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Posts posted by Possum220

  1. 8 hours ago, Brittneykdelacruz said:

    It feels completely rediculous putting this into words but its how I’m feeling.
    im about a month post op and I have had a good experience overall. Nothing ive tried so far has made me sick, im losing pretty steadily.
    but i have heavy restriction, i can eat like 1.5 oz

    today was a really bad, hard day and i am just feeling so overwhelmed and frustrated with life and upset that i can’t have a meal. That i can’t find comfort in food.
    this is the first time ive really come to terms with my food addiction. Im desperately wanting to just eat and my body wont tolerate it so i wont even try so its just making me feel sad and upset.
    i know its stupid and crazy. I just needed to get it out 😞

    No, not ridiculous at all. Now is the time to start working on how you can comfort yourself in other ways besides food.

    I like to hug my very big polar bear. I love perfumes so I bought myself a bottle of Jovan musk. Maybe finding a psychologist to talk to or see a dietician about new food choices. What would be something positive for you to do as a distraction/ Exercise like walking will help to ease your appetite unless you are truly hungry. It's a good thing that tomorrow is a new day and time for a new start.

  2. Crying is helping to deal with the tension and fear that you may be feeling. Want a good cry? Then have one. Want to have this Op then one foot in front of the other. You dont have to get this surgery done at all. You can stop everything if you really want to. Do what is right for you and your body. You got this.

  3. Surgery on Monday? You have done absolutely nothing wrong. Your tummy will still be feeling swollen from the op. It is normal to feel like this. Give yourself a chance to heal. Try walking to move those gas bubbles around and out. A heat pack will also help with the pain. It will get better.

  4. 3 hours ago, Dani1491 said:

    Hi, I need some help/advice. I’m 10 days post-op after RNY. Yesterday I was feeling queasy all day, but today I woke up feeling a lot worse. Nausea, burning pain in my lower abdomen and a raging headache. I’ve taken tylenol, gas x, zofran and prilosec but nothing seems to be touching it. sleep is my only relief. Before surgery I would take alka seltzer for stomach pain, but I know that is a non-option. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!

    Certainly contact your surgeon or his office to alert him that you are having problems. They also may have a solution. Use a heat bag on the area that is hurting and walk to get air bubbles moving. Did you doctor not give you some heavier pain relief than Tylenol? Make sure that you take the Tylenol as advised and not skip doses as that will help the base line of your pain. Hope you feel better soon. :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Sunshine Princess said:

    So i had my sleeve surgery last Monday, the 16th. I had my regularly scheduled period May 6-10th. Today it started again. No pain, no cramping, none of my usual symptoms. Is this my body resetting itself? Is this because the weight loss released estrogen into my system and my plumbing needed to be flushed? My OB/GYN was zero help with this and I’m just looking to see if anyone else experienced this. Please don’t flood me with “call the surgeon” because I’m not necessarily concerned, just looking to see if this has happened to others. I see him tomorrow for my post op as well.

    It can happen and does happen due to the hormonal changes that you have been going through since the operation. It's one of those things that you never hear about until it happens to you. Fingers crossed that it will settle again.

  6. Today I had my follow up appointment with my surgeon. He took one of my stitches out. I have been having pain on my left side in the abdominal region. He said that it was a seroma (collection of fluid) that should go away in one to two weeks. My face looks smaller today. I hope it will catch up with the rest of my body.

    The surgeon also asked if I would like to see some of my operation. He showed me what it was like inside my tummy and where he had removed some adhesions. It was pretty cool. Glad that things have gone okay.

  7. 10 hours ago, corinne2022 said:

    I’m very early in the process and am questioning if I should be doing this.

    It is a very big decision emotionally, physically and financially. You should not take this lightly. It is something that you will not be able to undo once it has been done.

    I found it helpful to write down a list of pros and cons. What do you have to lose and what do you have to gain?

    Are you happy with where you are at now? For me I know that I was literally killing myself with food. I couldnt walk far at all. Even two and half weeks later I can walk further and am in less pain. For me it is all about health.

    What will be the reason that is most important for you? 😊

  8. 10 hours ago, Raw188 said:

    All set for surgery tomorrow morning. Liver shrinking diet got easier as the two weeks went on.

