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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Possum220

  1. Maybe time to check in with the surgeon or at least a dietician to see what you should be eating and answer your questions. Protein is a must if you want to keep the muscles that you do have. Our bodies need energy and if the fat is gone then it will cannabalise your muscles. if your potassium is low then get on top of that. Bananas are a good source of potassium.

    Also take your Vitamins daily. Not taking them will lead to more deficiencies down the track. Once those levels have tipped in the wrong direction it takes a while to reverse the damage.

  2. Are you taking your pain medication? Your body has just been though a major operation. Keep those pain meds up. Given that this is so soon after your operation it would be a really good idea to contact your surgeon's office and let them know.

    It could also be trapped gas from the operation that was pumped into the body cavity so that the surgeon could have a good view on your abdomen. If that is the case the walking a little and often will help to move the gas out of your body.

    A warm heat pack on your belly will also help the pain. Feel better soon.

  3. Some do more than 4 weeks some less. I needed to do it for two weeks. The time needed also depends on an number of factors. The surgeon may have requirement to do a certain amount of time due to a starting weight and or getting the patient to show commitment to the process.

    Their primary reason for anybody to do the diet is to shrink the liver so that makes the surgical field easier to access. Asking the surgeon their reasoning. Hope it all goes well for you.

  4. Yes, It would be a good idea to let your doctor know what is happening with your feet. They may need to do some adjusting.

    My blood pressure medication was halved after my operation in May this year. I have stopped taking it after I spoke to a doctor 1 month ago.

    Good luck Monday. :)

  5. Given the fact that you have just had major surgery be kind to yourself. Your body is still in healing mode and exercise should be eased into. I gave myself 6 weeks before I felt comfortable in going for walks. Sadly this operation is notorious for making hormones go haywire and mucking up our periods. It may take them a little while to settle down again though it would be sound to let your doctor know that they are doing.

    As for reaching the Fluid target you are trying to get there and you will, eventually. You said that your team is super nice time for some of that to rub off on yourself. Just breathe.

  6. I had and RNY done on the Monday afternoon. I was in lots of pain afterwards because they had to cut away adhesions and fix a hernia. I had four nights in. They can monitor you much better and give you the follow up medications if you are inpatient.

    A good question to ask your surgeon or staff - What happens if there is a hitch? Maybe it will all go well and you will be okay. Do they send you home with pain killers? Do you live close to the hospital or not? Cant say that I would be happy to have a major operation (and this is) as an outpatient.

  7. 53 minutes ago, mirian123 said:

    Hi me again, I had my gastric sleeve 21 days ago I had a follow up with my doctor on my 15 day and was Dehydrated, they sent me to the emergency to get some ivy's after that I had to go to my primary doctor due to my pancreatitis level were to high they weighed me and I had noticed I gain 3 pounds I figured it Water weight now I am on my 21 days and just weight myself and notice that I have gained additional 2 pounds now I'm worried I am also still on my liquid diet. Thank you

    Sent from my SM-N976U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had IV fluids and just by looking at my swollen feet I could tell that it was Water retention. Do yourself a favour and stay away from the scales for now.

  8. On 8/21/2022 at 8:22 AM, jojolynn73 said:

    Pre surgery I suffered from severe IBS (I think?). I actually don't have a clear answer. I had daily, debilitating cramping and issues with the bathroom...also, gas, bloating, and just the worst pain. Funny, when I wasn't eating after surgery, all of my GI issues went away. I am gluten, dairy, egg, soy, sugar free. Doesn't seem to matter, I am sick. My life doesn't feel worth living because these issues are so bad and so painful.

    I've been trying to take my bariatric Vitamins and they are making my GI distress so much worse. I've even tried Flintstones, and I can't do those. I spent 1/2 my day or more in bed or on the bathroom floor writhing in pain...every day.

    Does anyone have any advice on the Vitamins? I am scared because I had bypass, so I know I have to take them..

    THank you.

    Hi jojolynn73 Are you feeling better? Did you check back in with a doctor? Hope things are getting better for you.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ampee said:

    Hello Everyone,

    My partner had a Gastric bypass on 2022 July 25 and she is struggling with eating. She is now in phase 3 (Pureed food only) and she can't even look at chocolate/sugary food types. Yesterday passed without eating anything.

    Any ideas about salty type of foods she can eat?

    Thank you for answering! Also let me know if any other info is needed.

    Tinned baked Beans. Chew them up before you eat them. Very sloppy scrambled eggs. Yogurt. Custard. Low fat jellies (I made my own and put tasteless Protein Powder in). Dont let too many days pass without eating.

  10. 11 hours ago, maxi_maxi said:

    So I have a few friends that did the sleeve (I'm 3 weeks out) and I've been telling them my left side hurts alot especially when getting up/moving. They both had the same pain apparently the largest incision where the stomach is pulled from.....1 friend 2 years later still has some pain the other 5 years out and is fine now. So my question is how long did it take ypu to be pain free if you had this same issue? TiA

    Sent from my SM-G990E using BariatricPal mobile app

    It took about two months to be rid of the pain. I had pain near one of my incision sites on the left side of my abdomen. I told my surgeon about it and he checked it out and said that I had a seroma. (Build up of water). Water clot? He said the pain/water would be dispersed and it would get better. Seromas are not uncommon after major surgery.

    If you have pain please check back in with the surgeon.

  11. 2 hours ago, bmorin09 said:

    I am currently 3 months post op I had the gastric sleeve done and for the past two weeks I have had extremely dry mouth especially when waking up to the point my throat is on fire! And feels like there is something stuck at the top of my throat and every time I swallow I can feel
    Something in there.Also I have tons of saliva now as well . Anyone else experience this ?

    I am also three months out. One morning this week I woke up and my lips were stuck to my teeth from a dry mouth. I have been told to increase my liquids. Seems to have improved the last couple of days.

  12. I was only able to walk past 4 houses and back. That was the most I could walk. Four months have gone by since my bypass. I can now walk 2 km per day. 1 mile? My ankle has been sore from arthritis and arthritis in my lower back. I feel so much better not carrying the weight that I used to. Now things are getting easier like looking after myself and even standing is so much easier.

    Hopefully your support team will be able to work around your health issues to get you to a better place.

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