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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by jenuinelygenuinely

  1. 9 hours ago, Dogmom68 said:

    Yes, my doctor is deciding whether or not to appeal or just submit a new request for authorization for repair to my hiatal hernia (and I self pay the bypass portion.) I have BCBS and they said my revision was not medically necessary. I’m afraid if my doctor submits paperwork for an appeal (and the whole thing gets denied again) then that’s the end of the road for me. I don’t mind paying the bypass portion since it’s very doable ($2600.) I almost feel like the hernia repair is more likely to be authorized. What do you think??

    It is most definitely medically necessary for a hernia repair. I am so so sorry you're going through this!

    GERD is definitely something you should get "repaired" GERD can cause esophagus cancer in the future if its more severe.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Dogmom68 said:

    Well, I’m pretty disheartened. My surgery was pushed from 8/8 to 8/29 to give my doctor’s office time to resubmit paperwork for an authorization for a hiatal hernia repair. My insurance didn’t approve the bypass revision so I may have to pay that portion of the surgery myself. I had already started my pre-op liquid diet so now that’s on hold for a few more weeks. I was so ready to have my surgery next Monday and now I just feel disappointed and frustrated. If I could afford to pay for the entire surgery, I would just to avoid the hoops I’m having to jump through to get this approved. I could use some words of encouragement right about now. 😢

    Did your insurance have an option to appeal?!?? I would appeal right away! I feel like a Hiatal Hernia is a reason for a revision.

    Praying everything goes smooth and this storm will pass! You got this!!

  3. I have Blue Cross Blue shield and it requires the 6 month dietitian visits. They billed me as my appointments went on, but if you let it pile up they require you to pay the full amount before you schedule any pre-op surgery appointments. (After completing the criteria)

    For example I paid $400 for my first bill, which was the 4 initial appointments. Consult, therapist, dietitian, and doctor within the endocrinology department. and then every month I was billed again but a different amount. I paid $2800 total but not up front.

    If I didn't the pay the bill when I received them and let it pile up to $2800. I would have to pay that to schedule my surgery

    You can definitely call the customer service phone # about your benefits of your insurance and they will be able to explain to you how it works.

  4. 6 hours ago, Gucci73 said:

    I’m so jealous of those who have only a couple of weeks/days until surgery. I wish I was there. I have probably another 6 months. 😵💫

    The 6 months will go by so fast! I thought the same when I heard my insurance requires 6 months of "monitored" nutrition appointments. You got this!

  5. 50 minutes ago, Tomo said:

    lol I've been there a few times. I get hiccups and the most uncomfortable pressure in the lower part of my throat. It often leads to foamies. It's been almost one year for me, and I did it just the other day on something small. Argh. A piece of plum. It's so easy to forget that we have to chew well and eat slower when everything else feels so normal.

    OMG YESS!!! Foamies!!! It was so hard to explain to my family what the feelings were. Especially when you drink wayyy to early after eating solids.

  6. 2 hours ago, karakent said:

    I definitely like it better than the Gatorade. The only way I could finish a bottle of the Gatorade was to mix it with almost equal parts Water. I was thinking that maybe that’s what I will do rather than using things like Crystal Light when I want a little something flavorful in my Water. I’ll mix these with my water. That way I’ll have Protein in my water but it won’t be an overwhelming flavor. I have a bottle of unflavored Liquid Protein on its way to me but I don’t trust that I can put that in my water without it giving it a funky taste. I’m curious about those Protein chicken broths and puddings that I bought. I might have one of those today to see how it goes. And if I like it. My liquids start next Monday (8/8) and I want to make sure I’m ready to go. I wonder if anyone else has tried them or something like them.

    You're such a superstar giving us great ideas! Let me know how the Liquid Protein is! but then again mixing water with the already protein liquid might do the job.

  7. 2 hours ago, karakent said:

    I just went through all of my cabinets and got rid if of EVERYTHING I can’t use. I wish I had taken before pictures. There was sooooo much in there that I didn’t even know I had! Lol. Lots of expired stuff too 🤷🏻‍♀️. I ended up with a big box of donations stuff and two garbage bags worth of junk to throw away. My fridge is next. I’m too tired to tackle it right now though!


