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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chicamam1

  1. i feel bad for me too with 4 weeks of liquids lol but doctors orders!! im going to get some lowfat yogurt today to take to work. Hopefully that will stick to my stomach some :cursing: I know the cream of wheat is. I guess its best for me since im not healing fast at all. My port site is killing me with any slight movement i get a horrible pulling pain and have started crying on several occassions. I go back to work tomorrow and even tho its a desk job im not looking forward to moving a certain way and just feeling that intense pain. :embaressed_smile:(( I know it will be worth it in the long run of course. Coughing hurts like a mofo too. blah. I think my stomach is still pretty swollen because even when i drink Water it feels like my stomach is pushed out. so weird lol..

  2. doctor also has me on full liquid diet for 4 weeks. She said it has to have a constistency of yogurt or thinner. I as well have been going stir crazy. I have been eating Soups adding in dried egg whites, cream of wheat, which is good with a teaspoon of splenda, yum, and protien shakes to give me my needed protien. WHen i eat I can only take like 7 sips before I feel full. I am only on my 5th day post op tho. I did blend up chili with some Water which was mighty tasty. I figure when im working it will be easier because Ill be busy most of the day. Im considering making a homemade Soup but not sure which one yet. sugar free Jello is so yummy to me right now. Im going to get some sugar free pudding too as one of my freebies allowed. I cant imagine eating solids already, I just dont want anything to happen to my band. Besides the weight loss im acheiving now is worth me waiting the 4 weeks. I know how you feel tho, I am getting bored with the normal choices of just protien shakes, they almost make me gag now going down lol. My coordinator said to make sure im being creative with my choices.

  3. i got proti Soups and cream of wheat which i have been eating. I can only take a couple sips right now, 4 days post op. I am however getting bored with what i am having already. IM thinking of getting some wendys chili and blending it tonight. I really am craving like an enchilada Soup, but i as well need to get protien powder. My husband looked for powdered egg whites but couldnt find them anywhere in the town we live. grrrr..

  4. I am as well dealing with this from my husband. He does feel guilty eating in front of me, however in saying that he is still eating the same ol crap as before. When i was on my way home from my consult which was a long drive, i was starving and he called me to ask to pick something up for him and the kids. I said ok but cant you do it? Its like hello, dont you think that will tempt me? Of course I have to be strong, but i will also ensure alot of the bad habits my family is in, will be broken too. Great way for everyone to become healthy. When im back on solids, We will be eating the same healthy foods which is good, but I do understand. I canot drink pop yet its in the house.

  5. i as well had a swallow test the day after surgery, so on tuesday, just to ensure liquids were going down as intended. Im still very gassy and bloated and can only drink a couple drinks before i feel like my stomach is going to explode. probably the inflammation. anyhoo, i have been struggling as well to get all my liquids in I need. but im sipping throughout the day here and there. I am still so very sore especially where my port is.

  6. i was also banded on sept 15th. I am very swollen and full of gas. I came hom to find myself weighing 7 pounds more heavier than i did day of surgery and havent really ate anything yet. PRobably from all the swelling and gas buildup. Main issue right now is huge soreness on port side and the gas literally making my stomach as hard as a rock. I have been taking gas x too. I have been wearing a heating pad on my belly and also walking about every 2 hours. I am supposed to go back to work tomorrow but i believe I will take the full week off to give myself plenty of time to heal. They also found a hernia during my surgery and fixed it for me as well. I dont have any hunger yet but am working on 3 oz of protien every hour to ensure proper nutrition. i have a 4 week diet of liquid protien then off to solids. no transition and cant have anything in the first month thicker than yogurt.

  7. I was on liquid shakes only for 4 days and i spoke to the coordinator who agreed that if i did Breakfast and lunch, I could have a small healthy dinner. However I had grilled chicken and green peppers last night. mm so good. but now im seeing my weight isnt dropping. dont know if its because ive just hit a lil hitch. I probably need to start excersing on top of it. tonight for dinner im having half breast chopped up grilled chicken ( grilled in pam) squash, and proti cream of mushroom sauce ( specially designed for bariatrics high protien 70 cals) and drizzling it over my meat and veggies mmm. If i see any gain tomorrow, back to liquid until monday which is my surgery. im so excited!!!

