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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Erin18

  1. thanks guys (: CarolD771- it was a very busy year, i had severe nausea for 2 and a half months and it slowly went away. i get nauseated here and there but its not bad so i missed around 4-6 weeks of school at the begining of the year, i managed to make up work thanks to a very amazing teacher i have/had (special ed), she would collect my homework for that week and bring it to me and teach me how to do the hw. it was a good year but i wish i could have enjoyed it more without being so sick. i think i would have been closer/half way to goal by now =/ i need to take control of my mind more but anyways now that school is going to be officially over, i can focus on myself more and ill hopeful be around half way to goal by the end of the year (:

  2. HEY, SORRY TO BE POSTING THIS ON HERE but anyways, i graduate from highschool tomorrow!! i was the first student that i know of who has had the band done at 18 while in highschool. i may have missed many days due to being sick the first few months of having it done but everyone has told me that i made a complete turn around. its true! my final grades are 87-96 and i made high honor roll 3 quarters in a row (1st quarter made nothing) now more about the band, i got my insurance card today!!! very exciting (: but i have news for some of those who commented my thread about gallstones i believe...i'm having surgery to get it removed, i was going to have my surgery done on july 5th but they surgeon on the hospital near me told me to call my lapband surgeon to see if he should do it and obviously they said he should do it do the surgery is cancelled and i have a consultation with my surgeon on july 7th. i just hope that this (gallblader) is what has been causing me discomfort and pain....nausea!so i say BRING IT ON!! i hope i feel 100% better after andd after i get that out, i'll be getting my first fill!!!!! finally after a year getting banded! omg! and i'll also be seeing a therapist most likely because my "depression" or whatever i have is still with me and i cant stand it, yup :smile: and i have a question..woman answer only please, my boobs have been (mainly the nipple part TMI!!!)hurting a little over two weeks, no monthly thing and no having been with guys, does mean i'll be getting my monthly thing soon? i never had that happen before

  3. well long ish story made short, i woke up around 4am yesturday cause my cat woke me up, so i went to the bathroom and came to lay back down. not even a few minutes later i started having this pain right under my left rib at the bottom so i tried laying on my left side. i thought it was a gas bubble or something but it didnt go away when i layed on my side so i tried laying on my stomach and it hurt so bad, it felt so hard and felt sort of warm it was a sharp pain so i got up and it still hurt, i walked in the living room where my mom was(my neice stays the night on fridays and she sleeps on the couch so my mom stays in there so she doesnt fall off of the couch)to tell her i was having pain there. so we all thought it was just gas pain but it was hurting more and more so i tried 3 gas-x's and it was hurting a little more, i sat down..i thought the gas-x was gonna work but nope it didnt, it got to the point where i couldnt lay, sit or stand, it hurt so bad it put me in tears so finally 25-30 mins later decided to go to the hospital. got there at 5am left at 10am...but anyways they couldnt get blood so finally at the 4th IV needle, they got it. got the results and they came back fine. when the dr came back in i told him i was having pain on my right side now and in my back so i got an ultrasound done. the results came back with gall stones. i really hope i dont have to have surgery, i should be finding out tomorrow. is anything you guys suggest?

  4. called today, it's 200$ for a fill PLUS $66 for the office visit.

    i can not post pone my dentist appointment, i NEED this tooth filling. we are making payments.

    and i didnt mean just one fill.

    i'm pretty sure my band is getting rotten, cause its been there for ahwile and hasnt done much. it seemed that my docotor isnt all that concerned cause he never checked up on me after i got my surgery, and still doesn't. i was dry heaving at the begining and they didnt check to see if it went out of place or whatever(if it can with dry heaving). im pretty sure all they want was their money.

    to me it works in its own way eventhough i have no fill...if i eat too fast it lets me know..to slow down or throw the food away..

    but i have told my doctor when i use to go for the monthly checkups whats going on and every thing. november 11th was my last vist before i no longer had insurance. that was the ending month of my nausea, i would have gotten my first fill that day if i wasnt so nauseated, but now thats gone and yes i desperately need a fill..

    there is no other doctor around here, the closest is vermont and it stills costs $$ to go over there, the next one i heard of is NYC and thats 6 hours away

    dont call me a failure cause you dont think im giving it my all, you should be giving me props cause im in my last year of high school and trying to do everything right and dealing with a bunch of crap..i should get props for losing 36 pounds and not gaining more that 2 and then losing that 2

    i like what BetsyB said "ETA: A final thought: If you really aren't willing or able to make a fill (or, more likely, series of fills) a priority, there is NO reason why you can't eat as though you have restriction. Many of us who are not yet at our sweet spots eat as though we were. We choose lean Proteins, nonstarchy veggies, fruit, heart-healthy fats--all in moderation. We weigh and measure our portions, and when they're gone, we stop. Even if we are still hungry. Even if the person across from us is eating something that looks good to us, and that we want to share."