    Love it!!!! How do you like that Premier Protein clear drink? I tried the Gatorade Protein Drink and you can taste the Protein in it.

  8. 7 hours ago, Dogmom68 said:

    Hey! How’s the kitchen clear-out going? Anybody else getting prepped and ready? What else have you all bought to prepare for after surgery?

    I cleared out all JUNK from my kitchen and fridge! I gave them all to my mom since her house is like a "community house" where all the kids get dropped off for grandma and grandpa to babysit lol. Going to costco Business Center after my pre-op appointment on Tuesday! Super excited to see what they have, I remember the last time I went there were a lot of Protein Drinks and other non-sugar options.

  9. Whats your ethnicity?

    I am Lao, but was born here in the US. Both of my families were like that but not to the extent of telling me to die. Till this day they still call me "Fatty" Pig" in Lao and it hurts me....I remember when I was a teenager my aunt's son stood next to me while taking pictures and said "SCOOT OVER YOU'RE SO FAT YOU TAKE UP THE WHOLE PICTURE." My uncle also insults me..."you shouldn't be eating that much" It was literally a cup of homemade noodles with broth and little does he know I throw up from eating over a cup.

    After that I packed on more weight from being emotional. I am the only plus size in my immediate family. Both of my siblings were on the thin side...

  10. 39 minutes ago, Dogmom68 said:

    Kudos to you for sticking with your pre-op diet! I understand how difficult it is to stay strong and I feel the same way you do about wanting to eat something different. I’m so sick of Protein Shakes and yogurt I could cry! And I have one week to go. We can do this!!!😁

    You got this!!!! UGH I wish I can have yogurt during my pre-op diet.

    You guys will finish strong.

  11. 2 hours ago, SHORTY_ said:

    My surgery is only 4 days away and these last few days have been soooooo rough mentally. I'm not hungry but I could cave to the temptations. 2 days ago was my birthday and My co-worker brought in my fav. cake. I grabbed a piece so she wouldn't question why I wasn't eating any and made my brother eat it for me. I picked up Pasta last night for my daughter because I just didn't have the energy to cook and the smells were making me weak. I ended up going to bed early because I was so frustrated with myself. We're celebrating birthdays at work again today and we ordered pizza and Pasta so I just stayed in my office to avoid as much as I could. I'm proud of myself for sticking to the preop 100% with no slips. But good lord I feel like I'm being tested to my max haha. I know it will all be worth it but I am ready for at least the soft food stage. I'm so bored with what I am able to have that it makes me not even want to eat it.

    You got this!!! You will finish strong. Have you weighed yourself since the pre-op diet?

  12. 17 minutes ago, karakent said:

    I bought one of those too! I bought one that is for 32 days I found on Amazon! So I can fill it up once a month and just grab what I need and go. I have been using it for the past 3 weeks and its worked wonderfully! I’ve been watching a ton of videos too. Sadly I’m more of a food assembler than a cook. I can put together a mean sandwich! Lol. So I want to try to make some of things I’ve seen like the Ricotta bakes, at some point but honestly I’m a little intimidated by that. Lol. 😰

    I loveeeee the Ricotta bake! I remember when I first made it my fiance and his buddy dove right into it before I even tasted it lol!

  13. 53 minutes ago, CarolineS said:

    I justrealized when this thread started, a while ago. In Connie88 initial post she said maybe she wouldn’t do the surgery so my comment today is kinda outdated but I’m still gonna post!

    Hi Connie and Enough😁 i have my surgery scheduled for August 29 and i can’t wait. Excited!! I think i have the same nervous excitement as y’all. Connie, you should do the surgery… you can do it! 100# is hard to loose and without the surgery it’s gonna be very hard, maybe impossible. You are at the weight you are because you can’t do this by yourself ( same with me)
    For me, i NEED this tool to help me. Anyone I’ve ever talked to about the surgery has NO REGRETS! If you need friends to support you, you’ll find those here ♥️ you got this girl. Imagine the way you’ll feel when you lose the weight, less body pain, less fatigue. More energy!
    Hope this burst of cheer lifts you lol

    We are surgery twins!!!! Mine is also on the 29th of August!

