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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bariiime

  1. Hi no not as of yet. I did have the d&c on 4/29 and was due to follow up with the DR last Friday… but of course her office called to cancel my appointment 1 hr before my arrival because she suddenly fell ill. So I had to reschedule and there was no dates available until the middle of june smh. In the meantime I did have them send my orders for an ultrasound in which I go next week. Since the d&c the cramps have not been as intense but I have had 2 cycles since 4/29. So we shall see. Thank you so much for checking in.

  2. Hey yall! Anyone else in my shoes??? So it’s been about 15 months since my vsg! Maybe 6-8 months ago I started having irregular cycles, very painful cramps and odor. I have never ever had these issues prior to my vsg. I clean my private very well so when I started noticing an odor it instantly had me scratching my head. I haven’t changed partners, std free, same soaps and laundry detergent as well. My cycle would be between 2-3 times a month which is stressful and alot to deal with. The cramps have been painful to the point I'm bent over in pain or balled up in bed- neverrrr ever had this all my years of menstruation. So of course I mentioned it to my surgeon who said oh give it some time your body just went through a major surgery blah blah- cool. Well time turned into more time and decided to see gyn. Who ran std test which came back negative for everything, she did the endometriosis test which came back normal as well. So now I have to get a D&C done tomorrow for more “diagnostic” testing. They have yet to do an ultrasound hmmmm. I have a friend who had the same surgery vsg as me and she is also experiencing the sameeee exact symptoms as me. She has found out that she have cyst on her ovaries and need to have them removed. Have you or anyone else you know that have had weight lost surgery have any of these complications? What was the findings? Any success stories and or updates? Freaking out and stressing over this bc of course they are making it seem like it’s no big deal when it is to me!

  3. On 10/10/2010 at 13:55, MountainMama said:

    Ladies, how many of you have experienced missed periods with your rapid weight loss? I finally caved and took a pregnancy test today, which was negative thank goodness, because I was nine days late on my period. I think my husband was going to :puke: I am normally very regular so I knew something wasnt Kosher.

    I know that the rapid weight loss can cause the missed periods because of hormonal shifts, I was just wondering if it is pretty common side effect and alot of you have had it happen as well.

    hi smh me and it just came back and have not bene normal at all I have to get an ultrasound done now

  4. On 06/23/2023 at 16:53, ChreeMiriah said:

    Update: today I had my second dilation and I’ll keep you guys updated on if it’s working. I’m having another in 2 weeks because they can stretch it all at once.

    Hi, I too had my 3rd dialation today. Sitting here keep falling asleep and feeling weird from Anesthesia. It's crazy because I also had a twisted stomach back in January after my VSG. No one knew what the issue was and was looking at me like i'm crazy. I had to fight for more testing because I couldn't keep anything down not even a sip of Water.< br />
    I hope you feel better soon. Please keep me posted on your outcome we can help each other.

  5. On 04/12/2023 at 01:58, BrigitteLM said:

    Last week (4th week post-Op) I developed a rash on one of my ankles/feet that has now spread to both my feet/ankles, calves, upper thigh, and as of today now both my forearms. :(

    Last week I switched from Premiere Protein to Fairlife Protein, I was in the sun, I had a pedicure after shaving, someone else used my shower, and I started eating soft foods. SO much changed last week that I’m stressing out about what’s caused my rash. It’s not anywhere near my surgery site - nothing on my stomach.

    Through Kaiser I was able to get a steroid cream prescribed that I’ll pick up and meanwhile using a hydrocortisone cream, but I want to know the cause so I can make it go away or keep an eye on this. Super frustrated as my surgeon’s P.A. responded back to me saying, “This isn’t related to surgery” and yet so many people report rashes after the surgery.

