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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KayVee

  1. Wow, congrats! I'm in grapevine and using the Baylor system. Who is doing your surgery and where? Do you go to any support groups? I'm at the end of my supervised 6-month nutrition for insurance and hoping for an april date, more likely May. Keep me posted. Kathi

  2. Howdy BG- things are good in Dallas and I'm getting closer to a surgery date, I HOPE. I'll finish with my nutritionist required visits in early april then the request for approval goes in. Depending on how long will take, i'm just waiting for an appt with the surgeon and setting up my date. I'm thinking it might end up being May also. I have so much to do personally and work related that I am having trouble squeezing in a good two week down time (as a cushion for me). We'll see and I'll keep you posted. Have a great one!


  3. Whatever time you do have, do your research and take a look at the stories on this board. I have found the information very helpful and am nearing the completion of my insurance process and hope to be banded in April! Good luck! Where at in Texas are you? I live in Grapevine. KayVee
  4. Hey girl, what's shakin? Hope all is well, I think about you and your progress. Take care and let me know how it's going! Kathi

  5. Hey-Dallas is a good place and very affordable. I have two daughters and they can make it on their own in an apt. I would be happy to lend advice or a helping hand if it gets to that point.

    Well, I have to "get" my medical records. How much is that gonna cost?? I've been with one drs office since 2006, but need a 5 yr history of records. I'll schlep over to the other office next week when I'm off and see what I can do. I have not lost one pound of weight since going to the nutritionist. I've actually gained 4! I'm not seriously trying either. I do write stuff down and I was really honest the first 3 weeks, now I just put down what she wants to see. I'm only cheating myself, but I can live with that for now.


    I turned 49 last month and I am ready to get on this journey. I want to be healthier and feel better before 50! I'm still hoping for April. Will definitely keep you posted. Kathi

  6. KayVee

    Two days post surgery

    Glad you are home, and I ditto the comments about reporting the nursing staff. I have had an unrelated surgery in the last 12 months and got a survey in the mail. I would certainly put it in writing there if you have the chance. There really is no excuse for that kind of insensitivity. I'm looking forward to your updates. KayVee
  7. KayVee

    Did you tell others about surgery?

    Still not banded, and still not telling too many. I do find however, that when I have shared (with my closest friends) that they have a story of someone they know who has done great with the lap band. It is a great possitive reaffirmation that this process works and I'm getting closer to being banded and can't wait. My decision is still not to share with many and just wait until it becomes an issue to make a full disclosure. I think it stems from feelings that I am a failure and couldn't lose weight on my own. I"m at the point that I now want to be healthy and have decided on this step to help me achieve that.
  8. Hey BG, still reading your blogs, everyday! Love em and worry about you when there are more than 2 or 3 days between entries! I'm a huge (no doubt!) Steeler fan and loved the Super Bowl. have a good one and keep blogging!

  9. KayVee

    1/16/09 The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly! (pics)

    You are so crazy and it is so exciting to have a face with the stories. You are lovely and I"m excited for all of us. It looks like April for me also, I started in Oct and should complete in March and then wait for the date. I'm happy to be on this journey with you. I LOVE your ticker, what a sense of humor...you so funny! You've made me consider the fact that I have no pic, so I'm getting on it. Hope the computer is better FAST. KayVee
  10. I'm preparing for life after banding and read that a lot of people will pre-make meals and store them in proper portion sizes. Does anyone have a recommendation of a food sealer that you use and LOVE? I'm shopping for one now, looking for a good one at an affordable price. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
  11. KayVee

    ideas for on the road

    I'm in the same boat (car) and do a bit of driving, out of town work. I always try to get a hotel with a microwave and fridge too. I'm quite a picky eater and only the black bean soup/chili sounded good to me so far. I can bring yogurt and string cheese too, but need something a little more for lunches or just snacking? Any other ideas??
  12. I need your help! I'm going to a support group Christmas gathering tonight and appetizers are requested. I"m in the pre op phase and not on any diet restrictions yet. What would be a conservative treat that all could enjoy? There will be all ranges of people there, pre-ops, recent bandees and veteran banders. I know I can't please all, but would like to get it partially right! Thanks for any help! KayVee
  13. There are alot of other reasons for surgery too, and not to trivialize this procedure, if you have an experienced surgeon, things should be fine. I had a laproscopic hysterectemy in June and had no issues or problems. People need thier appendix removed, cysts, etc. Any surgery is liable to go wrong, but most don't. My boyfriend is supportive and nervous too. He doesn't want anything to go wrong, but he loves me for who I am, not what I look like, as I'm sure your husband does. I can't wait for my approval and will be shouting it to all as soon as I know. Happy Holidays. KayVee
  14. KayVee


    I have been in the process for almost 3 months now and have not been specific about which band I want. My dr uses the allergan and Realize. I met someone at a group nutrition appt and she mentioned some of the benefits of the after care with the Realize Band. I will discuss this with my doctor and see what he thinks is best for me. Does anyone know if their insurance covers one and not the other? I checked my benefits statement and it does not differentiate. I do like being able to log my food journal so he can have access to it and track my progress. I'm glad this specific forum is here for Realize banders. Kathi
  15. KayVee

