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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by legdxdlr

  1. legdxdlr

    Need Your Support Right Now :(

    Dear Amy, I was banded on the exact same day as you, August 13. I have only lost 20 pounds as well. I have had 3 fills. It is very discouraging. I also had foot surgery August 7th that kept me from exercising at first. Then I had another minor surgery(biopsy) a week after the lap-band surgery. So, basically I had 3 surgeries that month. I was beginning to feel like a slab of meat being sliced and diced. Anyway, I have been working with a personal trainer 2 days/2 hours a week and exercising on my own as much as i can. He took my measurements and i have lost 2 & 1/2 inches in my waist and 5 inches in my hips however i am still only down 20 pounds. It is very discouraging. When I went in for my last fill, I had gained 4 pounds over the holidays. My trainer says that the fact that i have lost so many inches and not lost pounds means that i have put on a lot of muscle which means that my metabolism is higher, so hopefully the scale will start to move down. But, i understand how it feels to see others losing so much weight and you and i are not. It is disappointing. I paid cash for my surgery and have only lost 20 pounds. Sometimes I feel like I totally wasted the money. I am hoping that by March 13(my birthday) and 7 months exactly after the surgery I will have lost a significant amount of weight. But even if i don't I am still going to love myself. I know it is hard to be patient. I am right there with you. Hang in there girl!
  2. legdxdlr

    Valentine's Day Challenge

    count me in,too! I will shoot for 12 pounds.
  3. legdxdlr

    Not loosing :-(

    hi i was banded on the same date 8/13 and i feel the same way. i lost in the first 2 weeks and then only a few pounds since. i am exercising with personal trainer. i feel no restriction, not even with bread. i can eat anything. the only thing that is different to me is that i can't swallow a pill. I am trying to be patient though and trust my Dr. I think it's going to take 2-3 adjustments to get to the right point. hang in there and try to stay off the scale. it only makes you feel bad. good luck
  4. legdxdlr


    I was banded on the 13th also! About day 4 I was starving. By day 6 I moved up to mushies. I was told to do the full liquid phase for 2 weeks, but i could've eat 12 puddings in a row and still been hungry. So, i have added mashed taters, oatmeal, and grits. This helps some but my weight has stopped going down since i got my hunger back. I was losing before.
  5. my husband has sweet tooth also and is thin. he bought 4 packages of cookie dough 3 days after my surgery and baked them and all the family ate them in front of me while i could only eat jello. I told him he was very inconsiderate So, I feel your pain
  6. legdxdlr

    Today's the Day-August 13th

    Finally arrived! Got to be there at 9:00 am. See you wonderful people on the flip side.:biggrin2::thumbup::thumbup:
  7. legdxdlr

    Today's the Day-August 13th

    Finally arrived! Got to be there at 9:00 am. See you wonderful people on the flip side.:biggrin2::frown:
  8. legdxdlr

    Oprah and wls program

    Yes, the teens on the show and their parents were much more educated about the lap-band than Dr. Ozzie. Oprah should have experts in the field on the show instead of him.
  9. legdxdlr

    Oprah and wls program

    I watched the show and was wondering if anyone else had. I felt like Dr. Oz was totally against weight loss surgery. It's like he was saying that the lap-band teaches us to eat like we should be eating in the first place. Basically, why can't we just eat smaller portions and make healthier choices without having surgery. I mean it's as simple as that-eat smaller portions, eat the right foods, and exercise! Boy, why didn't we think of that sooner Dr. Off to see the Wizard? He really made me mad. I hope he goes to munchkin land one day and they are all morbidly obese! Maybe they'll strangle him with a lap-band. :crying:
  10. legdxdlr

    Naming your Band?

    How about " Bounty" because it's a quicker, filler, upper?
  11. Congratualtions to all the newly banded! You all sound sooo happy to me. My surgery is Wednesday, and I am having doubts and second thoughts as well. I hope everyone continues to do well and good luck to all those being banded with me this week.
  12. I am scheduled for August 13th. 5 days away. I got a call this morning about a mammogram i had last week and i had to go in today and have more detailed/diagnostic mammogram done. I am freaking out a bit. What if there is something wrong? What if I can't go through with the lap-band on Wednesday? I have been so worried and stressed that i have been snapping at my family all night. Anyone have in words of wisdom or comfort here? I also had foot surgery yesterday morning so I was standing on 1 foot while getting my left boob sqaushed and she was telling me to be still and don't move! LOL
  13. I am scheduled for 8/13/08! All pre-op testing done yesterday and i am self-pay. So we have a go for take off!:thumbdown:
  14. Jenbug. thanks for the uplifting. I feel better today. I am having foot surgery tomorrow and then in 6 days getting banded. I feel like i have spent the last 2 weeks doing pre-op for both surgeries, so yesterday when all the testing was complete, i was just really emotionally and physically exhausted. Also, my husband has been out of the country for 3 weeks. I have 3 children ages 8,6, and 3 that i have been taking care of by myself and i am also a pharmacist. my husband came home home last night. I think completing my testing and knowing he was finally coming home... i think i had some built up emotions that needed to be set free. The past 3 weeks have been stressful is all i'm trying to say. I have been busy taking care of evryone else. Good luck to you on the 11th. let me know how you are
  15. i had my final pre-op appointment yesterday. i had to pay all that money. i am self-pay. that hurt. i was feeling very emotional yesterday. i felt like crying all day. not real sure why. just keep thinking " how did i get like this? how did i come to this point?" i have 1 week from today until the big day, so i guess it's all getting so real
  16. legdxdlr