    Any motivational words or advice would be greatly appreciated. Everything with eating and weight loss has been going so well - so this is just so out of left field and I wasn’t prepared or expecting this.


    it's definitely related to the surgery... i have learned that the surgeons don't like to admit it. I have gotten the run around with my issue... tried several things and even was turned away from surgeon office and was told to see a dermatologist. Finally did that and was told again it's from the surgery I had that caused the rash. It have something to do with the gut bacteria being invaded. I now have all these medications and washes I need to use on my face and chest in which i'm scared it will mess up my skin more. You can find some info here and ai hope it helps. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7377524/

  6. On 03/30/2023 at 17:14, Mia2515 said:

    Thank you for that information. I'm having nonstop stomach discomfort. Gastroenterologist prescribed me dicyclomine for stomach pain it helps a bit, not a lot. My last endoscopy he did he was confused to as why everything inside of me wasn't were it was supposed to be. My stomach has moved to the other side. I was very confused by this. I'm pretty sure that's because of the gastric bypass right?? I just don't know anymore but I can't handle these post complications with this surgery at all. It's running my life

    So so sorry to hear 😢 I'm praying for you ♥️. Hoping it get better soon. 🫂 🫶

  7. On 03/30/2023 at 10:48, Lawman said:

    I am 11 years out of Bypass surgery as well. And yes I have had many complications and struggles as well. My mind set going in was I would do exactly what my surgeon told me to the T. No if and are buts. I guess me being a retired Military Guy we tend to do those things. Well my 1st 8 months went perfect. I went from over 300lbs to 190. Feeling like a million bucks. Woke up one day with intense paid in my abdomen and off to the ER. Internal Hernia. My intestines poked thought the sac that holds them. Well 2 months later another. Im still losing weight following directions. Another 5 months had another repaired. Well in 2016 all heck breaks loose and I think here we go again. But this time it was way worse. All of our intestines ect float around in internal fat ect. Well when you lose a lot of weight you lose that as well. I was down to around 168 lbs in the best shape of my life but my intestines/colon had gotten twisted this time in a bad way. So by the grace of god the surgeon on call that night had seen this before with people that had weight loss surgery done laparoscopically. He went in and took 2 feet of my colon and was able to save them and re-attached. He basically said when a surgeon can get his hand on things and tighten them back up like they should be he see these things. He advice was to put weight on and get the internal fat back in so my intestines could float as they are supposed to. And he was right. I was so focused on hitting my goal and finishing 1st I guess I didnt understand or wasent told body physiology. I am back up to around 225 and all of my problems for the most part have gone away except post-op depression still after 11 years. I was fortunate he was on call that night and we have become friends and he had educated me so much from a surgeons point of view that corrects these things. He is a bariatric surgeon but fixes the problems associated with it as well. I hope that gives you a little incite that yes problems happen. You cant go back in time but if I could I would still have had the surgery but wouldnt have done it laparoscopically and let them cut me . But Im here and healthy and living life and try not to dwell on it. I hope this helps you even if for 5 minutes reading my story.

    Do you mind sharing the Dr name with me? That knew how to fix the issue you had in the Er. My messages are open. I'm having so many issues as well and only 9 weeks post op. Been having issues since week 1 po and it's mentally draining. You're the first person to mention about thing's twisting. I have this as well my stomach twisted after being sleeved. Along with vomiting acid reflux and two surgeries so far and counting smh. I don't want to keep getting cut. I want this issue fixed. I have been on a liquid diet for 2 months never advanced to any stage as of yet ☹️

  8. On 03/10/2023 at 14:12, Mia2515 said:

    I just had blood work and everything looked good. Iron was good. I also forgot to mention the non stop stomach pain. Gastroenterologist was confused as to why everything in my inside stomach area were in different spots??? I'm like...say what now? They now think I have a hiatal hernia. Fun times

    different spots 😳 this is so stressful to hear and when we ask questions they make us seem crazy for asking. I hope things get better for you soon. I think I need to see one as well since i'm not getting far with my surgeon for all the issues i'm having smh.

  9. I want to thank you ALL. I truly appreciate the love and support from you all. I never knew that I could meet strangers that have so much pouring love and support for me... we are now family. I just got discharged today so I'm very thankful for this. Through this all I'm going to remain positive and hopeful. It has been very rough and difficult for me BUT I know things could be worst so this keeps me motivated. I follow up with my Dr in 2 weeks so hopefully she have good news for me. I'm dreading to hear that I will have to have another go around for this same procedure. This hospital stay have been far more difficult. Aside from it being a long stay. I was in so much pain.. like 3xs more from my original sleeve surgery. I will keep faith and a smile. ❤️

  10. hey yall!! Hope all is well.