    Sleeve, hernia repair, and gall bladder removal. Yay!

    Good Luck with your operation tomorrow. it will be good to get your gall bladder out at the same time to. No unexpected surprise later on. Breathe, walk and sip sip sip. Dont forget a heat pack to ease the pain. :)

  9. 10 hours ago, FarfelDiego said:

    Enjoy the journey! It’s not a race!

    One week out from post-op, two weeks of liquids to go.
    Today’s flavortown sensation is whey Protein isolate mango orange from costco. I feel like I’m on a tropical island living the good life. It has 20 grams of Protein and such a lovely tangy flavor. Mmm! Mmm! I need a tiny umbrella for that tiny sipping cup.

    My blood sugar numbers are so good. They haven’t been like this since 2019! I put a call into my primary doctor asking about adjusting my meds. I’m on metformin, glipicide, and sitogliptin for my diabetes. Saturday night, after I took evening meds I felt dizzy so I took a glucose reading and it was 87. I usually don’t take a bedtime reading but this seemed low. So, the next day I decided to self-adjust the meds and keep track of my readings. I took the am metformin but not the sit or glip and tested my blood glucose in the evening. It was 97 so I decided not to take the pm metformin. This morning my reading was 101. Great! I was hoping that this surgery would help kick diabetes into remission and I’m delighted that my blood glucose readings are this good this soon.

    Isn't it great that diabetes is helped by this operation. I was taking Metformin, Two types of insulin and Galvumet before the operation. Since then I have not taken anything and my bloods have remained stable. Still on the puree stage now. It will be interesting to see how the bsls it goes when the real food is back on the menu.

    We will see. Any drop in medications will be a bonus for us.

  10. 3 hours ago, aeb10892 said:

    I'm commenting to follow mostly, maybe I can get some answers too. I had surgery November 2021 and within days of surgery this started to happen to me too. I haven't actually hit the floor, but when I stand up (especially at the end of the day) I feel terribly lightheaded and my vision goes black. At its worst I lose feeling in my body too.

    My surgeon said it's absolutely not normal, go see your GP for blood work. It came back that my Iron was low, so Doc put me on Iron pills. It got marginally better with time but I can't say with any certainty that it's the iron pills that are helping, or if advancing my diet is. I'm up to 1000-1200 calories per day, 60g Protein and this is still happening regularly.

    Sometimes iron pills are not enough to address the iron deficit. I was low in iron and my doctor gave me an iron infusion (via a drip). All good after that. Your doctor will want to know that things are not better.

  11. 3 hours ago, GlA said:

    I had gastric bypass in October 2021. I had a few episodes where I felt lightheaded. Until yesterday, I was able to recover and it would pass. Yesterday, I felt lightheaded and next thing I remember, I was on the floor. My son heard a something drop (turns out it was me). For clarification: I’m eating more than enough of the right foods and drinking plenty of Water. I’m fine just wondering if anyone has experienced this.

    Check in with your doctor for tests. My blood pressure was low and I kept on getting dizzy after the surgery. I was taking my normal amount high blood pressure medication. Turns out it was now too much. Your doctor is the best way to get this addressed.

  12. 2 hours ago, Merill said:

    Hi Possum,

    I was quite bad for 2 days tears running down my face depressed. But better now it is what it is, and you are right, we're going to be calling them on Friday to talk to the Medical Board and see where this takes us, bc it's just gone beyond a joke! the way they don't give a damb about how it's impacting people, yo yoing and playing with us like puppets!😔

    You aint no puppet Merrill. I am glad that you will be going to the medical board. If the hospital was losing money I am sure they would make a change. I wonder if they could refund your costs to date?

    The distress of this must be so hard. Channel your hurt/anger into some exercise or whatever you think will have a positive effect. Hopefully on Friday a solution will be found. I would love to hear the outcome. Hugs dear lady.

  13. On 5/18/2022 at 12:36 AM, Dani1491 said:

    Had my RNY yesterday, everything went well. This gas pain is killing me though and it hurts to drink anything, but it could be worse. Trying to walk as much as I can and taking gas-x. Anyone have any other tricks?

    Heat pad is lovely way to help with the pain.

