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Posts posted by Erin18

  1. I had info session the first time I had went to the bari center. After that was my first appointment, meeting with a fitness coach (was require and she was in the network), nutritionist, psych eval, bundle of tests, I had to get my thyroid under control because during the blood work bundle it was too high I think, monthly weigh in, I had to meet up with physical therapy, I had to attend a class about the surgeries, I had to meet up with the nutritionist again and then my last appointment on Dec 6 was my weigh in appointment and I gave then the paper I said with my thyroid levels how they were where they are supposed to be and she submitted everything to my insurance. I know they cover the surgery because I called them way in the beginning to make sure. Just waiting for approval. It really is stressful, I really want to get this show on the road. 6 months into this so far. I have a Tele call appointment in January, but if I get my call, I can cancel that appointment, but at this rate I think ill have that appointment lol. I'm planning on calling both places.

  2. I feeling like this is taking forever!. I thought that at my appointment in November that they were going to send in all of my paperwork and every thing I had to complete before those papers got sent to my insurance. But they needed my thyroid levels from the test results I had done by my doctors office which I handed in on December 6th. But now it's a waiting game and it's making me wonder if I should call the bariatric center and ask them about it?

    How long did it take everyone to get approved? It's probably just my insurance company but still 😫 I really hope I get approved soon so I can have a good start of the new year! 🤞

  3. Awwh man, these are so awesome! Seeing these makes me even more excited because I will get there too.

    The horseback riding one, I've rode horses many many times, took lessons and my aunt has always had them. I have never been "skinny" and I feel like that is why my aunt barely asked me to go for a ride with her. I dont know what it feels like to ride a horse as a "skinny" person and that is one of my goals and I always have to tell them my weight before signing up for lessons so they can pick a horse for me according to my weight. It's embarrassing having other people knowing your weight. One of my weightloss rewards is to take jumping lesson which is something I've always wanted to do, but not at my weight. (I'm a western style riding girl, so it would also be very different riding english!)

    Another thing that ice always thought about is a relationship. I feel like no one wants to be with someone my size (I know there's lots of men that do) the ones who are interested, im usually not interested in them. I want marriage and I want more kids. I feel like if I lost the weight, a whole new dating world would open for me

  4. What is everyone's goals after weight loss?

    Mine are;

    To be able to keep up with my son.

    To have more energy.

    To be healthier.

    My weight actually embarrasses me and I do worry if people are making rude comments about it. So to be able to be confident.

    To not have to worry if a piece of clothing is going to be in my size.

    To finally work in a salon. (I swell up if I stand too long)

    To not swell up if I stand for a long time.

    If I go to a theme park, it's my goal to be able to fit in the rides without embarrassment.

    To take photos with my son again.

    Those are to name a few, what are yours?

  5. On 9/23/2022 at 7:46 PM, Giginc said:

    I was wonder if anyone has tried Natures Twist strawberry lemonade. I am so anxious to get my date . I finish pre-op appts 10/18 really want the date! Did anyone create menu schedule for pre op and after surgery to make it easier. I get so confused. I need to find a good water bottle gallon that keeps it cold. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot for your patience.

    Did your surgeons team make a sample menu? I know every surgeon is different, but the nutritionist makes them for the patients. That's what you mean right? Lol

    I'd get a thermos Water bottle. Camelbak has one, but they're expensive 😬

  6. 11 hours ago, kcuster83 said:

    I LOVEEEE lemonade! Minute maid makes a zero sugar lemonade and it is great. Doesn't have that artificial sweetener taste. I drink TONS of Water, always have and love to. But every once in a while I just need a kick of flavor and them lemonades do it every time.

    The crystal light packets or other brand flavor packets are too "intense" for me. That is the best was I can explain it. I have to almost double the Water to be able to tolerate them so I stopped using them.

    As far as shake recipes, I can't help. I have read a lot and keep saying I want to start making my own shakes but never do. The pre-made are just so convenient, plus you just can't recreate 30g Protein for 150/160 calories. So, I just keep going back to the pre-made shakes and switch around the brands and/or flavors when I get bored. Sometimes I take caramel shakes and add black coffee with ice so I feel like I am having a "cheat" sugary iced coffee.

    I have taken vanilla powder and added powdered Protein to it too, but that is about the extent of my "homemade" shakes.

