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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Erin18

  1. I never seen my ankle bones before either! Lol or my wrist bones. I finally got the paper work today. It's just crappy that I have to do everything all over again. The meetings, meeting up with the nutritionist, the therapist and whatever else. I just really hope it doesn't take as long as it did when I got my lapband. Which I think that was because I was under age when I was going through the process. I was 17. Started the meetings in May or June of 2008. I got my surgery on July 31st 2009. Fingers crossed that this goes faster. And fingers crossed that my insurance will still cover it! I'm sweating bullets over here!!
  2. Oh no! I was a 5 pound baby, but 5 and up man, I could never beat obesity either. I don't know why its so hard besides being a foodie lol. I have hypothyroidism too. And if I stand for too long; my ankles, feet, and legs swell. My lower and in the middle of my back will ache. When I lay down, sometimes my hands fall asleep. It really sucks. I'm scared doing this, but I have to. If I don't, I know my weight will just keep going up, which also scares me
  3. I like the timer idea. Also, it will definitely take time getting used to not chugging water
  4. Because it tricks your mind to think you are eating more when you aren't. Which is cool. I like everyone's replies! How is everyone's water intake? I know when you first get the surgery, you need to sip it. So over a month or so out, can you drink water normally?
  5. Me too, I was overweight and obese my entire life just about. Some people just need the extra help 🙋🏻‍♀️. I called my surgeons office and I need to get reestablished. They are sending some paper to fill out and send back then they will set me up with my first appointment. I just want to get this started already lol
  6. I will definitely make sure I weigh my food when I get it to make sure I don't get too much that it makes me feel sick and it's basically you have to learn what foods you can eat, right? Does anyone use kids plates, bowls, forks and spoons? I remember back when I had lapband, a lot of people did that
  7. I had to have my lapband removed in 2013 due to an abscess from having my band put back in place. Since then I gained all my weight back and an extra 45. Tried losing with weight watchers, then keto and then with regular portion control. I lost weight on each, but never got passed 40 pounds. So, I'm calling to set up an appointment with my surgeon to hopefully get the rny going. Super nervous and good luck!
  8. It could be an infection. Definitely call your doctor
  9. I'm calling my surgeons office on Monday to set up an appointment! I'm not waiting a year or a few months. I'm getting the show on the road. I'm done trying the traditional way. I'm always failing and I'm sick of it. I do wish I did this a few years ago, but I have my support system and now all I need to do is just set up the appointment. I'm scared, but freaking excited at the same time! I can't wait to start my new chapter and my new life. This weight is killing my feet and back. I need to be able to run with my child. So, yeah I can't wait!!
  10. I definitely am thinking about this sooner. I'm so tired of failing. I'm not sure when I will make that initial appointment because I have some things I want to get done first. I may make it sooner since I do want to get the process started. The last time I saw my surgeon, he said I was still a good candidate
  11. The revision surgery was to put my lapband back where it needed to be. It slipped out of place.
  12. Hey everyone, it has been ages since I have been on here! I haven't been on here since I lost my Lap-Band. I'm at my highest weight EVER! Ever since I had my son a year ago, I've been thinking STRONGLY about Gastric Bypass surgery. I was too scared to move forward and make an appointment to see my surgeon. These bigger weight loss surgeries scare me so much, but I feel it will be a great decision for me because it will be permanent for one. I'm so sick of yo-yoing. I want to be healthy, unfortunately I just need the tool to help me. I'm so scared due to the fact that my organs will be cut and rearranged. I fear dying on that operating table. I fear dying sometime after surgery (eventhough I know I can just drop dead anytime). I will forever know that my organs aren't the same as the person next to me. (I know it's not important. My mind is weird lol) I'm just so nervous and scare and I havent even made an appointment yet. I guess I just want some positive feedback and support.
  13. That's why I want it now! I wish I had gotten it done when I saw my surgeon in 2014 when we discussed surgery options! I would have been at my goal a long time ago and I'd be pretty healthy and I probably wouldn't have a thyroid problem!! (Found that out in November 2014) who knows. I really dont want to change my mind. I want to do all of the things I want to do without my weight/size being the reason why I dont do those things. Tomorrow, I hope to tell my mother that I want to get WLS and hope that she would support me and I'm sure she will. Then make an appointment asap! Scared to tell her too. My major concerns are just dying, on the table or post op and just the fact that the organs get cut and rearranged, but like you guys say, you dont even know the difference so I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine.
  14. I had LapBand surgery when I was 18 years old. I only lost about 40 pounds. I had severe nausea with it the first 3 months. I had acid reflux with it. I had mine for 4 years before I HAD to have it removed. Early 2013 I found out my band slipped. I had having acid reflux so bad that month due to the slippage. I believe one thing to have ththe band to slip is when you have something stuck and then having to puke. Doing that a lot can cause it to slip. Will when I had revision surgery in 2013, I had to go back 2 days later for an emergency surgery due to an abscess in my stomach which caused me to lose my band. I think if that hadn't happened, I more than likely would have been at my goal weight. I'm at my highest weight ever. I'm 17 pounds heavier than when I started going for appointments to get the lapband surgery! The band is definitely a frustrating tool, I wouldn't get it again, but the thing I loved about it was that it is reversible. Although, I'm strongly thinking about something permanent and something that won't cause acid reflux and my surgeon told me that Gastric Bypass with be great for me. I'm so scared, but I'm going to make an appointment with my surgeon to go over it