  14. 4 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    I'm 2 weeks post op, and I can ride the exercise bike on resistance level 9 (out of 15) and I can walk on the treadmill at speed level 3.5 (out of 5) for 20 minutes each. But I'm impatient because I see so many others doing all kinds of awesome workouts and lifting weights and doing all kinds of things I've only dreamed of being able to do. But I'm still restricted from lifting anything and I can't run just yet (still too heavy, and again, was told not to try before 6 weeks post op). And I have to be honest, I'm so impatient!!! I'm already off 4 meds and stable and I just want to build muscle and strengthen my core and lose even more weight lol I know, I know....I have to take my time and let my body fully heal and follow my surgeon's advice. I know, and I will. But have any of you felt this way? Like before you were totally cleared at 6 weeks? Were you impatient and excited and chomping at the bit to get started seeing what your new body can really do??

    That is horrid vikingbeast. A very good word of caution to us.

    I am 10 days PO. There are a few twinges and aches happening. I am not champing at the bit. I also had a hernia repaired so I am loathe to push myself before my body is ready.

    The procedure that you had will be in place for the rest of your life. You have the time to go as hard as you need when your body is ready. It is the surgeon that have seen lots of people and how long our bodies take to recover. Walking is a really good thing to do to get your body headed in the right direction.

  15. On 5/17/2022 at 9:21 AM, Merill said:

    Thanks for your well wishes🙏 we all need it I think, I've been cancelled second time was due yesterday for a RNY and hiatal hernia repair, well prepared! physically mentally & emotionally, I rock up at the hospital after fasting from 6 a.m. in the morning waiting for 1:30pm in my white gown and compression socks so I can be taken in by the anaesthetist. 2.30pm comes low and behold! one of the surgeon's approach me to give me the "bad news" that it's been cancelled due to covid cases resulting in no beds so second time round shatterd with disappointment (sigh)

    Oh well life goes on, it is what it is, I guess everything happens for a reason.😕

    Wishing you lots of luck on Thursday with your surgery hope everything goes smooth for you and speedy recoveries🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

    I am so sorry Merrill that this has happened for the second time. Once is bad enough but twice really stinks. :( Why are they even booking you in when a bed can't be guaranteed. How disappointing. No wonder you would be losing focus.

    Is it possible to have a chat with the surgeon's office and let them know how this is affecting you emotionally and financially? Surely you are not the only one who is being impacted and they need to ensure that there are no more false starts. Taking care of their patients starts before the operation.

    Covid really is a pain. Given that this has been the situation for the past two years time to make constructive improvements to their booking system. ((Hugs))

  16. 6 hours ago, Chrissy0510 said:

    I had my surgery RNY on May 10th and have my first follow up appointment. Now I weighed myself and it said I gained 2 pounds and I don’t know if that is because of swelling still or not.

    I had mine on the 9th. After surgery and being on IV fluids my calves and feet were swollen with Fluid. We need to let ourselves heal. I am staying away from the scales. Breathe.

  17. 1 hour ago, River Moon said:

    I weigh myself every 3 months at my follow-up with my surgeon. But, that is due to my therapist and nutritionist highly recommending it for me. I have a long history of becoming way too obsessed with the scale, which would lead me to restrict, then binge/restrict, then binge/purge, then finally binge-eating all together. It's just been my downhill spiral for forever. Now I have finally been learning to pay attention to my health and how I feel with energy, health, and just overall mental health. It's been a relief to not weight myself so much. However, that is not a rule for all. For me it was highly recommended by my team. But, for others they need to weigh more often.

    It is horrid when the scales seems to rule our lives. Health is the reason why I started on this journey. Here's to health for the both of us River Moon. :)

  18. 2 hours ago, Crisscat said:

    I weighed myself 9 days after surgery because my Drs appt was on that day by video conference and I knew my Dr would ask. I lost 14 lbs so I was pleased with that. I told myself Id only weigh once per week but I weighed myself today which was 3 days since I last weighed and I had not lost anything so it bummed me out. So Im going to try to stick to the once per week weigh in or longer if I can do it.

    I am wanting to avoid that bummed out feeling too. I know that I will be weighed when I see my surgeon next Wednesday. Hope that will not be disappointed.

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