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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Erin18

  1. As some you know, my Lapband slipped. On Friday April 19 was my revision surgery. I go home thinking I'll just better over. Stayed home for a night checking my temp every so often. I had a fever just about every time I checked.I go to my hospital on Sunday morning, they found an infection so I left my hospital via ambulance and when I get to the hospital where I had my surgery, took a cat scan and it showed up on that so I went into surgery ): I had a serious infection and absess? It was so bad one of the best things for him to do was to take my band out. So I have been here since Sunday. My fever is slowly going down, my heart rate is still a little high, took the fully tube out (the one for your bladder, and got the tube that was Hooked up to my stomach.got plugged today. I am getting closer and closer to getting out of here, this just sucks ):

  2. Hey so I can't find my last post and I did say my band slipped, my surgery is next Friday and it almost feels like I'm getting the surgery all over again. Anyways, since I am going to be having surgery again, I was thinking that it would be best to start over. Do the pre-op diet then the liquid stage, mushie stage then solids. Then I just hope it goes the right way this time, and be smarter

  3. how long should it take for it to go away? after i took the first pill and was able to eat something, it doesnt hurt as much as it did, THANK GOD! but it feels like i ran a mile and wasnt used to it, know what i mean? blah this is lame lol and not fair :/ and yeah i know, i hope it gets back to normal

  4. i don't have my gallblader lol I already had it removed in 2010 because I did have gallstones.But I went to my hospital last night because I couldn't wait to go see my surgeon.The doctor at the hospital said heartburn or acid reflux.They took blood work and a urine example, everything came back good, the nurse gave me a GI cocktail or something like that to numb the pain and she gave me something else after through the IV. But yeah, the docto prescribed Zantak so hopefully that's all that is wrong with me

  5. it's not as bad as it was, i feel winded kind of, mom kind of thinks its this cold going around, but if im still having pains tomorrow, im going to see if i can go to my surgeon since he can do a test, forgot what its called but you drink this chalky white stuff and have an xray? but yeah

  6. Ok, so last wednesday i started getting this side pain, it was so severe that i had to go to the hospital that day, but they didnt do anything for my besides just say it was a muscle sprain and took a chest xray, told me everything was fine and gave me ibuprofen which didnt help at all.The side pain lasted about a week. Then i started getting heartburn or acid reflux and now i have this chest pain in the center of my chest and it feels like food is stuck but theres no food there, its a tight feeling and just hurts. i dont know if this is related to the band or not and i dont know what to do, i dont want to go back to the hospital and waste my time.

    what do i do ?

  7. All of these are great, but Maddysgram has to be my fav answer.

    I think what I am going to do is write down the rules and bring it with me everywhere I go to remind myself, along with a note book to log in my food intake/calories and exercise, if I lost more than 20 pounds, I can lose it again and more.

    I know my problem, it's not eating right, not taking my time eating right, not drinking enough Water, not taking Vitamins, and drinking with meals. When I first got this surgery, I was much more serious and scared about things getting stuck and following the rules, what happened to me?

    What can I take to make my hair get thicker (B12? Prenatals, I hear that helps?)

    I love walking, loooooooooonnnnnngggggg walks and going on adventures. I also like to play Dance Central 2, it's the only fun workout thing I have for indoors.

    How much food should I be eating at every meal? I always thought it was 3/4c-1c? No eatting after 8pm

    What if I forgot some of the rules?

    What are the biggest rules to remember?


    No drinking with meals?

    Eat slowly?

    Most of the time, like I've mentioned in other posts, I would skip Breakfast and lunch, NOT GOOD! I know.

    I need to get in more Protein and sometimes I don't like Protein Shakes.

    I don't think I've ever gotten in enough Protein in since when I got the surgery done.

    I don't drink enough Water ):, I sometimes find it hard for me to drink water.

