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  1. I had the Orbera balloon placed this past Friday. They told me I WOULD be nauseated and I WOULD vomit for a couple of days. Today is late Tuesday night and I've had none of it! Don't think me luck too fast. I won't lie. I have had the heartburn from hell. I mean, heartburn that I can feel in my ears! It's brutal, even with all the meds, and starting one for heartburn a week before surgery. Yesterday was a little better, but I woke up at 3 am with so much heartburn pain I had to get up. I'm hoping that tonight will be better. It's true that lying on your left side is the most comfortable. Fortunately I have an adjustable bed so I can raise it up as needed. Another side effect I've had is constipation. I'm finding out that's normal but I feel so full I'm having a hard time getting anything down. Lastly, I have a weird fever of around 99.4. I feel like my diaphram may be irritated and a bit inflamed, so that could account for it. That said, I feel better than I expected. My neighbor brought over some Milk of Magnesia and I took a tiny swallow, so hopefully the constipation will be gone soon. I had so much anxiety before my procedure and I'm not squeamish about medical things. It's normal, because this is a big deal. It's a huge expense and emotional commitment. Hopefully my story can help someone who is nervous about what to expect.

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