  5. 1. im not sure if i heard it right but the fills might be 180$

    2. i'm going to ask my mom to call while im in school tomorrow cause i forgot what time they close

    3. he does his fills in the office

    4. this is the place i got my band surgery and is the only place around here that i know of that has lapband surgery

    5. i seriously do need this fill or two, i need to get my teeth bill out of the way first

    6. maybe my mom and i can come up with a plan

    7.i do have a job, right now i'm saving up for something ive wanted for awhile, i probably wont be getting one untill after graduation

    8.i have a lot of things i want to save up for, yes this is one of them

    9.the school does have a counceling service i think, but i just dont feel comfortable and when i talk face to face i mess up my words and i feel embarrassed

    so yeah, if it really is 180, thats not bad, i know we can definitely come up with a plan for that, i will see if my mom will call them up.

    my mom really wants to get back on track too and i think shes going to start buying better foods since we got this helpful book to help us, but god...thanks (:

  6. hey, so i am getting so lost and i cant find my way back. i've been lost for ahwile. i am not doing well with this band, i feel hungry all the time and the worst part is that im hungry RIGHT after i ate. i need a fill so badly but i have no insurance still, to pay for it and i have no money in my pocket..i keep forgetting to chew slowly and then getting the productive burp i think...i feel like i'm falling apart on everything. if anything i gained 3 pounds and i'm getting discouraged pretty badly, i am also very stressed with school, i feel like i have to get all my grades above 95 (i am already a high honor roll student), and i'm stressing that i'm going to fail, i'm stressing that i'm going to forget to hand something in on time, and one of my classes is really frustrating to me, the teacher is moving to colorado this summer to teach at a college and she misses fridays and mondays and i cant learn that stuff unless someone teaches me, i have hard time reading directions like those (this is an advanced computer applications). i dont know, im just really stressed and have no time to really think about what im doing. but i'm really hating the fact that i feel so hungry right after i eat. and i looked at some clothes yesturday that i liked and im like "i'll never fit in those" and i saw myself in the mirror today and GOD i looked horrible in the new top i got which i love, i hate how my body is, it's discusting, i feel the most discouraged/upset by the fact that i didnt try hard enough because by now i should've been 20-30 pounds away from my goal weight and im deffinitely nowhere near close, i didnt try hard enough, theres so many temptations that need to be thrown away or something and everyone should start eating healthier in this house. i wanted to be at or close to goal weight by graduation(june 26th 2010) and that got blown up, i feel super sad about that =/, i like..hate myself for not focussing better. and this head of mine..ughhhh! i'd like a new mind please, it feels like its getting to full of things to remember, to do, and things like that arghhh , i dont know what to do, people say to make it a daily routine but it doesnt seem like itll happen...i have plans for the summer for fun exercises so i hope that happens, hope to be down to goal by the end of the year =/

  7. I use thedailyplate.com and love it. You can track calories, fitness/activity (and it nets out the calories after exercise), Water intake and it even allows you to enter recipes and calculates the nutritional content of them. There is also an app for iPod/bberry as well.

    I have been using this for months and LOVE it!

    thedailyplate.com is the website i was looking for! i remember seening this one on the threads

    thanks everyone (:

  8. hey, so someone told me about this website that calculates your calories or something like that a few time before on here, if you know what i'm talking about please send the website url this way please. but first, if you use this site, do think it helps you with your weightloss better than writing it down on paper? is it free to join? does it give you any other tips?

  9. thats what im going to do, since i dont really need it, why have it.

    without any fills, i dont feel restriction, i feel hungry all the time and i crave for the bad stuff, mainly chocolate, i was supposed to hear news from another insurance company last week and they never called so i have to wait another 3 days cause we had to re-submit it, i hope i can get it so i can finally get the fills going and so i can go to the docs when i need to. the dentist will probably take a chunk of money this week..eek since my teeth been bothering me. i wish i could have done better, i think i would have been past two goals by now =/

    oatmeal is just a food that doesnt agree with my stomach in the morning but i can eat eggs with no problem, it seems like i can never find anything and im not sure if i should have Protein shakes in the morning since it usually makes me sick

    the habbits, i try my best, i give myself 20-30 mins to eat, i need to start eating on a smaller plate again and i want to get smaller forks and spoons like someone else said before. the one thing that went off wack is not drinking with meals...i do drink with meals again and thats what i have to STOP doing i know.

