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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Anyone beaten sleep apnoea?

    Never got the machine because I can't stand anything on my face. My sleep apnoea caused to wake 4, 5 even 6 time each night. Consequently, at the worst point, I fell asleep frequently during the day. It got so bad that I would actually fall asleep in meetings at work and couldn't stay awake at my desk. Once I even fell asleep while I was on the phone. The final straw happened when I caught myself falling asleep while I was driving. It scared me so bad that I joined a car pool for fear I would hurt myself or someone else if I continued to drive by myself. To make a long story short (too late) the weight loss has really helped. After I lost an initial 30 to 35 lbs I noticed that I was not falling asleep during the day and that I was sleeping much better at night. I have more energy now during the day and anticipate that I will continue to improve as the weight continues to go down. Hope this helps,Best Regards . . .
  2. The large incision is probably where they attached the port. My surgeon told me that the dicomfort around the port incision would gradually subside over about 2 weeks. As for the gas, bloat and some bonus shoulder pain (all normal stuff I'm told) that I had, it pretty well eased up the more that I walked. The first 3 days were the worst but I definately felt much better day 4 and steadily got better. It's only been 10 days since I was banded but overall I feel pretty darn good. Hang in there it will be better soon.
  3. Wow ! Prior to my surgery I spent months and months researching the banding process, surgeons, after care, long term issues and so on and I have never heard of such a thing. After my surgery none of those thing happened to me or anyone that I know of. Sounds like someone maybe trying to scare Mom and you. Unfortunately there are some pretty dark spirited people out there that enjoy upsetting people.
  4. Phil

    Federal BCBS Standard KY

    I have Fed BCBS of CA. I was banded 10/20. The aproval process took almost 4 weeks. Should have been less but the paper work was missing an item and went back and forth a couple of times for almost 2 weeks. A bump or 2 in the road seems to be pretty common. I found that placeing a friendly, very humble phone call every coupled of days kept the ball rolling or got things back on track after they stalled. At each stage I simple gave BCBS a call and asked if I could check on the status because I wasn't sure what the Surgeons staff had submitted, they generally responded really well. At the end of the call I would also ask aproximately how long the next step would take. Then I'd wait an extra day and give them a call back. I also did the same thing when the ball was in the DRs court. I would politely inquire on the status cause I told them I wasn't getting the best of information from BCBS or I would call to update them based on the info I received from BCBS. My experience was that there's equal potential from the Drs staff as well as BCBS for causing delays. I tried not to be a pest but definately didn't hesitate to look out for my own best interest. Stay on top of them and try killing them with kindness first, but stay firm.
  5. Protein drinks didn't go down easy for me either but I played around with them (3 weeks pre-op liquids) and have found something that works for me. First of all I find Trader Joes 35mg protein shakes to be the least offensive. I disolve a tablespoon of decaff coffee in a couple of ounces of hot water, add 2ablespoons of sugar free amaretto, carmel, irish creme or hazel nut liquid coffee flavoring (Torini or other brands in the coffee section of most stores). Chill the coffe mix and add to choc protien drink, shake well and there you go. It aint Star Bucks but it ain't bad either. I now have no problems getting enough protein by sippin on my pseudo Mochas.
  6. Phil

    First Post

    Welcome Jon ! I too am male and did really well on Phen-Fen, lost almost 80 lbs, then POOF I went back to the human yo-yo game. In regards to the men to women ratio I think the guys just do a lot more reading than posting. This site has been an amazing resourse for me, without it I would have given up on the insurance game and would not have been any where near as well prepared prior to and immediately after my banding. I was banded this past Monday 10/20 and thanks to all the info, and the fact that I followed the advise for a change, I actually feel pretty good today. You'll be amazed at how much info is available on this site. Best of luck . . . .
  7. Phil

    just curious

    I had surgery this past Monday (10/20). I too have had quite a bit of shoulder pain and pain associated with the CO2. I was told if I stayed completely down I would suffer longer or I could walk, walk and walk some more to help break it up. Day 2 was pretty bad, minimal walking. Day 3 was still painful, pushed myself to get up and walk more. Today, day 4, I've actually got a fair amount of relief, up walking around the house a lot and a couple of trips outside. I'm still tender/sore, still taking the pain meds, but I can definately feel the improvement.
  8. Phil