  15. I saw my surgeon in July and they do not perform Gastric Plication and he told me that he recommends Gastric Bypass. But I'M SO SCARED!!! One minute I want to do it, but then I don't want to do it because it's way more risky than the other surgeries. The main thing that scares me to death is that I will die, not if, I WILL. I'm scared I will die on the table and I don't die there, then I will die from complications down the road. I'm also scared because my insides will be re-arranged and worried about having a different inside. This is probably why we need to see a therapist before surgery, right? I have had LapBand before, but I wasn't even scared back then, I guess because it wasn't as MAJOR as Bypass. Can you guys help me somehow? Like give me some positive feedback or something. Or some information/facts? I just really don't know what I want to do, I keep telling myself that I am going to be successfull and lose it on my own, but it's not happening. Strongly believe I can not do it on my own, I hate to have to turn to surgery. I have so much pressure on me and it's frustrating. People tell me I don't need surgery and that I can do it on my own if I put my heart into it and try harder, because they continue to tell me I am not trying hard enough. The scale never budges and if it does, it will either go up or down and then yo-yo. Which is why I got surgery in the first place. Everyone, tells me to just do it on my own bc it's safer and healthier.. BUT AHH! My mind is so confused and I can't come up with a solution! Anybody ever have this problem? What were or are your concerns when or if you are waiting to get surgery? Why do I care so much about what people are telling me what to do? STRESSFUL!
  16. Thank you so much for the reply. I was thinking about it the other night, and saying to myself "Just do it and think of the same thing when you did get the band. I'll either die from being over weight or die trying to lose weight, either way if I don't fix it" Been thinking about this for over a year now and I still can't decide. MEH! I know a couple people who have had it done and had great success
  17. Hey, so the last time I came on here was at the begining of May and I said I was going to call my surgeon. Well I didn't until this week and I can't believe how soon they got me in. My mom is finally ok with me getting surgery again.I can tell that she doesn't want me to get it still, but she wants me to do whatever I think is best. So reason why I didn't call back in May was because, I tried losing weight on my own for two months...well, I got no where, I only lost 5 pounds and it kept going back up and down, up then down and up again. I'm struggling bad. I have been walking close to 3 miles a day and haven't for the past week and a half, I feel really, really bad about that and need to start walking again. I want surgery again because no matter what I do, I NEVER feel full like I did when I did have the LapBand. I eat everything in sight it seems and it's depressing. Plus, I have been feeling lonely and sad for months now, so I eat my emotions. But I just can't controll my hunger like it did with the band. I am 10 pounds over the weight I first started out with before I had the band in 09. I just really want and need support because I am more terrified about getting surgery this time and I AM NOT telling anyone besides the family I live with, because It really isn't anyone else's business but my own and I don't need those people bringing me down more than I am. Anyways, sorry about that. I will be going over the other options with my surgeon and see what he thinks would be best, eventhough I am really thinking about Plication surgery the most and then if that doesn't work, I'd much rather have the Sleeve over Gastric Bypass/RNY. What did everyone get? What can you tell me about Plication? Does Anyone Have it? What is it like? What is the Sleeve like? Were you scared to have part of your stomach removed? That's what scares me most. Would you miss it? O.o What can you guys tell me about these two? I know a few things about each, the main thing I know about Plication is that it is sutured and folded in, making it act like the sleeve, but I heard necrosis or whatever can occur? Which is kind of a set back for me for the surgery I really want. Am I really making the right decision this time? *sigh* I know I just need help
  18. So I'm still strongly thinking about it and idk if I can go to that extreme (bypass) I want to be healthy and everything. So tough...
  19. So I saw my doctor yesterday. They do not do plication surgery up here because there is not much proof with success and if its truely safe or what not. He asked me why don't I want the sleeve. And I told him it was the acid reflux issue that people usually get with the sleeve. He told me if you don't have acid reflux or have just a little.bit of it before getting the sleeve that your chances of getting it increases. So he suggested Gastric Bypass, obs since its the last option. He told me that he understands that people are worried about rerouting of the intestines. I don't know about those who have Gastric Bypass if they are worried what their insides would look like and how they are worried about their insides not looking normal, but it kind of freaks me out. I meant these should be the last to worry about right? I don't know, so I was thinking about trying one more thing before going ahead. This is what I am going to try and see if it'll get me anywhere and if not I'm going to get RNY/Bypass, so I was thinking about eating like a bypass patient would. Another thing is that he suggested bypass because it doesn't cause acid reflux really and he just wants everyone to be happy. I kind of feel like if I got the surgery I will feel sad because I didn't do it on my own and then if I didn't get surgery that I will be a failure. I hate the way my mind thinks lately
  20. Thank you, when I had the band I didn't get acid reflux until it slipped and it was horrible at that time. That was the other thing I am worried about that I forgot about. Head hunger is my problem too. Why is this harder to decide...:/ thanks tho
  21. It would be nice to know some people around my age who are thinking about WLS. What are you all thinking about getting? I'm thinking maybe the sleeve. I had the band before for almost four years until it slipped got it revised and devloped and abcess and had to be removee due to that.
  22. So basically, I am just wondering what everyone's post op calorie intake is months after your surgery. What type of exercise do you guys do? Just wondering in general. Ths whole thing of me wanting surgery is like a huge thing with my friends. They dont want me to get it. They tell me I don't need it and that there are other and better options. What they don't know is that I've been trying this on my own with my mom for 2 weeks on monday, I see no changes in anything. I thought I would have seen at least some by now, and nothing. It's so frustrating and stressful. But yeah what is everyone's daily routine as well?
  23. Erin18