    311263_10152199605320109_1296455272_n.jpg (This is me on Halloween 2012)

  8. So yes, I really need to start over. I need to stop dreaming about being at my goal weight and actually get there. Back in May I lost around 20 pounds, but stupid me, I started gaining it back, my friend started taking me out to dinner and then it started becoming a habbit and told him about it and told him we should go out every once in a while or every other month or something. I gained 13 of the 20 back I guess and it sucks!

    In September, I had to go see my Surgeon to get some Fluid taken out of my band because I felt like I was throwing up all the time no matter what I ate and yes that was for liquids too, weird! I was 209 then. When I went back this month, I didn't lose anything or gained anything.

    So, I go back to see my surgeon on the 19th of November and I want to prove that I got this and can do this, I want to lose between 5-10 pounds.

    How should I go about starting over?

    Like pre-op diet, liquid diet, mushie diet, then back to solid diet?

    Or what's your suggestions/tips?

    My goal weight is whenever I can fit into a size 4

    My height is 5'0"-5'2"

    My current weight is anywhere between 209-216 atm.

    Thanks for anyone's help!

  9. pmartin323 - i had my gallblader out back in 2010 due to having horrible pains and finding out i had galstones. i too, made sure it was my lap band surgeon. what is a plication ?

    <3 Ky <3- thank you (:

    wow i know what you mean about the roller coaster of emotional stress, one day youre up then youre down, up and down up and down, it is so annoying! well you should be only weighing yourself once a week or once every two weeks and at the same time everytime you weigh yourself. i weighed myself yesterday only because i felt like i had a bad day on saturday and well apparently not because it said i was weighing in at 215pounds. that made me happy. i actually worked out today, i just actually got up and did it. i started the 30 day shred with jillian michaels. I started drinking hot green tea too and i never thought that i would be one to actually like it. when you get a fill, how do you know it's your sweet spot? i believe i have 6 or 7 cc's in my band so far, i'm leaning more towards the 6cc's. thank you for the little saying (:

    Ilene62 - that is true. i absolutely do not know what kind of band i have, all i know is that it holds 10cc's and that i was banded in july 2009.

    i want to make a list of foods to avoid. other than what i have listed, what else should be listed[mainly foods that tend to get stuck]?

    Foods to Avoid

    1. Pasta
    2. bread
    3. rice
    4. processed foods

  10. ElizabethAnne - thank you

    i know i am depressed and it really does make everything much harder even my cosmetology class i am taking

    its been 2 years of having depression and it really is not fun. i thought itd get better by now but nope

    yes, i think it is a very good idea to help me get into the right direction, i feel like i forget easily now as well too, cause i had some things on my mind a few mins ago and completely for got it and, i try and try to remember it but it just makes me more stressed. sometimes i cant sleep because i have stuff on my mind and if i dont write them down i wont remember so ill be up all not writting things on my mind and THAT SUCKS just as much as being depressed

    The cosmetology class is not offered through a community college

    thank you!♥


    I can check that out (:

    Thanks and i will!


    i am going to be seeing my doctor about the depression issues

    it's still cold here but i have workout DVD's, workout games and a dance game, and workout plans to get me going

    oooohhhh i know i can do this, if i was able to lose 12 or so pounds before surgery, i can do it more now, i just need to block out everything and everyone else and focus on me to get there


    do they do tests to find out if there is an imbalance?

    i think coming on here really does help because you have some people who are in the same boat as you and try to help you refocus


    thanks. my port used to bother me, sometimes it still does. like sometimes i get a sharp pain, but only in a great while. its weird. i know i feel ashamed to see my dr too, but i know it has to be done to get me back on track. i too do not like medication, i am on no meds as of now, but if it is going to help me, then why not, if there is a natural way that is just like the medicine that would be even better, but if not either way would be fine i think

    i'm holding on to everything that i got, this site has a lot of helpful things and inspiring things! (:



  11. Thank you, all of you who replied, it made me feel so much better

    Nikki_ProudAWife_ : thank you. i have fallen off the wagon a very long time ago, i did not quit, but sometimes i am on the urge of it. i try and try, but it does not seem to stick into my head and why? i can make an appointment with both doctors tomorrow-one for primary doctor about stress and depression and what not and the other with my lapband doctor, i wrote down a few things i want to talk to him about and possibly get a fill while i am there. there is a huge fork stuck in the road. i am a skinny person stuck in a bigger person's body who wants out. about the yoga and pilates, i have heard that it helps as well and i did want to try it, can i find videos for that on youtube? thank you!