    I just bought the sugar free lemonade today because of a youtube video I saw haha. She added a packet of kool-aid to change the normal lemonade flavor. Plus she had surgery too and it's actually pretty good. I love lemonade too.

    I find it so hard to drink water. I never go for water and thats not good at all. How am I going to make it. I am going to start pushing myself tho because it is really important for many reasons.

    I made a really great tasting Protein Shake last night. It tasted just like ice cream. I got the idea from another tik toker and I tweaked it.

    1 scoop GNC lean shake chocolate protein powder

    4.5 oz water

    4.5oz brewed coffee. I Made dunkin's caramel coffee cake flavored ground coffee

    Squirt of honey

    Capful of vanilla


    Tall cup of ice

    Blend again

    Drizzle sides of glass with sugar free caramel Syrup and Sugar Free Chocolate syrup

    Top with serving of sugar free whipped cream

    Sooooooooo good!

  7. Hey all. A curious question came to mind. Does anyone have a favorite Protein Shake recipe that you love? I haven't had surgery yet, but I want to start getting used to Protein Shakes. I've seen a recipe where people make a Protein Frappuccino and this other shake where they used a sugar free fat free pudding mixture in it.. so does anyone have a favorite?? The only go to shake I use is frozen banana with frozen strawberries with GNC lean shake. I add a little bit of honey. What could I used when I get surgery since I probably won't be able to use honey?

    Does anyone have a favorite drink other than gatorade, Water and iced tea? Just want more options if I want something other than water. I saw this video where this girl got these 52 fl oz bottles of sugar free lemonade and put on a kool-aid packet in each bottle she had. It sounds good. So yeah what's your faves? I want to write down a bunch of different recipes and drinks for now and after

  8. On 9/2/2022 at 7:51 AM, ShoppGirl said:

    I am so glad that I stumbled upon this post because I have somewhat unexplained dental issues and I am going to ask if they are possibly related to sleeve. I have been going to the dentist twice a year since I had teeth, religiously. I have had a few small cavities over the years but fortunately no issues beyond that.

    All fillings have to be replaced eventually so I was not totally surprised when my dentist found a chip in a filling (this was the first one I have ever had that chipped) When he found THREE chipped fillings though, I admit I was a little shocked. I mean, same time last year I had my teeth checked by the same dentist and had zero issues (plus the hygienist cleaned them 6 months ago and didn’t notice anything) so within a period of 6-12 months three fillings are beginning to fail??

    This dentist took over the practice a couple years ago, he bought it from my favorite dentist who retired but my hygienist is still there so I just kept going. Well my first thought was is this guy just trying to make a bunch of money off of me by saying my fillings are chipped? I even considered getting a second opinion but of course I’d have to pay for that and I know the fillings will be due to be replaced anytime now.

    Well, now I am wondering if the acid is making the fillings wear faster because of the surgery?? My appointment is in a couple weeks. I will definitely be asking his opinion on this and what if anything I can do. I know it’s not a Vitamin issue because i am very good about those and my labs have been excellent. For what it’s worth if it IS related to surgery though I did not have any vomiting or reflux. I did not have issues getting Protein or Vitamins. Didn’t even lose any hair? ? This could all be total coincidence but it sure seems suspicious time wise.

    I haven't got my surgery yet, but I also found a chipped filing or tooth. I wish the dentist I used to go to didn't retire because I never had to worry if they were gonna cancel and I always had my routine check ups and cleanings. It's so hard to find a new dentist. Wish I had another health insurance that places will take it

  9. On 9/2/2022 at 3:51 PM, SHORTY_ said:

    Totally agree with this, "work smarter not harder" ... unless it's weight loss surgery apparently. We all know going through this journey it's not the easy way out. It surprises people when I tell them all the life-altering changes we have to make. I do think it's SLOWLY starting to become more acceptable to society. It makes me sad that most people wait till it's their very last option (✋🏼💁‍♀️👈🏼 Hi, it's me I'm one of the people) because they're afraid they are going to be labeled for taking "The easy way out". It's life-changing and I don't regret it for a second, anyone that doesn't or wouldn't understand my decision is probably not someone I want around in my life anyway.