    Tell Us About You!

    Oh, and back then we just got B.S. degrees!
  17. legdxdlr

    Tell Us About You!

    I went to ULM(University of La at Monroe) formerly known as NLU ( Northeast Louisiana University) They changed the name after I graduated! It's still NLU to me though.
  18. legdxdlr

    Tell Us About You!

    My name is Candace. I am 35 years old and live in Shreveport, La. I have been married for 10 years and have 3 children. My daughter is 8, and I have 2 sons ages 6 and 3. I am a pharmacist. My screen name "legdxdlr" stands for "Legal Drug Dealer". I also have 2 cats and a long-haired weanie dog named "Yoda". My 6 year old is a huge Star Wars fan. He says that Yoda is sooo handsome. Yoda is his favorite character so now we have a dog named Yoda! I call him Yoda Man though! I was skinny until 5th grade, and then I was chubby till 8th grade. I tried out for the dance line in 7th grade and lost alot of weight during that summer. i was on the dance line all the way to college. i quit my 2nd year of college. Then I started gaining and gaining. On dance line, we had to weigh every wednesday at 2:00. If you gained more than 2 pounds, you didn't get to dance at the football game that week. It never happened to me, but it did to others that had to sit in the stands while everyone else performed. I stayed in shape because of all the practices outside in the heat and i also exercised alot on my on to make sure I didn't gain weight! There were some bulimic people on the team with me! I never agreed with their strict weight guidelines. We should have been judged on our performance and not a number on the scale! After I quit, i started eating and quit exercising! I thought that b/c i didn't have to step on a scale every week, i could do whatever i wanted! No one was going to tell me what i could eat anymore. Anyway, then i got in Pharmacy School and started stress eating etc.etc. and i have just kept on gaining weight. school, 3 kids etc. I definatley have an emotional eating problem. I'm getting tears in my eyes just typing this. A little over a year ago I joined L.A. Weight Loss and swore I was going to be thin by the time I turned 35. I proceeded to lose and regain 40 pounds! So that brings me here. i am having the lap-band August 13th! I am more scared that it's not going to work than I am of having the surgery itself. I have enjoyed reading everyone's stories. I hope I wasn't to long-winded.
  19. legdxdlr

    Tell Us About You!

    i'm from Louisiana also. What city r u from?
  20. Congratulations and Good Luck! I am being banded on 8/13! Who is your doctor?
  21. I'm in the same boat. I feel like everyone i tell has something negative or non-supportive to say. That is the reason I came looking for this site. I needed support from somewhere. I needed to know that I am not alone, that there are others going through the same changes and overcoming the same obstacles. I have been told that i don't weigh enough to have lap band surgery by someone who has had the surgery. I am 5'7" and weighed 267 at consult(BMi 41) so since i'm getting the band on 8/13 i guess i do weigh enough. I have also been told that i don't need surgery, that i just need to diet because i have lost weight before. Yeah i lost 30-40 lbs before out of 100 i need to lose and of course gained it all back! I did'nt want to tell my mother, but i finally did, and it went as i expected-negative, negative, negative. She is morbidly obese also and has had 2 heart attacks and still smokes. She said that i'm just always looking for a quick fix and that i can never stick with anything! How's that for support? It seems like everyone i have told, i have immediately had to defend myself and my decision. So, i gave up and started looking for support elsewhere. I wish everyone the best of luck(i'm getting teary eyed). You are all making the right choice for you, and after all this is about us and not anyone else right?
  22. congratulations and best wishes to you. I am soooo excited for you! Keep up that positive attitude! Let us know how things progress.
  23. legdxdlr

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Good luck to everyone today. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. My surgery date is august 13th.
  24. Good luck on your surgery today! I hope everything goes well. I am having mine august 13th.
  25. legdxdlr

    hi august band buddies

    my Dr's pre-op diet is similar to the Atkin's diet, Meat, true veggies, no fruit, no carbs ,no dairy, except cheese

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