety went through the roof. I had myself convinced I was having heart issues and such, I had stressed so much. All but had a full blow panic attack. I was less nervous the morning of surgery, and since mine was outpatient, I was home by 1pm same day, and all was good.

  13. 27 minutes ago, FlowerGirl44 said:

    So, I am going back and forth on getting the surgery and not getting the surgery. I don't know what I am going to do. I have my last appointment Monday for my final insurance requirements for approval. I am about 135 lbs. overweight, so I have a good bit I need to lose, which is why have been thinking of and researching the bypass. I started out with a little doubt and then I decided no, not for me. A few months later I was back at thinking of it again, and decided without a doubt I was going for it. That is when I started seeing the surgeon and required doctor's/specialist's visits. I was on that train of thought for a few weeks and now I don't know if I am getting impatient or truly scared or feel as though I might actually be able to do this on my own through diet and exercise. I feel so lost. I feel like I have read all of the information. I have joined numerous groups to see others results and experiences. Is this normal? To go back and forth? Am I just too much in my own head about this?

    I went back and forth for YEARS. Started the process and then backed out. I totally get it. And leading up to the surgery, I almost backed out again. I was so nervous and almost petrified. I kept having the What If thoughts that were borderline irrational. This time I didn't really tell anyone, but a couple of super close people. My coworkers don't even know, as I only took off 3 days. I didn't want anyone getting in my head and speaking negativity. I tried so many times to do it on my own. I had some success, but in the end, I could never get past a certain point on my own, so would get frustrated and say screw it, that if I'm going to work that hard and not get anywhere, I'd rather not. I'm 15 days post op now. It's definitely not easy and some days I struggle more than others, but I know that it gets better daily.

  14. Mine was 6/7 and right after I wouldn't say regret, but a moment of WTF did I do? It was because food has been my friend for so long, plus I was so frustrated I couldn't drink w/o pain, and Water hurt so flipping bad. But that has went away. I'm glad I did it, even though I know it is going to be a hard process. And I def plan to talk to a therapist at some point in the near future. Deep breath, don't do anything rash, or that could be harmful to your new stomach, and remember that this will pass. As the saying goes, maybe like a kidney stone, but it will pass, lol. Just remember it is MAJOR surgery and a massive life change, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

  15. Mine was 6/7. I'm down about 10 pounds since then. I've been a daily weigher for years, but I put the scale away this morning, because I've been obsessing, and because I'm supposedly up like 3 pounds since yesterday, which eating under 600c, isn't possible, lol. I know it's because I need to #2, plus, before surgery I was used to drinking close to a gallon of Water a day, and of course I cannot do that right now, so my body is being an a-hole getting used to the less fluids and wanting to hold on to every single flipping ounce, lol Hey, bodies are weird. Try not to stress.

  16. 2 minutes ago, DonnaMarie Hanby said:

    Hi there, first post and my surgery day is June 29th!!! Going through the Mount Carmel Bariatric program in Grove City, Ohio. I am excited and anxious. Had my pre op surgeon visit this morning and we are all good to go. I turn 43 the day before, great way to start my next journey around the sun.

    Congrats! I'm 2 weeks post op,and I'll be 46 in Aug. Good luck with the preop

  17. 52 minutes ago, Maggie rose said:

    Aw poor thing I’m sorry that happened, I’m almost worried how well I’m tolerating food and drink, it makes me think I have too much stomach left over … I had surgery the 13th and I can drink over 62 ounces with no problem idk maybe I’m thinking to much my apt is Thursday I am excited to see what he says

    Don't be worried. I can tolerate a lot of liquids too, as long as I'm not eating, lol. I take 40oz of Water with me to work, and usually finish it, or pretty close by the time I get home, on top of other liquids.

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