    I'm that person too. I wish I went for it back when I decided the first time I wanted to get surgery again. Back in 2014. But I let people get in the way of that

  10. On 9/2/2022 at 7:17 AM, ShoppGirl said:

    I’m not sure if yours is similar to what I had several years ago but once someone else told me and I shopped around I realized that the dental insurance was not saving me that much money. Not enough to be limited to dentists that I didn’t feel were that great. Maybe call around and ask for the cash price for what you are having done (especially if it’s just routine stuff) and see if you are really saving enough to put up with their mismanaged scheduling.

    My insurance covers everything at the dentist. But they can't do full x-rays more than once a year or something. I need fillings and they were supposed to put something on my weakened enamel to help support it or something. It's just really hard when you don't have much money for that kind of stuff😔 so I feel like I just have to stay patient and wait

  11. On 9/10/2022 at 11:18 PM, Arabesque said:

    How much is from pre existing conditions? Or hadn’t been picked up previously like the dentist who said his x rays are more detailed now. If we’re honest for many of us our diet before surgery wasn’t the best & potential for dental issues as a result is great. (The stats on children who drink lots of soda & tooth decay is frightening.) And many don’t regularly see their dentist for many reasons.

    Genetics is a big factor. My brother has never had a filling in his life. He’s 52 & also obese (always battled with his weight just like I did). His dentist tells him he’d go broke if every patient was like my brother.

    Acid from reflux or gerd will cause damage to the tooth enamel not fillings. I was diagnosed with reflux more than 20yrs ago admittedly not a severe case & I managed a lot of it with dietary changes. Mind you I know I experienced reflux symptoms from a teenager so 40 odd years ago. I often get my dentist to check extra carefully for any acid damage & none has been found yet though he did say I had a little wear recently but said it was more like what occurs with age. (Yeah that made me feel great.) If you do have issues with reflux & gerd you need to speak with your doctor or surgeon.

    I think you need to find a new dentist @Erin18. One who is reliable.

    I immediately thought of the Dr Who episode too (Partners in Crime) with the space babies formed from human fat @Nepenthe44. Remember thinking when I first saw it if only those Adipose pills were real. 😆😆

    It's hard finding a dentist who accepts my insurance and they're the only dentist who accepts mine and it also sucks that they're an hour away. I wish I had the money to just go to a dentist and do monthly payments. But that would be costly ugh

  12. On 8/15/2022 at 7:43 PM, AgentCherryZero said:

    Hi, I'm new here. I joined this forum with the expectation that my surgery was going to be about 10 months from now. I went to the surgeon today and I'm looking at two to three months from now. Which yay?!? I don't have to think about the what if's as long, but now I'm overly anxious about "holy crap, it's so soon I don't have time to prepare". I'm having the bypass which is what I went into the appointment expecting him to say I would need.

    I'm just nervous and jumping in head first reading all the posts. Thanks for sharing your stories, I didn't want to read them while being a creeper and not sharing mine.

    I hope I get approved for my surgery sooner too. I started the process back in June and at my appointment on the 1st, they said in order to get my papers sent in to my insurance, I have to get my thyroid to be a normal. So 1 to 2 months and I'll be getting my thyroid levels checked again. I have a few more appointments left on the list of appointments they have us patients do. I don't think ill be getting it before the new year tho, I guess you never know, it could happen.

    I'm extremely nervous and scared , but I think we will be fine, that's why they do all our appointments and testing right?

  13. On 9/2/2022 at 7:17 AM, ShoppGirl said:

    I’m not sure if yours is similar to what I had several years ago but once someone else told me and I shopped around I realized that the dental insurance was not saving me that much money. Not enough to be limited to dentists that I didn’t feel were that great. Maybe call around and ask for the cash price for what you are having done (especially if it’s just routine stuff) and see if you are really saving enough to put up with their mismanaged scheduling.

    I might have to. If they cancel again, I will have to call a place close by to see if they can do my fillings especially on the tooth that broke/filling fell out!

  14. Makes me feel a bit better now and I will still talk to the surgeon about it too. Thing about my dentist, it's like they cancel my appointment every time I have one. I've only seen them twice since I started going there and that was back in July or August of last year. I had an appointment in November and December and they both got canceled. Then they rescheduled it for january this year...canceled. scheduled for Feb, then March. Didn't cancel the appointment in April. Next appointment was in July canceled, then my appointment was August 8th and they canceled that too. My next appointment is at the end of next month. I know I should switch dentists, but no one in my area accepts my insurance.