    Liquid Diet Pre-Op

    Will I need to do a pre-op diet ?
  9. Phil

    Liquid Diet Pre-Op

    ....I am quite concerned now... I have read a couple of posts of others who also were not required to go on a liquid diet. Many of us have had slightly different paths to get to surgery. Though similar, not many of us (who have different doctors) have had exactly the same pre-surgery tests, diets, counseling, waiting periods, evaluations and so on. I think we all get more concerned as any surgery draws closer, that's just human nature. I know in the past I seem to get more than my fair share of anxiety. The only thing I know for sure is there is really only one person who can address your concerns and thats your doctor. Be good to yourself, pick up the phone, call the surgeons office and share your concerns. I'm sure the Doc will clarify this for you.
  10. Phil

    Liquid Diet Pre-Op

    I'm 2 weeks into my liquid diet with 1 week to go until surgery. My diet is very different and has been a bit challenging. Different strokes for different doctors I guess. Bottom line is follow what your doc says, but it is interesting to see what others are doing. Congratulations and Best Regards! Consume these liquids in moderation; they contain larger amounts of sugar. 1. Juice, Gatorade®/G2®, Vitamin Water®, Life Water® or Powerade® – limit to 2 cups (16 oz) or less each day. (Try to choose juices lower in sugar such as apple, orange, or grapefruit). 2. Regular Jello, popsicles, or no sugar added fudgsicles-3 or less servings each day 3. 1 cup (8 oz) of milk (skim, 1%, Lactaid®, or 2%) or 8 oz. Light Yogurt (no more than 110 calories) or sugar free Jell-O pudding or ½ cup cottage cheese - 3 or less each day. 4. EAS 100% whey Protein (Walmart) or Muscle Milk Light (Rite Aid) or Pure Protein shakes (Trader Joe’s) or Premier Protein (Costco) or No Added Sugar Carnation Instant Breakfast (Target) – limit to 2 a day. Do NOT BUY: Slim Fast, Ensure, Boost- these drinks are high in calories, fat and sugar. If you chose another brand of protein shakes, make sure it has less than or equal to 160 calories, less than or equal to 6 grams of fat, 15 grams or more of protein and less than or equal to 6 grams of sugar. 5. 1 serving (6 oz) low-fat cream based Soup These liquids can be taken in any amount since they do not contain sugar. 1. Sugar-free beverages such as Crystal Light, Wyler’s Light, sugar-free Kool Aid or Sugar-free Tang, diet Snapple, diet sodas (remember you can only have carbonation before surgery, not after), Fruit2O®, Propel®, coffee or tea with sugar substitute, or Water. 2. Broth Soups (chicken, beef, vegetable, miso)- tomato soup is not a broth soup. It needs to be a clear liquid and can NOT contain bits and pieces of meats, tofu, noodles or vegetables. 3. Sugar-free popsicles and sugar-free jello
  11. On June 9<SUP>th</SUP> 2008 I began the evaluation process leading to the submission for pre-approval to receive the Lap Band surgery. Today, September 2, 2008 I received notification that the Lap Band procedure was approved. I am now smiling ear to ear and am waiting for the scheduling of my surgery. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all of you that post on these forums for helping to make this happen. I have spent many, many hours on-line researching the surgery, surgeons and reading the accounts that you were so generous to share. It was the many lessons learned drawn from your experiences that prepared me so well to cope with the delays, reject the misinformation and overcome the general resistance of the insurance company. Without your help I would have surely been overwhelmed and quit, the frustration at times was mind bending. Your posts unveiled an amazing number of obstacles, big and small that were thrown in front of many of you. In short, your posts kept me from being blind-sided and prepared me to put one foot in front of the other and keep this on track. This should have been a slam dunk at 5’2”, 286lbs, with a BMI of 51 but it wasn’t. I plan to share my adventures with the pre-approval process with you all in the near future. Again, from the bottom of my heart . . . THANK YOU!

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