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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sassy37

  1. Great info on that post cheers Rhonda x How long after surgery did u start exercising ? :rolleyes2:Sas x
  2. sassy37

    Yipeee! I have a date

    :cursing:Hi ya and CONGRATS on ya date hun ! U never said what your age/weight/bmi is ? Mine at my first surgeons appointment was 51 =bmi A RNY bypass wasnt even discussed , thank god ! and to be honest I wouldnt want it , I just seemed to evasive to me , re-routing me insides etc ewwwww:crying: I was banded on Friday , Im now 5 days post op and doing fine . And I have seen lots of big bmi bandsters be successful But Im also a member of a WLS that is 90% by pass patients and most have done amazing . Its down to personal preference and disipline id say . Best wishes SAS X
  3. How long after surgery did u start the gym & walking again ? all surgeons seem to have different time scales . Just want to know wat is a safe time scale ? Im only 5 days post op . cheers :cursing:
  4. sassy37

    Hair Salon Tipping..how much?

    Well Im a hairdresser in the uk , although most my clients leave anything from £1 -£ 5 tip , its not complusary to leave tips in the uk . Its really a good will gesture , obviously your regular clients that become almost good friends always tip more . I say be grateful to what ever people give , some people can just afford to get their hairs done at a salon . Its the credit crunch isnt it Everyones purses will be affected sooner or later . Regards SAS :cursing:
  5. Just wanted to pass on my sincere condolences to u after reading about your beautiful daughter , we never expect to loose our kids before ourselves . And good luck for your surgery , U will be fine ! Lets hope this gets your life back on track and gives u something else to focus on , I know when u loose a loved one thats all u think about constantly eh .. Keep us posted & best wishes SAS X
  6. Hi Katie x I know its very frustrating but give it a go , least she said if this doesnt work she will then refer u . I had zenical and years of obesity problems on my medical record , u have to be seen to go down every route possible hun , The banding is still classed as a cosmetic procedure on the NHS , Dont give up hope , try the medication and if that fails , u know u have the lap band route to go down . Wishing u hope & success Sas x
  7. sassy37

    Will the band ever work?

    HI folks . Looks like we are really all in the same boat eh , I guess because we feel we have waited so long for something to help us , we want our tool to work asap . But its not the case as we read :cursing: Still lets hang in there we will succeed !!!!!!:cool2:
  8. yes agree with u both , its very frustrating , especially when your loosing pre op ! The bands are not filled as yet , to promote healing . And yes u would think we would loose rapidly eh , having fluids only . But our bodies are clinging onto everything we are putting in , as our calorie intake just now is minimal:rolleyes: Lets just hang in there until our first fill and see us progress from there . Started having Protein shakes now:thumbup: best wishes to u all SAS X
  9. sassy37

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Yes my port section is swollen and certainly more tender than the other incisions :cursing: And the weight started to drop off me in the first 2 days , but now doesnt seem to be moving . Lots of luck Sas x
  10. sassy37

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Hey peeps looks like ya all doing superb well done :thumbdown: I was banded on Friday , Im 4 days post op and doing great so far. Great not to feel hungry , Im off all pain meds now , Im taking fluids down fine and walking about no probs . The only thing I thought was sore was tha gas pain:cursing: But that only lasted 24 hours =relief:tongue2: Fluids for a whole month now , first fill in 6 weeks :cursing: wishing u all loads of success:thumbs_up:
  11. Hi my fellow Sept bandsters:wink_smile: I was banded on Friday , Im now 4 days post op and doing well , My incisions are clean & cut well , Im off pain meds , taking liquids down well and walking about good . The worst pain was the gas pain , jeeeezzz that was sore but the pain went after 24 hours ... Good luck to u all :thumbdown:
  12. I havent hid the fact from anyone , all my family & close friends know , Im lucky I guess I have a very strong circle of support and not 1 piece of negative feed:thumbup:back I was given . If I did receive any Its a simple answer : its my body , my life and my business :cursing: Dont let anyone discourage u :thumbdown: But do your research and dont go in blind folded . best of luck xxx Sas:rolleyes2:
  13. Hi hunny , sorry u sent me a mess ages ago , just started coming back on this site , I use quite a few WLS sites .

