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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jessicakolman

  1. jessicakolman

    Surgery tomorrow morning at 7:15AM

    Thanks!!! I hope your went good!!! Let me know how you are!
  2. Well how are you doing??? I hope good!
  3. Mine is scheduled this Friday -- I know your probably a tad bit nervous -- but it will be fine!!! I'll keep you in my prayers girl! :biggrin:
  4. So....The plan was that I was going to be on a pre-op diet consisting of high protien liquids. Well that plan didn't work out so well. Instead I got a nasty cold recently and have had no appetite for anything. In that process I've lost 7 pounds in less then a week! I'm scheduled for the surgery next Friday. I'm feeling better as far as the congestion/runny nose, but I still have a cough. I hope by Tuesday (my pretesting) that I'll be cough free. I really don't wanna reshedule this surgery! Cross your fingers I get better fast!
  5. jessicakolman


    From the album: Before Pics

  6. jessicakolman


    thank you guys! and miss - I have 2 pugs. I guess one of them wants to be in the picture. hehe
  7. jessicakolman

    me and my husband

    From the album: Before Pics

  8. jessicakolman

    Before Pics

  9. jessicakolman

    sitting on the beach 2009

    From the album: Before Pics

  10. jessicakolman

    me with gun

    From the album: Before Pics

  11. jessicakolman

    beach 2009

    From the album: Before Pics

  12. jessicakolman

    side 235 pounds

    From the album: Before Pics

  13. jessicakolman


    From the album: Before Pics

  14. So yes, I gave up on my pre op liquid diet. It's NOT REQUIRED. I was planning on doing it for 2 weeks, my surgery is on November 13th. I'm just going to do a 24 liquid diet prior to the surgery that IS REQUIRED. Today was the 1st day doing it, and I'm about to start day 2 - and I'm going nuts. I broke down and went down to the cafeteria (I'm at work) . I needed to eat something.. I was about to kill someone if I didn't. Ugh.:scared2::thumbup:
  15. The sick bug came and beat my ass in my sleep that jerk left me with a nasty cold. I am now seeking revenge though any and all OTC medications I can find! Yet.. how is it possible to have a runny nose that is stopped up at the same time. Shouldn't this defy some sort of law of physics or something? Uh...... I feel like junk. I'm really worried that I'm not going to kick this cold by next Tuesday which is my pretesting for my surgery on the 13th. I know colds typically go away in a few days, but I just hope I don't develop bronchitis which usually happens with me. I'm just hoping and praying that I feel better soon. I"m drinking tons of fluids and trying to sleep a lot. I have to work tonight 7p - 7a but I think I might call out. Have you guys that have had the surgery had issues with being sick right before the surgery???
  16. jessicakolman

    I gave up on my pre op liquid diet

    Congrats for losing those pounds prior to surgery!:thumbup: I had my gallbladder out in July and I asked the surgeon what he thought of liver and he said it was a normal size, and my lap band surgeon should have no problem getting around my liver to put the band on. I plan on going to the gym a lot before my surgery so I can lose some pounds. I'm also planning on eating healthier but not so severe as a liquid diet. I was driving to work and had the suggested Protein shakes and I kept swerving cause I was just dizzy. :frown: I've decided that I will chose an alternitive way of losing this weight prior to the surgery. Thank you!:scared2:
  17. jessicakolman

    I gave up on my pre op liquid diet

    Yeah, it was MY DOCTOR that told me that this diet was not required. I'm think I'm going to embrace it. I'm going to follow all instructions, I'm not getting surgery for nothing. I'm going to be very strict with what they told me to do. Thank you!:scared2:
  18. Update 11/2/09 0149AM I quit. This diet is not required. I'm wating till 24 hours prior to my surgery where it is required. I'm about to go nuts and I feel like I'm gonna pass out!
  19. So ..... I'm starting my pre-op diet this Sunday the 1st. My surgery is on the 13th. My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary early this year. Our anniversary is the 2nd of November, but we are going to Celebrate it tomorrow. Yeah, Halloween!! Aww well. Anyway.. I'm really nervous about starting this pre-op liquid diet. ' I just got back from the store and bought a bunch of Jello, crystal light, and other liquid stuff. I also have 2 big things of whey Protein mix different flavors. I'm not required to do this pre-op liquid diet, but I choose to do based on the fact that I wanna get a head start and get my body used to this change. I'm not messing around. Anyway...those who have done it, how have you guys done? Did you cheat? Did you do great all the way through?
  20. jessicakolman

    Not understanding

    Maybe it's Water weight? I'm a pre-op liquid diet that I chose to do, my doctor didn't require it. I'm on day 2 of it, and I'm about to go nuts, so I'm thinking I might follow the same thing as you and do 2 Protein drinks and for dinner have a lean cuisine. Good luck, I wish you the best in your surgery!:scared2:
  21. jessicakolman

    November 12 is my day!

    I'm having my surgery November 13th. So I'm right behind you! Are you doing a pre-op diet? Good luck!:thumbup:
  22. jessicakolman

    Hungry Hungry Hippo!!!

    I'm on day 2 of my 12 day liquid diet. Litterly starting it as it is midnight right now. I was lucky not to have to deal with the Halloween candy -- I didn't buy any and I dont' have kids! I'm being good so far as well, but I do have temptations since I work night shift at a hosptial and theres a cafeteria that people get food from and I always smell it and I'm about to go nuts! I'm lucky enough to have a husband who pretty much cooks, so he can cook for himself. Why don't you keep in touch with me, let me know how you're doing. .I'm having surgery November 13th, and I'm really hoping I can get through this. Just remember you can do it!:scared2:
  23. I feel like I'm going through absolutely hell, and it's only the first day -- well technically I'm on my second day , (as I right this while I'm at work on the night shift and it's 12:38AM) and it's really hard!:frown: I hope that I get that switch flipped!:thumbup: I might need some help with sticking to be motivated. I don't really cook all that much, my husband cooks, and he can continue to cook for himself -- Thank god!:scared2:
  24. I'm going crazy and it's only my first day. I'm having 2 protien shakes and jello, broth Soup. Like I said my doctor doesn't require a pre-op "liquid" diet --but I just wanna get my body prepared for it, but I'm just wondering if I should try doing 2 Protein Shakes and maybe a lean cuisine for dinner because I'm more concerned about low calorie meals. I'm glad that you got through it!:scared2:

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