    Kishis- that is true! i am going for a walk tomorrow with a couple of friends before seeing a movie. i was thinking about that. what kind of bars? Protein ones? thanks!

    elcee- hey, yeah those were bad days and i felt hopeless. i think that could be why as well and possibly because maybe i am scared for change? that is not good!!!! i need to change so i can live a long and happy life.

    i know it is not a magical wand or that getting thin over night is a possibility because i know it is not. i know it takes longer to lose the weight than it is to gain it. i know i need to definitely talk to my lapband doctor about my probs, i could really use a nutricionist, that is where most of my problems are.

    for breakfast, 3 days in a row i have been having carnation breakfast shake stuff that has like 11-14 grams of Protein in it and like 170-180 cals

    i am trying not to.

    B-52-it could be a possibility. i feel like i have a lot going on, but i really do not

    i do not know how to control my mind, like it needs to be cleansed out so i CAN have control. my brother lost all the weight he needed to lose years ago and kept it off the healthy way with out surgery, why can't i have that kind of dedication, determination, motivation, commitment that he had? otherwise, i would not be like i am now.

    i agree, it is always harder to focus when distracted.

    i am not trying to point the finger or blame anybody, but i feel that it is hard to lose weight here, even my mom agrees. i need to block out everyone and everthing around me (like Skymoon from youtube did [i believe that is her user name]) i just wish i knew how to do that

    if it is something else going on then i honestly do not know what it is, i know if i went to bed earlier and got up earlier, i can workout in the morning like i want to because it is so much easier to get it done in the morning


    i feel like that most of the time lol

    the closest i think is like a little over an hour away, i do not hear about the support groups anymore. there used to be one that was right in town, i do not know what happened to that

    i feel the same, i feel like i do not have the support that i should have (does that sound needy?)

    somebody in my cosmetology class went through a horrible break up and lost around 30+ pounds and she was kind of big, but not really big, but now i feel like the biggest person in class...well i am either way.

    i am a yo-yo dieter and i wish that it would just stop!!

    I have the myfitnesspal on my phone and ipod touch, i do not know if it really helps me or not i am going to start using it again and plan my days ahead of time

  12. Yup, did you ever think that I'd say that? Well it is true, I am a major failure, it is all my fault and I am extremely ashamed. I have only lost around 20-22 pounds since getting this surgery and that was 2 and a half years ago (7/31/09)!! The most I have lost was 47 pounds.(I gained most of it back besides the 20-22 pounds) I do not know what happened to me ): but I guess being stressed and depressed does not help at all. I started getting depression back in February of 2010 then along with that I started getting stressed and as each day passed it got worse, I have not seen anyone about it yet, but I am going to talk to my regular doctor about it when I go in to see her again. Since I started getting that, that's when I started to see my weight go back up and each day got more stressfull or depressing, last year was the worst. I have no motivation, I am tired all the time, I come home from my Cosmetology class and I don't feel like working out or anything, I feel stupid...I haven't even seen my LapBand doctor since last October because I am truely embarrassed to go back!!

    I skip Breakfast and lunch most of the time, sometimes I eat very little, I barely get any liquids in, I am treating my body horribly. I know I have stupid excuses, but sometimes I won't eat in the morning or before class [lunch] is because I feel like I don't have time to eat. I want to go to bed earlier like at 9:30pm or 10pm but I feel like it will never happen, I feel like a night owl and want to stay up half the night so I get up around 9:55/10am and leave for class at 11:30am, Class starts at 12pm. I know it is a part of why I feel dizzy...