    My weight is stressing me out!

    It really sucks. I went from 210 last May back to my starting weight of 240. Its so freaking stressful and frustrading. I don't really know what I want to do. I want surgery, then I don't, then I do. I feel like I'm trying to do it on my own, there's way too many temptations inbthis house and too uch junk food. I feel like I try and my mom too...but we give in. I try to watch what I eat but sometimes I just say screw it, what's the point anymore. I feel like its too hard on my own. At least when I had the band I felt full and and didn't early think about foodas much as I do now. I'm constatly thinking about food non stop and I never feel full. I'm scared that one day I'll wake up and I'll be 300 to 400 pounds. I feel like my family is all against my choice of WLS again. Wish they can just say "do whatever you think is best for you, we will support you along the way" I wish :/ makes weight loss that much more stressful when you feel like youdont have the right support from your own family. I wouldn't have gotten weight loss surgery the last timevifvi didn't think ivneed the help.
  24. So, I think I have decided to go through with surgery. So first thing is first, I'm going to set up an appointment with my surgeon, hopefully I can get in some time in April. I'm going to just talk to him about the surgery choices. I'm really thinking about Plication surgery. I d9nt care how long it'll take to get approved as long as its after July. It'd be awesome if I could get approved right off but I know I won't. Plus I just want to talk to him about it and tell him I'm interested in Plication and see what we can do from there. I don't care what my family will say, I'm doing this for myself. Yes I know its very, very scary, I'm scared too, but I don't see myself losing weight any other way, at least I will have a tool to help me half the way.
  25. Erin18

    i don't think anyone reads these blogs anymore...

    This photo of me is my most recent photo. I took it on 3//2514. I'm at my original starting weight of 240. That's how much I weighed before going through with the Lap-Band. Icks that the 37-47 pounds that I did lose, almost instantly piled back on once I HAD to have my band removed due to infection. My mom says I haven't been trying, well, yes I have. She just doesn't want me to have surgery. But you guys I think its best for me

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