    11/12/08 "Before" pics

    You are such a riot, I'm coming back often to catch up with your life! (if I can figure out how to subscribe to it!) First of all, vlogging is a video blog...umm won't my techie daughter be proud of me! :cool:, she's 23 and always playing something on line and reading her face book. none of that for me, google and lbt are exciting enough and provide all the information I need. Your indecision over what to wear is also relate-able. I am in the process now, working through my insurance requirements, hoping to be banded just after the first of the year. Last Feb, my youngest and I stood in rainy, cold weather to 'try out' for the biggest loser. We wanted to take some really 'GOOD' shots of our body sizes and opted for the spandex type leggings and sports bras, kinda like what they wear when they get weighed. HOLY CRAP, we looked awful, but hey, the more awful the better for getting picked, right? Well, we are NOT contestants, but we sure rival the two from Dallas, Michelle and Renee and would have been fierce competitors. Thinking back, I think she and I are the only ones to have seen them, unless NBC has a website for biggest loser castoffs! YIKES. About the above the head shot, I do believe one of my friends told me it is a sure fire way to look thinner around the neck if a photo is shot from above. I say, whatever works. Looking forward to more reading...have a great day. Been to Pittsburg, love it and the Steelers! Kathi
  16. Wow, I need to check the listings and catch this if I can. Thanks for the heads up. I'm just a bit ahead of you groupie, I've done the seminar, psych and I"m into my nutrition appts now. Trying to work the diet and exercise into a better habit. I am on my 2nd week of no more carbonated drinks...I was a diet cokaholic and really don't miss it that much. Ice tea and flavored water are my new friends and another bandster put me on to G2, the lower calorie gatorade drink. It's pretty good. Anyway, thanks for the help. kathi
  17. KayVee

    Hello from Texas!

    Hi New Navy Wife- I'm in DFW, Grapevine and I'm in the process right now with the Baylor Medical system. I went to a seminar with them and Lap Band Solutions and chose Baylor because it is closer to my house and I like the Baylor system/hospital. LBS does this as a business and they are very good at it, I just wanted more of a medical approach and it might take me a little longer this route. I have my nutritionist appt next week and I'm trying to schedule an appt with a psychologist also (it's required). I'm a bit irked, I just got a letter from my insurance carrier that they will no longer be participating in my insurance pool, so I'll have to choose another beginning in Jan. I'm going to work really hard at getting approved and done before that happens so I don't have more out of pocket expenses, additional wait time, etc. Just throwing in my 2 cents! Have a good one. Kathi
  18. KayVee

    Hello from Texas

    Re Murnik - if you take it out, you'll be back to eating more again and the whole purpose is defeated. I've not been banded yet, but I've been to two seminars and I'm working through the insurance process and one of the first things I've learned is you have got to have your head in the right place before going in. I'm thinking you'll either change your mind about leaving it in, or decide this is not for you. kayvee
  19. Thanks to all who have posted to this thread. I have found the exchanges here to be some of the most enlightening and honest I have seen since checking out this site. I am now more convinced than ever that this is what I want for myself, a new healthier me! Kathi
  20. KayVee

    To tell or not to tell

    I'm still in the insurance paperwork gathering stage and I intend to tell very few people. My boyfriend and daughter are around me all the time so they HAD to know. I only recently shared this with my very best friend, because I did need a voice of reason out there that I could bounce ideas off of. She was so wonderful, as I knew she would be, and is my biggest cheerleader so far. I don't want to share this with anyone else at this point or even after it is done. I think my reluctance stems from the fact that I feel like I am taking the easy way out. Deep down I feel like a failure for having to resort to surgery to get my weight under control. Weight Watchers has worked for me in the past, but it ALWAYS comes back, with a few extra friends. I, obviously, have not done the psych eval yet, I have esteem issues that need to be resolved I guess and well, telling just isn't in the cards for me right now. I plan to take time off as either vacation time or I will be having some other procedure done so no one at work will know. I do believe that we each have the right to our privacy and should handle this in the manner that is best for each individual. Kathi
  21. KayVee

    New To Site

    Hi ya'll, I'm new and in waiting. I decided to wait for insurance approval and I'm using the Baylor system, it's not a business for them so I'm really getting to practice patience! I come on and get encouraged by the boards and will be very excited when I can report my surgery date. I hope it is this year. Kathi
  22. Hi everyone, I'm convinced this is what I want and I"m shopping around for the dr that is going to 'fit' me. AmberRenee, I loved your vlogs and will keep up with your progress. We're neighbors, girl! Where did you have your surgery done, who was your dr? I'm hoping the process will move quickly for me, but if it doesn't that is ok too, it took longer than a month to get this fat, it just might take some time to get prepared to start losing it all. I look forward to reading about everyone's progress, including my own. Keep up the positive attitudes! Kathi
  23. KayVee

    I'm new today.

    Hi Ya'll, I'm going to a seminar tonight to get my first glimpse into lap banding and I'm excited. I plan to use my insurance and shop around for a doctor that 'fits' me. I'm in the Dallas area and will see Dr. Marsden/Dr Felt at the lapband solutions meeting tonight. I'm looking forward to getting the process started. Kathi

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