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Florida Pete

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Florida Pete

  1. Florida Pete

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Welcome back Bill! Glad to see you made it through ok! Congrats on getting your band! Can't wait to hear how everything went!
  2. Hello Zionsma, Congrats on your upcomming banding. I was banded on the 5th this month and am on the full liquids right now until the 20th. It's something your just going to have to work through. Biggest things I can tell you is to get your protien shakes weather it's slim fast low carb or Atkins or something along those lines. They will really help you with getting the protien you need which in turn will help you in feeling full. Everyone is a little different in how big their liver may or may not be. Not to mention every surgeon is slightly different in what they want their patients to do is a little different too. For me it was a 3 week liquid diet two meals a day and then the third meal was low carb and low fat. Usually the heavier you are the long the surgeon will want you on a liver shrinking diet. So get your protien shakes and do your best to maintain the diet. It is essential that your liver is shrunk for this operation. The last thing you want is to go in there and then be turned away because your liver is to big.
  3. Florida Pete

    What foods are considered mushies?

    Doc says "A mashed, hard-boiled egg with low fat mayo." so you bet that egg salad is included as a mushy!!! It's funny my wife and I were talking about what I can and cannot have during the mushies phase which I am on until Jan. 5th so right through Christmas and New Years. I think I will be coming up with some pretty creative holiday meals for myself. LOL - Need lots of LF mayo and I even think Gravy might be a good addition to mix for mushy foods.
  4. Florida Pete

    December 2008 Bandsters Group Forum

    Hi Christy! Congrats on getting your band! Get up and walk around and drink lots Water to help with the gas pains. Also see about getting some Gasx or some sort of gas relief med to help with the gas pains. That was great that you brought your liver down. That is so key to making things easier for the surgeon and to a successful operation. Keep us up to date on how your doing!:ohmy:
  5. Florida Pete

    What foods are considered mushies?

    Two more days and then I will finally be at mushies!!! I cannot wait!!!
  6. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    Congrats China on being banded! Welcome to being an bandster! Very glad to hear your surgery went well and that your well on your way with your recovery. I am doing very well. My incisions are looking very good and only still have just a little bit of soreness around my port incision. Working hard on my December challenge and look forward to my next weigh in on Friday! Thanks for checking back on us and best of luck with your quick recovery!
  7. Hey Steph,

    First off thanks for the friendship invite! Great to always meet new people and to share in this experience together! Good luck on your up coming surgery! The two biggest tips I give to everyone pre-op is to follow your pre-op diet that the surgeon gives you to the T and get out and start walkings today!


    I actually started my pre-op diet early. I was to be on it for 3 weeks and a month before the 3 weeks I had began the process of getting used to liquids. I did breakfast every day as an Atkins shake for 2 weeks. Then the next two weeks I did it for both lunch and dinner with like a banana or an Atkins bar for a snack between meals. Then for the final 3 weeks I reduced my dinner down to low carb and low fat. At my pre-op screening the doctor was very happy with how small my liver was. And that is the whole purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver.


    Anyway best of luck to you! Keep me up to date with how your doing!



  8. Hey all!

    Thanks for stopping by! The two biggest tips I give to everyone pre-op is to follow your pre-op diet that the surgeon gives you to the T and get out and start walkings today!


    I actually started my pre-op diet early. I was to be on it for 3 weeks and a month before the 3 weeks I had began the process of getting used to liquids. I did breakfast every day as an Atkins shake for 2 weeks. Then the next two weeks I did it for both lunch and dinner with like a banana or an Atkins bar for a snack between meals. Then for the final 3 weeks I reduced my dinner down to low carb and low fat. At my pre-op screening the doctor was very happy with how small my liver was. And that is the whole purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver.


    Anyway best of luck to you! Keep me up to date with how your doing!



  9. Florida Pete

    Do you have a December Date?

    Here's the topic about the logos and how to add them to your signature.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f284/holiday-hotties-december-diamonds-logos-82429/
  10. This really is easy to add to your signature. Simply right click on the logo you want to use and click copy. Then go to edit your signature and right click in the edit box and paste the logo. Badda Bing Badda Boom you have it done! Please feel free to message me if you have any troubles with this! Oh and star this topic to get it sticky on the forum :thumbup:
  11. Florida Pete

    Holiday Hotties / December Diamonds Logos

    Someone was asking about the logos so I am bumping this up to the front page.
  12. Florida Pete


    Hi Beth, I wouldn't worry to much about the nausea. It will pass as time goes on. If it's a little more then you can handle do call your doctor to get some medication to help the nausea ease. It's really nothing to be alarmed about at all as it's a natural part of the healing process. Everyone is slightly different so we all heal a little different and have slightly different side affects. Unfortunately your having the nausea sensations. Best of luck with this and like I said before call your doc if you want some meds to help you get past this.
  13. Florida Pete


    I had surgery on Dec. 5th from Dr. Pedro Kuri in Tiajuana Mexico. I cannot say enough about him and my experience there. I would recommend him to anyone that is self paid. As for finding a doctor/facility that will do aftercare in your area (Oregon/Washington) the surgeons office most likely will have a list of fill locations for you. My surgeon did for me and there was several locations in Florida that I could go to. I know for sure also that there is a place in Salem Oregon that will take Mexico patients. Salem's my home town so I always check things out there even through I haven't lived there in 6 years. LOL
  14. I was banded on the 5th of Dec. and haven't had much hunger at all since being banded. I am sure some is due to swelling but it sure does help going through these 2 weeks of liquid phases. My band like everyone elses was placed with no fill.
  15. Florida Pete

    What foods are considered mushies?