    i agree, it makes things fun and youre not alone so you have someone to talk to and stuff

  10. i also want to say that when i get all excited about working out and everything, the next minute i feel discouraged like "you'll never get there, so you should just forget it!" i hate this, ever since i got my last birthcontrol shot, everything seems to come out so negative, i hate it!! no matter what i think about it all turns out negative like for school "you're going to fail so you better not get your hopes up" i dont know why my mind is acting up like this, is it like a side affect from the bc shot? ive been on it since feb 2008 and i revieved my last shot on feb 1st 2010(not gettin it anymore) its driving me insane, makes everyday seem like a struggle...a part of me seems to say that its cause im still fat, single, and lonely is why i feel this way but still...i have no idea why it would be doing this to me, maybe i had enough? heh hope it some how goes away soon!!

  11. i feel confused but im most likely not. i think im more confused on what to eat in the morning since i'm not in the mood for anything so i just go with toast with butter,cinnamon and sugar on it, yeahhhh i know its not healthy but for one thing, i believe it keeps me full for 5-7 hours and i believe it keeps me from getting nauseous. i only really need help with Breakfast foods and everytime i want eggs i get this feeling in my stomach like eww when i try to go make it and i feel that i dont like oatmeal or cream of wheat anymore.

    but hey i have some good news, like i said before i started working out, last week i worked out 4 days and yesturday i played some bad mitten and frisbee. i weighed myself yesturday and it said i lost 2 pounds (: mon and tues i workedout with biggest loser wii game, friday i worked out using the jillian michaels 30 day shred with my bros gf, and then we went for a 2 mile walk, saturday i walked from my house to the park with a friend to play tennis which is a 2.5 mile walk and then we decided to walk to downtown which i believe is 6 miles altogether, i walked in flip flops so i couldnt walk back, my ankles killed


    my bros gf and i have a plan to workout M.T.W.TH.F but i guess i have to do mons and wednesdays by myself cause she has class till 3(college)

    also, my friend and i are planning on walking from my house to downtown everyweek (pretty sure its 6 miles)

    so heres my workout plan, i feel like its not enough, if you think of anything to add please tell me

    M: Biggest Loser cardio max 30 mins and walk to the store and back or half way down irish settlement road

    T: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and BL cardio max/2 mile walk/same as mon

    W: BL cardio max 30 mins and walk to store and back/ same as monday

    TH: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and BL cardio max/2 mile walk/same as mon

    F: walk from my house to downtown(pretty sure its 6 miles) only if its nice and if not do BL cardio not sure what else to do with that, if not nice this day, walk to DT tomorrow

    SAT: jillian michaels 30 day shred and BL cardio/2 mile walk or same as monday.

    Sun: walk 3 miles (walk to the park 2.5 miles, walk back home 2.5 miles)

    it really does help when you have someone doing this with you, it makes things so much better and so much more motivating!

  12. youre welcome, i didnt get the insurance so pooo ): but im going to be exercising after this. what i seriously need to do is, get my eating habbits under control, thats my biggest prob i think. yeah this is my worst last year of high school, im doing extremely well and all but i missed a lot at the begining due to the nausea that i recieved from the surgery, it lasted for 2 and a half months, it got so bad where i couldnt stand or sit up but second semester they reset the absent dates so im only at 3 or 4 days missed this semester so far and you could only miss 15, anything over that you automatically fail, you dont get to graduate. so thats what im stressing about the most, i get everything in on time, ill freak out if i miss something and probably have a melt down.

    well im glad it helped you :thumbup:

  13. so tomorrow (monday), my mom has an appointment with the insurance company that i want to get at 9am, wish i can go but i have school so they will be able to tell her if i am getting it at the appointment, and shell text me. so i hope i do get it so i can finally get my first fill! and so i can go to the dentist cause my teeth have been bothering me badly lately. im really excited but i shouldnt get my hopes up.

    anywho, i need to admit that i havent been doing well with many things. 1. havent been controling myself of what i eat and i feel like ive been eating too much yet i havent gained or lost anything. 2. i started working out, did 3 days last week, im hoping i can do it 5 days this week or more, how many days do you guys do it? 3. school has been very stressfull with this budget project we just did ugh. theres been a lot of things going through my head i hate it!!

    it feels like my mind is stopping me from doing anything

    my mind feels so messed up it hurts! >.<

    argh, i hope i get this insurance (:

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