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Posts posted by *slim*

  1. Slim - I can't believe they aren't teaching cursive! I need to take a poll of my friends' children to see if that's the case anywhere else. To me, that's nuts! I just have this awful picture of children growing up to sign for their house or car as "SNT" in printed caps like they're in kindergarten.

    I've also said that I feel like we do our children a disservice letting them graduate HS without a class on living life. To clarify, I think they should mandate taking a class where one learns:

    1. how to balance a checking account,

    2. how to buy and negotiate for a car, house, etc,

    3. how awful credit cards are and how quickly one can get into unmanageable debt,

    4. how the local, state, and federal tax system works (ie how much gets taken out per check), and

    5. how filing taxes works (ie deductions etc).

    I'm sure there are other great topics that I'm not coming up with at 1am but that's my list for now! I have an MBA and am a finance nerd and knew very little about taxes until well into my mid 30's. I rented an apartment for way too long and missed out on the benefits of decreasing one's taxable income through home ownership. Don't get me wrong...renting definitely has its place. However, I could've helped my financial situation at certain times in my life through owning a condo or house.

    Sorry, the numbers nerd took over again, huh? My two cents; I'll hush now!!! :thumbup:

    They took the personal finance curriculum out at the state level several years ago and now they are reconsidering that decision.

    We are offering a personal finance class this fall - kids just need to know this stuff to get by in life. I can't tell you how many kids I help fill out their tax forms every year. Do their parents not pay taxes???

    It is a scary thought that these are our future CEOs that we are talking about here. How is the kid that isn't taught how to balance a check book going to handle the running of a fortune 500 company?

    Oh well, good morning everyone! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Yikes! No teaching cursive? That was a second-grade thing. Scary. Here's our future...can't read, can't write like a grown-up...but hey, they can type with their thumbs... Sad stuff.

    The typing thing was part of their reasoning. No one writes anymore (or so they say). Everything is on computer so why bother? I thought that was so sad. I was so proud when I learned how to write in cursive. I looked on that as so grown up. Don't get me wrong, there is so much that my son has learned already that I didn't get until high school, but at what cost?

  3. I wasn't offended by anything that you said krtork. Things are just so different now. I mean, my son is in 7th grade. Do you know that I had to teach him how to write in cursive? They don't teach that anymore here. It isn't important. Of course, then they write a note in cursive and expect him to read it...

  4. That really pisses me off...I'm so sorry you're going through that!!! Sad faces? Really? What are they learning in Kindergarten...Russian Politics or something??? I mean, crap... A sad face? That's disgusting to me. Poor kid - there are other ways to get kids to calm down and get them to pay attention.

    I got kicked out of Kindgergarten. :smile2: I hated naps and was like, "Hey - the other kids are asleep now I can play with whatever." Not so...the teachers didn't like that so much...so they sent me home one day w/a note to my mom and I remember I never went back.

    I showed that to DD - she thought assigned seats in her cafe were bad! ha!

    It's kinda weird what they're doing in schools these days...it's like a step BACK in time, when we really need a huge leap forward!!!

    It's a sorry state that our school systems are in right now. No child left behind.:) Yeah right. I read about some students that weren't quite "making the grade" at a local school here. The principle actually encouraged the kid to drop out of school and get a GED!:) What kind of crap is that? They said that the students were brining down their test scores! WTF? What about if you teach the children and make it engaging, they will want to learn it!?!?!?!?

  5. Morning all. I slept in (again), and am relaxing with coffee.< /div>

    I wish I could say I slept in. I was awake until almost 12, but I was back up at 4 (darn internal clock:cursing:). I just lay there refusing to get up. I finally dozed back off until 7. I am now drinking my coffee and fixing Breakfast (everyone is up here). No relaxing time to myself. Darn it!

    i can pimp out the labs- but they generally dig where you don't want them too. i swear there is one hill in our backyard that they think jimmy hoffa is burried in. you can barely see their legs , all upper body & head is in this hole - digging away.

    up w/coffee as well, dogs & hubby still sleeping - so i plan on ejoying the quiet for as long as it lasts:)

    Enjoy some quiet for me too. I am up making my plan of attack for the weekend. I don't want to have to leave the house but once. I will get my weekend shopping done (I hope) and then relax the rest of the weekend. I am truly hoping this is how it goes. Of course, the best laid plans...:)

  6. PJTP: DD is swollen and been sleeping most of the day. She takes her vicodin and falls asleep. Trying to keep ice on her cheeks but it is hard when she is sleeping. Poor dear!