  14. 3 hours ago, karakent said:

    Oh wow guys! This is it. The last we weekend before we go into our surgery month! To those of you who are going in the first half of the month, best of luck. I can’t wait to hear about your successes (and to commiserate with you if you need it at any point)! For those of us in the 2nd half of the countdown, we’re almost there! So excited/nervous. This weekend I’m doing a kitchen overhaul/purge. Going to donate all the food I can no longer have so that my kitchen is clean and only full of the things that will bring me success. Anyone else doing anything specific to prep? Eeek. I feel like squealing! Lol

    That is such a great idea!!! I will be purging the kitchen this weekend!

  15. 9 hours ago, Gonebacktohealthyandfit said:

    I brought a loose fitting t-shirt dress to wear home, just like Tomo did. At the hospital, I slept and walked the halls around and around, in between them taking bloodwork or checking vitals every 2 hours. The next morning (one night stay) after showing that I could drink all of my fluids, I was discharged early evening.

    Items I brought in small overnight bag - you won'r need much!

    1. Light-weight robe (walking the halls)

    2. Slippers

    3. Phone, phone charger

    4. Toiletries (toothbrush, paste, Shampoo, conditioner)

    5. Loose fitting cotton dress to wear home/extra underwear

    6. If you don't already have one, it's definitely worth investing in a heating pad for when you get home. It helps the soreness of your tummy SO MUCH! The hospital will have one for you to use while you're there.

    The dress is Universal Threads Knit Tank dress from Target ($15) . Sooooooooooo comfy!!!!!!!

    Here's the thread in case you want to check it out.


    * Tip - the more you walk, the better you'll feel and eliminate gas pains

    Good luck to you!!! You're going to do great and be so happy to be on the other side!!!

    That dress is super cute and looks super comfy!! Thanks for the link 😍

  16. 2 hours ago, rcendres said:

    I just had my egd done as part of my pre surgery work up for gastric sleeve. Turns out I have eosinophilic esophagitis. I had no idea. Never had symptoms or reflux. Has anyone else had this diagnosis and still able to have the gastric sleeve surgery? I’m worried I won’t be a candidate.

    They might ask you if you want to do a Gastric Bypass.

    After my Gastric Sleeve, I developed severe GERD, and now getting a revision to a Bypass. The sleeve will worsen your reflux and damage your esophagus.

  17. I brought a whole duffel bag full of stuff and did not touch it once. I did bring a plush robe and slippers with non slip bottoms, which made walking in the hallway of the hospital more comfortable. I barely touched my phone since the first night I was out of it and then the next morning I went home after drinking my required liquids.

    At home I slept on the couch most of the time and bought little containers for my liquids to take little sips from.

  18. 2 hours ago, shalliha said:

    Well I’m getting psyched up for my surgery on the second. The one thing that has me freaking out is that apparently I’m going to have to give myself injections of anticoagulant afterward…in my stomach….how did I miss this in the bazillion videos and posts I’ve pored over??? I have a high pain tolerance and I’m not afraid of much but I am a huge baby and terrified when it comes to needles. I may have to have my husband do it for me I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand it…gahhh, isn’t there just a pill for that? 😂😂😂

    I opted for B12 injections because its easier than taking the pill daily LOL! and its into the belly.

  19. 3 hours ago, lavette43 said:

    Can you call the insurance company to see if you got approved

    Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield and yes you can call your insurance company. Ask them if your prior authorization for bariatric surgery was approved. They will also let you know if it has been sent to the provider.

  20. 3 hours ago, Sleeve_Me_Alone said:

    Day 1-3 were the worst for me. By day 4 I found a routine that worked and my body settled in. I had a very strict 2 week liquids only, which was ROUGH, but I survived and was really proud of myself for being compliant. Agree with others - use the calories you're given! Don't skimp. It'll be over before you know it!

    Mine is super strict as well!!!! but I am required 16 oz orange juice daily. 8oz in the morning and 8oz in the afternoon. Possibly to break the weakness of not having any sugar intake.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