    I think I am anemic again which can be the other part as to why I am feeling dizzy.

    I do not know what to do anymore, I have regretted the band a few times, but I know it will work if I just treat it the way it is supposed to be treated, but I feel like I have no control over anything and I feel like I do not know how to treat my body, the band and everything the way it is supposed to be. My mind is lost and I can not focus. I do not know what to do, I know start from the begining but for me it sounds a lot harder than it is...I just do not know...

    I have 100-105 pounds to lose and I honestly do not see it happening, I am going to die alone and depressed...

  13. I have had the band for 2 years now.

    Didn't lose much, didn't have much dedication =/

    I'm starting fresh.

    I'll start walking tomorrow night and eat lesser.

    I'm going to use my pre-op diet I had to start it off where I'll have to stay 1,000 cals or under for a week. When I did this pre-op, I lost 8 pounds.

    After that, I'm going to do the stages that you do after surgery, liquids, mushy and then solids

    When I get to the mushy stage, I'll start working out along with walking.

    I go on 2 mile walks because I feel better when I do.

    I'm not doing my "pre-op diet" til sunday because I'm having a movie night party thing on saturday, BUT! I'm going on a 3+ mile walk on saturday morning.

    I'm going to follow the rules like I am supposed to like do not drink while eating and wait 30 mins after to drink anything and to take my time to eat.

    I'm going to write down what I eat and count my calories. I found that it helped before.

    I'm hoping to stay around 1200-1500 cals a day and when I get stuck at a weight like it won't budge, then I'll play around with the cals, to see what happens.

    I at 6 or 7 cc's now.

    I'm hoping to achieve a goal of 15-22 pounds by December 20th, which is my birthday

    I'm hoping to lose around 10 pounds a month or close to it, I see it as realistic.

    I hope to beable to fit into this dress, skirt or corset that I bought back when I first got my surgery.

    How do I stay motivated? I feel like I lose focus very quickly like SQUIRL!

    I know I need to constantly keep telling myself that I will feel better about myself and I will be much more happier and feel great and confident, why do I always say forget it all?

    Hmm, wish me luck I guess! ♥

  14. I'm wondering the same thing, I just got a half a cc on wednesday, so now I'm at a total of 6cc or 7cc. I've been doing halfs because one of the fills I got was way too tight a few months ago. And now I'm wondering if mine is too since the last time I got a fill and this past week will make a full cc, I cant eat solids and liquids will be slightly hard to get down too, but they go down yet I have had this bubble feeling like a gas bubble since Thursday and it won't go away, it went away once because I kept forcing liquids down so I didn't get dehydrated or something but it came back later that night. It feels like I need to burp and I try but then it feels like vomit o.O.It makes sounds too ahh I've been only having liquids. I thought it was because my stomach was swollen. I forced myself to vomit (tha'ts not good, I know =/) today to see if it would help and it didnt. So should I wait it out and see if it goes away? Or should I just tell my doctor? I don't want to take it out because for once it's helping me to not eat so much and I'm actually losing weight again.

    And Sorry for posting this on your thread, but if someone is has pretty much the same prob I am, I thought I'd add it =/

  15. I want to share my story today b/c it was definitely a weird experience. I went in for my third fill having 2 cc put in each time. So today, my surgeon fills me from 4 cc to 6 cc (10 cc band). He warned me it would probably be too tight, that we would see. So after the fill, he gave me the bottled Water to drink before I left. I took my first sip and I could feel it funnel but no big deal, so I took another sip/gulp. OMG!!! It wouldn't go down!! I paced the floor as my mouth was watering, my chest felt like it would explode, and my eyeballs felt like they were floating!! I have been stuck before but this was multiplied by ten!! I felt like I could puke at any second, right there on the floor!! After about three minutes thinking it would pass, and painfully discovering it wouldn't, I called the surgeon back in. He had me lay on the table and he pulled 1 cc back out. As soon as he started pulling it out, i could actually feel the Water go through. He then had me sit up with that needle still sticking out of my chest and drink more water. this time the water went through with no problem. It was crazy!! Talk about restriction!! More like a no passing zone!! So the next fill I go for will only be a .5 cc. I hope this fill will get me to the green, I have never experienced it before and am excited to hit that heavenly place!