    Well as far as me I been back in the hospital since Wednesday. Still vomiting etc. I had a procedure done yesterday. laparoscopic diagnostic, endoscopy and adhesion. removed. The adhesions took 2 hrs to remove. My surgeon said i'm a rare case. Just two weeks ago she removed scar tissue that was causing my stomach to twist. Now this procedure she considered to be extensive and was very complex. She said my stomach keep twisting and is very tender. She said I had accumulated more scar tissue and a bunch of other terms she used. She had to use special tools to lift my liver bc my sleeve was tethered to my live. In which my liver had dense adhesions attached to it as well. She believes that she got most off but states there was a section that was more difficult. For this she will have to go back in to attempt to remove more and dilate my sleeve again because there is a portion that showed a stricture. Oddly she said none of the showed up on the upper gi or endoscopy that I had done two weeks ago. Trying to remain positive and hope for better days. I dope hope that I get discharged soon as I'm very exhausted and mentally drained.


  11. On 03/07/2023 at 14:27, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    How are you doing now? Did you ever find out for sure what it was?

    Hi SleeveDiva2022 I'm hanging in there thank you for asking. I have an appointment tomorrow with my surgeon and I for urgent care depending on what my surgeon say. The itching, and redness have stopped since taking the medication. But now I have these spots still on my face and chest so hopefully they can give me something for this. xo

  12. On 03/04/2023 at 13:26, Ready4Life10 said:

    LGS 2/15/23. I’m struggling mentally with all of this. I have regrets and wish I never had this surgery. I’m probably grieving about all of this. It just seems so miserable to watch everyone else enjoy their food and while I can only have pureed eggs and such in such small portions. If not I’ll end up sick. I’ve not had nausea or vomiting but trying to time things where I’m not eating and drinking at the same time and waiting 40 minutes after a meal to drink and trying to hit the hydration goals and trying to get the 60 grams of Protein in. It takes eating all day to hit the Protein targets but if I’m eating all day I fail at meeting my Water goals and the reverse is true when trying to get my protein in. I’m allergic to artificial sweeteners and dairy products so I cant do the shakes, the Water based protein drinks make me feel ill, and I’m not at week 4 where I can have soft foods. I’m just hoping all of this will be worth it and it will get better. I completed 2 years of therapy before having the sleeve and started at 211 lbs with a bmi of 37. I think I probably could have chosen a less restrictive option and accomplished the weight loss goals. I need encouraging. I’m not happy ever when I have to put food or drinks to my lips. Additionally its difficult because you cant heat food in the microwave but eating slowly causes it to be cold and so it’s just a struggle I didn’t anticipate which frustrates me terribly because I’m always hungry and always turned off by food because of all this. pureed food is better than the liquids but Im just not happy and need a safe space to vent. Otherwise things are progressing as expected my t week post op appointment I was down 15 lbs so that’s a win but again I hope this gets better. Is there anyone at least 2 -3 months out from surgery and how’s it going?

    I'm sending lots of love and prayers for you. I too sometimes think that I feel regret. I was sleeved on 1/26/23 and had many complications. I think back to why I got the procedure to help me see things differently. I focus on the goal and what it could be and not what it currently is. I'm happy that you are able to eat and drink. Even though it may take you some time. I'm still on the liquid diet phase one as I can't keep anything down. I have had 2 more upper gis and 1 endoscopy since my procedure to see what is causing my many issues. So far it seems that my sleeve is too narrow so they dilated it a few. As well as my surgeon said my stomach twisted after my sleeve procedure. Which is very rare but it happens. So I'm still in the midst of figuring out how or why or if things will subside. I do hope to be able to puréed something in the near future. I say this to say that no matter how hard we think we may have it there is someone out there who have it two or three times as bad. With all of this I also have gerd and broke out really bad on my face and chest. The fee sips of water that i'm able to tolerate Im thankful for. I try to remain positive because I don't know what the future hold. I just know that I want to be safe and healthy and of course happy. Hang in there as many have told me. I believe this too shall pass. I hope and pray for you that things ease up for you. It can definitely be hard and challenging with all the obstacles and with every one being different. You got this and I'm here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out. xo

