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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Isabell

  • Rank
    Lost 70 lbs Found Self Again
  • Birthday 01/01/1955

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About Me

  • Biography
    Take my Jewelry, but NOT my LapBand!
  • City
    Plano, Dallas, Ft. Worth area
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  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 58th Birthday Isabell!

  2. Happy 57th Birthday Isabell!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Isabell!

  4. Hi Isabel, congrats to you for doing so much on your own. You sound like a very brave and awesome woman. I have had a good support system. In 6 months I've lost 25-30 pounds, though I wanted it to come off faster....they say slower is better! Best of luck to you for your continued success! Melba

  5. Hi Isabel-

    Thanks for the post...I feel the same way. I have only been overweight about the last 10 years...and I know first hand how overweight people are treated differently.I will be banded at the end of this month, and I would really appreciate some of the info you have learned along the way (like the GOOD liquid vitamins, the best protein powder, what I definitely need to have on hand after the surgery.) I have about 85lbs to lose, and have been a little worried about all of the loose skin issues and additional surgeries some people need after losing that amount of weight...did you have any of those issues?

    Thanks so much for the info, and best of wishes-


  6. Hi Isabell,


    I co-host a International WLS Radio Show on Blogtalkradio.com I'm a lapband patient myself so I know how important aftercare is. I would love to have you on the show so you can share your story with others and hopefully others can take a page from your story and not fall into the same trap you did.


    Please let me know if you would like to be on "The New You" Radio Show.


    I'm also hosting the 2008 National Lapband Conference in Dallas October 3-5. I'm still looking for successful Lapband patients to share their story. Please let me know if you would like to participate in this life changing conference.


    I look forward to hearing from you.




  7. Hi Isabell..I too am in need of losing about 70-80 lbs...I'm 58 years old, have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I've been fighting this weight problem for most of my life and also have tried many diets. I'm planning on attending my seminar in Macallen Tx. in Sept. , as we're on our way there to our winter home. Dr. Reyes is head of the clinic. I attended a seminar in Nashville,Tn. but was told to have the procedure in Tx. where we spend most of each year. Do you know anything about this Doctor or can you recommend another? We'll be staying in that area. Thank you...and you look fabulous!! Serenity Seeker

  8. Glad you found your way! You go girl...

  9. Isabell

    WARNING!- I Was a LapBand "Orphan"

    Thank you, Brenda. It's certainly been bitter-sweet.
  10. Isabell

    WARNING!- I Was a LapBand "Orphan"

    Thank you! If my story can help just one person it will bring about joy...
  11. Lap-Band *Orphan Tells All (*Isabell is currently an Ambassador for Texas-based Lap-Band experts, coffee. A young brunette in much-too-high heels. And a few young men, all in crisply ironed shirts and bold ties. Voila! The elevator doors parted. The men hesitated just long enough for a “ladies first” gesture allowing Ms. High Heels to get on. This IS Texas after all, where gentlemen are still gentlemen. Just as soon as the doors had opened, they were closed again, and the elevator made its way to floor 1, 2, 3… I stared in disbelief. I was still in the lobby. Having been pushed to the side and left behind. This was my moment of truth. When had I become invisible? It’s embarrassing to even write this, but people had always described me as pretty. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to enjoying a certain amount of attention from men. That was my twenties…and even into my thirties. That was before the divorce, fleeing to France, and before a bout or two of the blues. Somewhere in there I put on an extra 30, 40, 70 pounds to my loveliness, and men stopped seeing me as lovely. More importantly, I wasn’t feelin’ it about myself either. food had become everything to me. I won’t bore you with the details. I have a feeling you’ve lived everything I would write anyway. Let’s just say I indulged in the intense pleasure and comfort food delivers (fast and without judgment). And the more I ate, the more I hated exercise. Of course there was a wake-up call. Coming out of gall bladder surgery, my physician showed me the crystal-like cholesterol that had built-up inside of me causing so much agonizing pain. Well that was the end of that. I’ll show everyone I can lose this weight! You know what came next. The parade of diets: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Don’t make me list them ALL. Just know that I tried them…every one of them. Then went back again for a second round on a few. Each diet failed me and I was heavier than ever. Pretending to exercise didn’t help either. Gastric Bypass. Oh, I had heard of it alright. But that was NOT something—no matter how fat I might be—that I was willing to do to my body. It was invasive and it was forever. Eventually I found my way to the Lap-Band. And I was an overnight success! Okay, not quite. Six months after a successful surgery, I was anything but successful. My weight HAD NOT budged. I was miserable. While I had chosen an EXCELLENT surgeon, I had long been “orphaned” by the center that coordinated my surgery. If you don’t know what “orphaned” is, let me take a second to warn you. Being orphaned in Lap-Band speak means that no one provides proper aftercare, check-ups or fills. I was left all on my own without any support. Orphaned is exactly the right term! The worst decision you can make is to pick a place that doesn’t offer months of excellent care before and after the surgery. Choosing on price or running off to Mexico is a huge Red Flag that you might end up orphaned. Do all your homework and don’t let what happened to me happen to you. What did I do for six months post-banding? I ate nothing but butter, mashed potatoes and chocolate shakes. The Lap-Band allowed me to do it. No one provided aftercare to prevent it. And quite frankly, it tasted delicious! Yet as much as I was indulging in treats, my body was STARVED for nutrition. As a Lap-Band orphan, I had no idea what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, what sequence worked best, which liquid Vitamins were best, where my fill “sweet spot” was, how much chewing was enough chewing not to vomit. I didn’t know ANYTHING. More miserable than ever and desperate to make my Lap-Band a success, I started researching like crazy. It took me a while to figure out exactly what worked best for me, but when I did, the weight started falling off. I don’t want to mislead you. I had to do the work of small meals, chewing like crazy and then chewing some more, making sensible decisions about food, and finally exercising for real. I went from that leisurely see-I’m-exercising-kind-of-walking to all-out jogging 4 or 5 miles. Seriously. And I didn’t hate it so much. I felt a jolt of confidence with every pound I lost and every mile I ran. 70 pounds later, I look and feel great. I’m allowed to say that about myself because I EARNED it! I know what it’s like for people to stop seeing you, even when you’re standing right there in front of them at the elevator. I know months of being an abandoned Lap-Band orphan, I know the fear and embarrassment of PB-ing, and I certainly can list a few foods I miss. But I also can tell you that food isn’t the end-all be-all for me it used to be. Instead of ruling my life, it’s far more about deciding how to get the best nutrition I need. And never, NEVER again will I allow myself to become invisible. Now that I’m so much thinner, people always ask if I’m going to have my Lap-Band reversed. I wouldn’t DREAM of it. I know myself. And I know what food can do to me and would again. This proud Texas girl tells them all the same thing, “You can take my jewelry, but I’ll never give up my Lap-Band! Never!”

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