  8. my surgery is scheduled for the 15th, and i just love this site!!! i was viewing the before and after pics and just an overwhelming sense of relief rushed over me. I know Im just beginning my journey but to see the success of so many here, just is so awesome. I cant tell you how encouraging it is, how enlightening, how its a glimpse into the future realizing one day i will be shopping in the womens section and not the plus size! To know I will be more healthy and do the things I love so dear such as softball, volleyball, even joining up soccer!! Riding bikes with my kids, jogging, and just overall knowing I can get my health back!! I cannot tell you how the tears flowed this morning, and the gratefulness that took over to God and to my grandparents for giving this surgery to me as a blessing in my life. ARG even know im all teary. I am so ready!!! I am ready to lose this blasted weight that has plagued me! Thank you to everyone for posting your success to be inspiration to those just starting their journey.

  9. Today I am so nervous. I leave tonight after work for my consult appt tomorrow. I am literally freaking out. Not becaue im nervous about the surgery, I cannot wait for that journey to begin, but because i have had one liver enzyme test come back just above normal on some blood work i have had done in the past and it was consistent. the doctors didnt make anything of it, said it didnt alert them to anything, but i really dont want this to hinder my surgery!!! which is scheduled on monday. ive dropped 10 pounds on the liquid diet so im hoping some of the fat on my liver as dropped. The cards lay as they will however, so i will have an update this weekend on my consult appt. im going in for psych eval at 10:30, my orientation and appts at 11:30, Wow I cant believe its tomorrow. Please keep me in your prayers as i know this surgery will give me a tool to save my life and be around to raise my wonderful children.

  10. Wow What type of Liquid are you using on your liquid diets I ahve to start mine in a few weeks.

    the drink im on is called myoplex lite with carb control from GNC. its not that bad not great, today was a really bad day, I got really dizzy and got really sweaty, and was in a horrible mood!!. I have to admit this evening i had a tiny portion of Tomato and artichoke salad to try and get my shakes all over my body settled. I feel guilty, but i did eat very very small bites and chewed chewed chewed. i got tired of chewing and only ate about 1/4 cup. back to myoplex tomorrow. :)

  11. I have been on liquid diet since monday morning and the scales have moved 8 pounds. I keep seeming to think my scale is off lol.... Did anyone have this sort of weight loss doing liquid diet? Im assuming most of it would be Water weight as I have been drinking a ton of water too. I am so nervous that the docs scale will weight heavier and since im borderline bmi to do the outpatient surgery, im really nervous. Also i have one liver enzyme always come back slightly higher at just above normal, but no one can find any cause behind it and im scared that might move my surgery date too. Im getting really nervous that the date is approaching fast. Tomorrow is my last day of work. Any advice or comments are appreciated

  12. I am trying my best working with hr dept to see if I can get the full week off. If not thank goodness I have a desk job. I will find out on monday if the personal leave is approved for two days. Thank you all for your welcome and support, I am so excited! Thanks for the idea too on the food, seeing I need something convenient for work. I will be staying one night in the hospital on monday and driving home tuesday which will be a 4 hour drive lol. That should be fun :) I cannot wait to share my experiences with the group

  13. Hi! I am scheduled for the 15th. I am also anxious but so very excited. I have felt the way you do. WHy cant I just lose the weight normally. I have tried and have failed then gained more weight than before. The only reason this is the option for me is because my grandparents were so gracious to offer to pay. I really feel God answered my prayers because I have prayed so many times about my health, about my physical pain, my borderline diabetes and the inability to even go walk with my children. I feel this was an answered prayer and am so excited to be on my journey. It is a huge commitment so I think its good you are taking this very seriously and looking at all your options. This website as been a great resource for me during my research. I wish you the best of luck whatever your decision is.

  14. Hello all, My name is Tia and I have my lap band scheduled for sept 15th. I will be going to bay bariatrics (Dr Tersgini) in Coos Bay Or.

    I am so excited to have surgery and regain my health back! I go to my consult appts on the 12th of sept.

    I have posted a few posts here previously and have been just reading and am so thrilled to go on this journey and share it with others and have them share with me. I currently weigh 265 and am only 5'2. I am dedicated and committed to using this as a tool to gain my life back and possibly save it!! I am excited to get into lap swimming when im able to go to full exercise. If you have any advise, or tips for me especially post op that would be awesome! I will also be speaking to my DR of course for my post op diet but I do know ill be on liquids for some time. I will be having the surgery monday and going back to work thursday. One of my concerns is drinking liquids that will give me as much nourishment as possible, so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great!! YAYAYAY :thumbup:

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