    Omg, sounds like an experience I went through back in July! Only that I felt fine til I go home and my doctor is an hour an a half away so I had to suffer with the chest pain and feeling like I had to puke all night and went back the next day. Boy when I got it out I instantly felt better! I just got another fill, that fill in July was my second one but I had pre Fluid or whatever in my band when I got it in, and in July I think I was at 7cc's in a 10cc band, I got the whole 1cc fill out, so last month I got a half of a cc and this week I got another half cc so I'm back at 7cc's I guess, I'm not sure if it's too tight but it's hard to get anything down, I could get watery liquids down sorta ok but it'll feel stuck and I'm been waking up in the middle of the nigt choking. I don't but my chest kinda hurts I'm going to try. To wait it out though because I think it's cause my stomach is just still swollen(got half a fill on Wednesday) because later in the night the suck feeling goes away if I drink a lot and lay down o.O it's weird and kind of annoying.

  16. Thanks!

    It was really scary, I never had that pain before, well I have but didn't last that long and wasn't caused by a fill or the band. I don't know if this is normal or not, but at the bottom of my rib cage like in the center hurts mainly when I eat or drink anything but I can eat and drink, it just hurts and I was wondering if it's caused by having the band too tight for too long or what? But yeah I couldn't get anything down or else I would have waited. And I don't know how much he's going to put back in on Tuesday but I just hope it won't bother me when I go to the fair, but I really can't wait to start getting this weight down.

    I lost what I want to talk about but thanks guys

  17. I had to see another doctor today since mine was out for the day and he took one cc out and instantly my chest pain went away and my nauseated feeling went away too. I'm just so happy I feel better. He said to drink liquids today and tomorrow to eat softer foods and such. I go back next Tuesday and he's going to give me another fill, hopefully not as much maybe half of what my doctor put in yesturday. I could not have given it another day or two, the pain hurt so bad, I couldn't do anything and it was hard to lay down long enough for him to take it out. But yeah, I hope when I go back he gives me enough but not to the point when I become like that. On the bright side, I lost 5 pounds in a week!

  18. I got my second fill yesturday and I think it's 7cc's all together (because it was pre-filled when I got it placed) I don't know. But when he had me drink some Water I felt fine, drank some more Water but half way home that umcomfortable feeling wouldn't go away, so I figrued I'd wait til I got home because the last time I got a fill it went away and I kept getting hiccups and this burping feeling but if I tried to burp it'd feel like I had to puke. Well, I tried eating Soup and it was very, very hard to eat anything. I couldn't even eat a freeze pop. So I barely got any liquids down, I tried sipping Soup but that was even hard and later at night it was even hard to sip pear juice. I thought laying down would help but it really didn't. I couldn't barely even sleep it was so uncomfortable. It feels like a balloon is inflated(sp?) in my chest.

    It's not because I ate too much right? I mean how can it be if I couldn't even drink water

    I'm full of problems... blahh

  19. Good for you! Everyone should not be so rough on you. It's hard for me at my age, so I know it has to be difficult for you. I am 10 years older than you. Take it easy, eat Protein and drink lots of fluids and you'll be fine.

    I know right? I'm trying, I think I might actually have to go back and get a little out because I think it might actually be a little too tight now cause it's hard to get stuff down withought that feeling like I got to burp and it's not just with food, it's with Fluid too. And I also keep hiccuping

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