    Nursing a Migraine right now, just barely sitting there, I can feel it and think it was a weather change - damn weather:mad2:

    I know that you are taking care of DD, but you also have to take care of you. You won't be any good to her if you are down ill. Have you taken anything to hold the migraine off from getting worse?

  7. I wish I'd been like that as a kid. I did get into Beta and NHS and was in the top 10% of my class but I definitely could've done better throughout my entire scholastic career from K thru grad school. Just make sure he's not too hard on himself (same for DD, Glou)! Type A's are known to be tough on themselves.

    I'm glad that you mentioned that. I sometimes have to remind him that he can't be so hard on himself if he makes an honest mistake.

    i'll be around slim/taps:)

    Yay! Tell your DH happy birthday!

  8. PJTP: Look at my ticker!! *dances*

    I've been so close to breaking the 80kg barrier twice lately and then gone back up again. I got down to 80.8kg last month, then 80.3 a few weeks back, and promptly bounced up and down from there to 81.5 over and over and over... but this morning I made it!! 79.9!! Whoohooo!!! One more pound and I'll be able to post in the 100lb lost thread too! Double-whoohooo!!

    Yay for fills! :sneaky:

    Way to go Fanny!:sneaky:

    Uh oh. The first-grader kid I hired used Crayon. It was blue. I'm totally screwed now, huh? Darn. I guess I did need to take a week on each of those pages.:sad:


  9. Hey y'all! Just checking in real quick!

    WI this AM, well my official, I WI every AM and I lost 1.8lbs! I cut way back on the snacking. Hmmm, go figure!


    DH is fooling with the bedroom door that goes out to the deck. We discovered, this AM, of course, that it's not locking and you can just pull on the handle and it opens right up! SO instead of just putting a piece of furniture in front of it, I've got plenty to choose from, he's got the whole damn thing tore apart and is making himself mad! Nice!


    If someone is going to break into this house it isn't even going to be off the 2nd story deck. They're going to break a flippin' window in the dining room at the back of the house on ground level.

    They are not going to bother walking up the flight of stairs AT THE FRONT OF THE HOUSE to get to the deck. Puuullllleeeeeezzzzzeeeee!

    Today is going to be lots of fun! Oh joy!! :sneaky:

    Okay, I'm outta here. I still gotta pack and get DD and I showered! It'll be noon before we get out of here, if we're lucky!

    Have a safe/fun trip!

    Have a wonderful weekend!! I'll miss you!!

    We'll miss you too!

    OMGosh he's got the power tools out! Lord help me!!!

    Good luck with DH!:wink2:

  10. Oh Lu wish I was there to help. I have made zucc pickles in the past - not a crisp pickle but more like a chow. (We need something to distract Plain because otherwise this topic is going to become peverted. Quick, someone take your clothes off!)

    :D:lol::w00t:Too funny!

    Morning Slim! My first response where nowhere too. Hmm. Conspiracy???

    Morning all!!

    hmmmm. Conspiracies... I hope not.:smile2:

    Morning Tap! I can't sleep, too much to get done and not enough time to do it. Waiting for grocery store to open at 6.

    If my calculator isn't working, I would never know, unless it is a number of 10 or smaller :D

    Me too!

    Michelle~ Have fun this weekend!


    TPG~ You still filling out that paperwork? Thought you might have pulled an all nighter just to get it done and prove that it doesn't take a week!:w00t:

    We all were expecting this paperwork to be done by now.:thumbup:

    My DS had his first football game last night and they got stomped on! 35-0, ouch!! He said he had a good game, I was home with DD, so didn't have to sit and watch it. So they have practice today, ugh, to work on blocking. Of course the coach makes practice from 11-12:15, right in the middle of the day on a Friday before a long weekend. Men!

    Men do some strange things.:D

  11. on a previous weight loss plan (liquid diet) i used to go to the gym that was included in part of my plan and the rowing machine was what i always gravitated toward. The treadmill was too high impact for my feet and biking hurt my butt and legs in a bad way. hoping to stick to the plan. :thumbup:

    slim - you'll find something you like. i want to try like Water aerobics but i dont have time or money for that yet.

    one day... :D

    That's my problem. The bike hurts my butt (I bought one a while back. It is now a clothes hanger.:smile2:) I could never afford a treadmill. The places to walk near my house have too many dogs. I would love to do water aerobics or even swimming everyday, but alas, no pool. My neighbor has a pool, do you think they would let me swim? ha ha. I doubt it. They moved in about a month ago, and I still haven't met them or seen for sure who all lives there. I did see that they had a new liner put into the pool. It looks so inviting with the ball floating on top of the water. Ok, envy over. I am sure that the cost of upkeep on that thing is not pretty.

    I will find some exercise that I like to do.

    I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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