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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jhawkchick75

  1. jhawkchick75


    Thanks so much! That helps a lot!
  2. jhawkchick75


    Question about Optifast...I have to drink it (or something similar) for two weeks before. I can buy it on my Dr.s website, but can you get it at a store or anywhere else? I don't mind getting it there, but i'd like to buy smaller portions and mix it up and buy several flavors. Thanks!
  3. I haven't been yet, but I will be going this fall to Dr. Ortiz. My family was a little worried at first, but after I showed them his website and all the information about his place they are behind me now. I can't wait!!
  4. jhawkchick75

    new lap bandster

    I am using Dr. Ortiz as well, so I am really glad to hear that it went well. I found out I got approved for fianancing today, so i'm going to call and set my date tomorrow! I'm nervous now but also excited. Reality is setting in ! :cool2: Unfortunately I can't go until probably Nov b/c of work, but it will be here before I know it. Please let me know any other tips or pointers you have since we are using the same Dr.
  5. I am going through the same thing right now. I brought it up to my mom first (parents are divorced) and she has been supportive 100 percent from the get go. Sometimes I think she is more excited that I am! :biggrin: But my dad has been a whole different story. I really shouldn't be surprised though - he's "tried" to help all my life but doesn't know how and so it ends up with me eating twice as much. When I told him, the first thing he said was he asked me if it was really necessary and if I could just eat salad. Then, he asked me if I realized that this would mean I couldn't eat McDonalds again! He treats me like i am stupid and he just doesn't get it. I haven't told anyone else and I don't know how I will deal with that. I think many of my friends will understand but I know of a few that will not. For me, it's not the bigger ones it is the thinner ones. They think it is all about diet and exercise. If it were that easy I would be thin! Unfortunately that is not how it works. So i've decided that i'm doing it with or without their blessing and hopefully they will understand. Funny though, these are the same people that had no problem with some of our friends spending thousands on breast implants! Funny huh! :smile: I just remind myself that for the first time in my life I am taking care of ME. It is long overdue and very necessary. Luckily my mom is on my side and will be going with me. Good luck everyone!!
  6. jhawkchick75

    Hello Everyone

    Hello! I am new as well - my first post actually! I am in the process of getting my financing together and will be going to Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. I qualify in the US, but my insurance won't pay b/c I haven't worked at my job for 3 years (huh?!) - oh well! So my mom is going to go with me. Hopefully i'm looking at just before Thanksgiving. I'm excited about it, but it will make me deal with my food issues - but it will be great. Dr. Ortiz and his crew have a list of doctors they work with in the US and there is one that I can go to near my house - I would ask your doctor and see if they have any arrangements like that. I have no fill centers near me so that is what I have to do. I look forward to utilizing this site!

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