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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chicamam1

  1. i do understand about the long trip. mine was 5 hours away. They gave me blood thinners and the instructions were if a long ride home to walk every hour to keep the blood circulation. so stopping the vehicle and like a 5 min break of walking. the ride home was actually almost 8 hours before we drove to our cutoff and it was closed due to fire so we had to reroute it back. Alot of people have the same concern so please dont feel like your alone. i was certainly concerned and just ensured to walk often.

  2. I know in my head, logically i have no reason to be frustrated. im off to a good start indeed. but the last month has been such a battle for me. i posted previous about not losing for a week and a half, then i lost some, then the same thing. i lost three pounds and now nothing. this week it showing i gained a pound. im walking on my treadmill for 20 min i know not a long time but i have nerve damage in my legs, but i do faster, slower running intervals to try and mix things up.. next week im cleared to start lifting weights. I am just so frustrated because its the excitement of getting skinnier and being more healthy and im still at such an unhealthy weight and im so tired of being fat. I feel like im going to meet my goals and when i go to christma this year. no one is going to really tell my weight loss at all. and i was so excited about that. i wanted to get close to 200 by then but i dont think its gonna happen. I go in for my first fill next wednesday so im hoping that will change things. This morning i was crying and i know im being so illogical about the whole thing I know its a slow process its just such a let down to lose so quick and then suddenly have that stop. last weekend i did have a couple hiccups i know could be slowing me down too and my body could be adjusting from that. such as i had a taco from taco bell. a little bit of movie popcorn.. and sat night went out with the girls and have some wine.

    I guess my mindset of treating myself was all an illusion and i dont know if it has anything to do with it at all because im been so damn good. anyway i just needed to vent because this website is my support. im so scared the band has stopped working. i think that is my biggest fear. hey tho one thing i was proud of. is when i was exercising yesterday i was able to jog a little bit. i can tell im getting into better shape which is always a good thing right? that is my main gail so there is a positive. :)

  3. i have had this real strange thing happen lately. Ive always loved spicy foods but ever since just like a week ago, the spicier the better!! Spicy foods is on the no side of my food chart so I dont know what to do!!!! I love them so much. I wonder if im substituting Desserts for spicyness to have some control? or if its because im craving flavor! anyhoo the hotter the better i dont know whats up. lol. i had chinese mustard yesterday and i was crying but it was the best thing ever. Did anyone have any changes like this ? It doesnt upset my stomach at all but im wondering if it can do hidden damage i cant feel. Any opinions??

  4. I cannot tell you what is best for you. what i can tell you is my experience. the Lap band as been the best experience ever! I love it so much. I didnt exercise as much as you did and way to go for your effort there! but my weight kept creeping and creeping up.. id lose a little gain it back then some. I wouldnt pass up the band for anything. my general opinion is its a great tool to help keep weight off for a lifetime if managed right. I know there is a risk someday of gaining weight back but not certainly as high as just losing weight. so many regain it back then some. I cant tell you what to do again disclaimer you have to make your mind up on that but I would tell anyone struggling with weight the lap band is awesome and a tool to use to really lose weight and keep it off. you already sound very commited to your plan. i was 5"2 and 274 and was just sick sick sick of being fat and sluggish, and i used to be so athletic. now im down at least to 237 and i feel much better, cant wait to lose more. this is all in a month :Dancing_biggrin: the truth is. if you got lapband. lost weight then picked up your routine six weeks after or whenver your cleared, you may be just so surprized with the results. good luck and keep us updated.

  5. Hi,

    I was reading threw threads and it sounds like some of yall have your ports in different places. Ex: I heard one person say that her port really bugged her bcause it was by her waist line, then another say that hers was down lower by her bikini line. Also, it kind of sounds like the ports may differ in shape. One girl said hers was like a sqare box, while the picture my doctor gave me, the port seems to look like a circle. I have also heard a person say their port was sutured to their rib cage even. Are there different port sizes, shapes and placing options? :biggrin:

    my port is actually right under my left incision vertical to my belly button. i thought maybe it was just scar tissue until i was laying down with my husband yesterday and he pushed it and it felt like something was poking me from the inside. omg. weirdest feeling ever lol.