    But whenever I do get in there, I will also make sure to let them know that I'm going to be getting wls and I care about my teeth. I already have weakened enamel on my top front teeth so that does scare me a bit. They were supposed to put something on them to help them and they haven't yet.

    And im always going to tell people, when I announce someday that I had wls, that it isn't the easy way out. I know we have to put in like 95% of the work and it does the rest. People who say it's the easy way out are super clueless.

  15. Hi guys,

    So lately I've been seeing posts on tik tok and comments on there about people losing their teeth sometime after gastric bypass. That scares me a bit, but not stopping me from getting the tool. They all say they take their Vitamins everyday. What could be causing them to lose their teeth? Is there something I can do to help prevent that?

    The other question is that I know this isn't the easy way out, it's just that everyone else who isn't in our situation always says it is the easy way out and they will argue and argue with you about it saying that it is. It's so annoying, they don't understand that its just like losing weight normally except you just have a tool to help keep you on track and if you mess up, you pay for it. That's like basically the only difference. Why do you think people are so against it? Besides the fact that it's super scary. If people wanted the surgery, it's because they need the help. Plus going in for weigh ins, nutritionist and all that, helps keep you motivated.

    People are weird.

  16. Hey all, it's been a bit since I was on here last. So, I figured I'd talk about the appointments so far. I'm still pre op and don't have a surgery date yet and I more than likely won't for awhile. Which sucks🤷‍♀️ but oh well, we all know it takes time.

    I had my first official appointment last month with my first official weigh in! They gave me a weight loss goal to reach which they want me to be in 150 to 155. According to the BMI chart that still makes me overweight, but that gave my that goal so that I dont get discouraged and its more realistic.My ultimate weight loss goal is to get down to 125. I've been overweight/obese my whole life and I just want my weight to be considered a normal weight, you know? Probably not a good mind set right?

    I already had one of the classes I need to take required by the surgical team. Which was the importance of exercise. Which went great. I also met up with the bariatric psychiatrist for a mental health evaluation.

    This week I have a huge appointment coming up on Friday. The appointment consists of a bundle of testing. Blood work, EKG, chest xray(I believe). I meet up with the nutritionist, I meet up with the physical therapist too (I think that is what it is) and after all of that I have a regular followup appointment to go over the bundle testing that day. So Friday is going to be a long day haha.

    The next appointment after that is another follow up and lastly I have a behavior modification class scheduled for October.

    After those appointments I think all that's left is another appointment with the nutritionist, another class and follow up appointments.

    What are the appointments you guys have to go through before even getting a surgery date?

    sorry for all the writing, but this is the only place I can really talk about it since I want to keep this journey to myself. Until I am ready to announce to people. Which that won't be until I lose a significant amount of weight.

    Thanks for listening!

  17. 2 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    I get how some Water tastes awful. I grew up drinking rain water & a lot of water tastes awful to me. Plus after surgery water seemed to taste too ‘heavy’ to drink. Try boiling your water then put it in your water pitcher as sometimes that can help.

    Watch carbonated water & drinks as for many it’s not permitted for a while. It can stir up stomach acid & the build up of gas can make you feel uncomfortable & ‘full’. Of course some are allowed it & can drink it without issues. I have to let my sparkling water go almost or totally flat before drinking cause too much gas causes me problems (hiccups, discomfort, etc.)

    I would really like to not drink it when it's allowed after surgery. I would feel like im going back to bad habits. I could live off of sugar free iced tea over drinking soda or anything with bubbles. I know it'd be hard to stay away from it, but I know some people who hate soda, so I'm hopeful that I can stay away from it

  18. 3 hours ago, LookingForward22 said:

    Zero Water filter is a 5 stage water filter…

    (I have the 40 cup ready pour dispenser, but their pitchers are good too).

    Soda stream bubly drops are great (I don’t carbonate my water but just add a little sometimes if I want a splash of flavor)


    I think I got my zero water filter dispenser on Amazon and the bubly drops I usually grab at target… but you can get the drops anywhere that sells soda stream.

    You can use the bubly drops without using the soda stream device? I mean I have one and never used it same with some of the flavors. Never knew you could use the flavors

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
