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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Rachael101

  1. I have a queestion for the ladies, Did anyone notice changes in menstrual cycle?

    I've noticed over the past few months for me, my cycle has started to change and become earlier and earlier by 2 to 3 days each month. Starting from the 28th and now as today the 18th.

    Being curious i thought i would ask to see if anyone else has experienced any changes.

  2. 17 hours ago, LookingForward22 said:

    @Rachael101 you are doing a great job! When I see stats like yours it give me hope that i am headed in the right direction! My surgery is next week, I know that everyone's path is diffrent but seeing people succeed is very motivating and gives those of us following a similar path a glimps of what could be.

    My highest was 382 about a year ago - but I have been over weight all of my adult life (I am 48). Occasionally I feel others judgement (oddly enough more when I meet a new doctor - more so than new people). But mostly I am self conciouse when I bump into things, squeeze into places or choose not to participate because I am worried I wont fit. So really, I am a bigger problem than others... except those darn doctors who want to blame everything that happens on my weight (well, loose some weight, if that doesn't resolve then we will see what we can do.... <sigh> as if I haven't thought of that). Thankfully I have a great regualr team who have been working with me on health issues who can see past the weight and as a result, I've managed to loose 62 pounds in the last year (10 of that on the pre-op diet, 5 more days to go).

    I am looking forward to not worrying about bumping into things as I walk past or fitting into places (or exceeding weight limits)... I have already seen a little progress in some of those areas with the weight I have lost so far. I am also looking forward to not being as tired, being more social and getting some relief with some of my other medical issues.

    Keep up the great work!

    To loose all that weight by yourself is amazing! I have every confidence that your going to do very well after surgery. Best of luck :)

  3. 2 hours ago, Tony B - NJ said:

    I did not have quite as much to lose but I did reach a point where I felt that people were not looking at me and judging me any more. Then, after another 30 or so pounds I found that people, especially women were looking at me because I actually looked good. I also get looks because I really stepped up my wardrobe now that I am comfortable enough to wear clothes that are not baggy and hide my body size. There is a point where you will stop being self conscious..hang in there it is coming.

    Thanks for the confidence booster! I'm not so self conscious anymore but i carry a lot of my weight lower body more so my legs and that's always been something that made me self conscious. It's becoming less and less now i'm at a point where i want to get married we put it off because of surgery my parter told me just to say the word and we will do it. I'm really starting to look forward to the future.

  4. 4 hours ago, Queen ApisM said:

    Your loss is really impressive and you should be incredibly proud of yourself. I started at 385, though my highest weight ever was at least 400 lbs (my scale didn't go higher) and am now at the same weight as you (not losing nearly as fast as you have - and really slowly now).

    On the one hand, I feel so amazing. Physically, I feel so much lighter than 271. I feel spry. Things are so much easier and I don't automatically feel limited. I am enjoying physical activity and exercise. I have SO MUCH ENERGY and have been so productive in my personal life. Medically lots of things are better. But, even with that, I know I am still fat and that's how everyone around me sees me - as the fat lady. It's tough because on the one hand, I am so proud of what I have done and how hard I am working, but on the other, I still have SO MUCH FURTHER to go and I know society as a whole still sees me the same way as it did before. It's like being in mile 13 of a marathon... so proud of managing 13 miles but dreading and a bit depressed about having 13 more to go (and worried I won't make it).

    I'm not sure that I feel significantly differently in public situations, since I am still obese. But, I feel more "normally obese" if that makes sense. I don't always feel like I am automatically the biggest person in the room. I am not paranoid about sitting on chairs (will they hold me? can I get on the stool?) like I used to be. I'm less worried about what my butt is running into (I have a booty, it is/was a real concern). But, I am still obese and I know judgement abounds.

    Not sure I am helping in any way, but it is a weird place to be in.

    You've done amazingly well.... You most definitly will get to where you want to be. My weight loss has also slowed down there's odd weeks where i will loose 2 KG and then maybe nothig the week after then i will loose another KG. Just keep up the good work and the results will follow. :))

    4 hours ago, Queen ApisM said:

  5. I'm at a sort of midway point after the 168 pounds weight loss and still have more to go.

    I'm at a point were i'm making my way back into society starting a new job, I feel human again. I can do so much more than i ever use to be able to do. Just to feel the wind on my face and the grass under my feet. Being able to stand on my feet for hours at a time without the need to sit down or feel the burning sensation under my feet. I feel in a sense "normal". Planning vacations and know i'm going to be able to travel and fit in a plane seat that now i dont have limitations it's a good and also a strange feeling. That might sound strange but for me it means everything and i know it's only going to get better and better.