  6. I have been approved by my surgery clinic. Have appt. with my nutritionist next week, have already attended support group meeting (required) now just waiting for my appt. with the psychologist, why do we see them. What kind of questions do they ask. Do they try and talk you out of the lap band???? The receptionist told me it was a 2 hour appt. For what?????

    my girl didnt try to talk me out of it. I think they make sure you are ready emotionally for the lifestyle change that comes with the band. My appt was questions about my life, then questions on my eating habits, etc... to ensure i was a good candidate.

  7. I'm not sure I want to be "lucky", I really want things to go well! Do you think I should be on more of a pre op diet?:biggrin:

    i cant tell you what to do but i know my surgery was scheduled really fast. i wasnt told to be on a preop diet but i offered it up to the coordinator and she said not a problem. For me the jumpstart of losing 13 pounds was great plus the fact im sure it helped shrink my liver which was something i was concerned about. the other thing is i was borderline bmi for outpatient surgery and to have it i needed to be under 50 and with the weightloss in that week i was. if you think you want to be on one, i would just call your doc and ask if it would be beneficial to you and your surgery.. good luck :wub:

  8. Hi Everyone,

    I'm scheduled for surgery on Nov. 6th with Dr. Brad Ray in Bloomington, IN. I had my "diet class" yesterday, which my wife attended with me. On our way home we were talking about what to tell our kids about the surgery I'm going to have. I have a 6 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. My wife doesn't want the kids to get the idea that there's something wrong with being overweight, that all obese people should have surgery.

    I think that the kids will be OK with me having surgery, but will probably start to ask questions about my new eating habits/patterns...I.E., "Why isn't Daddy eating the left side of the menu anymore?" :biggrin:

    Has anyone out there dealt with this?


    I just sat down with my kids and told them i was having surgery and explaine dthe procedure to them and what i would have around my stomach and how it would work. my kids are 13 9 8 and 6. i explained its a very safe procedure and what to expect after surgery such as to be gentle around me. They were very understanding and helpful and they love seeing the results im getting. :wub: it wasnt a big issue with them and they understand why i eat the way i do because ive explained why i cant have certain things. ... I was just real straightforward about the whole process and they are doing wonderful and even being supportive :mellow:

  9. I weighed in a couple days ago at my surgeon's office. I have lost 90.5 now! :smile2: And I finally hit Onederland! I started at 285 and now I'm 194! Starting size was 26/28 pants, and now I'm in a 16, and yesterday fit into a size 14! I don't have too much more to go! Yea! I hope to be down 100lbs by the end of the year...wish me luck!

    that is awesome i am so proud of you and you should be proud of you too.. i cant wait for that mark only 39 pounds to go to hit onderland... i am so happy for you. go out and Celebrate :thumbup:)))))

  10. its funny because i stopped losing weight and then started walking for like 20 min a day at diff interval speeds. i started losing 1/2 pound to 1 pound a day. i missed exercising wednesday and didnt lose any weight the following day. very strange but for me, its the key to keeping my weight loss active right now. otherwise id be at the same plateu

  11. congratulations on your loss!! I am only one month out and have lost 35 pounds. That is a pretty good start, however im noticing now even tho im eating small portions three times a day and only snack is a v-8 to get in my veggies i barely eat. im crawling. however. i did start walking and have lost three pounds this week, didnt walk last night and went up by .3 pounds. My opinion is once i get to goal which is along way away lol. but hey im 1/4 there lol. is to ensure to keep up on fills if needed and watching any weight gain and even if a 5 pound fluctuate to call the doc right away. that is my plan anyhow. i am determined to keep this weight off for life!!!! Today is hard because we are having a sweet potluck with all sorts of Desserts. I just made sugar free Jello to take with light fruit mix. i will have some.. anyhoo back to subject. this is the best decision i ever made ever ever. i love my band. i havent even had a fill and i cant eat very much at all. im hoping with my first fill , it will give me good restriction. crossing fingers. im not worried about the regain later down the road because for me its all about upkeep for a lifetime.

