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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    hospitalized again.....

    Oh goodness. Take care and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  2. It seems like so much we have to go through to get approved, but in the long run, it is definitely worth it.
  3. Hi, and welcome to BP. As far as how long it takes, if really does vary depending on your insurance, their requirements, your doctors requirements, etc. We look forwarding to following you on your journey.
  4. Not much to add, but I loved your video!
  5. *susan*

    at my goal!

    Woo hoo! That is fabulous, congratulations.
  6. *susan*

    Anybody got tattoos??

    The one I have on my back is a symbol of my weight loss effort and goals. I got it well before I reached my goal, to help me remember every day what it is I am trying to achieve and to help keep me motivated.
  7. *susan*

    Confessions of the newly sleeved

    First off, keep it friendly, don't accuse others of being rude, etc. for offering constructive advice. To the OP, I'm sorry, but you are walking on a very slippery slope. I am sure if you contact your nutritionist or surgeon, neither would be pleased with your food choices. First off, just because you did try something and you didn't get sick from it, etc., doesn't mean you know your body and are good to eat anything you want. You just had major surgery, your body is healing. Do you want to have a leak? I sure wouldn't. And your surgeon doesn't want you to either. He prescribed a specific diet for you to follow because your body needs to heal. Even though you ate something and it didn't make you sick, you have no idea of the harm you could be doing to your newly sleeved stomach. I know it is tough, I have been there. But, you knew what you were getting into before you had your surgery. You knew you were going to be restricted on what you eat for several weeks following surgery. Not because the doctor wants to be mean to you and torture you because you are a food addict, but because he knows what is best for you and your health and what your body needs to recover properly. Now is a good time to work on changing your eating habits, stay away from the fried, unhealthy foods. It isn't easy, but in a few weeks you will be surprised to find that you no longer crave that junk. In fact, after a while it won't even taste good to you anymore.
  8. *susan*

    Third fills the charm!

    Water should be able to go down easily. If it isn't, you are probably too tight. If you do your fills under endoscopy, that is what they are looking for, to make sure fluid flows through easily.
  9. *susan*

    TOMORROW is the day!

    Good luck ladies, you will do fabulous!
  10. *susan*

    Anybody got tattoos??

    I just got my fourth one on Saturday. It symbolizes the never ending bond between myself, my son and my daughter. I got it on my foot and it was definitely the most painful one thus far. My poor foot is still all swollen.
  11. Hi All, I had the sleeve four years ago. I never had any problem with acid reflux until I got the sleeve. Up until about a year ago, I was able to control it by taking one Prilosec every morning. If I missed that Prilosec, I was absolutely miserable. Now, one Prilosec a day doesn't work anymore. I am taking two a day, sucking down rolaids and carry saltine crackers with me everywhere. I have heard from many people that revising to bypass helps this issue. Between that, and the fact that I have finally accepted that I really need the benefits of malabsorption, etc., I really want to revise. However, this is 100% going to depend on whether or not I can get insurance approval. So, basically I am interested in hearing if any of you are revisions from sleeve, did it help you with your reflux and have you found you have had more success with the bypass.
  12. Wow, our stories are so close it's freaky! I got the band in 2006 as well, and had an awful experience. I revised to the sleeve in 2009. Now, I am hoping to revise to bypass. I am glad to hear you are doing well now.
  13. *susan*

    High Heels....

    I love how heels look, but I am the worlds biggest klutz so I can't wear them.
  14. *susan*

    I ate a Zinger and had a Foodgasm!

    That is what I thought at first too!
  15. Nsena702, Dr. Kelly is wonderful, you are in very good hands with him. Please keep us posted on your progress.
  16. You look so beautiful! Congratulations!
  17. *susan*

    Anybody got tattoos??

    I am loving seeing the pictures of everyone's tattoos. I have three and am going next week for number four. My last one has a lot of meaning to me. It is in honor of my weight loss, to remind me how far I have come and signifies the new beginning to my life. I absolutely love it.
  18. *susan*

    I ate a Zinger and had a Foodgasm!

    I'm a Clausen Garlic Pickle kind of girl, myself. Anything with garlic wins me over, lol.
  19. *susan*

    Newbie Advice

    It depends. Do you have young children at home who depend upon you for their care? If you do, then I wouldn't recommend if unless you have someone who can help provide for their needs while you recover. Otherwise, if it is just the two of you, or your kids are older, I would say go for it. You will be a great support system for one another and it will definitely be easier if you are both at the same stage of eating as well.
  20. *susan*

    Hello... New to site!

    Welcome Beauty (and you truly are!), we are so glad to have you join us. I look forward to following your progress.
  21. *susan*

    So this is what it looks like

    You absolutely can see a wonderful difference. I also had a flipped port, I had no idea until they tried doing a fill. I went in, had it corrected and was back to work the next day.
  22. *susan*


    Yay, that is fabulous!!!
  23. *susan*

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    What a great topic, brought up a lot of names I hadn't heard from in a while and miss. But, with any forum, unfortunately people come and go. Except me. I'm always lurking around somewhere. I so need to get better about posting more often though. I know it helps me with my own issues when I am more active on here.
  24. I have flagged them as spam.

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