  13. On 02/28/2023 at 16:19, pintsizedmallrat said:

    There was another lady on here very recently that broke out in a bad rash like that, and she thought it might be an allergy to the glue used in the surgery. She has photos of her rash; maybe you should take a look at this and see if yours looks similar.


    definitely was helpful I appreciate you sharing this thank you

  14. On 02/28/2023 at 10:54, Victoria_Faith said:

    This could be a hormonal response to the procedure. My primary care doctor did give me a derm referral because prior to my surgical date I was having rosacea flare-ups as the result of dietary changes. Our skin is so sensitive. If your primary care doctor can give you something to get you some relief - I'd go that route and wait to see the specialist. I agree that your surgeon's office may not be equipped to handle such a specialized 'symptom'. My doctor prescribed Metronidazole gel which I use topically once a day. It's just a thin clear gel that dries quickly, but my face has appreciated the break from the flare-ups.

    I hope you get relief soon!

    I agree Ive been saying this along. But some people like to make you feel crazy when I know i'm not crazy lol. Yes the surgeon may not be equipped but she coulda gave me some relief until I was able to see a dermatologist. This is actually pretty common to happen after the procedure. I have spent so many days and nights researching this whole ordeal. The patients in the studies eventually cleared up from the break out from prescription pills and topical cream. I'm going to urgent care in a few hours so I'm hoping they can help. Thank you xo

  15. On 02/28/2023 at 10:50, naynay77 said:

    I had parathyroid surgery in 2011 and I broke out with a rash all over my body a few days afterwards. I was able to get into a dermatologist and it was because they gave me IV steroids in recovery because I was dry heaving. The dermatologist told that it was because my body needed to be taken off them a little slower (not everyone is as sensitive to them as I am apparently). She gave me a 7 day dose of them that I had to taper off of and it cleared up within a few days. This was just my experience, everyone is different. I'm glad to see that you are going to go to Urgent Care.

    This is interesting to know. Thanks for not making me feel crazy. How crazy is it that the same thing that caused it helped. This is very helpful thank you.

  16. On 02/28/2023 at 00:37, catwoman7 said:

    I'd go to urgent care.

    I've never heard of people reacting to the surgery like that, but some people are allergic to certain meds or to the surgical glue or tape they use. Are you taking ursodiol? (the med some surgeons put their patients on for a few weeks to help prevent gallstones). Hives can be a side effect of that (not a common one, but I know it's a side effect because I was one of those people who got hives from it). Or it could be some other med you're reacting to. Just check with your PCP or go to urgent care. I reacted to either the surgical tape or glue when I had plastic surgery (although I didn't react to it with my RNY, oddly - but maybe it was different brand of tape/glue) - they put me on prednisone for a few days so I'd quit reacting to it. With the ursodiol I was taking after my RNY, the PA at my bariatric clinic just had me quit taking it.

    anyway, I doubt it was the surgery per se - but it could be some med or something that you're reacting to. They'll know what to do.

    Yes I will go today. Yeah i'm thinking it could be from my hormones from having surgery and the weight coming off or I had an allergic reaction to something used for the surgery. (meds tape glue etc) I feel like the reglan did the number on my face. I stopped taking it but my face remained attacked 🫤. Thank you for always offering sweet comforting advice.

  17. On 02/27/2023 at 21:21, SpartanMaker said:

    Honestly I don't think it matters if it's related to the surgery or not. Your surgeon just isn't going to have the requisite knowledge and experience to diagnose and treat you.

    If this is something that recently started (and not something you had since surgery), my guess is this is related to a systemic change in your body, possibly related to an adverse change to your gut microbiota. Regardless of cause, you really need to see a dermatologist ASAP. They'll be able to diagnose the actual dermatological condition (and there may be more than one), and devise a treatment plan.

    If you need to go through your PCP to get that derm referral, then go that route, but I really recommend finding a dermatologist ASAP. In the interim, you may get some relief from OTC allergy medications and/or topical creams.

    Good luck.

    True it don't but it do when the dietitian try to make you feel crazy. I actually called atleast 20 dermatologist today and been unsuccessful. Everyone is booked until April or may. I can't wait that long I would lose my mind. I've tried a few things at home so far to no avail. Hopefully I will get help in the next few days.

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