    How are u hunny ?

    Have u had ya surgery yet ?

  14. hi

    sorry for delay , my surgery was On Friday hun , so far , so good !

    Im healing well , and yes its great not to feel hungry eh

    How are u doing now ?

    Sas xxx

  15. Im 4 days post op , and Im to be on a month of liquids :cursing: Well Its not so bad at the mo , as its only early days , but in a couple/few weeks Im guessing I will get very bored & possibly hungry ? All surgeons seem to have their own post diet plans . At the mo Im having slim fast diluted with Water , soups diluted with water , Im making up fortified milk and adding some low cal hot choc , low fat ovaline and water & sugar free squash . I also purchased crystal light off of e bay as Im in the uk , and yummy I like that , I add it to my water to jazz it up . Wishing u all well :thumbdown: Sas:thumbup:
  16. sassy37

    Back and banded

    Congrats Tia on your success so far :cursing: Good luck with ya first fill , Fills dont seem to be a big deal , people say :thumbdown: I was only banded on Friday , But doing good , hoping Im gona do as well as u before my first fill too . 6 weeks for my first fill .. Good to hear your active with dancing etc , Its all about exercising too eh really gets the pounds off .... Best wishes Sas x
  17. sassy37

    11 days post op

    :wink_smile:11 days post and toast whoop whoop Im just 2 days post , but Im instructed to have liquids for a whole month , allowing time for everything to heal. Im doing ok , feeling great , fluids going down ok , im walking , sipping & resting:thumbup: U have done AMAZING there Kev . esp waiting so long for your first fill . My follow up appointment is in 6 weeks , I will have my first fill then . Its just a wonderful feeling not to be hungry eh :teeth_smile: best wishes to u and keep us posted :biggrin: Sas
  18. sassy37

    Birmingham heartlands

    Thats great news ! keep us posted how u get on ? Yes that bad gas pain only really lasted 24 hours thank god :wink_smile: Im feeling superb , fluids going down ok but u sure know when enoughs , enough ,Im walking then resting also . So ... so far . so good hun . And lost 8 pound since Monday :teeth_smile: Good luck & best wishes Sas x
  19. sassy37

    Birmingham heartlands

    Hi nat Yes had my surgery yesterday at the heartlands , all went well no complications :bolt: Just :thumbup:sore with trapped gas from when they inflate ya tummy , Dr Super is a star , really lovely man & very down to earth . And shez had her op bought forward , she e mails me from time to time and is doing wonderful ! Have u had ya letter as yet for your first appointment ? best wishes Sas x
  20. People should think before posting comments then shudnt they ! No-one knows wat goes on with peoples lifes , and I always support and encourage people on here and on another wls site . Not pick at peoples threads !
  21. sassy37

    2 07 vs 7 08

    Amazing !!!! WELL DONE u look fab x
  22. sassy37

    July 07 June 08

    OMG wow u have done amazing !!!!!!! u look stunnning hun x
  23. sassy37

    progress 100808

    wow u dont seem to have much loose skin either ..... well done !
  24. sassy37

    progress 100808

    U have done AMAZING !!!!! WELL DONE MR xx
  25. I dont ignore warnings at all , I did say I DO need to STOP ! Im only a social smoker , hardly a 20 a day habit . I know its still wrong , but hey dont we all have bad addictions ... FOOD being the main one on here ... I have had a terrible 6 years with some real heart ache in my life and been through hell and back . BUT i could do a damn lot worse than having an ODD ciggy , I have NEVER touched a DRUG in my life , I also only have an odd glass of wine on social occasions . Ive never done anything BAD to hurt anyone in my life , Im a caring person and a law abiding citizen . And having my car trashed last night by vandals ,upsets me ! WHAT IM SAYING IS I HAVE HAD A CRAP TIME AND AN ODD CIGGY TO SAVE MY SANITY ISNT A CRIME , ESPECIALLY WHEN I SMOKE IT OUTSIDE HARMING NO-ONE BUT MYSELF ! And as for being fit for my surgery I have already lost a stone and I walk between 3-6 miles daily and I also attend the gym 3 times a week. Rant over Thank you ! Sas

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