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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Courtney*

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  • Birthday 05/31/1990

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    West Jordan
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  1. I’m really struggling lately with head hunger. I’m about 8.5 months post op from mini bypass and the sickness and nausea has subsided (yay) but the restriction has also eased a lot. I find myself wanting to just eat because it tastes good. I know I’m not hungry but I’m really having a hard time with it and looking for any advice on how people handle it. I’ve gained four pounds in about a week. I know I tend to fluctuate at this point but I’m getting nervous that I’m going to mess it all up.
  2. Courtney*


    I am 5.5 months out from mini bypass and wondering if I am in a stall. I haven’t had one yet but it’s been 15 days since I’ve lost anything. I’ve also noticed my restriction not kicking in - is that normal? Does that mean I’ve stretched my stomach?
  3. Courtney*

    Am I Full?

    Thank you! I’ve been doing the water thing and that helped a lot. I’ll try less more often as well. Are there specific things you notice as being full or is it just any discomfort at all?
  4. Courtney*

    Am I Full?

    Thank you!
  5. Courtney*

    Am I Full?

    Normally I can down a third of a cup if it’s substantial. Yogurt Ive been doing 5 ounces.
  6. Courtney*

    Am I Full?

    I’m about 3.5 months out from mini gastric bypass and I’m really worried I’m stretching my little stomach. I get nauseous really easily (although it’s better) and sometimes I have foods that sit really heavy in my chest but I can’t tell if that means I’m full or not. I’ve noticed I need to slow down between bites and so I’m going to work on that. I’ve been steadily losing weight, averaging 1.5 pounds a week and I haven’t had a stall yet. Could I be missing cues of fullness? I’m just so worried I’ll undo the entire surgery.
  7. I can cross my legs for the first time ever!!!
  8. Courtney*

    Does it get easier?

    Thank you everyone! It’s good to hear that it gets better - I keep forgetting I’m barely a month out.
  9. I’m about 5 weeks out from surgery and food, while easier than the first two weeks, is still hard. It’s stressful because I’m nauseous all the time. Things I love I can’t have, even if they are healthy. I’m really struggling with if it’s going to be like this forever. I can barely eat more than two bites at a time. I just need to know if this gets better cause I’m really struggling. It’s making me irritable and not fun to be around.
  10. Curious if anyone else has experienced something like this. I’m about a month out from surgery and I’m having a decent amount of nausea and food aversions. It feels VERY similar to when I was pregnant and in the first trimester. I know hormones get weird post surgery and am wondering if it can cause these types symptoms. I don’t believe it’s any of the other causes of nausea because I have no other symptoms. No sweating or anxiety with dumping. No vomiting or heaviness that go with a stricture. No foamies or similar from eating too fast/too much. I have let my doctor know and they said to take more omeprazole, which has helped some. The food aversion may be somewhat to my developed intolerances but not sure.
  11. Courtney*

    Meds and water

    Thanks everyone! I’m gonna try food, meds with minimal water, rest of food and see if that works or not.
  12. Courtney*

    Meds and water

    Hi y’all! I’m about 3 weeks post op and it’s been going pretty well. I did have a question - I have to take my meds with food but I need water to take them. How do I do that and still accomplish the not drinking with a meal? I’ve been trying to just do minimal sips. If I take without food I get really sick. Any advice?
  13. Courtney*

    Dumping or lactose intolerance?

    About 9 grams of protein. I’ve had other milk based things and it seems to be hot or miss. Milk drinks make me nauseous but yogurt and cottage cheese has been fine. It was just odd given the short period and ingredients.
  14. I just experienced my first adverse reaction to food that felt like could be dumping. Im a week and a half out from bypass and on puréed food. I had the tummy issues and nauseous and dizziness and anxiety reaction. But it only lasted maybe 15 minutes. It was a milk based protein snack with only 4g added sugar (8g total sugar) and 2 g fat so I’m not sure how that would be dumping. I’ve had some issues with lactose since surgery but not to this extent. Does this sound like dumping?
  15. I’m 6 days post op and am struggling with having any energy at all. I know it’s early but I’m a fairly active person and this is freaking me out. I feel sickly and tired and dizzy all the time. I’m getting all of my protein and hitting my beverage intake. Any advice?

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