  12. Hi all, im new to this and i havent got my surgery done yet. i still got 5 pounds to loose. Im not having second thoughts cause i really want to get the weight off but i do want to know what to expect and who is overall happy or what are your regretes.

    i love love love love love my band. omg i love it. really.. ive lost more weight than i have in my entire lifetime in one month. its all about the mindset tho. it really has to be there.. im so grateful my grandparents gave me this oppurtunity. they covered my surgery and any future expenses in full. ugh i tear up thinking about it because its just such a lifechanger for me. i love them so dearly. does this mean i dont miss eating cheeseburgers alot? no i still miss then but i dont miss it more than i miss being healthy. and that is whats it all about for me. to become more healthy to see my kids grow up and have a long life with my husband and family. sure we dont know what will happen in the future but this will eliminate one risk factor for that not happening. and a big risk it was. ok so anyway sorry to ramble but i dont have any regrets. i love my band so much... :regular_smile:

  13. I heard that cereal expands and is a BAD idea (and of course, bread is a no-no). But are there certain cereals that are ok? Maybe ones that are corn based and not grainy? Like Corn Flakes are ok, but Lucky Charms (grainy) is bad?

    What about bread? Someone told me Rye is ok? Why is that? Doesn't it expand as well? What about tortillas? That's a good, low carb way to make a wrap, but do any of you guys get stuck on tortillas?

    Wanted to know everyone's opinion on what they are eating out there. Thanks.

    kashi go lean and oatmeal, cream of wheat are on my list. as far as breads Pasta etc, i am to avoid them as much as possible. I am also watching my carbs, but the carbs i do drink knowingly is a v-8 i have for my snack before l lunch. The surgeon recommended melba toast to eat instead of soft bread because its twice baked and less to expand in your stomach

  14. i had the same issue around my period. there were two very stubborn weeks. where my weightloss slowed quite a bit. last week nada lost.. however my period ended i started excercising and two pounds came off since two days ago. i eat probably less than800 cals a day. and ive been walking on my treadmill for 20 minutes at diff paces for 5 min each. its a start i hope. anyway. period time can really mess with your numbers for real.

  15. What does restriction feel like? Is it a constant tightness around the belly area or just tightness when you eat? Could you please describe restriction? Thanks

    restriction to me is this. Of course i havent been filled yet tho. but I can only eat about 4 oz before i start feeling full. and i mean the full you feel in your belly where its like. one more bite and ill toss it. i have been trying to measure out now only 3 oz and sticking to that.

  16. I am scheduled for 10/14/08 and so excited to have found this question and the answers. SSSSOOOOOO helpful. :)

    this site is very helpful and supportive. its my support group right now for sure. Congrats everyone on your upcoming surgeries or those of you in surgery today. its an exciting experience. So many people feel so differently after surgery. but we all are excited about one thing. Our new journey with our lapband. its a wonderful thing surely. Best things i took to surgery was gas x, my jammas, slippers, and nice comfy pillow. good luck and please keep me updated on your progress.

  17. I weighed in the morning before I had surgery and the next day when I got home using the same scale. OMG I went up 9lbs after the surgery? Someone told me it could be from all the sodium and Fluid from the IVs but I can;t imagine 9lbs!

    And if I'm right it wouldn't be air causing it because that is weightless right?

    Any thoughts?


    yep i did the same thing. 7-8 pounds up and i was like great. i gained back almost all of the 13 pounds i lost preop first week!! grrr. however the weight dropped off the first week postop and i was back to surgery weight of 261.. it is from liquids and gas and its normal. no worries. it will come off.

  18. Maybe not too common of a combination... Am I alone? I was diagnosed with MS after my lapband surgery. It's a lot to deal with.

    I havent been officially dxd just possible ms. Been testing for quite some time now still with no dx. cant say it is for sure or not, but my symptoms are, facial spasms including tongue and cheeks, leg weakness with pins and needles in legs with popcorn spasms, uncontrollable movement of my toes, spasms in neck and arms. etc etc. I used to get sensations where i felt half blind and the top of my head felt numb. I cant say im in the same boat but im still waiting to see whats wrong with me. Everyone was hoping my weight loss would remove the symptoms, and maybe i havent lost enough but after 32 pounds. things are the same. with some days being worse than others for sure. Anyhoo, we went ahead with the band while i was still undiagnosed because well ,we just dont know for sure, and the risk of me staying obese was a danger to my life for sure. after 32 pounds i feel better exercising like being able to walk for at least 20 min. which i will do everyday. keep me updated on your progress :)

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