    This is exactly what the hand out from my surgeon says on mushy foods.... "Soft/Mushy Foods" - Canned tuna, canned chicken, canned ham, salmon, or beef, mashed with lots of low fat mayo (try nonfat Miracle Whip!). Soft white fish like Tilapia. Mashed cottage cheese. Soft cheeses, like string cheese (small bites and chew well). 1-2 mashed, soft-boiled eggs, or a VERY moist scrambled egg or two. (Dry goods can "stick") A mashed, hard-boiled egg with low fat mayo. Any yogurt, but chew the pieces of fruit well. Very soft cooked stew meat with veggies. Soft casseroles. Any soft canned, fresh, or cooked veggies or fruit. Canned Vienna sausage, canned "potted" meat, chili. Spaghetti or other noodles with sauce. Soft meat loaf of good quality meat with no gristle. Regular oatmeal, cooked grits, a good Fiber Cereal with milk. (We suggest Kashi go Lean Crunch - great fiber and protein!) Any Soup, like "Chunky", with soft meats and vegetables. Anything similar! Eat only a few bites at first, when you first start soft foods. STOP with any pain, pressure, or discomfort. If you have no trouble, you may eat as much as 1-2 cupful or more, if you like. So that's my surgeons orders on mushy foods. Hope that helps.
  16. So the Holiday Goodies are coming out and more so at work then anywhere else. First was the chocolates and candies. Now there is the susages with cheeses. Soon there is the company Christmas party. How are you handling this? Not in weather your eating these treats or not but in the fact of emotionally handling NOT eating these. Today when I came into work there was the suasage and cheese blocks sitting out in the kitchen here. This is one of my huge favorites during the holidays. It's really the first time that I missed actually having something that others are having. I just am constantly reminding myself of what I am doing and how much better I will feel in a few months/years when I have lost the weight. I am still in the full liquids phase according to my surgeons orders so even getting some suasage and cheese to mush up isn't going to work. Well no worries. So what am I doing to avoid temptation? Easy! The band. I am so scared of getting something caught in my throat and PBing that I am not willing to take the chance. Maybe next week when I am on mushies I can have some for a small lunch. LOL We will see.
  17. Florida Pete

    Holiday Goodies and the Band???

    I have to say I really am amazed at the foods that I have had no problems with. This was the first thing that I have missed. Even the steak my wife has had as well as other foods just have not bothered me one bit. But the sausage and cheese for some reason has teased me. LOL I know it's all in my head. But hey I am getting through it as I know this will be easier and easier as time goes on.
  18. Florida Pete

    Anyone hungry yet?

    Not sure what your doing for your full liquids but if you can try adding things that have a little more bulk to them. The best I have found so far is pureed chilli and split pea soup. Of course I add broth to them to make them thin but still it's helped. I am still having a lot of liquid but it has eased up on the sudden need to be in the bathroom. Hope that helps!
  19. Florida Pete

    What foods are considered mushies?

    I say skip actually going through all the troubles of mushing the food up and buy jars of baby food and season it like you would regualar food! But seriously that is the best way to describe what mushies. Babyfood consistency.
  20. Florida Pete

    What are the Holiday Hotties doing for exercise?

    First off my surgeon said to keep the vigerous exercise down for the first month to give the incisions time to heal. To much twisting etc etc and you can pull the incisions loose and further damage yourself. With that said I have been out walking every day. 20 to 30 minutes at a time. The great part too is that my wife is right there with me. We come home from work, change clothes, and then head right out for our walk. It's great because we support each other in getting more fitness into our daily habits. In January after my stomach has had time to heal then I will add more exercising to my routine. Today in fact my wife and I started talking about what we could add. With our 14 month old we would like to add something that we could actually do together at home so we're not trying to coordinate being away from the house. She has some exercise videos that I am going to look at and probably do with her. In addition I will probably start adding some strength building exercises like push ups, sit ups, crunches, etc etc. That's my initial plan.
  21. Thanks for dropping by Laurie! That's sounds like a great menu of food choices to eat. Just a few more days and then I can start my mushies. I really am looking forward to that phase of things! Keep up the great work and keep me posted!

  22. Thanks for dropping by Laurie! That's sounds like a great menu of food choices to eat. Just a few more days and then I can start my mushies. I really am looking forward to that phase of things! Keep up the great work and keep me posted!

  23. Florida Pete

    Do you have a December Date?

    Best of luck to all those who will be banded today and this week! I know you will do well! Get up and walk around as soon as possible. This will help in your quick recovery! I can hardly believe this is the 3rd week in December and that so many of us are already banded! Before we all know it we will be banded and into 2009 losing weight like crazy people! Can't wait for our 1 year anniversary to Celebrate all the weightloss success stories we will have!!!
  24. Florida Pete

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Hey Saara! Good to hear from you! That is great that you have lost 10lbs already! Feels great to know the band is working for us huh! It's funny but over the weekend is when I finally have gotten tired of the liquids and pure liquids Soups and look forward to the mushies phase that we get to start on Sunday! I too am still a bit sore at my port incision. Most of my sutures have fallen off on all my other incisions. I think I have one left on those but still have all of them on my port incision. I can sleep on that side but need a pillow as a cushion over there. I have been out walking every day and look forward to stepping up the exercise routine in another month or so. Keep up the great work and it was a blast having surgery with you and the others! Pete
  25. Florida Pete

    December 2008 Bandsters Group Forum

    When you created your ticker it asked you to create a pin number for your ticker. What you need to do now is click on your ticker and then it pull up the website to edit your ticker. Enter your pin number and click the "Edit/Update Weight Data" button and you can then update your weight. On that next page where you update your weight there is a "next" button towards the bottom of the page and this is what actually records the updated weight. Once that is done then your ticker should automatically update from there. I hope that helps.

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