    For those who started out as large as i did, how do you feel now or really anyone whos gone through a huge weight loss but still has more to go.

    How do you feel in public situations now? Still being over weight there are still people who look and look away. I can handle that now because i honestly don't care i think to myself how far i've come and nobody can take that feeling away from me.

  6. I added carbs in during puree stage... mashed potato. I decided i'm not going to cut out carbs. The way i see it is this: If you can't see yourself cutting certains foods out and sustaining it forever don't bother. The amount of people i've seen who have rebounded and gained a lot of weight back is a result of being way too restictive. Ofcourse the carbs i choose now are whole grain or are cooked healthier and significantly smaller serving. After loosing over 130 pounds i figured i must be doing something right.

  7. 14 hours ago, BypassingMyPhatAss said:

    Does your surgeon prescribe B12 injections? I'm pre op for revision right now but with my program I'll have one every month for the first twelve months in an effort to prevent anemia. Maybe your bariatric Vitamins don't contain enough Iron for you.

    Not that i know of... My gp didnt mention it to me either

    Just an update.. i'm starting to feel better and the plateau broke..i'm 8 pounds down since the post.

  8. My BMI was too high for a bypass being almost 60 at the time of consultation, the surgeon refused to do it telling me " there may not be enough room and isn't worth the risk" Thats in the Netherlands i moved here almost 5 years ago now in the UK it was a different kettle of fish. I ended yo with a sleeve and i can say almost immeditly i ended up with acid reflux i was put on meds for it and i've been fine ever since.

  9. 6 hours ago, MochiYochi said:

    Question, has anyone not lost any weight for their monthly check in? I haven’t and I’m stressed as I see them later tomorrow.

    +it sounds like you hit a plateau? .I lost 33 pounds in 6 weeks then stalled for just over 2 weeks and it literally broke as of yesterday. I'm sure the clinic is going to know whats up and help you over come it.

  10. 9 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    They’re very common & you’ll likely have a couple of them while you’re losing. Think of them as your body needing a break because of all the changes - diet, weight loss, etc. just stick to your plan & you should be fine. If it persist fir longer than a month, give your dietician a call. You may a tweak to your plan or activity.

    The anaemia is the likely cause of the tiredness but periods of low energy aren’t uncommon either. I remember one day I thought I was going to fall off my treadmill I was so tired. I added an electrolyte drink to my Fluid rotation. (I drank diluted hydralyte.) The little boost of energy was a blessing. But if your body says I’m tired, have a break. Even stopping for a cup of tea while out doing chores would be enough for me to then finish doing everything I needed to get done.

    thanks for the reply, i gusssed it was something to do with my body wanting a break. I honestly didn't expect to plateau this early but i see others having this even earlier. I actually do take electrolyte drinks already. Hopefully i'll be back on my way very soon!

  11. 48 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    as long as you're sticking to your clinic's plan, it's just a stall. Most of us have our first major stall within the first 3-6 weeks after surgery - yours is a little later than that, but I'm sure that's what's going on. You'll likely hit several of these throughout your journey. It's annoying, but it's all part of weight loss (at least for many of us)

    when you hit these, just stay off your scale (maybe just weighing once a week) and make sure you're following your plan to a "T". They usually last about 1-3 weeks before breaking - and then you'll be on your way again.

    Thanks for the reply.. I'm trying my best to follow what i've been told.. 3 meals 3 Snacks and i'm getting my Protein in taking all my supplimets.

  12. Hello this is my first post. I wanted to try to get a better understanding as to what is possibly going on. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on the 24th Jan of this year the first 5 weeks i lost a lot of weight fast, 20kg. Now i'm at a stand still the past 2 weeks i'm bobbing up and down 1/2 kg. i'm now down to 146 kg. I have no access to a dietitian until 16th May so i can't ask whats going on. I was at my local GP on Friday to get a blood test ordered as i have anemia on and off since surgery i felt like rubbish no energy, tired all the time and it's an effort to get out the front door. I'm suppose to be making all these fantastic changes exercising and honestly i just don't have the energy for it i do try to get out every day for a walk thats a force. I'd apprechiate any insight, thoughts or ideas all are welcome.

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