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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Cpach81

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  • Birthday September 8

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    North Salt Lake
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  1. Cpach81


    I’m 8 weeks out and my team says 1000-1200. I think I’ve hit 1000 maybe once. I’m usually around 800-900, but I’ve seen many posts where people hit 1200 or more and are able to actually drop weight faster. Of course, each person and body is different, you have to find what’s right for you.
  2. Cpach81

    Nausea 8 Weeks Post-op

    I have heard may people say that Benadryl works for nausea. Maybe give it a shot?
  3. Cpach81

    I feel guilty eating

    Thank you so much, this is exactly the advice I was looking for! Someone that’s gone through the feelings and had a solid suggestion. I will most definitely look into a therapist that specializes in Bariatric weight loss. Hopefully my insurance covers it! I’ll also try to up my calories. Part of my problem, aside from the guilt, is trying to fit all that food in while also getting my fluids in. It seems impossible. My plan says eat or drink every hour you’re awake. That seems like so much but I know they say this for a reason. I guess I just need to try harder to do this and remember that it’s the right thing instead of feeling shame for eating so often. Thank you again!
  4. Cpach81

    I feel guilty eating

    No, but this is a great suggestion. I actually had a pair of jeans I kept for 5 years that I try on every week to see if I can get into them. Today, they fit! So, while my scale hasn’t moved, I know I’ve lost inches. Thanks for this idea!
  5. I’m 5 1/2 weeks post op and really have no problem with any food I’ve tried. I’m able to get in my low protein requirement and stay well below my calorie requirement. I try to bump that up so I’m hitting the low end of my goal, but I am just not able to. However, doing all of this now that I can actually eat real food again is leaving me feeling extremely guilty, as if I’m just gorging. In my mind, I know I’m not, I’m eating well within my plan, but I feel so gross like I used to before surgery when I’d eat crap. On top of this, I’ve hit my first plateau and have only lost 1lb in 2 weeks, which makes me feel even worse. Anyone else feel this horrible guilt? How did you work past it?
  6. Cpach81

    Terrified and thinking of cancelling

    I get it, major surgery is scary! I think it’s important to examine all the reasons you want to do it. If it’s for a quick fix and quick weight loss to look better, it’s probably not a great idea. If you are tired of being overweight and have health issues that you want to overcome, then this is a great option. I say this because you definitely have to be in the right frame of mind to be successful. This surgery is a tool to help you get healthy, it’s not a permanent fix. You will eventually be able to eat whatever you want again, so it’s up to you to keep with it. As far as dumping, as long as you are following your plan, it shouldn’t be an issue. just my two cents! Good luck with whatever you decide!
  7. Just had my revision 4 weeks ago! My liquid diet was protien shakes, broths, low sugar yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, sugar free jello, and sugar free popsicles. Oh, and any sugar free drinks (non-carbonated) and tea. I had a sleeve 7 years ago and gained all my weight back as well. I decided to do gastric bypass because I knew I needed more permanent help if I wanted to truly get healthy. I was arrogant and not in the right frame of mind when I got my sleeve so I sabotaged myself. This time, I was 100% ready and its been soooo much better and the will power to want to do better seems almost natural now. Having said that, when I did my liquid diet before surgery, I dropped weight so fast! 12 lbs in 1 week and was down 21 lbs by the time my surgery rolled around (3.5 weeks). So, doing the liquid diet again definitely re-starts your sleeve but it will be up to you to keep up the diet after, which for me is the hard part. Good luck, whatever you decide to do!
  8. I've read before you can restart your sleeve by going back on a liquid diet for 5 days. I had a sleeve 7 years ago and just updated to a bypass 4 weeks ago an I can tell you when I had to do my liquid diet again, I dropped weight FAST. Like 12lbs in a week! Almost to the point where I questioned if I even wanted to have another surgery. In the end it was better for me to have it, but maybe that might help you.
  9. Cpach81

    How fast?

    I was wondering this too. I'm a little over 4 weeks post-op and I've actually gained 1 lb this week! I'm trying not to get hung up on the number and just go with how I'm feeling, but I was a little discouraged when I've been doing everything right. However, I am a woman and I am pretty close to my monthly visitor, so I'm guessing that is probably why. I hope anyway lol.
  10. Cpach81


    Oh girl, don’t get down on yourself! 3 weeks is still really early! My energy was so low too until I started being able to eat actual food and take my vitamins. Also, my dietitian said she didn’t care if I puréed my food in a blender or in my mouth so long as by the time I swallowed it was basically mush. This helped me soooo much because puréed food is disgusting! I was able to add in so much more food this way which helped. Just remember, it feels so long and hard but in the grand scheme of things, it’s actually such a short amount of time. 1-2 months is the hardest but you’ll get through it, I promise!
  11. Cpach81

    Gastric bypass - self pay

    I was self pay for gastric bypass and it was only $17k. That was for everything, surgeon, anesthesia, hospital stay, and insurance in case I end up with complications that I have to be seen for. It also covered all my pre and post op appointments & consultations. Oregon needs to get their **** together!!
  12. I’m 3 weeks post op and everything as far as eating and drinking is going great. However, I still have significant pain around my left and right lower abdomen. Right around my 2 bigger incision sites. Like when I stand from sitting or when I bend over. It’s very painful & sleeping on my side is still a no go. Is this normal? I’m sure I’m still swollen in there but it almost seems just as bad as my first day. Just wondering if I should bring it up to my doctor or give it more time.
  13. I’m so glad you got it looked at and they figured out what was going on. Hopefully it’s an easy fix and you can get back on track without being so nauseated! Good luck!
  14. When you drink or eat, does it feel like it gets stuck in your upper stomach/esophagus? And take forever to go down?
  15. Cpach81

    10 day post opt

    At this point, at least according to my dietitian, any non-carbonated liquid counts toward your goal. So if you can get clear protein drinks in, coffee, tea, Gatorade, etc. that should all count and maybe make it easier for you to hit your goal

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